Sense Sonnets

Friday, September 30, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Queen Eve

The Bible tells us Queen Eve be

A colorful character who

Plucked fruit from the forbidden tree,

The original sin to do.

Now, if God is all knowing, then

God should have known that Queen Eve had

Inclination to commit sin,

And turn good Adam into bad.

As punishment, Eve had to bear

The pain involved in new child birth.

Plus, fig leaves Queen Eve had to wear.

For Queen Eve this was hell on Earth.

Who can know what was on God's mind

When God created womankind?

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Maybe Today

Today it's global warming that

Is climate change that's most on mind,

Affecting the Earth habitat

And a threat to all humankind.

But those who've studied Earth of past

Know that the planet's on a spin.

The current angle will not last,

And will tilt and cause to begin

The next cycle that will unfold,

May go on for millions of years.

The change will turn the Earth to cold,

Could happen any time, are fears.

Maybe today comes the first stage

Of Earth returned to an ice age.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


On a motorbike, monkeys two

Cross the border every week.

And each time the border guards do

A search for smuggled stuff to seek.

Both the monkeys are searched each time,

All their possessions searched also,

But never clue of any crimes,

Guards have to let the monkeys go.

The two monkeys are smuggling, yes,

But never give a hint or tip.

And so the guards do never guess

What is being smuggled each trip.

The monkeys laugh as they drive by.

They're smuggling motorbikes is why.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Hero

A Walter Mitty wannabe,

I like fantasy more than fact.

A real life hero's not for me,

A much too iffy role to act.

To be the one to bring world peace,

To discover cures for ills all,

My heroism does not cease,

Always at my beckoning call.

I guess real heroes do exist.

I hear about them on the news.

But searching for them I resist.

Reality just clouds my views.

No real hero for me to find,

I am always one in my mind.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Welcome Hare

I am a rabbit carved in stone,

Sitting outside this nice home's door.

For bringing here good luck I'm known,

As I sit here on this porch floor.

The family that lives inside

Moved in and found me here one day.

At first was just the groom and bride.

Then soon children did come this way.

I've watched so many come and go

Through times of joy, times of sorrow.

I welcome all today and know

I will welcome all tomorrow.

A welcomer be this rabbit.

Wiping feet is a good habit.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Who Knew!

I was waiter for the back room

Of the restaurant where I worked,

Normally big tips to consume

By customers so I felt perked.

It was taken by 13 guys,

Table for 26 supplied,

But soon the math was no surprise,

All chose to sit on the same side.

A lot of bread and wine was had,

With blessings on each sip and bite.

All of the guys did seem quite sad.

All in all 'twas not a good night.

This Last Supper all ate a lot,

But not a single tip I got.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Pre Prey

I think the car's just out of gas,

So glad to see someone sees me.

He's a young guy who did not pass,

Walks up and asks me politely

If he can help and so I ask

If he has got any gas to spare.

He says that is an easy task,

And siphons out some gas to share.

I thank him and I ask his name.

He tells me and a smile he shows.

I am just lucky that he came,

Then in his car and off he goes.

Before time women became prey,

Ted Bundy simply drove away.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Fox and the Rooster

A fox did grab a rooster at

The farmer's farm and ran away

From the chicken coop habitat,

Fox predator and rooster prey.

The farmer's dogs went in pursuit,

And with the farmer close behind.

The rooster begged the fox to scoot

Faster with a sly plan in mind,

"Bad this farmer has been to me."

"I'll stay with you," the rooster said.

Open mouthed shocked the fox did be,

And to safety the rooster sped.

This Aesop fable moral is

A rooster's tricky at fox biz.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The Colosseum I am called.

For centuries in Rome I've stood.

First audiences were enthralled

With fight to the death games that would

Be the main entertainment for

How to spend an entire fun day,

Attended by both rich and poor.

But then Rome's empire fell away.

Some bad earthquakes did take their toll,

And folks stole lots of my loose stone.

Gone were all my glory days role,

But then a new lease on life shone.

A tourist attraction today,

With dif'rent kinds of games to play.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Busy Host

I am a passion flower that

Does grow in southeastern Brazil,

Impassioned in my habitat

My pollen spreading to fulfill.

I produce nectar night and day.

Daytime I host the butterflies.

Nighttime the bats do fly my way.

So sun does set and sun does rise,

Busily I do entertain,

Giving free nectar to each guest

Choosing to land in my domain,

Taking pollen at my request.

Both bats and butterflies I host,

So my pollen may spread the most.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I was brought up to not show pain

No matter what the time or place.

No advantage should others gain

By showing weakness on my face.

But sometimes I feel pain so great,

And my mind does get caught off guard,

My body does not hesitate.

My eyes begin to well up hard.

I try to think the tears away.

But those damn ducts do not mind me.

My weakness is on full display.

My mouth might cover up maybe!

I try to mask it with a smile,

But tears keeping falling all the while.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Each and every day I live,

Changes do happen all about.

Each change can be a take or give.

I have some choice on this no doubt.

I can be changed by something bad.

I can be changed by something good.

So many changes I have had,

But through them all I have withstood

The temptation to feel that I 

Could somehow simply rearrange

My future so as to supply

Only a guaranteed good change.

I need the wisdom to know of

Changes in me should be for love.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 One Frustrated Bird

I am a young sexy male bird who

Figures I have a real good chance

With my feathers of rainbow hue

And my terrific song and dance,

Of getting a fine female that,

Thanks to a hopeful twist of fate,

Happens into my habitat,

And agrees to become my mate.

But so far I have only had

Other male birds come flying by,

And I'm getting more and more mad.

Where are the gal birds for this guy?

Repeatedly I loudly say

I'm rainbow hued but I'm not gay!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Know the Child Within

All children of God, we be born.

Too many times a child does die

So very young and all do mourn,

And tend to ask the question why?

But each such child is assured that

A place in heaven does await

As an eternal habitat,

Having suffered an earthly fate.

The rest of us who leave childhood

And grow to be adults to know

A child's humility be good

If heaven's where we want to go.

Jesus did say for all to know

Only childlike to heaven go.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Passing By

Sunflowers sun all knowing that

Their summertime is passing fast.

When fall comes to their habitat,

They too will fall and will not last.

And so they make the most of each

Sunny summer day shining on

Their happy faces stretched to reach

Sunlight they love before they're gone.

And on each day the sun does track

Its journey made across the sky.

The sunflowers all do wave back

To thank the sun for passing by.

