Sense Sonnets

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Firing Rain

My four year old comes up to me,

And asks me if it's gonna rain.

No cloud in the sky does there be,

"No rain right now," I do explain,

"Is there a reason that you ask?"

"I bet the flowers need a drink."

I figured he could do that task.

"Where is my water can?" I think.

But before I finish that thought,

My son has his own way no doubt,

As I see in his hand he's got

The rain maker that he's pulled out.

"I'm firing rain," says my young son,

And squirts me with his water gun.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Culture of Love

We sat together on a shelf.

He was surely one well built chunk.

Blushing, I could not help myself,

But take a long whiff of this hunk.

I knew it was a cheesy whim,

But wondered if I was his type.

Suddenly, fingers poked at him.

Shoppers ever cause me to gripe.

But then again we were alone,

Two packages of blue and white,

In an erotic dairy zone,

And he whispered to my delight,

"As chunks of bleu cheese love to do,"

"I just want to grow mold with you."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Hey Kid

Hey kid, sometimes I think about

All of your dreams you were full of,

How your life would go well, no doubt,

How you would not make hate but love.

Hey kid, you treasured hope you had,

That as you got older you would

Keep out of trouble and the bad,

And set your sights on doing good.

Hey kid, you had that zest of youth,

Courage to crusade to take part

In your soul searching for the truth,

Saged wisdom with young lion heart.

Hey kid, you dreamed of who you'd be.

Hell, that you turned out to be me.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


We are albumin proteins that

Float all about in the blood stream

In this one human habitat.

We are a health helping regime.

Vitamins, enzymes and hormones

We carry 'round the body to

All the needed receiving zones.

Lots of important work we do.

Liver's the organ making us,

But the human that we have had

Is causing us increasing fuss,

Continuing a habit bad.

Our levels have really shrunk,

Cuz our human is a drunk.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


To change a light bulb it did take

Just one deep thought monk to do so,

But long process for changing sake

That the bulb had to undergo.

The monk did pray and meditate,

And then did do a chant so that

The bulb would be in a calm state,

Freed up from outer habitat.

And then the bulb did feel the light,

Bringing about a glow renewed,

And it began to get more bright

As more soul searching it pursued.

Inside change the bulb underwent.

The bulb attained enlightenment.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 The Wizard and the Dragon

The wizard and the dragon played

A game of chess to choose who would

Be master in this forest glade

Over domain of magichood.

The wizard played chess very well.

The dragon was a novice at

The game, so odds were play would tell

That in this forest habitat

The wizard would quite soon prevail

In winning goal he did aspire.

The wizard forgot one detail,

The dragon could and did breathe fire.

The wizard met a crispy fate,

The dragon grinned and said, "Checkmate!"

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Fall For Her

Georgie and Gerry, gerbils two,

Are hanging out upon a tree.

The boys be in the mood to woo.

Down below, Genevieve they see,

Lovely of female persuasion.

Gerry and Georgie flip a coin,

And Georgie is the winning one,

First opportunity to join

With Genevieve and offer her

A pretty flower to impress.

His buddy, Gerry, helps for sure,

Lowering Georgie for access.

All goes well till the boys let go,

And drop on Genevieve below.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Wonderland

The wonderland that I dream of

Is not the one Alice was in.

My wonderland is filled with love

Of Grandma's farm where I live when

Grandma was all the family

That I had, and she and I spent

Farm life as it was meant to be,

Enjoying what life would present.

Grandma taught me how well to care

For plants and animals around.

Each day and night we both would share

Gifts from nature that did abound.

Before I wake I always feel

This wonderland was for me real.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Heart's Desire

The movies, "E.T." and "Cocoon,"

I first watched many years ago.

Sometimes I gaze at stars and moon,

And wonder what's out there to know.

To meet a traveler from far

Away in outer space does fire

My heart to wish upon a star

That fate will fulfill my desire

To meet a real E.T. who will

Take this old body, soul and mind,

And head off to universeville.

I'll well represent humankind.

So if one day I disappear,

Hope E.T. took me outta here.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 In Self Defense

Was at my grocery store job,

Had loaded pricing gun to price

An aisle of canned goods by the gob.

Customer came, she was not nice.

"Prices too high," she yelled at me,

"You should be ashamed of yourself."

Then she did kick me in my knee,

And pushed me back against a shelf.

She was out to hurt me for sure.

I had to act in self defense.

I pointed my pricing gun at her,

Pulled the trigger, it was intense.

But I failed to hit her, instead

Now I have a price on my head.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Return to Sender

At family weddings I see

An aunt who always seeks me out,

And right away starts teasing me,

I'll be the next to wed, no doubt.

I know she means no harm, but is

Ever an irritating voice,

Intruding herself in my biz.

Being single is my own choice.

When a distant old cousin died,

I went to the funeral where

I saw my aunt on the far side

Of the service, set in her chair.

To my aunt I did send a text,

"Odds are that you're gonna be next."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I am Hetpet, high priestess of

Hathor, Egyptian goddess who

Ever helps all motherly love.

It was my lifelong mission to

Connect the mortal to divine

Hathor, performing dance and song

Of homage to honor her shrine,

To keep maternal instincts strong,

Helping all motherhood to bloom.

Upon my death, my body be

Buried deep in a hidden tomb.

Modern mortals one day found me.

But with Hathor does rest my soul,

Good motherhood ever the goal.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Enthusiastic Subjects

My fav'rite spot to draw and paint

Is on a harbor walkway that

Might cause many a folk to faint,

Because it's o'er shark habitat.

