Sense Sonnets

Friday, August 31, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


The animals are free at last,
Out of the cages they were in,
African wild animal cast,
For animal rights a big win.
PETA insisted on the change.
Caged animals should never be.
The animals now in close range,
Lion, giraffe together free.
Barnum's Animals Crackers made
By Nabisco did change the box,
After PETA's complaints were weighed,
Concerned for profits - money talks.

Lion looks kind of hungry and
Giraffe looks nervous - understand!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Diana Monkey Family '18 - L P Zoo

Diana monkey Mom and tot
Doing another day they do.
The tot depends on Mom a lot,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
It's in African Journey that
The young one with Mom can be seen
Together in their habitat,
Going through their normal routine.
Dad and sis are also nearby
Making all in the family.
The tot is still so very shy,
And snugly close to Mom does be.

Of course visitors are welcome
To visit the monkey foursome.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Multi Barreling - LP Zoo

This polar bear does love I do
All colors, sizes, shapes barrels that
Find their way to Lincoln Park Zoo,
And are put in my habitat.
Barrels in water and barrels on land
And barrels a hanging in the air,
Beating up on a barrel is grand,
And for that I do have a flair.
Today I do find a barrel is
A swinging from a bungee cord.
Of course I get right down to biz.
Gimme a barrel and I'm not bored.

Beat a barrel on a bungee be
Gusto galore gotten by me.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hungry for Herring - L P Zoo

An African penguin does do
A lot of fish eating each day,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
I like eating fish my own way.
The herring fish is my preferred,
And the keeper keeps this in mind,
And a big herring for this bird,
The biggest the keeper can find.
The keeper holds the herring out.
I give it a look over peek.
If it looks okay, then no doubt,
I grab the herring in my beak.

Once in beak, I achieve my goal,
As I swallow the herring whole.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Aruba Rattlesnake - LP Zoo

Aruba rattlesnake I be
Doing a coiling, yes I do,
And then look all about to see
Doings on at Lincoln Park Zoo.
The Reptile House is where I'm at,
Watching visitors come and go,
And stopping by my habitat.
I do not tell but I do show.
My body is a work of art,
A golden colored shaped mosaic,
Each scale playing a vital part,
Making me one good looking snake.

From head to rattle on my tail,
I do show off in a grand scale.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

New Diana Monkey '18 - LP Zoo

Snuggly tucked inside of Mom's fur,
The week old monkey does peek out.
The Diana monkey for sure
Does wonder what it's all about.
All those strange creatures down below
In ev'ry color, shape and size,
Constantly moving to and fro
In mysterious exercise.
Though giving off strange sight and sound,
The creatures seem harmless enough.
The baby monkey looks around,
Getting used to all the new stuff.

Exciting when there's someone new
For humans at Lincoln Park Zoo.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

World Lizard Day '18 - LP Zoo

World Lizard Day, twenty eighteen,
What should this black monitor do
To show how much this day does mean
To me at the Lincoln Park Zoo!
All lizards 'round the world I'm sure
Are celebrating on this day.
Of course I do want to assure
I'm with all lizards all the way.
So visitors who visit me
Can check me out from head to tail,
And note how excited I be,
A lizard of the highest scale.

World Lizard Day - there is no doubt,
I celebrate, a big tongue out!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Aretha Franklin rest in peace.
You made great music for us all,
The sounds of which will never cease,
Forever for us to recall.
Decade after decade you sang
The songs that made us cheer and cry.
Your voice made each of us belong
To a connection from on high.
First lady inducted into
The Hall of Fame of Rock and Roll,
You sang gospel and rhythm blue,
And truly were the Queen of Soul.

With R E S P E C T,
Thanks Aretha eternally.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Pampered Sloth - LP Zoo

The life of pampered sloth I live,
Hand fed the lettuce that I love.
The human hand has much to give,
Taking precaution with a glove.
In my hammock just hanging out,
Enjoying the good life in ease,
I watch the hand approach. no doubt,
Offering lettuce - ah, yes please!
I open wide my mouth so that
I let the lettuce be dropped in,
And then I get real being at
Chewing with a satisfied grin.

Remember - at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Do not bite the hand that feeds you.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Big Name, Little Seen -  LP Zoo

Named the lesser Madagascar
Hedgehog tenrec, this name do be
Longer than we be - quite bizarre!
Come to Lincoln Park Zoo and see.
We are in the Small Mammal House.
Tiz dark in our habitat.
Nocturnal and small as a mouse,
Hard to locate where we be at.
But if and when you find us, you
Will find us adorably cute.
We roll into a ball we do
To stick out our spiny suit.