Sunflowers watch each setting sun

And wonder is this their last one?

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Hunting in the woods I became

Disoriented as to where

I was or which way I should aim

On trying to get out of there.

I sat and pondered what to do.

I needed someone to help me.

What strategy should I pursue

That maybe aid would come to be?

And then a thought came, I could shoot

Shots in the air that might be heard.

And so I did this in pursuit,

But no forthcoming help occurred.

Disorientation - still got,

And all my arrows I have shot.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Do Good

Do good for others I was taught.

I think I do know what good is,

And do it for others a lot.

Some tell me to mind my own biz.

Of course I do not take that clue

Too seriously as I know

That doing all the good I do

Really helps others even though

Those others don't appreciate

The good that I do do for them.

I simply see it as my fate,

When I do good, others condemn.

A do gooder others call me,

And not meant complimentary.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Smile

My smile was what you said did be

The main reason you stopped to look

If there was any chance with me.

You read me like an open book.

Right from the git go I told you

I was a ticking time bomb that

Would smile a lot before I blew.

But you were so convincing at

Making me think maybe we two

Could free me from my danger zone.

But together, and soon I knew

You need go and leave me alone.

I will see you off with a smile,

And think about you for a while.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Drum Roll

Beginning of a new school year,

It's practice for the high school band.

My boom boom beats the neighbors hear.

I be a bass drum big and grand.

A drummer girl this year does be

My companion as up and down

The band including her and me

Sound the pride in our home town.

We practice at an early time,

Before beginning of school day.

Some complaining call it a crime,

But most enjoy hearing us play.

Early morn up and down the street,

A boom boom wake up call I beat.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


My name's Marissa, Amish girl,

Riding in a buggy one day.

A crash sent me in fatal hurl.

My spirit decided to stay.

I found my way into a doll

Who kind of looked a lot like me,

With bright blue eyes to watch who all

Might just become my family.

And a new family I got

Thanks to a eBay haunted ad.

Sometimes I move around a lot,

But unlike Chuckie I'm not bad.

And now I note in place and time,

I'm being featured in some rhyme.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Morning Blooming

I feel the rays of rising sun

Upon my petals warm and bright.

This flower feels a chosen one

Receiving the gift of sunlight.

Another night has come and gone,

A time to spend in restful state,

When quiet darkness falls upon.

But I sure do appreciate

When I sense morning drawing near,

The dawning of another day.

I blossom out in renewed cheer,

So grateful this is nature's way.

Fresh time for my morn to begin,

As lots of dewdrops do drop in.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Painting to Doom

The planet Earth a canvas be

Upon which humans ever paint

In a constant pollution spree,

All land, water and air to taint.

The powerful tell powerless

Not to paint pollution so much.

But who is painting the most - guess!

Elite pollute all that they touch,

But then point their fingers to blame

Deterioration of Earth

On ev'rybody else with aim,

Make future worthless for now worth.

Masks worn will only delay death.

We'll paint till that last gasping breath.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Hold That Question

I'm  asked what now is on my mind,

And I do feel the pressure on.

I'm never sure what I will find

With my thinking phenomenon.

Will I find something so profound

That I am really proud to share?

Or be trivial pursuit bound,

The usual on my mind there?

Good news is that I do not need

To really answer this right now.

I can take some time to indeed

Try to make my mind mind somehow.

What's on my mind now? I am asked,

And suddenly I'm overtasked.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Party Animal

When I entered the banquet hall,

I could tell it was gonna be

A soup to nuts chow down for all.

And dressed from head to toe was me,

In the finest fur that I had.

The wait staff were too busy to

Notice me, and so I was glad

To table hop and stop to chew

Tasty stuff already laid out.

From nose to tail I made my way

To every table no doubt.

Then I chose to call it a day.

All in all, a fine shin dig whirl

For this pre party crashing squirrel.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Nap Time

September sunny afternoon,

Lunch soup and sandwiches we've had.

Taking a nap seems opportune

Priority now, and we're glad

That we've set up some hammocking,

Where we can watch the tree leaves turn,

And listen to the song birds sing.

These simple treasures we still yearn.

So each of us do settle in

Each hammock in a gentle sway,

Another journey to begin,

A short nap this September day.

This autumn life we love to share,

No matter how or when or where.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Visible to Who?

The sun has always been in sight

Since life on Earth came forth to see.

When humans at first saw sunlight,

Sun was worshipped as deity.

But over time other gods got

More important in human mind.

Science studied the sun a lot,

As more evolved got humankind.

Humans now seem to be about

To make solar energy prime

Source of power, but there's some doubt

If humans on Earth have much time.

Still visible will be the sun,

Whatever Earth has gone and done.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Become Light

Too often the child is cast in

A world of darkness all around,

Forced to live with old hate and sin,

No glimmer of hope to be found.

Hard walls do hold the child in tight.

There's little chance the child will be

Ever able to find the light.

The child lives the reality

That even if the child should live

Somehow to reach an adulthood.

However can the child forgive

A growing up with nothing good?

Sometimes the child can find the will

To become light that does fulfill.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Fallen Lady

It happened in the dead of night.

Next morning all could see she fell.

A mix of puzzlement and fright.

What happened? None could or would tell.

Natural disaster maybe?

Slow erosion or quick earthquake?

Or terrorist activity?

Political statement to make?

Investigations underway,

The list of suspects would expand.

Mystery solved perhaps some day.

But would she ever again stand?

Underwater she now does be,

Fallen Statue of Liberty.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 No Bull

My daughter begged that I did hire

This young and sexy cowboy who

Did set my daughter's heart on fire.

So what is a Momma to do?

He did have experience that

Should make him a real good ranch hand,

But not my ranch house habitat

Where my daughter could heat her brand.

One day my daughter would be heir

To this my million acre spread.

But till then my maternal care

Would reign her in till I am dead.

To a four month roundup he did go.

Not my first time at this rodeo.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Re Beep

BEEP - This is the Road Runner here,

Calling for Wile E. Coyote.

Betcha didn't expect to hear

More than just a "Beep Beep" from me.

Just calling to let you know that

I get a kick when you screw up,

Chasing me through the habitat

Of the Loony Tunes desert, yup!

We should tell the studio suits

It's time for a blockbuster 'toon.

In now are nostalgia tributes.

I hope to hear back from you soon.

Might as well try it - what the 'bleep'!

New generation waits, Beep Beep.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Grab the Moment

Mr. and Mrs. Prairie Dog

Share some quality time alone,

Back and forth barking dialog,

Both have an optimistic tone.

