Sense Sonnets

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bo and the Exec Order

As the First Dog, I get first bite
At what the Prez does wanna do.
The immigration law's not right,
But laws are paper made to chew.
It's how the law is twisted, so
The Prez can use his pen and phone,
And do whatever - doncha know!
Laws can be chewed on like a bone.
Demmies did blame Repubbies for
Obstructing the Prez in his quest.
Repubbies squawk, "Foul emperor."
And D.C. does squabble in zest.

What the Prez says, where the Prez goes,
This emperor is wearing clothes.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Red Panda - monium

A red panda orders a meal,
In a cafe - a dish bamboo
Of leaves and shoots - a salad deal.
The panda eats, and when he's through,
Pulls a gun and shoots up the place.
Then the red panda exits out
At a rather leisurely pace.
The waiter, after him, does shout
Why did the red panda act so?
The red panda said in reply,
"Check me out and then you will know."
So the waiter googles for why.

The info the waiter retrieves,
The red panda eats shoots and leaves.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Back for Now

The rarest mammal now found in
North America by human,
The black-footed ferret again
Back from the brink of extinction.
Non natives came and brought some fleas
That carried the sylvatic plague.
Ferrets could not resist disease,
And got right down to the last leg.
A few surviving ferrets found
Near Meeteetse town, Wyoming.
A new vaccine is hopeful bound
For ferrets' repopulating.

North Americans need beware,
Next nasty plague out of nowhere.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Media Hit

Fox news is in make money biz,
And so it should be no surprise
That the killing bin Laden tiz
Being sold as how the truth lies.
Evil - bin Laden's got the face.
Blood and treasure the U.S. spilled,
To get him in that time and place.
How good that bad bin would be killed.
To give closure to some degree,
But oh how much better to sell,
If a face of the good would be.
Makes a much gooder tale to tell.

Not ev'ry story need be told,
But will be if it can be sold.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Wrestlin' Match - LP Zoo

Bachelor gorillas show off
At the pad in Lincoln Park Zoo.
We really do not care for golf,
But love to wrestle - yep we do.
Especially when humans stare,
We make moves above and beneath.
Biceps and chests we macho bare,
Along with open mouths of teeth.
This is all practice for the real
Showing off for gorilla gals.
Then 'twill be a serious deal,
But till then tiz just fun 'tween pals.

It's showtime for us pair awesome.
Wrestlemania - here we come.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Annoying Nancy and Harry

Nancy and Harry are Demmies
Who are getting long in the tooth.
Putting them out to pasture, please,
Deemed politically uncouth?
Well maybe, but they had their chance
To do their Demmie do do stuff,
And to defeat, Demmies did dance.
Nancy, Harry - enough, enough.
Neither with age and sex appeal,
Time for the Demmies to trade in
For leaders who can close the deal,
And go with Demmies who can win.

Harry and Nancy, both should share
Golden years of Obamacare.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Philae has gone outside to play
In a new unknown neighborhood,
Hopping about in bumpy way,
Finding a spot both bad and good.
Philae is recharged by sunlight,
Which may or may not shine enough
To let the playtime last all right,
So Philae can check out cool stuff.
The whole world's hoping Philae does
Fulfill the hopes and dreams be bound
In the special time and place, cuz
A comet is Philae's playground.

The mother ship's watching precise,
Watching if Philae will play nice.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bo and the Chew in Chief

The Prez sez to me, "Bo, I'm off"
"To China, cuz that's what I do,"
"To pollute my hot air to cough,"
"And have my nico gum to chew."
The Prez chews gum and makes a deal
To cut foul air at the same time.
U.S. coal thought it stunk for real.
China thought gum chewing the crime.
The punchlined Prez of global joke.
The Prez has run out of charmed luck,
Once in the tank media poke.
Two more long years - what the lame duck!