Up above the water I am,

As sharks circle 'round me below,

And many of them like to ham

It up with fancy swimming so

Maybe be picked a chosen one

For me to capture in my art,

A masterpiece when i be done.

Each shark competes to be a part.

A wondrous time and place we share,

With me up here, the sharks down there.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Somebody That I Used To Know

When into my life you first came,

I thought in heaven I did dwell.

But for you my once loving flame

Turned onto hated fiery hell.

I tried to run away from you,

But somehow you always found me.

I would forgive and try to do

A hope that was not meant to be.

And then came time of that last fight,

And I killed you in self defense,

And buried you deep in the night,

And not one regret ever since.

You brought me high, then brought me low,

Somebody that I used to know.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 "Wild Kratts"

"Wild Kratts" be a T.V. show that

Brothers, Chris and Martin, seek to

Show wild animal habitat,

Hoping that humankind will do

More to help conserve and protect

Animal species, each and all.

More education can effect

More concern to heed nature's call

That humans oft by accident

Cause a creature unneeded harm.

Many humans with ill intent

Endanger species in alarm.

"Wild Kratts" are episodes to see,

To make more aware, you and me.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Make Momma Mad

Momma squirrel sent daughter and son

Off to the berry bush nearby.

And for a game to have some fun

Each of Momma's young squirrels should try

To find the biggest berry that

Each could find, then bring back to her

To judge in their tree habitat,

Sibling competition for sure.

So son and daughter went with aim

Of giving Momma reason to

Regret making them play this game.

Some fun on Momma they would do.

Each squirrel picked smallest berry prize,

Knowing Momma would critter size.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Change in Voter Cast

Since time the U.S.A. began,

The right to vote has grown along.

Started out with just the white man.

But lots of voters thought that was wrong,

So voted in over the years

Other groups in society.

This did bring minority cheers,

Though the white man majority

Did still prevail most of this time,

Getting away with dirty stuff,

Not being charged with any crime.

Minorities have had enough.

We the People are catching on.

The white man rule will soon be gone.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Beauty and Beast

Beauty was on a walk one day

When muggers came and threatened her.

Beast arrived and chased them away.

Beauty was so grateful for sure.

The two did walk together, and

As often happens in tales of

Events quite hard to understand,

This odd couple did fall in love.

Beast did prefer to stay at home,

But Beauty sometimes convinced him

With her to social circles roam,

Beauty looked lovely, Beast looked grim.

All heads would turn, there be no doubt,

Whenever Beauty took Beast out.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Cypress Tree

Greek god, Apollo, loved the boy,

Cyparissus, to show his love,

Gave him a stag, his pride and joy.

The stag had antlers that gleamed of

Gold, and Cyparissus would ride

The stag wherever he would go.

Then by accident the stag died.

Tears from Cyparissus did flow.

He wished that he also be killed.

Apollo turned the boy into

A Cypress tree as wish fulfilled.

The god deemed such the best to do.

The tears of Cyparissus be

Sap flowing from the Cypress tree.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 The Beckoning Night Sky

The night sky invigorates me

Every time I see it cuz

I know there is a feast to be

Just like last night for me there was.

As I lie here while day goes by,

I count the hours one by one,

As the bright sun does cross the sky,

Knowing soon I will have my fun,

To fly through night sky habitat,

Invigoration to inspire

The search for prey in form of bat,

Search for fresh blood by this vampire.

When night sky shows the sun has set,

Out of my coffin I can get.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher


In the Bible, Peter did say

That grace and peace are going to

Come in knowledge of God one day.

The hope is that such will come true.

After saying that, Peter died,

Deemed an enemy of the state.

Nero had Peter crucified.

Many Christians met such a fate.

Thousands of years have come and gone

Since Peter said of peace and grace.

A lot of hate and wars keep on.

God's will wills not the human race.

God's day will come for grace and peace,

When human hate and war will cease.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Dancing with the Fingers

I am a lovely dancing doll,

Decked out in bright Asian attire.

I stand about five inches tall,

Oft human hand held to admire

All the artistic style of me.

The human hand does guide my dance,

Sometimes somewhat excitedly.

So I rest when I get the chance.

Some human fingers tend to press

Upon my neck to dance me 'round,

Causing some cramping, I confess.

But complaining, I make no sound.

Fingering lots, but what the heck,

Sometimes helps massage my cramped neck.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Moral Black Hole

A strip club is a moral black hole,

The "meatior" the "ass"teroid.

Lust gravity does take a hold

With bared instincts being employed.

A place that's open day and night,

Enticing weak travelers to

Wander on in, out of the light,

Be swallowed up by forces who

Parade about to promise that

The cover charge will bring so much

Turn on in this dark habitat,

Bodies to ogle, but not touch.

Strip club black hole, I should steer clear,

But what the heck, since I am here ...

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Better Man

Joan of Arc, the teenager, dared

Both Englishmen and Frenchmen to

Admit that they were really scared

Of what just a mere girl might do.

The French king let her fight his fight,

But when the English duke took her

Prisoner, Joan did know her right

Was to be wronged by men for sure.

She was condemned for heresy,

And worse, for like a man she dressed.

Unrepentant, to the stake, she

Went to her future sainthood, blessed.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,

Joan died by fire, as knew she must.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Frozen Magic?

I battle the big teenage curse

That made me want to hide my face.

My pimples just seem to get worse.

It's sure been one hell of a case.

Lotion and ointment, salve and cream,

I tried them all to no avail.

It seemed an impossible dream

To find a cure that would not fail.

Advertised on the Internet,

Called "Frozen Magic" I did buy.

Into a mask my face I set,

Plugged in, came some coolant supply.