All their kids are off in Dog Town,

Visiting the neighbors so that

It is a chance to burrow down

In all to themselves habitat.

Mr. gives Mrs. a cheek kiss

To further get her in the mood

For time and place of a short bliss,

And none of the kids will intrude.

With all their kids awhile away,

Mom and Dad get a chance to play.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Year 2020

The Chinese Zodiac each year

Does name an animal to be

For the humans, good or bad cheer

In varied commonality.

The year 2020 turned out

To be a year humans holed up,

Scared of other humans no doubt,

Mainly went out just for food, yup,

Lots of infection transmission,

A plague upon the humankind.

All were glad when the year was done.

What animal may come to mind?

The Chinese Zodiac said that

2020 - year of the rat.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Three Way Wet

Swimming was one of summer joys.

Down to the nearby creek we'd go,

The three of us neighborhood boys,

A splishing, splashing water show.

Sisters and other girls were not

Allowed to be a part of this.

They never seemed to care a lot,

And left us alone in wet bliss.

Our folks did not seem to mind.

How much trouble could we get in?

We were innocent fun inclined,

Water on ev'ry inch of skin.

Taking a formal bath, no way,

But we'd go swimming any day.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 We Sway

We the People like puppets sway

On strings held by powers that be

To contest issues of the day,

So we will believe mindlessly.

Oh, the powers make it all sound

That We have best of circumstance

So long as We just sway around,

Believing same old song and dance.

And more and more We have less choice,

But dance to songs powerful sings,

We People puppets losing voice,

Swaying back and forth on the strings.

The powers that be puppeteers

Hope We just sway to lies and fears.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Matter of Taste

A young bee left the hive for first

Time out alone to buzz around,

Flew to a flower to quench thirst,

And then met a fly who was bound

To find something it liked to eat,

And flowers did not be that source.

So the bee thought of honey sweet,

And told the fly 'bout it of course,

Then offered to take the fly to

The bee hive for some honey taste.

The fly said no thanks, and then flew

Off to find some freshly dumped waste.

A fly might like honey, but sure

Does like a lot better - manure.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Flipped My Lid

I went to a Starbucks and did

Order some coffee which I got.

Walking away, off popped the lid.

I felt pain from spilt coffee hot.

Of course I felt this cause to sue

Starbucks for having a lid flaw.

Dream of getting Starbucks bucks grew,

Surely must be some broken law.

To court goes my coffee lid case,

The legal issues to discuss.

But  all too brief in time and place

My dream case is deemed frivolous.

My case is thrown out, gavel pounds.

The judge says that I have no grounds.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Lost Dreams

We had those dreams we used to share.

But from your attitude it seems

You've lost your willingness to care

Of the love once with our dreams.

You say you want your freedom and

You've said it enough to exhaust

Me, though I cannot understand

Commitment that somehow you lost.

But I'm not gonna beg you to

Stay together with me, so go.

But let me tell this truth to you,

Regrets of this you'll come to know.

The dreams I thought we shared before,

Those dreams we don't share anymore.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 As Wood Be

I grew to be a mighty tree,

And in the forest I did dwell.

A rapid river flowed by me.

But then my time came and I fell.

Into the river I did fall,

The rocks and waters all around.

I still had leaves and still was tall.

But longer I've laid here I've found

Slowly I'm being washed away.

Not much of me does still remain.

Parts of me go with ev'ry spray.

But this what's nature does ordain.

River white watered dialog

'Twixt and 'tween us, this old dead log.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 A Nocturnal Connection

The Eiffel Tower towers tall,

Illuminated in the night,

A golden hue now to enthrall

This passerby who catches sight,

As across River Seine I stand

To take a pause in my return

To the hotel for dinner planned.

I have some time in my sojourn,

This beauty to appreciate,

That she's stood here for so long for

The joys and sorrows of past fate,

And will stand here for many more.

"La Dame de Fer" forever be

The shining spirit of Paree.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Imperceptible is a word

As prompt in a poem contest

Not often daily seen or heard.

The definition as I'd guessed

Was "not perceptible" too much.

So I did try hard to perceive

Whether I could get in true touch

With some perception to achieve.

So as I do lots of the time,

I just pretend to understand

Whatever the reason and rhyme,

The word does look and sound so grand.

The imperceptible somehow 

Has become perceptible now.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Queen Elizabeth II

You were thrust upon the world scene.

Young when your father, the King, died.

For seventy years you reigned Queen.

With pure sense of duty and pride

For the United Kingdom, you

Reigned as the decades did unfold.

You were the lady we watched who

We grew up with from young to old,

And ever with your loving smile

To reassure the whole world of

Your being with us all the while,

Giving us your maternal love.

Your journey now with us does cease.

Elizabeth please rest in peace.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Magic Summer

Every summertime does be

A time for magic to resume.

Participants in destiny

'Twixt and 'tween butterfly and bloom.

The flowers compete for the chance

To give the sight and scent that will

Bring butterflies about to dance,

Mutual desires to fulfill.

The flowers give their nectar in

Return for the butterflies to

Spread the flowers' pollen - win, win.

That's the magic that summers do.

Summer magic phenomenon

Till butterflies and blooms be gone.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Panther Outcast

The panther, a ferocious beast,

Is feared and respected by all.

For me that seriousness ceased

When years ago I got the call

To be the icon for a show

About the solving of high crime

By bumbling detective Clouseau.

It all got to me over time.

Other panthers made fun of me.

An alcoholic I became.

A park bench was my home to be.

I was a victim of my fame.

If you were me you too would drink,

Cast as a panther colored pink.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Me and My Shadow

I'm walking down a quiet street.

The sun is setting in the west.

My shadow stretches from my feet,

Far down the walk as though in quest

Of getting to the car before

Me as though we are in a race

The sun dared when we left the store.

Though behind, I keep up the pace.

I see ahead a dog run toward

Me and no human is around.

A dragging leash can't be ignored.

The eager pup at me does bound.

The shadow of the pooch does pee

On my shadow, the pooch on me.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Morning Walk

I take a morning walk in fog.

Around the meadow I do go,

Walking long the fence of log,

Nearing familiar sights to show.

And now an old friend I do see,

Across the fence on neighbor's land.

I think it's a river birch tree.

Always so graceful it does stand,

Its branches waving in the breeze.

I feel it deems me as a friend,

And approaching it guarantees

My morning walk's close to an end.

It is a lovely morning roam,

Some time away, then back to home.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Next Pandemic?

