Sense Sonnets

Monday, February 29, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Tamarin View - LP Zoo

I am a tamarin, I am,
A golden headed lion one,
A small monkey taking exam
Of all about me that be done.
I oft sit in my tree den hole,
And watch all of my world pass by.
At the Lincoln Park Zoo, my role
Is to connect with humans. Why?
Cuz humans need a time and place
To get a peek at nature's way,
To take a break from frantic pace,
Take feel good from me on display.

I feel it is my reason to
Give humans insight at the Zoo.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Mouthy - LP Zoo

Tawny frogmouth - humans call me.
Humans make names up for the birds,
On first impressions that they see,
So names oft end up with weird words.
I s'pose somewhere a frog does hop
Called a greenie bird mouth, becuz
Sometime, someplace, some human stop,
Made mind over matter, thus 'twas.
Human mouths - I do see a lot,
Visiting at Lincoln Park Zoo,
All the shapes and sizes they've got -
Picking one mouth name - hard to do.

I'll check you out when you walk by.
How will your mouth rate in my eye?

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Sahar Turns Six - LP Zoo

Happy Birthday to you Sahar,
Celebrating six years you do.
Oh yes, what a mane man you are,
Lion king at Lincoln Park Zoo.
It seems like only yesterday,
A scrawny, scruffy two year old,
To Chicago you made your way,
And since then what a tale you've told.
Growing into a beauty beast,
King of all throughout your domain,
Your energy has never ceased.
All humans do enjoy your reign.

Long live Sahar, long live the king.
What greatness to the Zoo you bring.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Fly Me Not - LP Zoo

When I got old enough to be
Able to get my first time view -
My habitat. What did I see?
Flying things at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Momma was with me and close by,
And called them birds and said they were
Our neighbors - she knew not why.
But I should not fear them, for sure.
I tried to fly, but I could not.
Momma just smiled, and said that I
Could move well on the feet I got,
Cuz I'm an antelope - that's why.

So from Momma I got the word,
A klipspringer is not a bird.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Spy Fry

In Japan, there's bee-hornet war.
A hornet scout finds the bee hive.
One hornet means there will be more.
The hornet must not leave alive.
Hundreds of bees swarm in a ball,
Surrounding the hornet inside,
Flapping their wings by the bees all,
Causing the hornet to be fried.
One hundred and fifteen degrees
Fahrenheit by flapping make be
One dead hornet scout, and the bees
Do a bee dance in victory.

Sometimes the scout escapes, alas,
And hornets do attack in mass.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

From Fong - LP Zoo

Hoosier howdy from sun bear, Fong,
To all buds at Lincoln Park Zoo.
My grrreat greetings, loud and long.
I miss Chicago - yes I do.
But life in Indiana is
Having fun with keepers - I am.
They're very good at spoil fun biz,
Cuz keepers know I'm such a ham.
A bear for all seasons I be.
Tiz the season to play in snow.
Humans get a kick out of me.
Tiz always show time - doncha know!

"How 'bout dem bears!" - I rarely hear.
I guess that there's nothing to cheer.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Smooth Green Snake - LP Zoo

A smooth green snake from Illinois,
I am endangered in the wild.
Good ways and means humans employ
To keep us snake numbers stock piled.
Being non venomous and shy,
And cute with scales so smooth and green,
There really is no reason why
I should not be in the wild scene.
Yes, predators there are a threat,
But camouflage is my best suit.
Warm areas I like to set,
Come good or bad - ready to scoot.

If in the wild, you do see me,
From Lincoln Park Zoo I could be.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Striped Sounder - LP Zoo

The stripes are what you come to see.
Now don't say no, cuz yes you do.
Not just sight but sound comes from me -
This zebra at Lincoln Park Zoo.
The sounds I make communicate
What currently is on my mind.
A yip or bark's how I locate
Somebody that I want to find.
When excited, I do a snort.
A soft nicker is to say "Hi."
One sound I make that is not short -
A bray to make a donkey cry.

So on me use both eye and ear.
Oh the stripes and oh what you'll hear.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Solomon Island Leaf Frog - LP Zoo

A Solomon Island leaf frog,
I hop out at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Watching the human travelogue
Pass my habitat - maybe you!
Now sometimes I am hard to see,
Cuz as part of my name implies,
Blended into the leaves I be,
So bugs will wander near - surprise!
Before the bug has time to scat,
I pounce and swallow the bug whole.
Now you can see this if you're at
My window in your peeking role.