Come visit us and maybe spy.
You have to give a tenrec try.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Boldly Go - LP Zoo

All the African penguins do
Get lots of new stuff to check out,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
There's curiosity, no doubt,
Over the inflatable toys,
The mirrors, the tubs, the water sprays.
Who knows what a penguin enjoys,
Or what will get some penguin praise.
At least one penguin must be bold
To check out a new thing so that
Some other penguins might be sold
On what's new in the habitat.

Come visit the penguins and see
How bold and birdiful they be.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Cow Butt In

I stole a car, the cops chased me.
They caught me so I ditched the car.
Nearby a field happened to be.
Across the field I ran - bizarre!
A herd of cows in the field there,
And as I ran across the field
The cows chased me, I was aware.
And soon I knew my fate was sealed.
I was cornered against the fence
By the cows until the cops came.
As I was handcuffed I could sense
The cows were enjoying the game.

I sit in jail and wonder why
I ended up in deep cow pie.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Luigi Turns 2 - LP Zoo

August 9th is a special day,
Luigi, the sweet sloth, turns two.
Edible goodies in array
For him at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
A lot of leafy lettuce is
A favorite for him to munch.
No doubt he does get down to biz,
Chewing his Happy Birthday lunch.
Much of the time he's hanging out,
And is in an upside down state,
But with the lettuce there's no doubt
Luigi can chew it up great.

A Happy Birthday, Luigi,
Lettuce all wish it happy be.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Mrs. Garrett

Charlotte Rae died at 92.
She'd played a great role on T.V.,
Mrs. Garrett, character who
On two T.V. shows came to be.
The housekeeper on Diff'rent Strokes
Taking care of two sons and Dad.
Popular with the viewing folks,
The chance for a spinoff she had -
Housemother on The Facts of Life,
Set in a private girls school where
Humor was in growing girls' strife,
Viewed under Mrs. Garrett's care.

Thank you Mrs. Garrett, for sure,
In both show reviews, you'll endure.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Night After World Lion Day '18 - LP Zoo

World Lion Day, twenty eighteen.
The day is done and it is night.
Time to chill out - know what I mean!
For this lioness a delight
To rest my golden whiskered head
Upon a rock as pillow be,
Also serving as restful bed,
For a long cat nap just for me.
The crowds that come throughout the day
Have now left the Lincoln Park Zoo.
I helped them all enjoy their stay,
And now tiz time for sleeparoo.

I do not share the dreams of mine.
Be assured they are feline fine.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

World Lion Day '18 - LP Zoo

World Lion Day, twenty eighteen,
The lions in Lincoln Park Zoo
Give roaring support on the scene,
Doing the day in pride, they do.
The crowds come visiting to see
The lions in their habitat,
And hoping that each lion be,
Bigger than life be each big cat.
And of course the lions display
Their beauty by nature's design,
And for the crowds do make the day
Memorable as feline fine.

The lions both in sound and sight
Always provide the day's delight.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The game show Jeopardy! - why is
An exclamation mark part of
The name? Could it just be show biz
Being dramatic from above?
In the form of a question be
Each answer that is given by
Each contestant, and so really
Why not be a question mark - why?
It is a question to be asked.
Inquiring minds do need to know.
Finding the answer must be tasked.
Until then, let's boycott the show.

Exclamation mark in the name.
The Jeopardy! folks must exclaim!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hen Alone - LP Zoo

This hen has found a shady spot
At the Farm in Lincoln Park Zoo.
This summer day is sticky hot,
So doing shade is great to do.
The other girls do not know yet
About this shady spot I found.
But soon enough, it's a safe bet,
Those hot hens will be coming 'round.
Cuz that's the way we hens here act.
It's all for one and one for all.
Where one of us goes, it's a fact,
All will follow - it's protocol.

While the girls are looking for me,
This chicken does a chillin' be.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

A Matter of Taste - LP Zoo

"What the heck is this?" I do ask.
Some kind of enrichment thing that
The keepers keep me in hmmm task,
As I find in my habitat.
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
This polar bear learned long ago
That this is what the humans do -
Make stuff to enrich my day, so
While the humans are looking on,
I pick up this human made gift
With my paws, and then pounce upon
And shred to pieces in short shrift.

Somewhere in this enrichment pack
Should be a treat on which to snack.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Laughing Kookaburra - LP Zoo

A laughing kookaburra, I
Do make a raucous sound I do,
With tendency to amplify
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
First a hiccuping chuckle low,
And then I do throw back my head,
Letting lots of loud "laughter" flow
Throughout the land and air to spread.
Come to the Bird House and you may
Get the chance my "laughing" to hear,
Filling your head with such array
Of awe and wonder as you near.

It is a "laughing" matter that
I "laugh" throughout my habitat.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Pre Disney Pinocchio

Pinocchio, the puppet boy,
Before the film Walt Disney made
Was not a character of joy,
But would behave in nasty grade.
Not only telling lots of lies,
Causing his nose to grow and grow,
All around him he'd terrorize,
Even maker Gioppetto.
In the book, Pinocchio died.
He was hanged by a fox and cat.
But then Walt Disney did decide
To nicefy the wooden brat.

