Sense Sonnets

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Magna Carta

Magna Carta - Happy Birthday,
800 years and counting still.
If bad King John had had his way,
You'd be shredded as paper will.
But his son Henry did save you,
The Great Charter charting the thing
That common people have rights too.
The law should be above the king.
Remaining still in English law,
An old dry parchment  under glass.
So much of history you saw,
As human ups and downs did pass.

From time to time, humans do quote
Of democracy that you wrote.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Moving On - LP Zoo

We box turtles be on the move
From Lincoln Park Zoo to the wild.
Tiz for the good, so we approve.
With nature we'll be reconciled.
Over a year ago we came
To the Zoo to hatch and to thrive
For something more than a shell game.
We're heading out healthy and live
To make our way, slow but sure.
Humans to study as we go,
To help our species endure.
Tiz all well worth it - doncha know!

Transmitters attached to us all,
Makes it good for turtle recall.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Instagram

"Bill - I am now on Instagram."
"My followers are following,"
"Like the Pied Piper that I am,"
"Leading the children wallowing"
"In the readyforhillary"
"Show and tell for the common folk."
"This time this pantsuiter will be"
"The U.S.A. hipped Prez - no joke."
"A bunch of pantsuits I did post"
"In patriotic red, white and blue."
"Inside of each there haunts the ghost"
"Of dumb do do a Prez - tiz true."

"Any plain grandmother can dote."
"I am one that can con the vote."

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Humans ask what do chipmunks do?
So humans grabbed a bunch of us,
Put spy microphones on the crew,
And first learned that chipmunks can cuss.
Cussing sounds, the humans call "chip,"
In varied tones to indicate
Alarm within the chipmunkship.
The more alarm, the shriller rate.
The humans deem us to be smart
And sensitive to all around.
Our cussing is hearing art
To human ears - it does confound!

The chipmunk reality show,
The really real one - doncha know!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Time to Go - LP Zoo

As a Mom just somehow I know
That mothering is done for you,
That it is time for you to go,
And live like grown up rhinos do.
I've tried to teach you best I could
Over the last couple of years.
I think you're ready - you'll do good,
So this goodbye is without tears.
Lincoln Park Zoo has been your home.
Powers that be want me to stay.
There are other good zoos to roam,
So soon you'll be going away.

Your phase of life with Mom is done.
So we part ways - goodbye my son.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Do Tell No Lie

Grow shoulder length reddish brown hair.
Pull the hair back in a firm yank.
Gives the forehead a noble air.
Bag the ponytail to bob frank.
Grab the side hairs and fluff them out.
Keep the curls curled by adding grease.
Avoid getting wet, and no doubt
Hold in shape this master hairpiece.
Add authority color right.
Stick a paper cone over face.
Cloud the hair in fine powder white.
Pose for history, hair in place.

'Twas no wig for George Washington.
A real hair hell to get it done.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Ye Olde Calling

Tiz the life that poets muse 'bout,
Another time, another place,
The shepherding the flock - no doubt
A world away from the rat race.
A relatively few have kept
This life passed down through family,
As fast modernization swept
Most away into frantic spree.
A few ideal spots do remain,
But secrets are not kept too much.
The curious cannot refrain.
Tourists may come, but please don't touch.

The shepherd, the sheep dog, the sheep,
The life poetic - what the "bleep"!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Surrogate - LP Zoo

We European storks did bring
A babe to the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Bringing the egg - another thing,
Sent here for the hatching to do.
The Detroit Zoo layers were bad,
Whereas we storks are parents good.
The egg came here and we were glad
To do what any good stork would -
To hatch and raise till healthy grown.
We are proud parents as can be,
And treat the babe as our own -
A perfect stork delivery.

The new babe stork is doing fine,
Hatched "egg"cellent by planned design.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The U.S. kicked the soccer ball
Into international ground.
Indicting leaders was the call.
Bunches of corruption was found.
But soccer leaders know the game.
Keeping in power is the goal.
A few scapegoats will take the blame,
But for the top - the same old roll.
The U.S. gov is like the pot
Daring to call the kettle black,
Not taken serious a lot,
Cuz ethics is in worldwide lack.

Prob'ly some hefty fines to pay -
That's how politics with sports play.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Last Rattle

I see them coming down the trail,
And feel a sense instinctively,
That I should quickly just turn tail,
Cuz tiz trouble coming to me.
But too late - they have come up fast.
Sadly, I make a rattling sound.
Sadly, that sound will be my last.
One of them looks and I've been found.
And that one pulls out a hand gun.
Two blasts later and I've been shot.
And just that quick my life is gone.
That's how they are - like it or not.