When at the Zoo, do not miss me.
I am cute, but do not kiss me.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Fast Feed - LP Zoo

It's mealtime at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Mom has called and I have showed up.
I do love mealtime - yes I do.
Mom has readied my fav'rite cup
Of tasty milk that down I slurp,
Taking a time out now and then,
To get a breath and take a burp,
Then I go back to gulp again.
Mom is always patient with me,
And stays with me until I stop,
Cuz Mom knows how thirsty I be,
Wanting to guzzle ev'ry drop.

So when it's mealtime, doncha know,
This baby sloth does not slurp slow.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Sarah, the cheetah, runs no more,
Fifteen years she died of old age.
For humans, as ambassador,
She helped humans out of their cage.
Blur of black spots on gold she flew.
Under six seconds she did speed
One hundred meters at the zoo,
Fastest humans saw - yes indeed!
Cheetahs run faster, probably,
In the wild  - humans do not doubt.
Too soon, extinct, cheetahs will be.
For them like others, time runs out.

Hopefully, she helped teach before.
Sarah, the cheetah, runs no more.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Buy Gum From Wrigley

Billy Wrigley tried selling soap,
Offered baking powder for free,
Then sold baking powder on hope
That sales would spur incentively.
So gave chewing gum on the side,
Gum a winner - lo and behold.
So Wrigley ads went nationwide,
And made a mint on Spearmint sold.
Spearman, with pointed hat and smile,
Spearheaded the vast ad campaign.
Papers and billboards did beguile,
And won chewing public domain.

Spearmint - the flavor lasting - yum!
Wrigley's Spearman sold it - buy gum!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Deep Sea Coral Peeve

We deep sea corals, relatively,
Had been spared lots of pestering
By humans, cuz of depths we be.
But now humans have a new thing -
Robot with soft fingered hand,
More delicately poking us.
Why? We will never understand.
But little we can do to fuss.
Like all life on Earth, we must face
The fact that humans do butt in
All of the time, all of the place,
All about original sin.

No choice but let the fingers squish.
At least we are not that ticklish.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Gobekli Tepe

Gobekli Tepe - human made
More than ten thousand years ago.
Upon a high hill top 'twas laid
In land of Turkey now we know.
In circles, carved stone pillars stand
When building tools did not exist,
Somehow all done by human hand
To entice the ancient tourist?
There was a lot of food and drink
As excavations do display.
Perhaps an ancient travel link -
The Holiday Inn of the day!

Turks are restoring the site some,
Hoping modern tourists will come.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Champ - LP Zoo

A white lipped deer, Ben Pal, I be
Training for the heavy weight match
Of antler boxing. Fav'rite? Me!
As a contenda I'm a natch.
I'm working on my power punch,
Smashing the speed bag on a rope.
I hook and jab and bob a bunch.
Any worry of losing? Nope!
I've the best antlers, pound for pound.
Other antlers will do okay,
If they can last with me one round.
The title's mine - what can I say!

So catch the match on pay per view.
Antler champ from Lincoln Park Zoo.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Emperor Newt Cute - LP Zoo

An emperor newt I do be.
My empire is Lincoln Park Zoo.
I come from China ancestry,
Old amphibian to newt new.
A non reptile in Reptile House,
But humans give me super care,
And oft I get a thawed out mouse.
So humans rock I do declare.
Couple of inches - head to tail.
Orange is the color of my bod.
I can squirt toxins from my scale
To discourage those on the prod.

I am a cute newt and it shows,
Cuz this emperor wears no clothes.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Crossed the Feline - LP Zoo

Cleo, this sand cat's not amused
With matchmaking attempts they do.
Keepers try to get me enthused
With he cat at Lincoln Park Zoo.
But what he does is grab my spot
Inside of a hollowed out tree.
A lot of nerve this he cat's got.
So stuck in this basket I be,
Just waiting for he cat to make
A move outside of my tree hole.
Then he will regret that mistake.
My teeth and claws will take his toll.

Female scorned, hell hath no fury.
He cat's gonna lose some furry.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Shark Stalk

A great white shark, I'm here to tell
Humans that be obsessed with me.
Stop pestering us all to hell.
Mess up on land and leave us be.
The latest gizmo humans dropped -
Hi tech torpedo to shark seek,
While getting lunch how do sharks opt?
Nosy humans just have to peek.
When hunting do we bite prey tail,
In order to immobilize?
So far the peeping torp does fail.
As prey, it really is no prize.

So humans, I do say to you,
Consider that this bite's for you.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Jellyfish Eyes

A box jellyfish, I can sting,
And even a human can feel
The shadow of death that I bring
Beneath the sea waters for real.
Known as "sucker punch" of the sea,
Almost invisible attack
On the unsuspecting stingee.
How do I plan, cuz brain I lack!
But I have eyes to guide my way,
Twenty four eyes to be exact,
Focusing in upon my prey.
Seeing's believing - that's a fact.

