Sense Sonnets

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Butterfly Why?

Ants crawl over a bamboo shoot.
A human touches the bamboo.
An ant attack does follow suit,
Stinging the human fingers, true!
A butterfly does land upon
The bamboo shoot and stays to eat.
Ants let the butterfly eat on.
Why'd the human have to retreat?
The butterfly must have a way
To be of no ant concern, so
The ants let the butterfly stay.
Why is this, humans want to know?

The ants ignore the butterfly,
And nosy humans wonder why!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

I.Q. Test Result

I bought a video online,
Spent 25 bucks for the thing.
Was s'posed to test the dog of mine,
And then me for comparing
My dog's I.Q. with my I.Q.
To tell how smart my dog might be.
I tried to get my dog to do
The tests, but my dog ignored me.
I sent the video back for
A refund, but was a no go.
The whole thing made me very sore,
A hard fact of life - doncha know!

I wasted 25 bucks, yes,
So my dog is smarter, I guess!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

How Do Hue Feel?

A chameleon has some skin
Full of nanocrystals contained,
That do form a lattice within,
Reflecting light per feelings trained.
The nanocrystals do close stay,
When calm the chameleon be.
So blue and green lights on display,
For all the outside eyes to see.
But when arises excitement,
The nanocrystals do spread out,
And red and orange lights do present,
Showing the lizard fired - no doubt!

A chameleon's change of hue -
What does looking in a mirror do?

Monday, June 27, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Powder Horn Detail

A way back in the olden day
An ox or cow gave up a horn,
So humans with guns had a way
For dry gun powder to be borne.
Over the shoulder on a strap,
A man made plug on each horn end,
The aim to avoid a mishap,
With bad results that such could send.
Besides having utility,
Owners engraved so as to make
Unique fashion accessory,
At least a name for I.D. sake.

Though the gun owners long be gone,
In museums some horns live on.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Summer Snow - LP Zoo

A snow monkey does love the snow,
But summer time it gets real hot
In Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago.
In weather forecast, snow is not.
But I know I can depend on
My keepers to keep me in mind.
Though for a while, the snow be gone,
There be cool stuff for me to find.
In my habitat, here and there,
Be reminders for me to sense,
Yes, my keepers do really care,
Providing me cold evidence.

This snow monkey does shine when shown
A just for a hot day sno cone.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Hater Struck Orlando

Orlando on a night in June
Became the latest killing field.
Too many humans died too soon,
Becoming victims from Hate's yield.
Targets were the LGBT
Gathered together to have fun.
Into their midst a hater be,
And shot them down dead with a gun.
Humans are only ones that hate,
And only ones that kill to solve
Perceived notions. Does seem the fate
For evil ever to evolve.

In being human is placed pride.
For good or bad - each much decide.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Rise to the Occasion

Thousands of us instinctively
Knew 'twas time to evacuate
From all the flooding rain that be.
To stay would mean a fatal fate.
Only escape would be by air,
Going to safety with the wind.
In mass ballooning we would share
Whatever destiny would send.
All climbed high as we could go,
Then strands of silk by each were made,
Upward spun to catch the air flow,
A silken balloon cavalcade.

Floating we went, up, up and away,
Spiders on ballooning display.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Part of History

Abraham Lincoln - left or right?
Which way did the Prez part his hair?
On the left side, the experts cite.
In photos a right side part is there.
The reason, the experts do say,
Old photos did a print reverse,
Abe's part looked right the wrong way.
But here's what makes the experts curse -
Abe's hair on the five dollar bill
Shows a right part, which was for real,
And it is a mystery still,
Why Lincoln's locks flipped on that deal.

Tiz good to know the experts chart
The back and forth of Lincoln's part.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Play to Prey - LP Zoo

A black tree monitor, I do
Sure like to eat crickets a bunch.
Keepers here at Lincoln Park Zoo
Will tease my brain before I munch.
There is a puzzle feeder that
Gives me a matter for my mind,
Keepers set in my habitat,
Filled with crickets for me to find.
Holes in the feeder challenge me.
Only a few holes are among,
Within which the crickets do be.
My goal is find them with my tongue.

This lizard plays the puzzle well.
The crickets know, but cannot tell.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Doting on Daughters - LP Zoo

A lemur Dad, I try, I do,
The best I can with family,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Surrounded by females I be.
My three daughters are each a joy,
And so very proud make this Dad.
At times each girl does Dad annoy,
But not for long does Dad stay mad.
Human visitors oft do roam
By the window and peek inside,
Where we lemurs are right at home,
And this Dad is bursting in pride.