Media - leave the Prez alone.
Not like he's chewing on my bone.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Myra RIP - LP Zoo

Myra, lioness, lived and died
At her home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
She had known time of mothered pride,
Her cubs moving on as cubs do.
With Adelor, her lion king,
Into the new millennium,
More than a decade did their thing,
Until death did part the twosome.
Adelor gone, Myra remained,
Until in late twenty fourteen,
She left the Zoo where she had reigned.
Myra, the proud lioness queen.

Myra is now with Adelor,
Forever, together once more.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Bugler Taps

Called the Fetterman massacre,
For Captain Fetterman who led
Eighty soldiers to their doom sure.
Smarter warriors left all dead,
And left a message for white man,
Tearing apart of bodies done,
Parts strewn about the prairied span.
Soldiers mutilated, but one,
Adolph Metzger, a bugler lad
Was covered in buffalo hide,
To show respect the warriors had
For the brave way  in which he died.

Unarmed Metzger did die that day,
With battling bugle all the way.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Chief Joseph

Joseph, Chief of Wallawa band
Of the Nez Perce in Oregon.
Wallawa valley was their land,
That white man did invade upon.
By his wise and brave endeavor,
Joseph led war, but then did cease,
"I will fight no more forever."
And led his people into peace,
A reservation far from home -
Home of bones of his family.
Only in dreams did Joseph roam
His past in Wallawa valley.

Chief Joseph died from home apart,
His cause of death - a broken heart.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull to the white world came,
In Buffalo Bill's Wild West show.
The cause of Custer's Last Stand fame,
Believed he could help peace to grow.
And through it, kept his dignity,
Appearing the true, wise Sioux chief,
Who tried to keep his people free,
But knew the new crushed old belief.
He did learn from Buffalo Bill
That the white world would pay a lot
For dreams of wild west to fulfill.
A lot of cash Sitting Bull got.

What did Sitting Bull do with pay?
To white poor he gave it away.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


We the People have paid the price
To butt in the big U.S. nose,
With fancy presents to entice
Heads to just smile and not oppose.
Billions in bribes are spent each year
To keep the ins for now content.
More and more bases do appear.
We don't care how the money's spent,
Cuz our leaders keep us dumb,
Tell how all tiz the cost to be
Ever vigilant - that's how come,
Home of the brave, land of the free.

The U.S. power 'round the Earth
Never does get it's money's worth.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Bull Sit

Chicago Bull, Derrick Rose, lost
A lot of bloom from years ago.
Multiple injuries have cost
The budding to no longer glow.
Seasons have come, seasons have gone.
The Bulls have been a so so team.
The management and fans bet on
Derrick reaRosing the dream
Of championships like Jordan days.
But only sit outs have been brung
By limbs that twist in playless ways.
Hopes of new glory be hamstrung.

High paid benchwarmer - Rose is it.
He's full of a lot of bull sit.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Veterans as Well

The U.S. history is filled
With veterans of peace and war.
So much of serving life has spilled,
Called to duty for time and more.
Humans have used technology
To wield super power worldwide,
But ever through this destiny,
Best friends of humans stayed beside.
Canines have soldiered through it all,
Have done what humans could not do,
Sharpened sense to the nation's call -
Sacrifice for red, white and blue.

Dog tags worn loyal in service done,
We thank you each dog veteran.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Quiet Time - LP Zoo

As a chimp I ponder, I do,
All the windows between me and
The humans at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Humans kids do, I understand,
Come for sleepovers right outside.
But like day when humans abound,
I'm used to seeing human tide.
That's okay cuz they make no sound.
I notice that human lips smack
In motions to communicate
The human noises of yak yak.
The sounds of silence are so great.

Can't hear those human kids, alas!
Separated by sound proof glass.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Rhino Rocks - LP Zoo

This rhino running 'round the yard,
Playground at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Life for this one year old's not hard,
On the lookout for stuff to chew.
Rocks have always been on the ground,
Since I first burst forth on the scene.
I nibble them and always found
They never fulfill food routine.
But I kept thinking a good thought,
That maybe rocks just need to age
Like cheese and wine that humans' got,
And over time taste will engage.