Zombie apocalypse for real,

Not just another fiction thing.

Around the world, it's a big deal,

An oops - let loose some virusing.

Best buddy John and I agreed

That when our families were

All turned into zombies indeed,

We'd meet up in the woods for sure.

The two of us did make a pact

To be together at the end.

John nears and I know for a fact,

I've now got a zombie best friend.

On me I let buddy John chew,

Cuz that's what a best friend does do.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Peace Found in Alaska

The call of the wild did call me

To Alaska alone to roam.

I needed time and place to be

Away from you, away from home.

Mt. Denali beckoned me to

Come her direction, so I went.

Her beauty let me forget you,

And all your lies that only meant

Those lies from you would never cease,

The same old, same old song and dance.

From you I never could find peace.

In Alaska I have that chance.

In Alaska I roamed alone,

And found a peace to call my own.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Young Lovers

Young lovers meet in secrecy,

In darkest, latest time of night.

The couple feel it's meant to be

To bring about their shared delight.

Their families don't understand

This full and pure commitment of 

The yearns of youth the old have banned.

This young couple have found true love,

So they shall continue to do

What they must do to share their bliss,

To treasure night time rendezvous

To end with a till next time kiss.

Secret young love to have to hold,

To hide from them who are too old.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Froggie Fab Four

The Four Croakers do get all set.

The four frogs hop upon their bike

To spin their barbershop quartet,

And pedal their pitch down the pike.

A lengthy tour this one is,

A lot of time spent on the road,

But that's just the way of show biz,

Cannot be a stay at home toad.

Upon the bike the foursome sing

Old favorites to please the crowd.

Frog arms do wave, frog legs do swing.

Oh, Momma frog would be so proud.

Hitting the high and the low note,

Croaking the four frogs in the throat.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Play "Un Sospiro" for Me

Year two thousand eleven came

The movie, "The Green Hornet," with

Green Hornet and Kato of fame,

Two long time crimefighters of myth.

In this movie, part of the plot,

A love triangle 'twixt and 'tween

G.H., Kato and Lenore, hot.

To gain more favor, in one scene

Un Sospiro by Liszt is played

By Kato to enchant Lenore.

Some big points by Kato are made,

Leaving G.H. to feel real sore.

How did this love triangle come out?

"The Green Hornet" sequel's still in doubt.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher


This Raven fly by nighter be

A lady of the ev'ning who

Seduces men paying for me

To do the wicked deeds I do.

I have my youth and beauty still,

But dread growing old doing this,

Using my cold robotic skill

To feed those hungry men to bliss.

I have the wings to fly away,

To find a better life somewhere.

But I have hopelessness, so stay

Within my night cage of despair.

Each morn, regret of night before,

And quoth this Raven, "Nevermore."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Violet Ground Beetle

A violet ground beetle bug,

Nocturnal garden bug I be

Busy eating many a slug,

Quite a pest buster that is me.

During the day I can be found

Under a leaf, a log, a stone,

Whatever's handy that's around

When I am in my resting zone.

I sport a bright violet sheen

Causing me to shine in the light,

So move careful 'twixt and 'tween,

Avoiding predators of night.

If you see me, don't pick me up,

Cuz I will give you a bite, yup.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


When I was young and loved to eat

New stuff cuz I was never shy.

One holiday season a treat,

Shrimp cocktail sure did catch my eye.

In a sauce sugar sweet and so

I snapped it from the waiter's tray.

Lips smacked and in my mouth did go

To mix with my saliva, hey,

I thought this hors d'oeuvre tasted great,

Chewed, swallowed, but then did begin

My body in an itchy state.

Doc said that I was all itchish

Cuz was allergic to shellfish.


Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Northern Spotted Owls

The northern spotted owls do keep

Together all their lives to mate

In Pacific Northwest woods deep,

With awareness of their kind's fate

That only a few still exist.

There used to be so many there.

But this pair of owls do persist

To tend the nest the two do share,

Where they do rest during the day.

But active through the night they be,

Out on the hunt for the small prey

To take care of their family.

The owls instinctively know of

The feeling the humans call love.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 No Hunting

The old man and the old dog sit,

Giving each other a sad stare.

Should be hunting, but truth of it,

The old man's broken arm needs care.

The doc did put it in a cast,

And said the old man needed rest.

Healing takes longer than in past.

The old man knows the doc knows best.

The old man talks with the old dog

Of how hunting will have to wait.

It is a somber dialog.

No hunting is a woeful fate.

The old man and the old dog stay

At home with no hunting today.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Wyoming Indian Paintbrush

Wyoming Indian Paintbrush,

The state wild flower blooming bright

Across the western landscape lush,

Red, orange and yellow blooms a sight

To behold when do catch the eye

Of travelers who do luck out

And happen to be passing by,

To brighten up the day no doubt.

Native American tribes do

Use this plant for good medicine,

Containing healing powers to

Restore a body out and in.

Mountains, valleys, plains be spanned,

Wild blooms across Wyoming land.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Some bears begin to sniff the air.

Something is descending upon.

Some butterflies are flying there.

The bears wonder what's going on.

The butterflies do dance about

All of the bears who stand up tall.

A let's come together no doubt

That nature's brought for one and all.

Cuz bears and butterflies don't do

Too much connecting 'twixt and 'tween.

This is a special rendezvous

With all participants serene.

Blue butterflies and brown bears be

In time, in place, in harmony. 

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Wedding Gift

I caught my spouse cheating on me.

The two of us got a divorce.

Soon afterward it came to be

My ex did announce in due course

Upcoming marriage to guess who!

The cheating couple to be wed.

I got an invitation to

The ceremony, but instead

I R.S.V.P.ed that I would

Not be attending their event.

I guess my ex thought this was good

To give me cause for resentment.

I sent them a wedding gift though -

Ex and my wedding video.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Annie Turns 14 - LP Zoo

Annie's a pygmy hippo who

Has got a 14th birthday that,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Has her pumped in her habitat.

Of course the keeper card was nice,

But Annie is more thrilled about

Her carrot candled cake in ice,

An Annie fav without a doubt.

Annie's boyfriend Pogo is not

At Annie's party because he

Knows she prefers alone a lot,

So he respects her privacy.

Annie, Happy 14th Birthday,

Have a hippo hippo hooray.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Stars Lesson

I remember when three years old,

A painter left a ladder out.

After supper, feeling quite bold

And on a mission without a doubt,

I told Mom I would sure climb up

That ladder to the stars above,

And put some in my pockets, yup,

And bring back down for Mom with love.

