Sense Sonnets

Friday, April 30, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Booze and Lose

Research suggests that alcohol
Drank by women are less at risk
For obesity, but do call
For moderate drinking. Tsk Tsk.
What if the studies really found
That alcoholic women are
Unlikely to become fat bound,
But do not want to go so far
As to suggest that women could
Weigh pounds less by drinking booze more.
That would sure do more harm than good,
Except biz at the liquor store.

Be an alcoholic on wine,
And keep a real skinny waistline!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher


She died at age 75.
No one knew for over a week.
The last years while she was alive,
Sharing her life she did not seek.
The first black woman decades past
In South Carolina to be
A state legislator at last,
Education issues her key,
Neighbors, former colleagues and kin
Wonder if they should have done more.
But her life and death might have been
What she had freely chosen for.

Juanita Goggens froze to death,
At home alone in her last breath.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Smile Driven

I am smiling at simple things:
Cream swirling into my coffee,
Over my shoulder garbage flings,
12:34 the time I see,
New short cut find on my lap top,
After a new high score card game.
My day dreams of the beach won't stop,
My feet buried in waves that came.
I guess the plot twist - what a feat -
Of the song playing - it all makes sense.
The windshield wipers match the beat.
I drive my car into a fence.

The cop behind me for a while,
Gives me tickets and does not smile.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Let the Games Be$

NBC suits are digging out
'Neath a hard place at 30 Rock.
They really could care less no doubt
About some viewers mouthy talk.
The network needs Olympics to
Make the money powers less mad
About decisions stinkaroo
Like Leno's forth and back - both bad.
So what's best for viewers is not
Of prime concern for NBC.
Viewers are such a fickle lot,
Just pawns to play by big T.V.

Olympics ratings - super fine,
And that's the only bottom line.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bowling Green

My Super Bowl party is time
To set by example to friends
That being reponsible, I'm
Doing simple means to green ends.
Opting to use eco-friendly
Party products that don't pollute.
Whatever football teams there be,
For the environment I'll root.
Because if I don't do my part,
Along with the whole world o'er,
Polluting will be off the chart,
And party time will be no more.

My party for the Super Bowl
Wins for all with a green field goal.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

License to License

Politicians and bureaucrats
Know that raising taxes is apt
To cost some jobs of gov fat cats.
So another cash cow is tapped -
Licensing fees are revenues
That kind of slip by scrutiny.
Sold as public don'ts and do's,
More dollar signs all gov does see.
Taken to the furthest extreme,
We all will need license to do
Things now free or so it would seem,
Like exhaling that CO2.

Raising taxes will lose your vote -
Well, license fees will get your goat.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The Long and Short

The countless miles travelled behind,
Relatively few left to go,
But the sea ice ahead does bind
The ship from further sailing flow.
The destination of the ship,
Beyond reach in a frozen span,
The purpose of the entire trip,
Remains beyond the reach of man.
Above the ship, circles some birds,
Curious of the stuck ship's lot.
If they could speak - perhaps these words,
"We can reach there, where you cannot."

Such hopes and dreams built from years past
Are dashed apart in moments fast.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Hi Logo

Around the mag since nineteen ten,
The border a crisp yellow hue.
There for a hundred years it's been,
Unfaded as some yellows do.
Acorns and oak leaves once adorned,
But they all fell off over time.
I may suggest but might be scorned
That the yellow be changed to lime,
And that the corners be made round,
A softer, hipper mag to be.
So how do these suggestions sound,
Starting off the next century?

National Geographic - oh,
I knew not that was your logo!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Track Trip

The Obamacare train - toot toot.
You get on board or stay behind.
Pick one because the train's enroute.
The engineer is driving blind
Toward big government in control
Of health insurance for us all.
Lower health cost is the end goal,
But no one knows what ills may fall.
So passengers are charged no fare.
Some hear promises that are nice.
For or against Obamacare -
Nobody really knows the price.

The train has left the station, yes.
To rally or wreck - who can guess?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Wives and States of Sam

Sam Houston wed in Tennessee,
A much younger Eliza lass.
She did not love Sam, and so he
Let divorce and loss come to pass;
Then went alone to Arkansas.
Tiana of Cherokee blood
Wedded Sam, but she mostly saw
A drunken, fighting mately dud.
She saw him no more when Sam went
To Texas and to a new bride,
And Margaret was heaven sent,
A happy marriage till Sam died.