A good Pinocchio found fame,
And real boy the puppet became.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Preening - LP Zoo

Preening - African penguins do,
A personal and social thing
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
So what's up with all this preening?
Waterproofing is needed, so
Oil from glands is spread all around
From beaks to feathers, head to toe,
For super swim when water bound.
"I will preen you, if you preen me,"
For help in those hard to reach spots,
A buddy preening system be
With social interaction lots.

A pecking penguin on the scene
Most likely is pecking to preen.

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Chicago - Guns and Gangs

Chicago - the wild wild west side
Where gangs do shoot'em up and down.
So many, too many folks died,
Died living in Chicago town.
Old folks just walking down the street,
Young children playing in the park,
Especially during summer heat,
Anybody can be a mark.
Looking to kill, the gangs drive by,
And shoot out bullets in a spray.
Gang territory is the why.
Shoot anybody in the way.

The gangs want only war not peace.
Chicago shootings will not cease.

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Encounter Call - LP Zoo

C'mon humans and join the fun.
Do encounter a penguin, do,
And such a doing can be done
Right here at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
I'm just one of the penguins that
Is ready and able to be
Encountered in the habitat,
African penguin colony.
We do encounters twice a day,
So go online and buy a spot.
If I could talk I'm sure I'd say
You'll like the encounter a lot.

You humans need a fun break so
Come to the awesome penguin show.

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Rehab Success - LP Zoo

The injured snapping turtles, two,
Did have their injuries cared for
By folks at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Then back to live their lives once more.
The South Pond at Nature Boardwalk
Was turtlely perfect to be
A snapping turtle roll and rock,
Full of wildlife diversity.
Into the pond the turtles go,
Through the waters they both can roam.
Not very often will they show
Their shells, being down deep at home.

Enjoying their new habitat,
The snapping turtles do snap chat.

Monday, August 06, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Madagascar Tree Boa - LP Zoo

Madagascar tree boa, I
Hang out in the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Ever keeping a watchful eye
On the world around me, I do.
I be a big snake, yes I be,
All the better to give a squeeze
On whatever may come by me,
For fun or fancy if you please.
My scales are lovely, dark and done
In an artistic pattern so
I coil out as a striking one.
All in all I'm a one snake show.

Come see me in the Reptile House,
Be you human or be you mouse.

Sunday, August 05, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Snapshot in Time - LP Zoo

Dr. Fisher and Mr. Bell,
Leaders of the Lincoln Park Zoo,
For so many decades, do tell.
Thanks for what they did and they do.
Posing for a picture of past,
Along with an owl and raccoon,
Capturing a moment to last
Of the foursome one afternoon.
Standing by a new building site
To make a better living space,
So caring for animals might
Be for better in time and place.

The animals have come and gone.
Making a better Zoo goes on.

Saturday, August 04, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bar of Ivory Soap

More than a hundred years ago
"It floats" became the slogan for
A bar of ivory soap, so
Becoming part of ad game lore.
So why does the bar of soap float?
Proctor and Gamble did come clean,
The soap is pumped with air, but note
There still is almost pure hygiene,
Over 99% pure,
Plus 44/100ths exact,
All verified for sure, for sure,
To be advertised as pure fact.

A bar of soap that floats can be
Good for bathing in lake or sea.

Friday, August 03, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Chicago - Ida B. Wells

A black woman extraordinaire,
Ida B. Wells fought the fight for
Civil rights for both, she did care
That blacks and women have rights more.
In 1913 in D.C.
A woman's suffrage march took place.
Women told Ida she must be
A back marcher due to her race.
Ida refused and was quite blunt.
Her race and gender both had rights.
She marched with white women up front.
Courageous  Ida set her sights.

In  Chicago, Ida did live.
For the world she had much to give.

Thursday, August 02, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Age Old Fib

Why do I lie about my age,
Stating I'm younger than I be?
Done always in the dating stage,
Trying to sell a younger me.
On dating apps I always give
A younger age that is not true,
Pretending that I only live
A lot less than I really do.
Then when I go on a date, I
Fret about the truth coming out.
Many a time I wonder why
A younger me I need to tout.

When I'm one hundred will I state
The truth when looking for a date?

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

The Sedition Act

1918 the Congress passed
The Sedition Act which did make
Restriction on freedom be cast
For good patriotism sake.
It became a crime to express
Language about the government
Disloyal, profane, abusive - yes.
It was illegal to dissent.
Convicted citizens did go
To jail for this dissent offense.
After a couple of years though
The law did get repealed forthwhence.

2018 - could it be time
To turn dissent into a crime?