And Mom looked at me with a smile,

And gently took hold of my hand.

We looked at the stars for a while.

Mom tried to make me understand.

Mom told me it was nature's way,

Up in the night sky, stars should stay.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Tongue Time - LP Zoo

I am Luigi, the sloth, who

Knows exactly what time it is

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

So where are you keepers? Gee Whiz!

It's time for me to be hand fed

Some tasty snack like lettuce that,

When ev'rything is done and said,

Feels so good in my habitat'

I know you're busy keepers, but

This is your task that's super prime,

And should not be tardied, tut, tut.

It's of essence to be on time.

Hey keeper, if there's any doubt,

It's time for snacks, my tongue is out.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Sometimes a kid's party can be

A quite emotional event

Even for a grown up like me.

And that's the way this party went

When I was asked to cut the cake,

A cute Nemo look a like theme,

A cut of mouth end I did make.

There was dead silence, it did seem

I'd caused the watching kids to freeze.

A lot of them began to cry.

I felt like a big piece of sleaze.

The party mood had gone bye bye.

The rest of the party I missed.

I went to see my therapist.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Unique Desire

SWAT! One more mosquito  now is

Not gonna be buzzing about,

Looking to do blood sucking biz

On my exposed skin that is out.

Each time a mosquito shows up,

I ask what nature had in mind

Creating this worthless bug, yup,

To all the rest of creature kind.

When a mosquito comes to life

What are the thoughts that it does think?

Why does it target me for strife?

Why pick me and my blood to drink?

For a day a mosquito be,

That's a unique desire for me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Bongo by the Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge does beckon me

To beat my bongo drums each day.

Best audience the bridge does be.

It's always there to hear me play.

The people, they do come and go,

But the Brooklyn Bridge, a sure thing,

To always be there when I show

Daily to do my bongoing.

When on the Bridge, traffic I see,

But no one near me is around,

I do feel a tinge of envy,

No one's listening to my sound.

Unlike the Bridge, quite pleased I am

When traffic upon me does jam.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Complex Thinking

He was the best thing in my life.

We met when each was still a teen.

For two years I've been a good wife,

But it's complex now 'twixt and 'tween.

I need him like water I think.

But he just fills me up with thirst,

And never shares himself to drink,

And leaves me feeling I'm the worst.

I think he thinks that I'm alright.

That leaves me thinking I'm all wrong,

And makes me think that he just might

Be leaving me before too long.

I wear his underwear but he

I think is worn out over me.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


I opened up my back door and

This huge snake was all coiled up there.

I went and got my gun in hand.

That snake gave me an ugly stare,

And was hissing in a mad way.

I aimed and shot that hissing head.

Snake head flew, snake body did stay.

So, sure looked like that snake was dead.

But then what happened next did be

Amazing, two snake heads popped out

That body and both stared at me,

Hissing a lot harder no doubt.

The hydra I had read of lore

Is two headed through my back door.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 By Accident

Did you leave me? Did I leave you?

Whatever leaving was about,

Leaving was the wrong thing to do.

We should be together no doubt.

You found someone, I found someone.

With these someone's, we still dream of

That perfect bond that was begun

When the two of us fell in love.

We left us, but we can return

To each other before too late.

Let's let the someone else's learn

That they were accidents of fate.

What about you? What about me?

Together's what we need to be.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Drop In

I was just sitting in a tree,

When suddenly a breeze did blow,

And off the limb went falling me.

Down in a flower I did go.

Bright hues of yellow, orange and red,

The flower's colors matched my eyes.

That tree above could wait, instead

I'd wait a while to see if flies

Flew to the flowers so I could

Have lunch, I asked the flower if

My staying a while would be good.

The flower stayed silently stiff.

I tried to have a dialog.

I guess this flower can't speak frog.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Science Experiment

They set up an experiment

To study a brand new life form

That had happened by accident,

Trying a theory out of norm,

Using an enhanced microscope

To watch a single molecule

Evolve over time with the hope

Such a study could bring the school

Lots of praise and prestige for them.

But failed this life form did become.

The powers that be did condemn.

More they studied, more they looked dumb.

Human experiment no doubt

Had over time just not worked out.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Follow Her

She and I are taking a walk.

I like being alone with her,

Gives us plenty of time to talk.

She keeps my attention for sure.

We come to the edge of a brook.

She wants us to wade across it.

Gently flowing, it does not look

Too difficult, I must admit.

Off come her shoes, in go her toes,

Before I have a chance to say

Anything either yeas or noes.

Of course she always gets her way.

She does turn around, knowing I'll

Always follow her and her smile.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Letter to Pope John Paul II

Dear Pope John Paul the Second, I

Am guessing as a saint you now

Are in heaven, and I ask why

As the Pope you did not somehow

Know and do a lot more about

The child abuse long going on

In the Catholic Church, no doubt.

Surely you could have called upon

The powers of heaven and earth

To protect the children who be

The innocent of highest worth.

You could have acted more saintly.

If you knew of this child abuse,

Have you given God some excuse?

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Insatiable Mae

Insatiable lady, Mae West,

Had an appetite for young men,

And often times was heard to jest

Better she got the more she'd sin.

A legend on the stage and screen

O'er a seven decade career,

Collected young men 'twixt and 'tween,

A mistress meant to domineer.

Long commitment, not her intent,

She did not want a Mr. Right.

The young men came, the young men went,

Charmed to fulfill her appetite.

Many a young man the entre

To be feasted upon by Mae.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Waiting for My Man

From September last year I did

Nothing else but wait for a man.

Woman friends said I'd flipped my lid

To continue in this time span.

But hey, my husband is my life.

I'm sure he will come back some day.

And so I'll wait like a good wife.

It's just a phase, him being gay.

I know he told me he was gone,

And that I should get a divorce.

But I will just keep waiting on

His return to me in due course.

Maybe, maybe not he'll appear.

I'll wait till September next year.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Solving Night

So mysterious is the night

When comes that time when night does fall.

It's harder to see with less light,

And a darkness does cover all.

But I do keep an open mind,

That for me this is time and place

To venture forth and I may find

The wonders brought in the night's grace.

And so the hours I do spend

Embracing all that night does give.

I let the night become my friend,

And be worthwhile through which to live.

The longer in the night I be,

No longer mystery for me.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Wiener Takes First Place

The wiener dog died of old age,

Leaving her loving family,

The home for years she did engage

In letting know who the boss be.