End of all my pimples I saw,

But when will my skin ever thaw?

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 "Penny Lane"

Momma grew up in Liverpool'

On Penny Lane, second floor flat.

When entertaining, had one rule,

Don't go in where the baby's at.

We lived above the barber shop

That Paul McCartney sang about.

Sometimes wonder, was he my pop?

He prob'ly knew Momma, no doubt.

Momma overdosed and she died.

To an orphanage I got sent.

Penny Lane was just a short ride.

Thought of going, but never went.

Momma had Beatles on the brain,

And so renamed me, "Penny Lane."

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Otto's Mom

My son, Otto, did write a book

Telling the story of his life,

Of how being looked down on took

A lot of love through times of strife.

He gave me, his Mom, credit for

Guiding him safely through the grim,

Dark days when all the rain would pour.

He was so small, but I grabbed him,

And kept him safely by my side,

Till he grew up, a big bug, who

Wrote a best seller far and wide.

So many times I've read it through.

So proud of my son I do be.

A happy ladybug is me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Line in a Line

In a hallway standing in line,

A young lady steps in behind me.

There'll be a wait, so I opine

To myself whether there should be

A friendly gesture on my part.

I've turned but just don't want to gawk.

To my mind comes a work of art

That might be means of some small talk.

A couple of seconds tick by,

I feel decision must be made.

Don't want to sound a come on guy.

The pros and cons I quickly weighed.

For better or for worse, guess I'll

Start with her Mona Lisa smile.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Remembers the Chickadee

My instinct is telling me that

The winter time will soon be here.

I live in colder habitat,

So know that food must be kept near.

My favorite food that I eat

Is tiny seeds that come from fruit.

As winter comes, my goal to meet

Is lots of seeding finding pursuit.

In safe places the seeds I hide,

Remember where all the seeds are,

Ability, my joy and pride.

To eat, I never need fly far.

This bird is called a chickadee.

I have an awesome memory.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 On My Way Home

I am on my way home from school.

Basketball practice ran some late.

On time for dinner, parent's rule,

So try to head at hurried rate.

Some snow has fallen through the day,

A few inches and roads are slick.

Going's slow along the way,

But I still try to make it quick.

The day is turning into night,

Making it harder to see where

I'm going with so little light.

Oh well, home's waiting, I'll get there.

After a slippery fall, yike,

Just easier to walk my bike.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Weighing Options

New Year's Day, the wife did remind

Me that I was still overweight.

She made the joke that was not kind

Of how last New Year  I did state

I would lose twenty pounds for sure,

Year end, only thirty to go.

She smiled, and I resented her

Telling me a fact I did know.

Then she had the gall to say that

I needed to way up my goal

Of pounds to lose of excess fat,

Resolve to get more weight control.

Remove more excess fat, of course

I resolve to get a divorce.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Useful Celebration

When humankind first came to be

In residence on planet Earth,

The world was mostly mystery,

Survival only goal of worth.

But as humankind did evolve

More and more knowledge did accrue,

And we have found answers to solve

Unknowns of this ball of green/blue,

As through the galaxy we roam.

But oft we take for granted all

The gift that comes from our home.

We need give back more to this ball.

It's time and place to celebrate

The gift of Earth before too late.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Down the street with others I walk.

A feeling comes that does perturb.

Inside my shoe I feel a rock.

So I do sit down on the curb

Next to a fire hydrant where is

Space enough for me to sit down

And do the rock removal biz,

Then continue walking downtown.

As I start to pull off my shoe,

Being watched I get feeling of,

So turn to get a better view,

And see a cop standing above.

The cop gives a ticket to me,

Parked next to a fire hydrant be.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Not a Right Reply

Wifey does ask Hubby one day,

"Will you remarry if I die?"

"Don't want to live in lonely way,"

"So I will," Hubby does reply.

"Will you still stay in this same house?"

"Yes," Hubby says, "Since it's paid for."

"My car - driven by your new spouse?"

Wifey is getting a bit sore.

Hubby says, "Yes, it's paid for too."

Wifey's next item on her list,

If clueless Hubby only knew,

Was gonna make her really pissed.

"My golf clubs?" Wifey demanded.

"No," Hubby said, "She's left handed."

Friday, January 20, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 "Corpse Bride"

Rich Daddy died and his will said

I had to marry Emily,

Who also sadly had dropped dead,

So I was gonna be poor me.

A favorite of Daddy's had

Been Emily, who I did shun.

But for me now her death was bad.

A will loophole needed be done.

So I did dig her body up,

And with preacher and lawyer wed

Emily per Daddy's will, yup,

Said nothing 'bout her being dead.

A corpse bride may be quite grotesque,

But call me wealthy Burtonesque.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


On my fourteenth birthday I got

Mad at my Mom and ran away.

Was reprimanded so I thought

I'd just disappear and not say

Anything to the folks and went

Out into the woods for a walk.

Into a ravine I got sent

When I stumbled upon a rock.

Survived the fall but my leg broke.

For two days I was stuck down there.

It all seemed like a real bad joke.

My resentment turned to despair.

My lucky number is fourteen.

I was rescued from the ravine.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 These Two Legs Be Walkin'

"Death on Two Legs," I hear this song

On how I am breaking your heart.

You sing the ways I'm Mister Wrong,

And whine I'm tearin' you apart.

But if I be such a bad boy,

Why have you so long let me play

With you, a willin' girl toy?

"I feel so good" so oft you'd say.

Hey, I can take a hint, I can,

Hear your nasty rock n' role tune.

So I'm a outta your life man,

And that cannot happen too soon.

"Death on Two Legs," you sing of me.

