Sense Sonnets

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

The Big Nine

The U.S. Supreme Court has had
An above it all history.
The nine mostly old white men clad
In black robes as mini gods be
Giving the last word from on high
Of the U.S. Constitution,
Whether laws do or do not fly,
Impacting lives of ev'ryone.
On the Court is a lifetime gig,
But getting picked to be on is
Dancing a political jig.
It can be a real nasty biz.

The Constitution is the way
That nine folks at any time say.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Frisco Rope

I, City of San Francisco,
Warn those that think I'm just a wuss,
Where old hippies and far left go
That make me a pushover puss.
Look into my past history,
When citizens had had enough,
Grabbing nasty powers that be,
Who, after hanging weren't so tough.
Vigilantes cleaned house before.
If pushed they will do so again,
If my citizens get so sore
With too much corruption and sin.

Let the scumbags suffer the fate,
All hang high from the Golden Gate.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Signed Mind

Billions and billions of young minds,
And most of them go to waste,
As reality of life finds
That education will be based
On what's brought to the bottom line.
Only the most gifted will get
The chance to join and then to shine
In major corporate mind set.
The vast majority of young
Will have no choice, but be content
With being just a drone among
The dead end zones of government.

The education future is
Not for all youth but for big biz.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Pass It On

Social Security will soon
Get a big baby boomer bump.
And pension checks will zoom balloon,
And more money needs will high jump,
As me and millions join the rolls.
I want to make no sacrifice,
So I tell my kids, bless their souls,
All I gave them - it would be nice
If they worked more, so they could pay
Most of their pay in FICA tax,
And work up until their death day,
So dear old Mom can just relax.

Social Security will be
My childrens' doing right by me.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Coffee, Tea or ...

Political powers that be
Deem the public to be so cute,
With the parties called coffee or tea,
Softly spoken or rudely hoot.
It makes no matter what is served,
The powers know from movements past,
That if the powers aren't unnerved,
These cutsie parties will not last.
The powers will stick a bandaid
Over public owies that hurt.
Thin air promises will be made.
Public attention will divert.

Milk - Congress and cronies prefer.
Milking the public, that's for sure.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Einstein Fine

Albert Einstein did theorize
Relativity as a fact,
And it should come as no surprise
That humans seek by thought and act
To make the concept fit the way
That each one imagines as true.
And so the term gets lots of play
As all the many think and do,
And play with truth as though a toy.
In time and space he occupied,
What in his life was greatest joy?
To which Dr. Einstein replied,

"My sweetest relativity -"
"Making music with Mrs. E."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Red Ride

Red Ride was a great thoroughbred,
A contender in races ran,
But bad arthritis, the vet said,
Crippled the horse and Daddy's plan.
Then suddenly, Red Ride was gone -
To horse heaven Daddy told me.
Years later, I learned what went on.
I never could forgive Daddy.
He sold Red Ride for folks to eat.
The arthritis drugs the vet gave
May have poisoned Red Ride's horsemeat,
A fitting revenge from the grave.

I hope whoever ate Red Ride
Got painfully sick and then died.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

To Be Done Unto

Humankind rules the planet Earth.
All other animals exist
In terms of adding to the worth
Of what's in human interest.
In times of past, animals would
Be treated with great cruelty.
Today, some laws try to do good
By warning humankind to be
Humane in acts to dominate
Other animals put to use.
But still many suffer the fate
Of living with human abuse.

One day ETs will rule Earth land.
Then humankind will understand.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Deep In

The government is good at blame.
All the folks that work there know how
It's just part of playin' the game.
Bureaucracy takes its best bow,
When it can make the public think
That snowstorms caused the drop in jobs.
And what adds more to all the stink,
The government hires more in gobs,
Not shovel ready 'cause the gov
Needs more bodies to pile it on.
The powers that be do so love
To keep the public heaped upon.

It's pilin' higher, doncha know?
It's awful deep, and it ain't snow.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Washington Wizards

It's classic Wizard of Oz peek,
Like Dorothy, the public sees
Ways and means the Congress does sneak
Stuff with powers that be. Puhleeze!
These tricks have gone on through all time,
Republican and Democrat,
Both pull these fast ones short of crime,
Because of who and where they're at.
Today, thanks to the Internet,
The power outs can out the ins,
And we, the public, have outlet
To see and hear these Congress' sins.