Heaven is now her time and place.

She gets a tour and then is

Standing before God face to face.

God continues welcoming biz,

Sitting upon a golden throne.

The wiener dog does jump onto

God's lap into a curl up zone.

God seems unsure of what to do.

This wiener dog does not retreat,

"I believe you are in my seat."

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Over and Over

Here we are in a hotel bar.

A few drinks each and we assume

The families way off and far

Will never know we got a room

Upstairs to let those urges out

Of exploring each other's flesh,

To savor the moment no doubt,

Two eager bodies to enmesh,

Heated up in impassioned sweats.

A few hours of games to play,

Then waking up with the regrets

Of a sobering up Sunday.

The Saturday one night stand must

Be most done over done in lust.

Friday, September 09, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


When the Irving family came

To a farm on the Isle of Man

In the '30's, it was my aim

To follow a different plan

As a poltergeist to help them,

Not like other poltergeists who

Seem to just want to cause mayhem.

A talking mongoose, I did do

All kinds of helpful this and that

For the Irving's, welcomed I be

To share their farmhouse habitat.

My name is Gef, so Google me.

When the family were all gone,

It was time for me to move on.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 This Crane Disdain

Called blue cranes by the humans who

Really don't know their colors well.

We're really more gray than blue.

Humans are dumb, so we don't tell.

In mating season he's and she's

Get together then break in pairs,

With dancing 'twixt and 'tween to please,

But kept amongst us birds affairs.

We don't like interference from

Those nosy humans, gal or guy,

Cuz like we said, humans are dumb.

Some human now noses nearby.

If that human gets too close, yup,

We're gonna charge and chew him up.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Nose Chose

Pups, my puppy dog, and I do

Open the window and gaze out

To a sunny day, sky so blue,

And lots of fresh air all about.

We cannot leave the house right now.

Breakfast's about ready to eat,

Bacon and eggs and puppy chow.

But afterward a walk we'll greet.

A purple and white butterfly

Does flutter near to Pups it goes,

After choosing to pass me by.

The butterfly lands on Pups nose.

On salt, butterflies like to dine.

Pups nose is saltier than mine.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 The Streetwalker

The streetwalker was new to town.

She'd met her pimp at the depot.

Soon she was walking up and down

The streets where johns did come and go.

Still in her teens she did provide

A piece of fresh new meat to be

Quickly picked up to take a ride,

Once the driver paid the high fee.

She walked the streets last Friday night,

And was picked up by someone who

Caused her to disappear from sight.

No more street walking would she do.

The streets she walked did never tell

That she was dragged down into hell.

Thursday, September 08, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The Sultans of Swing swung on down

To make some music history

In a pub in south London town,

Top of the chart band wannabe.

The little Dixieland jazz band

Struggled to make their music sound

Macho so boys could understand

This message be the best around.

At last the pub told the band guys

That a change needed to be made.

And so it came as no surprise,

Changes happened and the band stayed.

Soon after a transitioning,

Renamed the Sultanettes of Swing.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Says "An admirer is too shy"

"To greet you" are words that come out

Of a fortune cookie that I

Had seen come out before no doubt.

In fact this same fortune a lot,

When I order take out Chinese,

Shows up in the cookie I got,

But not within parentheses.

I Google but no one comes up

Getting the credit for this quote.

Maybe some cookie machine, yup,

With a quota to sugarcoat.

My greatest admirer does be

Myself and not shy to greet me.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Ilse Koch

Ilse Koch, the "Buchenwald Bitch,"

Chief of guards of the prison camp

Cast her spells like an evil witch,

Had prisoners killed, then left her stamp,

Having corpses tattooed, skin flayed,

Which she showed to living inmates,

And then she turned into lamp shade.

Thousands suffered her tortured fates.

Tried at the end of World War II,

The evidence lacked proof detail.

The Court was not sure what to do.

The Court pondered, she sat in jail.

In prison as 16 years passed.

'67 - she was hanged at last.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Anger Zone

Anger always comes to my mind

When I do think that someone is

Mistreating in a way designed

To focus on me and my biz.

Could be a criticism that

I think is not a worthy one

To be directed where I'm at.

Some sort of response must be done.

My anger range is rage to pout,

Depending on perceived degree.

My feelings have been hurt no doubt.

So just how angry will I be?

Treated badly, fiction or fact?

It is my choice how to react.

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Don't Wanna Dance

"I wanna dance with you," she sings.

I've heard this same old song before

Whenever in my arms she clings

To hope that I will give her more.

She thinks that dancing with me will

Somehow be the recipe of

Heating up a mix to fulfill

Her dream that I will fall in love.

Oh no, toward me she's on her way.

I know what she's got on her mind.

She's giving me her sexy sway.

When she asks, I'll try to be kind.

She wants to dance with me for sure,

But I don't wanna dance with her.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Human Study

The U.F.O. from outer space

Came down to Earth for more research,

And selected in time and place,

Late at night, a deserted church.

The E.T.s did like studies that

Raised questions in the humankind

Of events in their habitat

That tended to blow human mind.

And so the entire church was brought

Aboard the craft as souvenir,

Knowing humans would ask a lot

What caused the church to disappear.

The missing church was deemed quite odd.

The pastor said 'twas act of God.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Came to Moonlight

"Can't fight the moonlight" you did say,

As you did beckon me outside

To take a walk on the pathway.

I let you take my hand and guide

Me along on your promised bliss,

Under the spell of the moonlight.

But I could tell from your first kiss

That no way were you Mr. Right.

You tried to unbutton my blouse,

Your hands pawing my underwear.

The moonlight showed you as a louse.

And so I kicked you, you know where.

Under the moonlight you made known

Your true colors that were sure shown.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Glad You Showed Up

At a bar staring at my drink,

A bully type did gulp it down,

Then sneered at me, "What do you think!"

And did call me a bad word noun.

And so I said out loud my thought,

"A complete failure I do be."

"Got fired, bit by my dog I got,"

"And my cheating spouse did leave me."

"So I ordered a drink at this bar"

"And put in some pill poisoning,"

"Then, lo and behold, here you are,"

"And you just drank the whole damn thing."

"So watching you die does somehow"

"Make my woes superficial now."

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 First and Last Visit

Harbor beach in Trinidad town,

This is the first time I've been here,

This place where my daughter did drown.

It has been just over a year

They said my daughter on a whim

Made a reckless decision to

Go alone for a moonlit swim.