States of matrimonial lives
Changed with Sam and each of his wives.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Homegrown Extremist

A squirrel scampers through the fence,
And makes its way across the lawn.
Something about it is intense -
A mission it must carry on.
At times it stops and looks around
To check what may be lurking by
And then it goes in hop and bound,
Targeting in its rodent's eye,
Finally ending its mad chase
At the site of the beck and call,
To make its mark upon this place,
And pees upon the White House wall.

A federal building attack -
A right or left wing nut to crack?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

My Clutter

My Mom and Dad evicted me.
My boss gave to me the pink slip.
My lover said bye bye baby.
My best friend ended the friendship.
My bartender cut off my tab.
My bookie will not take my bets.
My cabbie locked doors to the cab.
My dog is not around for pets.
My lawyer said to go to jail.
My preacher said to jail ditto.
My bondsman would not give me bail.
My last dumper was my shadow.

My used to be count ons mutter,
My presence has become clutter.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Slow to Fast

I hear of positives to fast,
For trying to control my weight.
Much mindless eating in my past
Has led me to a fatter fate.
I ponder fasting ways and means.
There is the warrior diet way,
Eating little and mostly greens.
The Eat Stop Eat - on/off each day.
Periodic fasting could be
One day per month as the set goal.
Don't eat if I'm not hungry.
Fasting can be food for the soul.

To fast or not to fast - slow go.
My mind says yes, my body - no.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The clouds above the snow and ice
Say no to helicoptor flight.
Odds much worse than just throwing dice,
Of flying safely in sheer white.
Of course the impatience of man
Measured in hours of delay
Are blinks compared to nature's span,
Years in billions this weather's way.
Whatever's there that man does think
Is so important to be known,
Will still be there in one more blink,
If nature deems it to be shown.

Helicoptor interruptus -
Weather will ever make man cuss.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Norman Rockwell

Norman Rockwell could see within
All the human complexity,
Then show us all over again
Simplies of life for us to see.
A moment with someone we know,
To share but not intrude upon,
To feel a sense that somehow so,
All lives do touch and then move on.
Thank goodness Mr. Rockwell chose
Not to follow the artsy crowd.
He kept with common folk. It shows
In all his painting us all proud.

Norman Rockwell does illustrate
That simply life does captivate.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Scary Movie

Scary movies did always scare
Me so much that my heart would pound
So hard in the theatre there.
To not be fearful fleeing bound,
I thought in ways to soothe my mind,
That this was just a movie made
With watchers in front and behind.
A calm came and my fears did fade.
And now I watch these movies all
In this theatre where I dwell.
The time somehow has seemed to stall
Somewhere between heaven and hell.

I'm haunting here from long ago,
When stabbed to death watching "Psycho."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Cig Gig

The President may not keep count
Of the number of cigarettes
He smokes. Others track the amount.
Secret Service aids and abets
The bad habit by keeping mum
Details of the President's smoke,
Especially keeping it from
Mrs. Obama. It's no joke.
She wants the President to quit.
When the President's puffing's done,
The butt is guarded 'cause the spit
Can't be found by just anyone.

For national security,
Obama butts - top secrecy.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Mixed Results

Under Armour and Thinsulate,
Cold weather stuff for warmth to wear,
I'd heard that both were really great
Holding in body heat close there.
I decided to test it out,
And covered with both double laid,
In a freezer I walked about,
The fibers on me tickles made.
My giggles soon turned to chagrin.
I tried the door to no avail.
I'd managed to lock myself in.
I'd soon be toast from head to tail.

When I was found my face was blue,
My covered body was cooked through.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Un Don't

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell," a law to bar
Gays from openly serving in
The military, and so far
The law itself is the prime sin
Of politicians seeking to
Make big out of no big deal.
Just like the pols to ever screw
Around with how we humans feel.
Liberal or conservative,
Military life is about
Its own rules on live and let live.
Congress should defer and butt out.

Some Congress people tend to swerve.
Maybe only neutered should serve!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Penny Fine

Changing U.S. pennies into
A different design to sell,
Is against fed law to do.
So the I.R.S. would do well
To go after these many crooks,
And charge all with this heinous crime.
Full fines would go on the gov books,
Instead of having to serve time.
Rely on secret tattletales
To turn in those who'll have to pay
For blanking Lincoln to make sales.
Gov revenue - this is a way!