So when drop dead you gonna be?

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 First Draft?

Reported rumors have said that

Lewis Carroll wrote in a first draft

An "Alice in Wonderland" at

A time when Lewis had gone daft,

And was put in a "funny farm,"

Where he could write away dark stuff

Without causing anyone harm.

At last Lewis did heal enough.

First rabbit was pink and not white,

And Alice was a psycho who

Acted cruelly in delight,

As the pink rabbit in death knew.

Alice, reported rumors said,

Did chop off the pink rabbit's head.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Only Natural

Evolving of the humankind

Has not worked out as nature planned.

Not the good, nature had in mind,

It took a while to understand

That humans simply were not worth

All the troubles and ills they brought

Selfishly upon all the Earth.

So a remedy, nature sought.

Since human life depended on

Male sperm and female egg to mate.

One of the two would need be gone

Over time to seal human fate.

Nature chose to use spermicide,

Countdown to when last human died.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Comfort Zone

I be a male sea dragon that

Need care for eggs my mate has laid,

And find human corpse habitat,

Where a nest for us I have made.

Finding a human corpse is rare,

But does submerge from air above,

Somehow a victim of despair,

But sent to us in divine love.

Over the weeks this corpse does be

A safe and nourishing domain.

And then hatches my family,

And we no longer do remain.

This flesh and bone has served us well.

Hope in heaven this soul does dwell.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Catch My Drift?

Sometimes I'll hear you sing your song

'Bout you crying every day.

I don't feel that I done you wrong

When I did choose to drift away.

I knew that you were gonna miss

Me once that I had left and gone.

So I gave you that farewell kiss.

Time had come for me to move on.

It's up to you, you wanna wait.

There's nothin' wrong with havin' hope.

But as in your song, you do state

The wind cannot get grabbed with rope.

Driftin' is what I like to do.

Maybe I will drift back to you.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My B&B

I've just arrived at my new home,

A bed and breakfast my folks say,

As they do watch me ever roam

First thing each morning ev'ry day

To where I can expect to find

Some chow to chow down to start out

My day, it's matter over mind

That I do focus on, no doubt.

Of course my busy munching is

An energy consuming test.

My eating turns to other biz.

This puppy needs to get some rest.

With all my body, mind and soul,

Now napping in my puppy bowl.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Beauty Weighs

In old Roman mythology,

The peacock was the fav'rite of

Goddess, Juno, and begged that she

Show the peacock her divine love

By giving him such feathers that

Be so beautiful in array,

No others in bird habitat

Could boast of such a fine display.

So Juno gave such feathered train

To the peacock, who tried to fly,

But weighted down, did so in vain.

His whine received Juno's reply,

"With beauty there's a price to pay."

"I don't want you flying away."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Holding Court

In folklore it is well know that

The mushroom fairy queendom be

Found in deep forest habitat,

And during nighttime the queen, she

Does have occasion to hold court,

A time and place of voice to sound

From any mushroom fairy sort,

Wishing to be heard from the ground.

Each full moon be happening for

The mushroom fairy queen to hold

Such a forum allowing more

Airing 'twixt and 'tween fairy fold.

The mushroom fairy queendom soon

Will hold court under next full moon.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 She Who Kicks Last

The Andrew Tate icks of the world,

The self described misogynist,

Masquerade a mask that's squirrelled

In a deep fear that does exist

That a woman will one day bring

Him to his knees in known disgrace.

And he'll lose power as his thing

To prop him up in time and place.

In nature's way do strut the cocks,

But hens have ways and means to rule.

A hen might beguile or kickbox,

Whichever is more useful tool.

When male bad behavior asserts,

Kick Andrew Tate icks where it hurts.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 On the Nice List

I am a dragon wide awake,

Waiting for Santa to land here,

A stop Santa always does make

To give me lots of Christmas cheer.

Santa and I do always share

A smoke, he with pipe, me with nose,

And cookies that I baked with care,

And all about the spirit glows.

I have been nice the whole year long,

Not naughty as some dragons be.

Belief in Santa's ever strong,

Sure that Santa will visit me.

The silhouette flies 'cross the moon.

Santa will sleigh this dragon soon.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Otherwise Occupied

In Sunday school I did learn that

Angels be good, demons be bad.

And both can make their habitat

Within every lass and lad.

As I have lived my life along,

And be awake each day or night,

I know when I have done some wrong,

And know when I have done some right.

My explanation for each is 

Either angel or demon be

Telling me how to mind my biz,

Depends who's currently in me.

In me, angel or demon dwell,

Battleground of heaven and hell.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Unhappily Ever After?

The "Tom Thumb" fairy tale did end

Happy, but with Tom still unwed.

As it turned out, sequel did send

Me, tiny Jeannie, which then led

To Tom and me falling in love.

But on the day of wedding, woe,

A mean old witch flew from above,

Bottled me up, and then did throw

Me in the ocean far away,

Where in the waves I bob about,

So sadly many a night and day.

My Tom must be sad too, no doubt.

Hoping my Tom does rescue me,

This Jeannie in a bottle be.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Resumption with Consumption

After a nasty breakup, I

Waited a while, but then joined with

A service to find a new guy,

A Mr. Right was more than myth,

If I just persevered to find

Someone compatible with me,

Fulfilled me as we wined and dined.

Soon found a possibility.

Invited him for homecooked meal.

I did prepare my special roast.

Very confidant I did feel,

As two of us shared a first toast.

Who knows how this first date would end

As we chew on my old boyfriend.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 For Rent

Wifey told Hubby that she did

Lose the rent money in a game

Of poker making the wrong bid.