So sad, I guess it could be true,

Her lifeless body found afloat

In the waters I'm watching now.

At the railing I grasp my throat,

I have to get through this somehow.

Being here brings so much sorrow,

Grateful I'm leaving tomorrow.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Leopard Gecko - LP Zoo

As a leopard gecko, I do

Like to be in dark places that,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Are in my dim lit habitat,

Cuz I am nocturnal and so

Become active when I sense night.

So visitors can see me show

As I am under a red light.

My kind's called leopard cuz of lots

Of markings on my reptile scales,

Looking like white and yellow spots,

Same look for both the males and females.

Come visit me but first you must

Take time to let your eyes adjust.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Ms. Lorraine

Ms. Lorraine Massey is my name.

Murdered, a poltergeist I be.

"The Shining" gave me minor fame.

My role remains a mystery.

I seduced both father and son.

Some close encounters we all had.

A lot of evil sin was done.

I am so good at being bad.

I stayed at the hotel alive,

Doing the bell hops left and right.

One pushed me and I took a dive,

A piercing pole ended my flight.

Room two thirty seven I dwell.

I am a bell hop hopping belle.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Jabari's 1st Air Show - LP Zoo

Jabari, lion king, does view

His first Chicago Air Show that,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Flies over near his habitat.

This being Jabari's first year

In Chicago, his keepers were

Uncertain how he would appear,

But he stayed calm through it for sure.

He is used to planes in the air,

Just not as nosy as this show,

Daily flights to and from O'Hare,

Quietly high in come and go.

Jabari now knows that planes soar,

And from time to time even roar.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Nature's Calling

An older two were sitting at

A river watching waters flow.

It was a lovely habitat.

The sun did shine in golden glow.

The two did sit in comfy chairs,

Sharing tasty snacks 'twixt and 'tween,

Forgetting any and all cares,

Enjoying the watery scene.

But suddenly the two got up,

And back to the house they did dart.

Must have been something urgent, yup,

To cause the older pair's depart.

Back to their chairs the two will be.

The two just had to leave to pee.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Interruptions - LP Zoo

A colobus monkey, I do

Try to eat lettuce lunch in peace

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

But nosy humans just don't cease,

Have to get up into my face

As I am trying to chow down.

Just another too often case

Of causing me to chew in frown.

Without a doubt I am sure that

The humans would be quite upset

If I was right in their face at

Their lunch in midst of being et.

Humans are an ill mannered kind,

Just have to put them out of mind.

Monday, September 05, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Secret Consumed

There is no tell tale heart that will

Tell authorities of my crime.

For the body that I did kill,

I cooked and ate up over time.

The heart was the first organ that

I roasted and did season well,

Then ate in private habitat.

So Poefully, it will not tell.

I guess in truth I live this lie

Of having been a killer knave.

I plan to eat these words and I

Will take this secret to my grave.

Even an autopsy will not

Tell tale this secret that I've got.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Renewal Awaits

Another Winter's come and gone,

And we awake to branch anew,

Spreading out over field and lawn.

We watch the humans come to view

Us in our blossoming state.

The humans are a fragile kind.

We wonder what will be their fate,

Yet wish that coming here they'll find

Some comfort from us to bestow,

And they will leave us better for

The blessings that we share to show

In time and place, faith to restore.

We Magnolia trees do bring

Fresh hope for humans in each Spring.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Tomb of the Red Queen

The Mayan Tomb of the Red Queen,

Matriarch of a dynasty,

Wife and Mother in ancient scene,

Royal o'er valour and victory.

Thought sixty years old when she died,

To the city's great pyramid,

Her sarcophagus placed inside.

Some sacrificed dead servants did 

Accompany as guards for her

Remains and treasures in her tomb.

The priests spread potion to assure

Evil spirits could cause no doom.

Queen covered in vermilion red,

Cinnabar dust for honored dead.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Last Dance with Mom

I was a senior in high school

When Mom came down with cancer bad.

I felt that God was being cruel,

Making my family so sad.

Of course Mom was the strongest of

All the family in the way

She just kept on giving us love,

Even when she had a bad day.

When Mom at home peacefully died,

I kept feeling that Mom was here,

Still at home with me deep inside.

I didn't go to senior prom.

I danced with the ghost of my Mom.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Growing Again

We trees are returning to where

We were cleared from this land before

By humans not willing to share

The space where crops could be grown more.

We trees of course are used to that.

It is the way that humans be,

New changes to old habitat

For the humans profitably.

This human's crops did not grow well,

And so this human did choose to

Allow us to come back to dwell.

We young trees grow as old trees grew.

Now returning be we tree kind,

Until next change of human mind.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Likewise, each morning I do wake,

Do bathroom chores and then get dressed.

For family, breakfast I make.

I look at us, we are so blessed..

Then each of us go on each way.

I keep a housekeeping routine.

With dog, I have lunch each mid day.

Afternoons errands 'twixt and 'tween

Some leisure time just having fun.

Dinner, a tradition we keep,

My family again as one.

Likewise, each night I go to sleep.

Of all I know likewise to be,

Could become otherwise for me.

Sunday, September 04, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


After the U.S. Civil War,

South Reconstruction caused a lot

Of nasty name calling and more.

"Scalawags" was a term that got

Tagged to white Republicans who

Supported the Reconstruction.

Southern Democrats thought them true

Traitors to the principle one

That there be white supremacy

Kept maintained at whatever cost,

And blamed that the "scalawags" be

The main reason the war was lost.

Term "scalawags" long did affix

To U.S. southern politics.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Changing Course

It's said the wide road goes to hell.

The narrow road to heaven goes.

Which road I'm on, oft hard to tell.

But I am guessing that God knows.

It is said that God does forgive,

So if and when the road I'm on

Is not the good road I should live,

It is said I can call upon

God in my prayers to give me aid,

And on my conscience be bestowed

Faith to change errors I have made,

And move from the wrong to good road.

I pray to God to help me make

The right choice on which road to take.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Sensing Storm - LP Zoo

Storm, the harbor seal, does like to

Mug for the camera so that,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Close ups his facial habitat.

His ears to hear, his eyes to see,

His tongue to taste, his nose to smell,

His whiskers to touch, all to be

Senses enabling Storm to tell

What's happening out and about

That Storm may want to make sense of.

Food, a top of lister, no doubt,

'Specially the fish he does love.

Come visit Storm, and face to face,

Check out Storm sensing time and place.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


I think that I shall never see

A poem as ugly as a toad,

Like the last one written by me

That was just a judgmental ode,

When I happened on a toad that

Had somehow hopped upon its way

Into my private habitat,

And put an ugly on my day.