The penny should be worth a lot,
Fining defacers who are caught.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Lash - a - Lot

I used a drug that did enhance
My eyelashes to better bat,
So that I might have a better chance
To win in flirtatious combat.
At first the effect went so fine.
Fuller and darker lashes grew.
But then came a troublesome sign.
I could not see the lashes through.
Like curtains, I pulled them aside,
Seeing that my lashes had grown
Four feet long and my whole face wide.
It was a scary twilight zone.

I'm looking like a lash smash hit,
Like a cousin of Cousin It.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Learn from Bernie

Business lessons could be learned
From Bernie Madoff, who had goals -
Big ones in billions from those burned -
Customers raked over the coals.
But for years Bernie made them feel
He was going that extra mile.
Satisfaction was a big deal,
As Bernie gave them his big smile.
Bernie worked hard to cook the books,
Living in penthouse luxury,
Keeping eyes from too close of looks,
Caught when turned in by family.

Lessons can be learned whether taught
By saint or sinner - that's life's lot.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


The word "is" can cause a big stir
For politicians blamed about
This word. Huge fallout can occur.
A former President found out,
While attempting a lame defense,
That "is" could bite him on the butt,
As he played down frontal offense.
He still is stuck in the "is" rut.
So all politicians take heed
To check communications close,
That there is no mis "is" indeed.
Repercussions will be quite gross.

Deciding if and when "is" is
Is a must in politics biz.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Big blooper blooping by big gov
Is getting bigger, faster now.
The pols and bureaucrats do love
To make mass messes anyhow.
Bush, banks and Wall Street get the blame
For all the big gov stuff gone bad.
Keep Main Street guessing is the game.
Big gov just keeps on going mad.
America is on the rise -
Limping from ashes on tightwire.
And thanks to big gov gals and guys,
Heading straight into the next fire.

So - "It's not as bad as you think?"
But big gov acts on thoughts that stink!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Acupuncture is Latin for
A combo of needle and prick.
The needle opens up a door,
Through body skin to reach the sick,
Stagnated point where channel flow
Of yin and yang - blood/energy
Needs outside stimulation so
The body's balance is healthy.
There is no body pain and ill
That cannot be helped by this way.
It is much better than a pill,
No matter what the skeptics say.

Though a pin cushion I may be,
The pins bring better health to me.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Quantity Not Quality

I asked my doctor to prescribe
Chocolate to prevent a stroke.
Doc knows how I love to imbibe
And ingest it - no okey doke.
But just one piece a week Doc said
Woild be okay, but more would not.
So Doc gave me a shot instead
To make me regret it a lot
If chocolate I overate,
Truth serum would force me to tell
My wife - a very nasty fate.
She can lock me in living hell.

Chocolate - just one piece per week!
For a chocoholic - that's bleak!

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Reopened Wounds

My daughter had just killed my son.
They were teenagers at the time.
It happened while cleaning a gun.
Authorities said there's no crime.
We tried to put all that behind,
Give the benefit of the doubt,
Try silently not to remind
Of any questions still about.
The decades came, the decades went.
And now my daughter's been accused
Of mass murder - no accident.
Past and present killings have fused.

So long ago that tragedy
Returns again to torment me.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Fashion Passion

Celebs are showing off their wear
Along Hollywood's red carpet.
Joan Rivers tries to scoop them there,
But no words from the bright quartet.
River cooter turtle sports rug
Like ensemble of algae green.
Frills on Sacoglossan sea slug
Warn Joan not to disturb its scene.
Meridiastra ropa glows,
The sea star rises like the sun.
Oxalis polyphylla shows
Wood sorrel red leaves lacy spun.

Stunning creatures along the walk,
Mute to Joan Rivers, "Can we talk?"

Friday, April 02, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Treedom Threesome

The State of the Union address.
The President face to face with
The Supreme Court and the Congress
Speechifying some fact, some myth.
He scolds the Court for deciding
To let corporate cash elect
Anybody - right or left wing.
A no no Congress should correct,
And so the opposition can
Count on more input, real and deep,
Dealing with the Spocky chief man.
Some applaud, some frown, some sleep.

The three branches of government
Flap in a tree of discontent.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Sense Sonnet = Pumper

General MacArthur

The General with corn cob pipe,
Dashing Douglas MacArthur goes
With flair in most media hype,
Depicting him in hero pose.
Americans adore the myth,
Whether or not it fits the man.
The ways of war are savored with
This star who led the yes we can.
And when MacArthur left the scene,
His image held in time and place.
No further truth got in between,
As we saw hero in his face.

General MacArthur will be
Bigger than life in history.