Rattlesnakes know that humans will,
On first impulse, just wanna kill.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Jenner, the used to be Bruce one,
Is cover for Vanity Fair,
Showing some changing work that's done.
The old, the new - gives pause for stare.
On why she's going public so,
Jenner says it will make her free.
Kardashian cloned - doncha know,
Jenner does like publicity.
After the cover had release,
She tweeted she was living true.
Just hope it all brings her some peace,
With all the change she's going through.

"Call me Caitlyn," Jenner does say,
Spelled with a "C" and not a "K."

Friday, June 19, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


I'm walking on the ocean floor.
Lots of bad could happen to me.
So to get some protection more,
I looked for something that could be
An armored suit I could jump in,
If something bad should happen by,
And poke right through my soft thin skin.
And what I found, I gave a try.
I guess somebody filmed me, so
I'm going viral on the Web.
It's kind of nutsy - doncha know!
Don't take much to be a celeb.

Who's using this coconut shell?
This octopus - and doing well.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Grab Grass - LP Zoo

With a few weeks of life behind,
Mom is letting this snow monkey
Check out myself what I might find
At the Lincoln Park Zoo to be.
Macaque Forest to be explored.
Some of it's dry, some of it's wet.
So far I am not getting bored.
There's so much I have not grabbed yet.
I'm grabbing onto stuff a lot,
Learning how to be more wholesome.
Mom tells me that is why I've got
Fingers and opposable thumb.

A snow monkey - no snow, alas!
So I'm content playing in grass.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Peace Talk

The Pope says the world is beset
By such an atmosphere of war.
Why not end war and hate and let
There be true peace forevermore?
Of course there was a time Popes led
Armies all over to convert
To Catholics - much blood was shed.
But peace now the Pope does assert,
And Catholics will lead the way
For faith in love and not in hate.
Christ will return if all will pray,
If the world will cooperate.

If Catholic the whole world be,
Then war would be no more - surely!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

American Pharoah

When I was young, my tail got bit.
Some said that I should get a weave.
My given name - they misspelled it.
But through it all I did believe
That I was born and bred to win,
And take the crown so many sought.
So very young, I did begin,
Short tailed to go for the long shot.
And then in June, twenty fifteen,
Across the finish I did stride,
Was number one on the world scene.
Others went along for the ride.

American Pharoah is me.
The Triple Crown Winner I be.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Peeking Macaque - LP Zoo

Snow Monkeys at Lincoln Park Zoo
Have a fancy new habitat.
There are big windows to look through.
We look at humans looking at
Us - kind of a back atcha thing.
Behind one window is a room.
Once in a while, humans will bring
Some get together where they loom.
I saw some looming, so I went
With my new baby for a peek.
Excited humans - evident.
For us - 'twas boring, so to speak.

A room where humans meet and greet,
But nothing there looked good to eat.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The Scythians, a people fierce,
Did leave behind massive grave mounds
Called kurgans which we moderns pierce.
In gold the old tell tale abounds.
From Black Sea centuries ago,
The Scythians went far and wide,
And ancient empires came to know
Scythian warring, looting side.
Ill gotten gold was turned to art,
Vessels depicting history.
Inside the residue was part
Opium and cannibis - gee!

The Scythians did live, did die,
Turned gold to art and to get high.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Obu - LP Zoo

Newborn at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
First Japan macaque snow monkey,
I am a boy, I am Obu,
The name you humans voted me.
Born early May, twenty fifteen,
I've been staying real close to Mom.
She's been showing me the Zoo scene.
From newborn jitters, I'm more calm,
And getting more curious 'bout
All my world in my habitat,
And all you humans watching out -
Swinging place for this acrobat.

Come to the Zoo, come to enjoy
Seeing Obu, saying, "Oh boy!"

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Did Denny Fib?

Denny Hastert once used to be
The U.S. Speaker of the House,
And somehow made lots of money,
Maybe lucky, maybe a louse.
'Twas noticed by the F.B.I.
That lots of cash Denny withdrew.
Reason? - Maybe Denny did lie,
One thing with Feds one should not do.
Was it hush money? Maybe so,
But lying 'bout it says a lot,
Cuz off to jail Denny could go.
Obama pardon - prob'ly not.

Be a conservie or be a lib,
Be a jailbird for telling a fib.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Lemming Lure

We lemmings get the urge to take
A trip from old to someplace new.
Kind of like humans go on break
And head for seaside rendezvous.
We show up at the beach in mass.
Tiz so crowded, some of us think
There's no room on the land, alas,
So why not dip into the drink?
Some humans call it suicide,
Some kind of weird and wild death wish.
But we don't know until we've tried,
That we aren't swimmers like the fish.