Wifey said Hubby was to blame

Because a gambling addict, he

Knew she was, and should not have let

Her be keeping the rent money,

Knowing that was a lousy bet.

"So, what should I do?" Hubby asked.

"Lay Landlady," Wifey replied.

So Hubby did, suitably tasked,

Landlady all up for the ride.

Hubby took Landlady to bed,

Paid up the rent six months ahead.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Rose Red

I was the mistress of Rose Red,

The house my cheating husband built.

I pushed him out a window, dead.

Most thought it suicide by guilt.

Rose Red took on a life her own,

Consuming many inside her.

I thought her appetite had grown.

When she ate me, then I was sure.

One by one the servants did leave.

Rose Red fell into disrepair.

Her walls would moan as she did grieve,

No longer live food for her there.

Came the time Rose Red was torn down,

For condos in Seattle town.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Queen Amber

"The Lion King," the movie be

Young Amber's favorite of all.

Each time she watched this movie, she

Was all the more in the enthrall

Of fantasizing she'd be seen

As the Lion King choosing her

To be his own Amber the Queen,

The two to rule the Pride Land sure.

Often she would tell others of

The Lion King's Queen role she'd play,

The fact that she was so in love.

But others just looked in dismay.

The Lion King so real did seem,

Visiting her dream after dream.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


No one else on earth could hurt me

The ways that I got hurt by you.

A lot smarter I thought I be,

But, wow, the dumb stuff I did do.

I get pissed off just thinking of

The way I melted from the start,

And got caught up in making love,

Not feeling you breaking my heart.

Too late I wised up - you're a jerk.

Because of you I lost my soul

I got all crazy, went berserk.

You made me go outta control.

No one like you, for what it's worth,

Cuz now you're six feet under earth.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Short Lived

I came as an invited guest

Into the home of folks who were

In a celebratory quest.

I was front and center for sure.

By the front window I did sit,

Adorned in light and bulb and strand.

I certainly did glow when lit.

Thirst quenched from water in my stand.

But then there came the time that I

No longer was a welcome one.

Stripped bare, my needles I did cry.

My usefulness for them was done.

So many others like me be,

This year's discarded Christmas tree.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hold the Mayo

I'm at my fav'rite place to eat.

My fav'rite hostess does seat me.

She tells me I'm in for a treat.

The special is a meat to be

A very fresh catch of the day.

The hostess brings a menu to

List the buffet that's on display.

Eager to order, so I do.

On the hostess they crawl about,

Varied size, some old, some young,

Delicious bunch of bugs, no doubt.

One by one I zap with my tongue.

At lunch we have a dialogue,

My hostess flower with this frog.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Shifting Sands

Chasing a dream looking for love

In all the wrong places is how

An addict takes a pathway of

To anywhere but not in now.

The substance of substance abuse

Is like the sands shifting in time,

Ever moving and letting loose

Of life with no reason or rhyme.

Powerless as the sands do shift,

The addict just cannot let go,

From reality cast adrift,

Until at last, buried below.

And when the addict's dead and gone,

The shifting sands continue on.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Who Writes History

Adolf Hitler in history

Is deemed a villain by most who

Have heard the story of how he

Caused so much grief in World War II.

But neo nazis still exist,

Praising Hitler as victim of

A misled world, and still insist

He was full of brotherly love,

And accuse the war victors lie,

In making Hitler look so bad.

Dif'rent outcome, who can deny,

Dif'rent history would be had.

He'd be portrayed villain no more

If Hitler somehow won that war.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Dress for Duty

Duchess of Owlingham, I be

A widow, my Duke passed away.

Now many suitors flock to me.

Each try to outcharm so I may

Pick one of them to wed so that

A new Duke Owl will rule the nest

Of this fine feathered habitat.

Of course I need to look my best.

My seamstress made for me a dress

Of finest royal purple to wear,

With my fine figure to impress

All of the would be Dukes out there.

List of eligible who's hoos,

It's so owlfully hard to choose!

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Beach Bum

I'm heading back to Tennessee,

Sand in my boots to remind of

A gal on the beach memory.

Barefoot, the two of us made love.

On that beach we partied all night,

Watching stars and drinking whiskey.

The two of us shared such delight,

A couple gone wild and frisky.

Next morn I was the guilty one,

Now a nervous desperado,

Grabbed my boots and off I run,

High tailed in my Silverado.

In Tennessee find my wife and

Take off my boots, shake out the sand.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Home Picture

I pose, a visitor does take

A picture of me in front of

What I hear called is Moraine Lake,

Formed glacially by nature's love.

Many of my kind do take root

All around this lovely lake shore,

To live our lives in pursuit

Of sowing seeds to bring us more.

The seasons come, the seasons go.

Right now is the winter time scene

When all is covered in white snow,

Including me in needles green.

The picture just taken of me

Will show a blessed at home fir tree.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Ending the Year

The end of twenty twenty two,

Fireworks over Chicago town.

Safe from my high window, I do

Watch a drive by shooting go down.

Other people are on the scene,

And I don't plan to get involved,

Which to the cynic me would mean

Part of a case that won't be solved.

Thousands were victims this past year

Of gun violence in this city,

New record set it would appear,

Change for the worse, that's the pity.

I safely watch the scene and think

Bring New year in, one more stiff drink.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Begin in Babylon

Urbanization did begin

In the city of Babylon,

Way back in B.C. time when

Most humans depended upon

Living directly off the land,

Which did have lots of pain and strife.

So some got together and planned

Living better in city life.

Since ugly mud was used to build

The buildings, city founders made

Hanging Gardens artfully skilled

To help assure the dwellers stayed.