Right now with tech transparency,
We peek at D.C. wizardry.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

One More Adaption

Alice in Wonderland goes on
With adaptions popping about,
Striving to embellish upon
What we can't seem to do without -
A world of nonsense fantasy
Where heroine or hero go
To share with us what it might be
To trip through what we'll never know.
Perhaps a new adaption could
Do a plot twist no longer strange.
The next trip to Wonderland would
Let Alice undergo a change.

How 'bout Albert in Wonderland?
Used to be Alice beforehand.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Funny Fizz Biz

Wifey was having an affair
With the seltzer man who would come
Delivering with pressured air,
Seltzer, before I got home from
Work. And he showed up each work day,
According to the bills I paid.
It was a constant seltzer spray.
At first I was a bit dismayed.
But then I got suspicious, so
I forced dear wifey to confess.
I could not let the fling just go,
And down her throat I dumped it - yes!

She gagged and could not catch her breath.
Seltzer choked dear wifey to death.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Hat Not

Ladies and gentlemen once wore
Headwear to show off to their world.
The wearer could be a big bore,
But as long as a hat was squirrelled
Upon the head fashionably,
Whoever would surely stand out.
But today anonymity
And casual are more about
The headwear styles that now are worn.
The once in hats share their outcomes.
Old fashioned hat styles now adorn
Mannequin heads in museums.

From the low class to the high bred,
The baseball cap now rules the head.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bod Bid

This cat is libertarian
Who believes adults can consent
To contract with their body span
To freely sell any segment,
With no gov at all butting in,
Forcing a nanny state of mind
Of "gov will take care of me" spin.
My own body is mine to bind
In sales to buyers; but beware
If reneg, I'll repo me back.
But so far so good, I do swear
All my sales are right on track.

In fact, my wide grin is all that
Is left of this here Cheshire Cat.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Beyond Rule

Obscene gestures of hand do not
Cause injury to future folk.
But Congress' spending habits got
A heap of hurt and that's no joke.
Yes, lots of us are suffering
From lots of economic plight.
But gross piggy bank "borrowing"
From our children is not right.
We have let Congress run amok.
Power hungry gotta stay ins,
It's time to stop here the binged buck,
And pay up for all our sins.

The gesture that's really obscene
Is Congress flipping us routine.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Be Four Coming

The youth of America knew
When the Beatles came to the States,
Their music and manner would do
A crashing of the old floodgates
That had kept the youth cushioned in
The shadow of the older set -
Depression to end, war to win.
Youth had no self destiny yet.
The Beatles gave youth its own form,
One that parents could not mold
Into the same old, same old norm.
Instead the youth grew Beatles bold.

The critics dismissed, "No! No! No!"
"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" the Beatles sang so.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Heat Meet

Washington D.C. is the place
Where a bunch of leaders do meet
To talk about a threat all face -
Nuclear terrorism heat.
Fissile material stock piles
Must not be allowed to go to
Al Qaeda and the like hostiles,
'Cause ka-boom is what they would do.
Yes, it's a threat the leaders know,
But no guarantees from the bunch.
Transparency is a no - show,
And then it happened during lunch.

A mushroom cloud above D.C.
Now how ironic would that be?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Sins of the Fathers

The abuse of children is sin,
And should be condemned by the God
That anybody believes in.
The Catholic Church does seem flawed,
Allowing mass child abuse crime
To be committed by its own
Over such a long span of time,
And only when caught did atone,
Mainly by paying cash that came
From ordinary folk who thought
That it would be spent in God's name
For good. Instead past sins were bought.

A sin for which there's no excuse.
Satan smiles at each child abuse.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


"New and improved" - all the brands say.
Razor companies know the pitch.
Always selling a better way
To scratch paydirt in shaver's itch.
How many more blades can they add?
As many as it takes it seems
To make the shaver wish he had
All scrape across his field of dreams.
Of course it comes with higher price,
Now master to the shaving slave,
With soothing spin to sure entice
That priceless is that closer shave.

Razor blade cartridges denote
A competition that's cutthroat.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Wave Watch

Tsunamis smashing into man,
As a disaster seem quite rare,
Here and there over time span.
Why do scientists really care?
In twenty ten, Chile was struck
By ocean waves after a quake.
It all just happened by bad luck.
What would have changed for heaven's sake,
Knowing in eighteen thirty five
A tsunami had also hit?
Would any dead still be alive,
Knowing that history tidbit?

Coastal Chileans knew the plan.
They felt the quake and then they ran.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Know the Ropes

I'm here for a job interview,
For a position with the town.
I'm very good at what I do.
I've got great interview skills down.
Sizing up the hire with a glance,
I go right into super sell,
That if I'm given just the chance,
It's satisfaction sure as hell.
I have references galore,
And success stories of my past.
A glass ceiling career before
I broke through to the top at last.