The lemmings' life is not at sea.
Alas, tiz death by drowning be.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Dumb Down

"Bill - as deviant you dumbed down"
"The media both left and right."
"I'm just skating to the Prez crown,"
"Looks like 'twill be an easy flight."
"The left are gonna pave my way."
"The right are gonna spit and spat."
"The more I'll gain the less I say."
"Just fool the folks on this or that."
"The bill of goods we sold got bought."
"With that resale, the Prez I'll be."
"Common folk won't give it much thought."
"The We the People think so wee."

"Count down the days, cuz here I come."
"Thanks media for being dumb."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

God "Sigh"lence

Either God is or God is not,
No matter what the humans say.
Proof for and against has been sought,
But no sure truth found either way.
The Bible and other books tell
Of God as humans do relate,
Of good in heaven, bad in hell,
Belief in this or in that fate.
Why would not God, if God exists,
Give proof in action and in voice?
Why uncertainty that persists?
Humans are made to make the choice.

Who says science says God is not,
Says the whole truth when God is sought.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bob Schieffer

Bob Schieffer lasted long and well
As a newscaster on T.V.
On CBS his lips did tell
The news the network chose to be.
Cronkite and company long gone,
The "eye" had lost a lot of watch.
The ratings ruled what "news" went on,
And hoped the caster did not botch.
And Bob botched less than others did,
And lasted through the changing times,
When ethics about the news slid,
And lips did mouth so many crimes.

Have a happy retirement, Bob.
Some younger lips will get your job.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Cannibal Chimps

Chimpanzee cannibals can be
Killing and eating their own kind. -
Those who are not close family.
Tiz just one set of a chimp's mind.
What makes a chimp be acting so?
Upon another chimp to feed?
Is it just simple friend or foe?
Or is there some more complex need?
Humans do watch and are aghast,
Cuz chimps and humans share a lot.
Studying chimps - some light is cast
On human stuff - like it or not.

Sometimes the facts don't always please,
As humans study chimpanzees.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

The Colonel's Back

Colonel Sanders from KFC,
Long dead and buried in his suit,
Is back selling fowl on T.V.
Some actor - a poor substitute,
Looks the part, like on the bucket,
But sounds a twangy sinister,
Does a giggle like a cluck it,
Creepy he does administer.
Tiz all about the relevance
Of KFC some ad folk say.
Controversial ads finance
More profits - love to hate does pay.

Colonel Sanders would call the ad
Distasteful finger licking bad.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Pig Snout

A pig's snout is a wondrous thing.
Tiz where the pig's most sensitive,
Both as to smelling and touching.
So many benefits to give.
Most anything a pig will eat,
Much to human religious scorn.
But tiz the snout that first does greet
Far more than just cute to adorn.
A prize detected by a sniff,
Even through rock the snout will go.
Tiz a when and not just an if.
The snout gets at what is below.

Pig parts - humans insert upon.
Wonder if the snout will catch on?

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Fantastic Feather Duster

An ostrich is a flightless bird,
And so my feathers have more fluff.
Airborne feathers do, in a word,
Need to be stiff for all that stuff.
But mine are soft and fluttering,
Attractive yet sturdy display.
Static electric shakes will bring
Best means to make dust go away.
In molting season I discard
Old feathers, and humans can be
A painless feather duster pard
To make the whole world more dust free.

An ostrich feather duster do
Make dusting a fun job - tiz true!

Monday, June 08, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Die in Vain

Powers that be that We let be
Keep sending us to fight in war.
We do not learn from history.
Hope for peace on Earth is no more.
The living come to the graveside
Of those who paid the highest price,
To remember those who have died.
But for what did they sacrifice?
For freedom - powers that be lie.
That's always the same lame excuse.
Lots of We the People must die.
For powers that be, We have use.

As long as war mongers do reign,
Too many dead do die in vain.

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Bed Bug

A modern day bed bug - I'm back
To bite my human host in bed,
To keep my blood sucking on track,
Cuz after all I must be fed.
Before humans, I was on Earth.
In caves I lived where bats were meals.
Then humans came of tasty worth.
I stayed with them when they got wheels,
And when they got beds fancy so.
But when they got the D.D.T.
That bugged us to death - doncha know!
But that was banned - lucky for me.

You hit the sack and you just might
Get the feel of this bed bug bite.

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Rap Rave

Bill - I'm getting some rapper love,
50 Cent and Snoop Dogg for two.
It's like endorsements from above
To turn more cool this chickadoo.
RUN HRC - we tweeted out,
A take off on the hip hop group,
Ties to which enemies no doubt
Will sniff out for any Snoop poop.
I'm gonna try to get more hipped.
My handlers don't want me to yap.
I'm working my talking point script.
I bet I can do a mean rap.