One thing this lemur Dad can say -
Every day is Father's Day.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Chiller'

Worst Day So Far

'Twas the time the dinosaurs be,
When on one day the Earth was hit
By an asteroid in the sea
Where Gulf of Mexico does sit.
Estimated of mountain size,
The asteroid, upon impact,
Caused a chain reaction to rise,
Destroying most life in one act.
Throughout all water, land and air,
All living came under attack.
In time from that nature nightmare,
The planet Earth made a comeback.

It can happen again some day -
Some asteroid is on its way.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Portuguese Man of War

A hydroid colony afloat,
Going wherever currents take.
This unique marine living boat
Works as one for survival sake.
Long tentacles can cause a sting,
Whether be predator or prey.
Offense or defense moves to bring
A good for the colony way.
Floating is done by a balloon,
Filled with gases from inside made.
If decided as opportune,
Deflate commands can be relayed.

Thanks to sailing humans of yore,
Named the Portuguese Man of War.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Migratory Hatch - LP Zoo

Black crowned night heron chicks do hatch
In nests at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Always hungry, the chicks do snatch
All selections on the menu,
That the bird parents have flown in
As nourishment to fill the bill,
Then repeated over again,
Parental duties to fulfill.
The parents often leave the nest
To find the food their young to feed,
So that the chicks will thrive their best
To ready to fly forth indeed.

In migration from Chicago
During fall time to Mexico.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bard On

The words of Shakespeare do live on,
Four hundred years and counting more.
His real life characters long gone,
But recreations still do score
Upon the stage and on the screen,
Crossing over all time and place.
Still popular to set the scene,
And draw a crowd in modern pace.
If Shakespeare were alive today
Would he choose to do current stuff,
Like politicians in new play,
Or conclude he'd villains enough?

Ever more a celebrity,
In modern day the Bard does be.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The Greatest - R.I.P.

Muhammad Ali - rest in peace,
And the Louisville Lip lives on.
His poetry will never cease,
Ever a partner with his brawn.
Like his punch, his wit words were thrown
To land where intended to send.
The message that became well known -
This how this here fight will end.
Ali, not just one of the greats -
But the Greatest in place and time.
As he enters the Pearly Gates,
Can be heard his most famous rhyme.

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."
"The hands can't hit what the hands can't see."

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Roar Reason - LP Zoo

I often roar - oh yes I do.
For this lion - an easy task,
Show biz at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Why is he roaring? Humans ask.
Be I happy or be I sad?
All humans listen to this guy.
Be I amused or be I mad?
Keep the humans wondering why.
And so I open up real wide,
And let out each roar with smooth ease,
Ever for me a sense of pride.
Humans are so easy to please.

Oh yes I do - I often roar,
Cuz humans keep asking for more.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Trump Caterpillar

The puss caterpillar does be
Most venomous in the U.S.
Toxic spines not easy to see
Under a hair comb over - yes,
That looks a lot like coif of Trump.
And one who wonders is it real,
Touches inside the furry clump,
Getting a nasty stinging deal.
The caterpillar also throws
Its poop away into the air.
The exact reason why - who knows?
Maybe so not to muss the hair.

This caterpillar has some tricks
The Donald borrows for politics.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Namesake - LP Zoo

I am a male camel born new.
The humans say I need a name.
That's what's done at Lincoln Park Zoo.
So what the heck - I guess I'm game!
Naming gets done a lot of ways.
Sometimes the public votes to choose.
Sometimes a high bid donor pays.
Sometimes keepers are pickaroos.
And that's what happened in my case.
My keepers thought and thought and thought,
And ended  up at the pun place,
Where history hits the ten spot.

I got the word what my name be,
Alexander Camelton - me!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Champion Whitetail

1997 in France,
A long distance pigeon race be,
A mysterious circumstance -
Pigeons disappeared eerily!
Tens of thousands of birds took flight -
Somewhere, somehow just disappeared.
The reason never came to light.
Something did happen - something weird!
Champion Whitetail was found nearby,
On the same day as was the race.
Sitting, too exhausted to fly,
With no words to explain his case.

Abducted by aliens that day,
But Champion Whitetail got away!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Measure Up

Meerkats do live in colonies
Called mobs who all cooperate.
But there be inequalities
About the ones who get to mate.
The dominant male and female
Are determined mainly by size.
The weightiest two do prevail,
And control the birthing franchise.
The dominants are careful to
Watch the rivals that be around.
If gain in weight the rivals do,
Dominants do match, pound for pound.