Come swim near me and if you do,
I have a lot of eyes for you.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Teen Scene - LP Zoo

A chimp teenager I do be
Growing up in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Human teenagers - not like me,
A lot of weird things they do do.
But I hear that a bunch will come
To visit us chimps at dusk, and
Hear from Zoo folks that we are some
Neighbors to better understand.
So I of course will do my best
To make the human teens feel good.
I'll even interrupt my rest
To unify the neighborhood.

Human teenagers are nutty,
But fascinating to study.

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Mother and Daughter - LP Zoo

People watching are she and she,
Watching the people come and go.
Oh, how amusing people be.
What makes people tick? Who can know?
But watching people is such fun,
Wondering who will next come by.
Each she picks her favorite one,
And gives her opinion of why.
But most important is that they
Have this quality time to share,
In the most special bonding way
For this colobus monkey pair.

A mother and a daughter do
Share time at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Monday, February 08, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Tiger on Tap - LP Zoo

I hear a tapping on the glass -
My window at Lincoln Park Zoo.
So many of them daily pass,
But this is the show biz I do,
All furred fine in my black striped gold.
They're bundled up and hard to see.
I guess they think it must be cold.
I'm born to cold - this tiger be.
A bit of pawing and some roar,
Acknowledging I heard them tap.
Repetition can be a bore.
I'd rather snooze in my cat nap.

Knock Knock. Who's there? Some humankind.
They're weird but harmless, I don't mind.

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Snowballing - LP Zoo

Tiz the season outside for snow,
And so sometimes the keepers do
Bring in a bunch for us, and so
Snowball play at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Into the chilly, sticky white
I grab a handful of stuff wet,
And pack it into a ball tight,
Pull back my arm and I am set.
I see my target and take aim,
Determined this gorilla girl
To be the winner of the game,
And at my target I do hurl.

The first snowball I threw missed her -
Next one's gonna smack my sister.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Red Panda in White Snow - LP Zoo

First comes Mom, then daughter, then son.
The kids are seeing snow first time.
The trio trudge through, one by one,
And o'er tree branches sure foot climb.
Since Mom is showing them the way,
All of this white cold stuff must be
A Mom approved thing that's okay,
And so the kids join happily.
Humans are watching the three pack,
Showing up even when it snows,
Still with the picture taking knack,
Now humans are wearing more clothes.

White snow fresh fallen welcome to
Red pandas in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Friday, February 05, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Two Single Guys - LP Zoo

A bald eagle, I live next door
To a cinerous vulture, and
We share stories we lived before,
And each of us do understand.
Two old guys who are now alone.
Each of us outlived our mate.
Days of companionship have flown.
It's now nature's way that we wait.
"Hey Ethan, it's Save Eagles Day."
"Oh Bruno, how you carrion."
"Menu is raw meat, by the way."
"You get there first - meat will be gone."

Each of us still has good to do,
While each be at Lincoln Park Zoo.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Belly Up - LP Zoo

Oriental fire bellied toad,
Hanging out at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Once my fire belly does get showed,
It does mean a warning to you.
I belly up a work of art,
Designs in colors to amaze.
But embedded in is a part
Of toxins aimed at them that graze,
Thinking I be an easy touch,
Becuz I be so small and cute.
But those who try, regret so much,
Being poisoned in such pursuit.

I know you want to - but tsk tsk!
Scratch my belly at your own risk.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Orange Glow Bright - LP Zoo

A baby langur monkey born
Has bright orange fur for a short time.
So like a bright light does adorn
All nooks and crannies it might climb.
And Momma langur just need view
The habitat where baby is
Living in the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Cuz baby be Momma's main biz.
Momma does let baby explore
And grow in confidence each day.
Momma has been Momma before,
And gives baby freedom to play.

Now where did baby langur go?
Momma looks for a bright orange glow.

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hand in Hand - LP Zoo

The chimp troop at Lincoln Park Zoo
Are ambassadors for the wild.
Humans come watch us - yes you do,
And all of us are nature's child.
The Zoo is all we chimps have known.
We live well in this time and place,
Daily reminders to be shown
Of choices by the human race,
That on this Earth we all do share
A purpose why we are to be,
And it is for humans to care
For all of nature's destiny.

Zoos can help humans understand.
This chimp is here to give a hand.

Monday, February 01, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Twenty sixteen - Jonathan is
One hundred eighty three years old,
A tortoise in the old age biz -
Oldest animal - we are told.
Living on a British owned isle
In the South Atlantic Ocean,
He greets all humans with a smile,
Being quite a sociable one.
500 pounds, including shell,
On a diet of veggie/fruit,
Jonathan's health is doing well.
Perhaps humans should follow suit.

Living the longest - in first place,
This tortoise is winning the race.