Hey - whatever it takes to fool,
This icy bitch can still chill cool.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Sister Act - LP Zoo

Female lions, we sisters two,
Zalicki and Kamali come
Newly to the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Home to Sahar's lion kingdom.
Twenty months old, we're growing still,
Into lionesses we'll be.
Over time, hopefully we will
Build our pride and pridefully.
Checking out our habitat,
We are excited, yes we are,
And hear the keepers saying that
Soon we will be meeting Sahar.

Please come and watch the pride progress,
And we will watch you watching, yes!

Friday, June 05, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

S.A.F.E. - Lincoln Park Zoo

Save Animals From Extinction,
S.A.F.E. we be at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Western lowland gorillas - one
Of species needing help from you.
Visit us gorilla girls three,
Young sisters born in this Zoo home,
Reminding visitors there be
Less of us in the wild to roam.
While we be S.A.F.E. this time and place,
In Africa we do not thrive.
Extinction there our kind face.
Humans can help us stay alive.

If all of us together try,
Then S.A.F.E. will be in more supply.

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Email Release

"Bill - word from Foggy Bottom is"
"State wants lots of time to review"
"All of my email scandal biz -"
"Until twenty sixteen should do."
"This is Jaw John's mischief, no doubt."
"Kerry just wants to make me squirm,"
"Cuz he's next up if I'm knocked out."
"I never trusted him - the worm."
"We've got dirty on him, he knows."
"I'm worried now that hackers might"
"Release my stuff in ebbs and flows."
"Watch out for foreign and far right."

"Remember Sony - that was bad,"
"So don't make North Korea mad."

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The George Thing

"Bill - this George Stephanopoulos"
"Giving money to the big F,"
"Just trying to suck up to us."
"Did he think ears would just go deaf?"
"Rumor has it I got George fired,"
"Back when he did the spin for you."
"I think maybe George just desired"
"To see what mischief he could do."
"It looks like he will stick around,"
"Throughout the rest of my campaign,"
"Letting my enemies expound"
"His causing me a small migraine."

"The suck up stories will still perp,"
"Cuz of cash from that little twirp."

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and the Relodger

"Bill - your Letterman interview,"
"About when I become the Prez,"
"One hundred percent chance that you"
"Move back to the White House, you sez,"
"If, and it's a big if, you be"
"Asked by guess who if you'll move back."
"Cuz the West Wing belongs to me,"
"My measuring drapes are on track,"
"You cannot wander 'round at will."
"I guess you can have the East Wing."
"Just try to behave yourself, Bill,"
"With all the baggage you will bring."

"At the White House, you may present."
"Of course, I'll have to charge you rent."

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Rebill

"Bill - I'm for changing a cash bill."
"A twenty dollar bill should show"
"Harriet Tubman's face which will"
"Buy some votes cheap - doncha know!"
"A black woman long dead and gone,"
"And my support of her now should"
"Double down pandering upon"
"Two voting blocs that serve me good."
"On her face, I should score some ground,"
"And milk this for all I can get."
"To Wikipedia I'm bound."
"Who in the hell was Harriet?"

"I should be on a bill instead,"
"But I'm told I have to be dead."

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bee Asleep

I had been partying all night,
But on the way back to the hive,
I saw a wondrous food source sight,
Upon which all the girls would thrive.
When I got back, I waggle danced
To give the others G.P.S.
Excited, I really enhanced
Directions to the pollen, yes!
But being sleepy, I did do
A sloppy how to get there job.
The bees flew on a wastearoo,
And got bad attitude a gob.

The buzz about the sleeping bee
Got so bad that it woke up me.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Just Moved In - LP Zoo

Yes, Sis, I gotta say to you
That so far being here - so good,
New home at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Seems like an awesome neighborhood.
The tigers to the east of us,
The seals are swimming to the west.
Being on the Main Mall - a plus.
We can be viewed at our best.
And we can view the human crowd.
Why we are here - they are the cause.
We're gonna make a pride so proud.
Human watching does give us paws.

Nothing says our pride galore,
Than two lionesses a roar.

Monday, June 01, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Tickle to Love

I am a male pea crab I am,
Looking for a female for me.
She lives inside a nearby clam.
I need to woo her carefully.
The secret is to tickle so,
And put the clam in such a state
Of open shell that I can go
Safely inside and happ'ly mate.
I tickled that clam best I could,
Smelling the romance scent inside.
I thought the going would be good,
And through the shell I slid with pride.

I did not tickle my way through.
The damn clam shell cut me in two.