Sense Sonnets

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Dumb Down

"Bill - as deviant you dumbed down"
"The media both left and right."
"I'm just skating to the Prez crown,"
"Looks like 'twill be an easy flight."
"The left are gonna pave my way."
"The right are gonna spit and spat."
"The more I'll gain the less I say."
"Just fool the folks on this or that."
"The bill of goods we sold got bought."
"With that resale, the Prez I'll be."
"Common folk won't give it much thought."
"The We the People think so wee."

"Count down the days, cuz here I come."
"Thanks media for being dumb."


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