Hangmen mess up the kill too much.
The job needs this here lady's touch.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Tattle Tech

The smart home may be not so smart
If you value your privacy.
Your home may then become a part
Of big government's plan to be
Able to monitor you by
Tapping into your own high tech,
Having a constant ear and eye
Into your home life - what the heck!
Of course the next step will be then
For big gov to peek at much more,
To be in and under your skin,
Intrusion like never before.

Each new born baby gets tech plugged,
Until death is Big Brother bugged.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Good Humor Man

Abe Lincoln, while as President,
Endured a lot of tragedy -
What the Civil War did present,
And within his own family.
He kept so much of that inside,
And chose to tell stories instead,
Where his mind could be occupied,
Sharing humor that could be spread
To others, to give Lincoln pause
From all those thoughts of heavy note
To thoughts with a much lighter cause,
To ease the pain - an antidote.

So many stories Abe could tell.
The ones with humor served him well.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Going App

The smart phone keeps on getting "apps,"
"Apping" its way into my life,
With all sorts of new thinking caps
To ease my daily stress and strife.
With each new "app" I get a sense
That the smart phone has on its mind
To make more sure that it frequents
My attention to it, designed
To make me need it more and more.
I feel like it is training me
To count on it whatever for.
So just how "appy" should I be?

The smarter that the phone does get,
The more it treats me like a pet.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Comedy Syndrome

Having Down syndrome should not be
In and of itself for a joke.
But humans try to be funny
At the expense of other folk.
A person with Down syndrome should
Be able to be human too,
And tell a joke that's bad or good,
Because that's what we humans do.
And public persons oft are used
As punching bags for joke punch lines.
No doubt this ploy is oft abused.
Funny or not, we know the sign.

Those who are in the public eye
Must choose to outlaugh or outcry.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Book On

I come from a long, ready line.
The year eighteen seventy eight,
The family craft that is mine
Began and continues to date.
Starting out in New Haven town,
The family spread worth worldwide.
Fingered for info, then put down,
But through it all we serve with pride.
Though battered and then trashed for new
And younger more up to date kin,
And bashed for being un-green too,
It's my purpose through thick and thin.

As your new phone book, let me say
I'm here to flip through night and day.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Hurt Alert

Washing one's hands - a simple thing,
And proven to stave off disease.
But the main culprits neglecting
Hand health should know better - puleeze!
Adults and mainly the male breed
Do not scrub hands the way they should.
The nanny state can fill this need,
Making it law for public good,
That each one should get an implant
In each hand that would monitor,
And when nasties go on a rant,
One's unwashed hands would get real sore.

A jolt or two - one understands
That one should really wash one's hands.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher


You can call me P.B. for short.
I am a plastic bag by birth,
And not an eco-friendly sort,
Polluting all around the Earth.
But humans made me what I am,
Multi-tasking till tossed away
By humans who don't give a damn,
No matter what green hype they say.
My forced retirement does forbode
Of causing ill where I reside.
But what might get hurt down the road,
I am just along for the ride.

Why make any apology
For being the bag you made me.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Karl Rove has spun himself a book
About the Bush years inside peek.
No surprises - a so loyal look
At a Presidency of tweak
To make the boss look oh so good,
And all the bad mouths oh so bad,
To make the truth misunderstood
In any hype and any ad.
To justify whatever end,
To in Iraq or out a Plame,
To underhand and overspend,
And of course to divert the blame.

And so what does George Dubya say,
"Turd Blossom spins it all my way."

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

The Hole Thing

The Tiger Woods apology.
The world stopped its orbit fore hear.
The reviews a mixed bag to be.
The Tiger never dropped a tear.
The wife and kids were not on hand.
The mom looked teed off to be there.
The duffers do not understand
The need for naughties need to share.
The golf game will never re-know
The lift that Tiger gave the game.
The demigod hooked off his glow
The play by play putts on in shame.

The guy says, "Sorry, I was wrong."
The rounds of sorry play too long.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Add Color

We beings being color blind,
Because we're missing the right gene,
Have missed the sights that others find
In multi shades of red and green.
A science team chose me to test
A gene implant so that my brain
Could add these missing to the rest
Of colors. How - I can't explain.
But reds and greens I now enjoy.
So many things are green or red.
My favorites are food and toy.
To be a test, I'm glad I led.

Thanks to science, this monkey see
The world of reds and greens there be.