The Hanging Gardens, a delight

To hide some of the urban blight.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Fishing Buddies

Five year old Zack and I go to

Try out Zack's brand new fishing pole,

Go  down to the lake dock to do

A catch of the day as the goal.

Zack's parents are watching close by,

But Zack told them, just him and me

Will give Zack's fishing a first try.

The folks can watch, but let us be.

Hook, line and sinker, Zack drops in

The water, the two of us wait

For the fish biting to begin.

I say nothing about no bait.

But I'll stick close till fishing end,

Cuz this puppy is Zack's best friend.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Blind Date App

I went on a blind date last night.

What if she's awful, what to do?

I found an app for that, just right,

A "Mom, are you okay?" app to

Ring just after I did meet her,

Ignore it if she turns out great.

If not, say "Mom' needs me for sure,

Good excuse to cut short the date.

But when I met her, she turned out

To be both gorgeous and charming.

I was a lucky guy, no doubt.

Then suddenly, her phone did ring.

She answered her phone, I heard her say,

"Mom, what's the matter? Are you okay?"

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Candy Handy

I cannot get candy enough,

Need to keep candy close by, so

When I get the urge I can stuff

Some candy in my mouth to go.

A candyholic I must be.

Ev'ryone says I eat too much.

But candy is a must for me,

And always keep in easy touch.

When I do run into someone,

Sometimes I'm greeted with a laugh,

Thinking I am poking some fun,

But serious is this giraffe.

I have no pockets, what the heck,

Carry the candy 'round my neck.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Harbor Lighthouse

I watch the harbor and town that

Has been my home many a year.

I've watched my local habitat.

So many changes have come here.

Though sometimes, stormy waters be,

New science ways and means took form

To have responsibility

For warning all about each storm.

My day job now is to provide

The tourists with an attraction,

Guided tours in and outside,

I feel a contributing one.

And when the humans come at night,

This lighthouse always comes to light.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Poetry on My Life

Sometimes my life does seem to be

A jig jag of confusing prose,

Not flowing like smooth poetry.

I get all tangled up in woes,

And get myself worked up to curse,

Spewing forth words so impolite,

Forgetting that I could well verse

Whatever's wrong into what's right.

I know from past experience

That I just need to take the time

To trade my ire for common sense,

To turn my discord into rhyme.

To find a rhyme for reason on it,

My life, I'll often write a sonnet.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Ghost of Christmas Future?

United Nations be a dream

That happened after World War II,

When nuclear dropped bombs did deem

What manmade destruction could do.

'Cross from Statue of Liberty

A fancy building complex came

Where delegates from nations be

Pointing fingers on who to blame

For ongoing disturbs of peace.

Nations united only for

Picking sides on wars not to cease,

Ever closer, nuclear war.

At the U.N. on Christmas Day,

A nuclear bomb ticks away.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Wonder of Youth

Two foxes and a bunny be

Still too young to realize that

Fox and bunny be enemy

In the grown up wild habitat.

So in the winter in the wood,

The foxes and the bunny build

A sculpture out of snow so good,

All be awed by this trio skilled.

And for a brief time in this place

The young of heart do show the old

That the warmth of spirit can grace

When life does seem so harsh and cold.

The young foxes and bunny share

What older of them would not dare.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Hypocritic Oath

My grandson came to visit me,

Had his smart phone out all the time.

Kids - so into technology,

So I complained to him that I'm

Of the old school that believes one

Should not allow a mere machine

To be depended on to run

A visit going on between

Close family in time and place.

No machine should get in the way

Of a visiting face to face.

Last thing I heard my grandson say -

Called me a hypocrite of sort,

And then unplugged my life support.

Monday, January 09, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Table That Notion

The family drove to the park

To have a day of picnic fun.

Suddenly, the sky did turn dark

With rain clouds blocking out the sun.

From the picnic table the stuff

For the picnic had to be raced

Back to the car in time enough

Just to beat out the rainfall's haste,

Leaving the picnic table bare,

Fading hope of picnic to be.

From the car windows all did stare,

A sad picnicless family.

Upon a picnic, rain will fall.

Picnic tables know best of all.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Owl Up for 2023

Twelve O'clock and it's time to do

A bringing in of the New Year

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Twenty twenty three does appear.

I am an owl who's wisdom is

Ongoing, I like to write down

Upon blank pages new learned biz,

Perched high watching Chicago town.

And so I watch the sights and sounds

Of the New Year celebration.

Overall hopefulness abounds

The New Year will be a good one.

Opportunity, and I will

Write my bird's eye view with my quill.

Sunday, January 08, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Poem Picked Apart

I am a poem that I wrote

Myself in olden place and time.

A lot of love stuff I did quote,

And forced each line to end in rhyme.

I called myself Anonymous,

And for a while that was okay.

But then critics began to fuss

As I was read in modern day.

I did become a subject of

Scorn and ridicule daring to

Be of a rhyming way for love.

Complaints of me as poem grew.

So I rewrote myself free verse,

But now the criticism's worse.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Great Burr Oak

This great burr oak, centuries old,

In center of Lincoln Park Zoo

Thrived in Chicago heat and cold,

Survived Great Chicago Fire too.

Witnessed animals and plants that

Did come and go through all the years.

Welcomed all to its habitat,

Dropping acorns for souvenirs.

In twenty twenty two, experts

Did witness this burr oak's decline,

And test results were sort that hurts.

The tree was at its finish line.

Sad news in twenty twenty three,

This great burr oak will cease to be.

Saturday, January 07, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Puppy Picnic

On a picnic the puppies go

To the nearby neighborhood park.