Oh, rock of ages, still thee be
No tasty snack for rhino me.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


This puma's sitting on a rock.
Two humans come walking below.
They don't notice me as they talk.
I feel ornery - doncha know!
So I growl to them, "Hello boys."
"Are you looking for a good time?"
"This older, knowing gal enjoys"
"Younger meat - call it kiddy crime."
They look at me and then each one
Do both take off in  frenzied dance.
One of them squeals while on the run,
"I think I'm gonna puma pants."

Human don't laugh like a puma?
Don't they got no sense of huma!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Putin in Love

Vladimir Putin is ranked
As the most powerful human.
The Russian people should be thanked
Puttin' in Putin. No thanks done.
The Fatherland or Motherland
Is a stagnation land of hate.
The people do not understand
The people are the pawns of State.
The pied piper Putin does lead
The Russian pawns to his sweet tune.
Maybe the Russians will indeed
Wise up and pop Putin's balloon.

The whole meaning of life is love?
Not really what Putin's made of.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Hill Hue - Ho Hum

Another voting season is done.
We the People lied to by PACs,
Send to D.C. by election,
If not by now, soon to be hacks.
Repubbies red and Demmies blue.
The red is gonna run the hill,
Giving the bluer Prez some new
Hot heartburn. All a bitter pill
For We the People to swallow,
Having to hear the party line,
While D.C. the more to wallow,
All a waste where the sun don't shine.

All Repubbies and Demmies just
Spew more hot stuff until We bust.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Presents of Mine

The birthday gifts keep coming in,
So many for little ol' me.
I just don't know where to begin,
All in wrappings and bows pretty.
Something to play? Something to wear?
Something to smell? Something to eat?
Birthdays are such a fun affair.
The getting gifts is such a treat.
Maybe I'll open that gift first.
Or maybe I should open this.
Excited, I'm about to burst.
I'm such an indecisive miss.

Surrounded by presents awhirl,
Overwhelms this gorilla girl.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Twitter be WAMed

Women, Media, Action - WAM!
Is cleaning up the Twitter house,
A biz that does not give a damn
About harassment, critics grouse.
Twitter cares not a house that's clean,
But cares about fancier digs
With a new skybridge in between.
To show off profits from its gigs.
WAM has a new harassment form
To cover varied Twitter use
Of dirt that has become the norm
Of gender harassment abuse.

A woman's work is not complete,
Until Ms. Cleans up dirty tweet.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Dashalogue - LP Zoo

I am a klipspringer named Dash,
On the job at Lincoln Park Zoo,
To talk to humans  - not to trash,
But remind what they need to do.
In Africa where I am from,
Humans killed almost all of us,
For our fur, just to make some
Cushion stuffings - so why the fuss?
Well humans have the means and ways
To stuff their stuff with non life stuff.
Humans have got their plastic craze
To plop their bottoms on soft fluff.

Humans, spare me as stuffing stock,
And no more of this pillow talk.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bo and the Dog Loving Nurse

The Prez did introduce me to
Nurse Nina who recovered from
Ebola that somehow got through,
And made her life quite worrisome.
She told me I was "so cute Bo."
Cute also was her Bentley one.
She missed him so much, it did show.
Best bond is 'tween dog and human.
Bentley too had been quarantined,
And hope was soon he would be free.
In the meantime, I intervened.
One lucky dog, this Bentley be.

Not a word spoken from Bo dog.
Lickin' is lovin' dialogue.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Accepting Human Nature

Humans just have to nose in stuff
That goes on with us penguin kind.
Their "research" is never enough,
New modes of nosiness they find.
Now they have got this rover thing,
Dolled up to look like one of us.
We must be fooled is their thinking,
Cuz we don't make too much a fuss.
The fact that we don't beat the heck
Out of this ball of fluff on wheels,
And seem to talk to this high tech,
Puff humans up with what next zeals.

We penguins say in penguinese,
"More nosy human stuff - puhleeze!"