How could I get rid of this pest?

Touching could cause warts I had heard.

Place in a bucket I found best.

It winked at me - cute be the word.

My next poem is in pursuit

Of rhyming on a toad that's cute.

Saturday, September 03, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Shared Thread of Dread

Edgar Allan Poe was the god

Of fiction for H.P. Lovecraft,

Both considered outcasts and odd,

Hung up on horror and deemed daft.

Both authors lived and wrote about

The ghastly nightmares each endured.

Their tales were some escape no doubt

By penning grim thought into word.

Both authors fictionalized their

Feelings of such fragility

That both encountered ev'rywhere

In their worlds of reality.

The same nightmares in both did dwell

As a fact of a living hell.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Too Common Encounter

The panhandlers are up and down

Each and every street I'm on,

Too common in Chicago town,

Begging for handouts, dusk and dawn.

A part of me wants to help all,

But part of me says there's no way

To know to make the judgement call

Of who should get my help today.

A lot of them are in real need,

But lots of them just work a scam.

No way for me to know indeed,

But I know how lucky I am.

Too many panhandlers there be,

But for the grace of God goes me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The River's Banks

The river in its time and place

Does have a bank on either side.

On one bank the artist does face

The other, river in divide,

And paints as the artist does see

The shapes and colors that arise

Upon that other bank to be

Spread over the river crosswise,

In reflection of nature's art,

To be captured by eye and hand

Of mortal artist taking part

To better nature understand.

This riverbank painting be done,

The artist paints the other one.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Foul Fluff

Well, I survived to tell you that

It was an owlful thing to be,

Flying into a laundromat.

In an open dryer flew me,

And then some human shut the door.

And I was spinning owl around,

Never had felt so hot before.

I figured I was cooked bird bound.

Luckily I happened to share

The machine with delicates so

For not too long were we in there.

Door opened and out I did go.

I got my feathers ruffled, yes,

But Snuggle smells good, I confess.

Friday, September 02, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Shot to Death

Odds are, at least in the U.S.,

That I will be killed by a gun.

And I live in Chicago, yes,

Where lots of killings daily done.

If and when I'm fatally shot,

I hope Lake Michigan's nearby.

I love watching that Lake a lot.

I'd love to watch it as I die.

I am no hero, but comes time,

I would like to hope that I would

Take action in a shooting crime,

Believing I could do some good.

I hope another saved does be,

When that death bullet does hit me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Water Table for Two

The two great white herons do spy

The gently flowing river that

Does beckon to them in the sky,

Flowing through forest habitat.

And so the herons, he and she,

Decide to interrupt their flight.

Soon on the riverbank they be,

Taking a rest in warm sunlight.

While resting, both the herons do

Note it is time and place for lunch.

And what will be on the menu?

Both herons have a real good hunch.

The birds do watch the waters flow.

Sooner or later, fish will show.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I wake up and I hear the sound

Of the shower running nearby.

It is something that does confound

My mind as I do wonder why.

So I get up and quietly

Go to the bathroom and peek in,

And there a silhouette does be.

A closer peek, she's a woman.

She turns around and sees me there,

And gives me a wave with her hand.

I make no move and I just stare,

Really trying to understand.

She is in my shower, gee whiz,

I wonder who this person is!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Tool Guy Hank - LP Zoo

Howdy, I am Hank, the chimp, who

Has basic tools in my toolbox

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

My tools include some limbs and rocks

That I select depending on

The current task I have at hand.

If it requires a smash upon,

Then I will choose the right rock, and

If it requires a poking thing,

Then I will pick the right tree limb.

Comes down to choice of tool thinking,

I don't pick a tool just on whim.

When doing a job comes to mind,

I pick the best tool I can find.

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Throughout all ocean history

Humans would spot us and then claim

Us giant monsters of the sea.

Humans called us kraken by name.

Yes, we capsized ships in the day,

But not with malicious intent.

Humans just sailed in our way.

Collision was an accident.

My current dilemma is that

From stormy waters I got tossed

On rocky shore habitat.

Efforts to move have brought exhaust.

I've been spotted, some human did.

No kraken, just a dying squid.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Young Nomad Moor

The blue eyed nomad Moor does ride

His camel through the desert sand.

His satchel waves in breeze beside,

Containing his love poems, and

He's eager in the knowledge that

There will be young maidens to share

These in oasis habitat.

He's in a hurry to get there.

Still in his youth he's in search of

The finest of the fairer sex,

To enchant with his words of love.

At each oasis he connects.

It is his way of life to roam,

All of the desert be his home.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


In "Little Women," sister Beth,

I'm written as a loving one,

Doing good before early death.

In life and in death - perfection.

Gentle peacemaker 'twixt and 'tween

My sisters even though quite ill.

Passing away when still a teen,

My hopes and dreams to not fulfill.

The author's real sister, Lizzie,

Also had an early death fate

From illness, but unlike me, she

Did live and then die filled with hate.

Author, Louisa May Alcott

Made me a saint, Lizzie was not.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 World Painted Dog Day '22 - LP Zoo

August 26th, '22

And it is World Painted Dog Day

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

The three packmates do voice their say.

Georgia, Frieda and Mikumi

Do bark amongst each other that

A special day today must be,

With extras in their habitat.

Around their yard the threesome run,

Chasing a carcass zipping down

A zip line that is so much fun

For these dogs in Chicago town.

The three run so fast, they're a blur

Of brightly hued painted dog fur.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Time Up at the Cup

Teacup Apartments be a spot

Of "tea"tally fun place to live.

A handle on my flat I've got

For fancy tea parties to give.

A ladder gets me up and down

From where I'm at on the fourth shelf.

I have a view of London town,

When I'm not too fogged in myself.

Security deposit must

Be made, there's breakage on the scene.

I really did have a big bust

When suddenly dropped by the Queen.

I cannot pay my rent, so be

Evicted from Teacup - pour me!

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 What Will Be?

Since my youth I was always told

That I should seek to live God's will.

Time to do that when I got old.

Earthly pleasures I sought did fill

My body, heart and mind and soul.

Most Sundays I would undertake

An hour in church with the goal

Of "Oh Lord, so sorries" to make,

Figuring that should be enough

To show the Lord I at least tried

To think about the God's will stuff,

Maybe do some before I died.

On my deathbed, short time will tell.

Will I go to heaven or hell?