The puppies are excited so

They each do give a happy bark.

Their humans watch them from close by,

The cute canine phenomenon,

Having put the picnic supply

Out earlier on the park lawn.

The puppies eat and play with toys,

Just like the human children would.

Fun had by puppy girls and boys.

Tails wagging, all are feeling good.

The ants leave the puppies alone,

Not being all that fond of bone.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Body Search

I am a spirit on the Earth,

And experience humankind.

My long time here has been well worth

The many choices that I find,

The famous and the infamous,

The rich, the poor, the strong, the weak.

Through centuries the all of us

Have each helped happen what I seek.

Within each body, flesh and bone,

An uninvited guest with goal

Of making this lifetime my own,

Till each body returns to soul.

When death in this body comes due,

I'll find another - maybe you!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Red Wolf Warning

Along the street that is next to

The nearby red wolf habitat

In the urban Lincoln Park Zoo,

Emergency vehicles that

At times with blaring sirens go

By, up and down the city street.

We wolves, distaff and me, do show

Our warning in howling greet,

That such a noisy thing dare not

Trespass our territory,

And needs to find another spot.

Always the same epiphany -

Last victory howl we wolves send

As waning sirens come to end.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Bold in the Cold

On an island a castle stood,

Surrounded by a lovely lake,

The locals knew it was not good

For trips to the castle to take.

In wintertime some tourists came

To the lake in ice covered by.

The ice was thick so they took aim

To the castle to check out why

They had been warned not to go there

By the locals back at the bar.

The tourists took it as a dare,

Just walk over, it was not far.

The tourists walk across the ice.

Dracula thinks, "How very nice."

Friday, January 06, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rhyme of the "Nash"ural

Ogden Nash spent effort and time

Writing humorous poetry.

He be extraordinaire on rhyme,

Oft quite unconventionally.

The New York Times called him the best

Producing verses, clever, light,

Which Ogden undertook with zest,

Normally ending with a bite,

Often misspelled or made up words

To make a funny point about

Lots in life, lines massacreds

Just added to the charm, no doubt.

Famous two liner called "The Cow,"

Rhymed "bovine ilk" with "milk" was how.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Star

It's said in old mythology

Many a mortal turned to star

By some saddened divinity

So that a loved one would be far

From the mad hatreds found on Earth,

And should remind all mortals there

That in the end it be well worth

Finding that divine love to share.

So when I am in pain and strife,

I seek my chosen star above,

And wish upon to change my life,

To shine upon me, divine love.

Even when clouds do blur the sky,

I ask and my star does reply.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


With a Prez I had an affair.

He paid me not to say his name

He's the one with orange skin and hair.

A "gift" to me he made the claim,

To help my mom cuz she was sick,

When news media kept on his tail.

I've seen his tail and it's just ick,

But must admit I was for sale,

And got his money to keep hush.

Now public his tax returns be.

One deduction that by did brush

Had to do with little sweet me.

His tax return had the nonsense

To claim me as a biz expense.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Snack Time

I'm watching out the window at

The gently falling snow outside,

Cozy in my home habitat,

But knowing soon I'll be supplied

With a bowl of my fav'rite treat.

I hear my buddy, Sue, bring me

The snack that both of us will eat.

Sue's cheerful smile is a big plus,

As she plops down beside me, and

Does set the treat bowl 'twixt and 'tween.

I see a cookie in Sue's hand,

Sue's certainly no bashful teen.

Soon at the bowl my paw will aim.

That's why Cookie is this cat's name.

Thursday, January 05, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 The Peoples' Choice

The mullahs took over Iran.

Theocracy, Iran became.

The shah had ruled a tyrant man.

The people, pawns in a new game

To suffer under tyrants new,

With the same old bag of tricks for

Seeking more power to accrue,

In telling lies and waging war.

Iran's people must be the source

Of fighting from within to bring

The downfall of this evil force.

True freedom is a costly thing.

False rats rule this theocracy.

At least real rats in holes live free.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 We Are Reminders

Advent candles we have been named,

Meaning coming of child newborn

In a manger becoming famed

Where Jesus came on Christmas morn.

Within a wreath, we candles sit.

Four Sundays before Christmas be,

Each of we candles being lit

In guiding to divinity

To symbolize the human quest

For hope, for faith, for joy, for peace.

And Jesus' birth did bring the best

That good on Earth should never cease.

Advent candles, we're lit to say

Soon will be coming Christmas Day.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Will Be Owl Right

A young girl with a broken heart,

I've just been dumped by my girlfriend,

Crushed to believe that we're apart.

Why did our love have to end?

Into the park I wander and

See two owls in a tree who sit.

They smile as though they understand

I'm having a hard time of it.

Somehow I get their message of

What these two birds of feather give.

In time and place I'll find true love,

And hap'ly ever after live.

I watch the two owls watching me,

Older Wiser Lesbians be.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Work in Progress

A sweet poem is the request

On getting out of bed by me

In conscious movement to attest

It is now twenty twenty three.

Twenty twenty two sure is gone,

I partied goodbye through the night,

And crashed in bed just before dawn.

My blurred eyes opened to sunlight.

My laptop was near and so I

Logged into AP just in time

For "how I got out of bed" try,

And have it make some sense and rhyme.

Have not yet arisen, instead

I'm writing this verse still in bed.

Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


After work I went to a bar,

Only to have a drink or two,

Ran into friends and time went far

Into the night, so what to do

To tell the wife why I was late.

So when I did get home, I said

I had to drive to the next state

To a lake in order to spread

The ashes of a deceased nun.

Her sisters called upon my aid,

And I became the chosen one.