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

A Kaelin Clay

Kaelin Clay has got the football,
And heading for the touchdown line.
'Twas hard to mess this up at all,
But Clay did, by goof or design.
Clay dropped the ball one yard before
Running it into the end zone.
The refs do not signal a score,
But Clay in celebration's shown.
Meanwhile the ball is picked up by
The other team and run away
To score a real touchdown - that's why
'Twas not a real good game for Clay.

A pre touchdown drop the ball play
Will now be called a Kaelin Clay.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


This takin's going to the ball.
Cinderella invited me,
Gave Fairy Godmother a call.
A pumpkin to a coach should be.
And sure enough this pumpkin did
Show up here out of thin air.
But Cinderella's known to kid,
With slippery pranks here and there.
That ball is where I should be at,
With a Prince Charming at my side.
I'm beginning to conclude that
This takin's takin' for a ride!

If this pumpkin don't satisfy,
I'm gonna turn it into pie.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Room for Four More - LP Zoo

Quadruplets at the mongoose house.
Mom mongoose is be there for four,
But never from Mom any grouse,
Cuz she loves being a Mom galore.
24/7 is the job,
While the foursome plays through young life,
Demanding attention a gob
From Super Mom (plus a good wife).
Though Africa's where their kind's at,
All of these dwarf mongoose do
Be all in the family that
Is home at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Four is the count for Mom mongoose.
Anything less and one's gone loose.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Pig Gig - L P Zoo

A litter of piglets new born,
Of Mangalitza breed we be,
Popped out of Mama early morn,
All ready for humans to see,
Here home at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Latest addition to the Farm.
By instinct, we knew what to do,
Cutest little bundles of charm.
First there was Mama's milk to slurp.
We all headed there right away.
And Mama does not have to burp.
One in awe human kid did say,

"Look at those little piglets there."
"They're pumping Mama up with air."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Leaf it to Lion - LP Zoo

Sahar, Sahar, quite the Zoo star,
How does your lion garden grow?
With bright foliage colors there are,
And giant front paws in a row.
Retracting claws, that as a rule,
Do not contact the plants too much.
Really not a gardening tool
For plant picking, pruning and such.
Now cuz the plants do not have meat,
The lion's giant paws don't be
A ripping plants apart to eat,
Cuz that is just not lionly.

Fall time at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Taking in the scent, sound and view.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


This lemur's going to the ball.
Cinderella invited me.
Gave Fairy Godmother a call.
A pumpkin to a coach should be.
And sure enough this pumpkin did
Show up right here out of thin air.
But Cinderella's known to kid,
With slippery pranks here and there.
That ball is where I should be at,
With a Prince Charming at my side.
I'm beginning to conclude that
This lemur's dreamers on that ride.

C'mon pumpkin - giddy up go.
I'm already late - doncha know!

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Dealing Justice

When Eisenhower ran for Prez,
'Twas not gonna be a slam dunk.
A verified deal story sez
California a must, Ike thunk.
So Ike approached Earl Warren, Gov,
Promised that for Warren's support,
Warren would be Chief Justice of
The United States Supreme Court.
Warren did deliver the vote.
Ike won and Warren got the job.
Judges above politics? - note,
Judges play politics a gob.

Golden rule - rule by those with gold.
Justice is ever bought and sold.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Go for a Walk

Nik Wallenda, King of the Wire,
Chose Chicago to take a walk,
'Twixt and 'tween the twin corncob spire,
Marina Towers. Wind would knock
Against big shoulders daring to
Keep balance 'cross a hundred feet,
Hundreds of feet below in view,
Of one misstep, sure death to meet.
A massive audience watched live.
The city and the world held breath.
Would or would not the will survive?
Nik once more walked away from death.

A first awesome sight to behold,
Walking the wire with a blindfold.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

All a Round

The Founding Fathers learned quite quick
That voters needed incentive.
More likely the voter would pick
The candidate with booze to give.
George Washington first gave no booze,
When House of Burgess seat he sought.
That first election, George did lose.
George learned that voters wanted sot,
So next election, George did win,
With an assortment of appeal -
Whisky and rum and beer and gin,
And George got voted in with zeal.