Bigger is better for the job
To get to lead a meerkat mob.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Evolve to Solve

Relatively few accidents
Occur in accredited zoos.
A lack of human common sense,
And then a tragedy ensues.
Sometimes the animal is killed.
Humans decide that must be done.
We humans need become more skilled
Finding solutions not a gun.
Any animal in a zoo
Deserves to be protected from
The nonsense that we humans do.
Only one animal acts dumb.

Harambe's killing hopefully
Will bring better options to be.

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Aysan - LP Zoo

I am Aysan, a young sloth, who
Often watches you upside down,
Hanging out at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Tongue sticking out is my renown.
My name is Turkish and does mean
A girl who's brilliant as the moon.
I try to shine on the Zoo scene,
And let my beams of charm be strewn.
Small Mammal House is where I'm at,
Showing off in my cutest pose.
When you stop by my habitat,
I'll give you a wave with my two toes.

When visitors to my home be,
The humans have all Aysan me.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hyena Myth

Hyenas are misunderstood
By humans who believe in myth.
Most adjectives used are not good -
Ugly, villainous, thieving with
Stupid, skulking and cowardly,
And other assorted names bad.
Whereas in truth hyenas be
Making the best with what be had.
Life in the wild is very hard.
Hyenas have to hunt to live,
And have no time to be on guard
For bad raps humans choose to give.

Hyenas live on pure instinct
With no thought on what humans thinked.

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Camel Chat - LP Zoo

"Mom, what are those things called again?"
"They are called human beings, son."
"And why do they keep staring in?"
"Watching a baby's always fun."
"Am I a baby, Mom, am I?"
"Yes, son, you're only three weeks old."
"Why are humans watching me, why?"
"Cuz you're a cutie to behold."
"How long, Mom, will humans watch me?"
"They'll be watching you from now on."
"What if unwatched I want to be?"
"Behind the scenes go and be gone."

Having a chat, Mom and son do,
Camels at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Monday, June 06, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Snake Shake

Humans got to see something rare
On African safari when
Two male black mamba snakes vied there
For a female snake's heart to win.
Plaiting combat the males did do,
Locked in a weaving one on one -
The prize to be the right to woo
The female when the fight was done.
Biting would be part of the fight,
But not with venom meant to kill.
More of a "c'mon give up" bite,
Testing each snake's endurance skill.

Humans do see and do believe
A love triangle snakes do weave.

Sunday, June 05, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Puzzle Solver - LP Zoo

Time for this chimp to hit the sack,
Got my bed ready - yes I do.
Take time out for a bedtime snack,
Here at home at Lincoln Park Zoo.
The snack is inside of a ball
That has a few holes punched in it.
So getting snack access does call
For using my chimp brain a bit.
Sometimes my finger will fit in,
Sometimes I need to find a stick.
But there is no doubt I will win,
Before bedtime a snack to lick.

Whatever puzzle there might be,
I solve that puzzle - that's just me.

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Cat on the Watch - LP Zoo

I am watching, that's what I do,
Watching around my habitat,
Outside at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Watching's important for a cat.
This Amur leopard watches while
The keepers keep me in good stead.
What keeps me ever with a smile -
Be the keepers keeping me fed.
I have anticipation sense
Of time and place that I should eat.
Hey - do not keep me in suspense.
C'mon keepers and bring the meat.

I trust the keepers a whole bunch,
Keeping my appointments for lunch.

Friday, June 03, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Arctic Gardener

The arctic fox dwells underground
During the coldest stretch of year.
Centuries old time sharing mound
Protects the fox through chill severe.
Fox families all burrowed deep
Are protected from harshest cold.
Together with their food and sleep,
The foxes manage their household.
Atop the mound is where the fox
Does deposit various waste,
Becoming fertilizing stocks
For lush gardens to be showcased.

In the arctic cold, bleak and numb,
The fox does have the greenest thumb!

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

New Camel - LP Zoo

Mom Nasan and Dad Scooter do
Proudly announce their baby's birth,
Healthy boy at Lincoln Park Zoo.
An 81 pounder in girth,
With 4 feet standing 4 feet tall.
And double humped this camel be,
As are Bactrian camels all,
Two packs of fat for energy.
This is the parent's first offspring.
The calf will get the best of care,
And have a real good upbringing
That human visitors can share.

Baby camel born 9th of May
Is cause to cheer - hump, hump hooray.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

My Great Migrate - LP Zoo

A black crowned night heron I be.
Chicago migrating I do
To a thriving bird colony,
In trees at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Me and mine have a cozy nest
To spend the summer time in style,
Doing what us birds like the best.
"Eggs"act in time and place a while.
Come to visit and check us out.
Go to the red wolf habitat.
Sounds like some strange neighbors, no doubt.
They stay down. We stay up. That's that!

But come visit before we go.
We're migrating birds - doncha know!