The whole round trip, I prayed and prayed.

From the wife's glare, I Odyssey

The wife sure did not believe me.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Accessorized Boomerang

Keith opened up a bottle found.

When he did, a genie popped out,

And granted him a wish. Keith frowned,

Saying that he had little doubt

The wish would come back in some way

To bite himself negatively.

So the genie promised Keith, "Hey,"

"I really don't think that will be,"

"But if it does, then I'll give you"

"Infinite wishes your life while."

Keith thought and then wished with a smile,

"One wish now is best I can do."

And the genie did frown as Keith

Wished for a boomerang with teeth.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 2023 Resolution

Twenty twenty three, I resolve

My extramarital affairs

Will be cut down to just involve

One at a time and done in pairs.

I resolve to divorce my spouse,

Knowing I will have to give half.

So for dividing up the house,

I'll cut with power saw and laugh.

I resolve to visit Mother,

And take to the prison there

My new significant other,

'Cause it's good that family share.

I resolve twenty twenty three

Go quite ordinary for me. 

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Would I Go With You?

"Would you go with me? you do ask,

And make you the happiest man.

Could be quite a challenging task,

Not sure if I'm the girl who can.

I listen as you sing your song,

Getting lost in a field of clover.

One thing on that for me is wrong,

My allergies would take over.

Rolling down streets of fire to me

Sounds like a risk phenomenon,

Causing a jump into the sea,

Neither of which I'm too keen on.

You ask if I would go with you.

I know other girls you asked too!

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Shiva is the great Hindu god,

Supreme lord of the universe,

Who does carry a trident rod,

Fighting all evil to disperse.

And with a third eye he does burn

To ashes unholy desire.

A serpent necklace helps discern

Mortal temptation to expire.

A crescent moon upon his head

Does warn unfaithful in his path

To change their way or soon be dead,

By reason of his divine wrath.

All worshippers of Shiva know

Of protection he does bestow.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Dispose Of

From my back deck I view the beach,

And there's an abandoned canoe,

An easy distance within reach,

As I am thinking what to do.

My wife and I did have a fight,

One of the many that we've had.

We argued on and through the night.

By morning time things got real bad.

A heavy lamp did strike my head,

That was thrown at me by my wife.

And soon thereafter she was dead,

Stabbed repeatedly by a knife.

My wife I will put in that boat,

And push her out to sea to float.

Monday, January 02, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Maxi Jazz, R.I.P.

"Insomnia" Maxi Jazz did sing,

Complaining he could get no sleep,

Was forced to stay awake fighting

Dark forces lurking through night deep.

He would pick up his pen and write

About the worries that he had,

Struggling to get more insight

On how he could escape his bad.

Maxi struggled, he did indeed,

But could not find the secret of

The key that would fulfill his mind

To sleep and dream of making love.

Maxi Jazz' insomnia did cease,

Died in his sleep, Maxi rest in peace.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Rocky Mountain High

There be a Rocky Mountain high

To be found in Colorado,

Soaring across the clear blue sky,

Watching the eagles come and go.

And in the night when eagles be

Sleeping within their mountain nest,

The gorgeous starlight shines to me,

As in my sleeping bag I rest,

Beside the calm, pure mountain lake,

In solitude of forest 'round.

Such wonders all, nature does make,

And graces me in sight and sound.

All resonates with me inside,

Serenity has been supplied.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 "Tom Thumb' - Grimmer Revision

Once upon a time in the wood

A couple birthed a tiny son.

Fearing he'd amount to no good,

Tom Thumb they called their tiny one.

Some travelers thought Tom would be

A moneymaker cuz so small.

They paid the parents gold, and he,

Tom, was enslaved to heed the call

Of being put in danger till

Back to his parents he did roam,

Put poison in their soup to kill

Them for forcing Tom to leave home.

Tom did roar demonic laughter,

Lived happily ever after.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Memory

I feel the night, chilly and damp,

As a go prowling down the street,

Only companion, the street lamp.

Ev'ry night the two of us greet,

A constant in my memory,

Of nights out in the neighborhood.

The street lamp always reminds me,

Night's about over and I should

Remember all that was delight,

As I explored my claimed domain,

Finding the pleasures of this night,

Knowing I will do it again.

Another night remembered roam,

Time for this cat to head for home.

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Papa Bear and Screech the Owl

Both Papa Bear and Screech the Owl

Live at Lincoln Park Childrens' Zoo.

Even though a mammal and fowl,

They respect each other, they do,

Because they each in their own way

Teach human children to treat all

Animals, predators and prey,

Examples to heed nature's call.

Prey that the bear and owl do kill

Is only done out of a need

To nourish with food to fulfill,

And involves no hatred indeed.

Papa Bear and Screech the Owl be

Good teachers for children like me.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Ever Empiring

Japan, the Empire of the Sun

Sought empire more in World War II.

But by the time the war was done

The sunless days of Japan grew.

Young in Japan, both friend and foe,

Were very lucky to survive,

As nuclear bomb winds did blow.

Some young victims were left alive,

But those who lived would always be

A victim of that time and place,

All traumatized to some degree,

Wary of future they would face.

Some young never get old before

They are the victims of some war.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 If I Only Knew

If I only knew you can't sleep

Without me being next to you,

I'd recommend counting some sheep,

Cuz you need come to grips we're through.

You may be hanging by a thread

From that dishonest web you spun,

Too long I let my heart fool head

Till wake up - you and I were done.

All your letters will be returned,

And all your calls will be ignored.

Since I have left you, I have learned

My self esteem can be restored.

If I only knew it's 4:03,

But I do not, cuz asleep I be.