Booze elected George Washington.
Today he could make a pot run.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Flack on Mac

McDonald's profits in decline,
Needs to broaden marketing heft.
Jinx to monkey with arch design.
What else to slow down being effed?
How 'bout a new slogan so slick
That suckers (oops - customers) buys!
A few words of marketing shtick
That will be eaten up with fries.
The advertising suits will charge
Big bucks for each and ev'ry word.
The order need be super large,
The bestest slogan ever heard.

Mac's slogan, "Lovin' Beats Hatin',"
'Tis gettin' a beatin' ratin'.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Demmies and Repubbies tell lies
In English to the common folk,
And so it comes as no surprise,
The truth in D.C. is a joke.
What both parties are real good at,
Is telling real bad 'bout 'tother,
Lots of English hot air on that.
Mute politicians - the druther.
If only We the People could
Hear each Repubbie and Demmie
Have to only tell truth - how good
For the U.S.A. that would be.

In failure to communicate,
Demmies and Repubbies do great.

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Brittany had much to live for,
The love of friends and family.
Twenty nine years and dreams for more
Of time and place for memory.
But cancer came and hope did go.
All that was left was suffering,
With little time and place, and so
A will and way to choose dying.
A bucket list lived short and sweet,
Sharing people, places and things.
Then taking lethal drugs to meet
Death that legal suicide brings.

Brittany made her choice to die.
Just her Maker should judge her why.

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Estate on Paper

Mr. Smith had recently died.
His family was read his will.
His property he did divide
Amongst his family with skill.
The city east side properties,
He left to his daughter to run.
His holdings held on the city's
West side, he did leave to his son.
All the rest went to his widow.
Division of a vast estate,
His life he'd built up - doncha know!
But now passed on, cuz he was late.

Mr. Smith was quite fair, no doubt,
Dividing up his paper route.

Friday, November 07, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Silence I.Q.

Two geniuses were talking 'bout
Whether an I.Q. test did prove
Intelligence without a doubt,
Whether or not one's mouth might move.
Cuz silence is the best known way
To keep one's I.Q. a surprise.
It's when one has something to say
That might prove dumbness otherwise.
The one genius who was a she,
To show the tell tale trap said to
The other genius, being he,
How he answered could tell I.Q.

Hey I.Q. genius answer that -
Do these genes make my butt look fat?

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bath Time

"Bath time," says Mama Kangaroo.
Junior kangaroo starts to whine,
"Oh, Mama please, I don't want too."
"I like being dirty just fine."
But Mama points right at the tub,
Directing Junior where to hop.
Then Mama commences to scrub,
And Junior thinks 'twill never stop.
Junior continues to complain,
"The soap is burning up my eyes."
But Mama knows there is no pain,
"It's baby shamroo," she replies.

As Mama scrubs, Junior yells, "Ouch,"
"You scrubbed me softer in your pouch."

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Image - LP Zoo

Glass separates gorillas from
The humans so that each can view
Each other safely - that's how come,
Here home at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
I can look through the glass and watch
The humans as they come and go.
Their hands often make the glass splotch.
But I do that too - doncha know!
So sometimes with the splotchy glass,
Or when the glass is mirrored in light,
A phenomenon comes to pass,
And I do see an awesome sight.

Peek a boo, I see you. Oh Gee!
Peek a boo, I guess I see me!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Clockwork Orange - LP Zoo

A Mama langur like me is
Black, but orange is my new baby.
So I can do my Mama biz,
Cuz orange sticks out for me to see.
Of course the humans gawk at us,
Here home at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
I'm used to it, so make no fuss.
Gawking is just what humans do.
Maybe they yearn this color scheme.
Humans are stuck with one tone skin.
They see us, and humans do dream
That black will be where orange has been.

Together - a halloween pack.
Me and mine - orange is the new black.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Emily's Bridge

"Emily's Bridge" in Stowe, Vermont.
Who was Emily is not known.
Emily's ghost is said to haunt,
As dusk turns into darkness zone.
Some say Emily was in love,
But on that bridge ill fate was sent.
There are differing accounts of
Suicide or an accident.
Sounds of screamings, some do attest,
The banging on cars passing by.
Emily's spirit cannot rest.
The living only wonder why.

If you are on the bridge, beware.
Emily might just scratch you there.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


President Grant did like to go
To the Willard Hotel lobby
To be wined, dined and stogied, so
The term, "lobbyist," in D.C.
The voters can be counted on
To elect like a flock of sheep.
Then lobbyists do pounce upon,
And fleece voters from pockets deep.
Elected pass laws full of fluff,
And let unelected bureaucrats
Run wild with gobs of stinky stuff.
Most become lobbyist fat cats.

The federal government exists
As currency for lobbyists.

Monday, November 03, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Dyslexic Downer

Two docs hired a new nurse, and then
One doc told the other doc, he'd
Found out she was dyslexic, when
Told her one enema the need
Ev'ry 12 hours. But the nurse
In one hour, gave 12 of these,
Doing it backwards. And what's worse -
The patient's a lawyer - puhleeze!
The second doc on hearing this,
Took off in a run down the hall.
The first doc yelled, "What more's amiss?"
Running, the second doc did call,

"Judge Smith is gonna sue us sick."
"I told the nurse, his boil to prick."

Sense Sonnet - Steamer.

Joe Key

Who will have the Senate control?
The Demmie or Repubbie team?
Cold cash and hot air spew each goal.
We the People conned by each scheme.
So close - the polls and pundits say.
Could be a 50/50 split.
For the Demmies 'twould be okay,
Worth more than a bucket of spit,
'Twould be the foot in the mouthie.
Repubbies would screech, "What the 'bleep!'"
Cuz the deciding vote would be
Ol' Joe Biden, the Demmie Veep.

Two hot hellish years - doncha know -
With that dufus devil ol' Joe.

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Smoke Alarm

The kindergarten class was taught
About smoke detectors, and why
In each and ev'ry home there ought
Be working ones that are nearby,
So that some smoke from any fire
Will cause a loud sound of alarm,
Of emergency that is dire,
And nobody will come to harm,
Following a plan of safety.
The teacher then asked in review
What would cause the alarm to be,
To know what action all should do.

Replied a quite serious lad,
"That there is cooking by my Dad."

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Culture of making money tiz
How all the goods and bads get sold.
Dollars sense advertizing biz.
Sell unto others for the gold.
Communication by an ad
That makes a profit oh so sweet.
Seeks trademark status to be had.
Avoid confusion and deceit.
The ad might just involve one word,
Like "how" - what who desires to own.
Making money can get absurd,
But greed has no boundary zone.

How matters on money - tiz true!
So that's how come so many sue.

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

People View - LP Zoo

Some chimps in the Lincoln Park Zoo
Grab good seats in the habitat
To watch what passing humans do,
Tall or short or skinny or fat.
"Oh look at that cute family."
"I think that teacher lost a kid."
"Those jeans on her - tight as can be."
"Did you see what that old dude did?"
"Us chimps grow wiser, older - yes!"
"Humans seem dumber once they've grown."
"Humans are good with tools, I guess."
"Look at them texting on their phone."

The humans come, the humans go.
The chimps stay and enjoy the show.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Ad Bad - LP Zoo

Azizi, spokesgorilla for
Gorilla wheelbarrows to sell,
To showcase all the strength galore.
My agent told me I'd do swell.
Of course, I'll still have my main gig,
Showcasing the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Where I now top the scales so big.
But what's a growing guy to do!
The advertising suits came here,
And brought a wheelbarrow for me,
To sit inside all top and rear.
Was not the sell all hoped to be.

Into the wheelbarrow I plunk.
Me and the wheelbarrow just sunk.