Sense Sonnets

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I was in prison 30 years
For a crime I did not commit.
But that true fact fell on deaf ears
Who wanted to convict. I fit.
At first, I just could not believe
That one innocent of a crime
Could go to jail. I was naive.
I sure lost that trait over time.
Over that same time science found
The keys to unlock DNA.
Then justice at last came around,
And made my sentence go away.

I'll try to forget all that past.
Thankful that I am free at last.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Insult, then Sigh

Of Islamic faith, I do know
That shoes are considered unclean;
And the sole of my shoe to show
To another is to demean.
Cameras were on evil Bush.
I threw my shoe for all to see.
It missed, but there's a worldwide push
To give hero status to me.
10 million dollars is the bid
From some rich Saudi prince to buy
That shoe. For all the good it did,
I'm just a shoeless, cashless guy.

I did not know the fates that flew,
When I took off and threw my shoe.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Insult, then Fry

Of Islamic faith, I do know
That shoes are considered unclean;
And the sole of my shoe to show
To another is to demean.
Cameras were on evil Bush.
I threw my shoe for all to see.
It missed, but there's a worldwide push
To give hero status to me.
I only wish I'd hit the mark.
For that I'd willingly have died,
And done so happy as a lark.
Oh how I'm burning deep inside.

I did not know the fates that flew,
When I took off and threw my shoe.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Insult, then Fly High

Of Islamic faith, I do know
That shoes are considered unclean;
And the sole of my shoe to show
To another is to demean.
Cameras were on evil Bush.
I threw my shoe for all to see.
It missed, but there's a worldwide push
To give hero status to me.
I'm promised 40 virgins now,
Even though I've still got a life.
All I can say is yippee wow,
And please don't tell this to my wife.

I did not know the fates that flew,
When I took off and threw my shoe.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Insult, then Die

Of Islamic faith, I do know
That shoes are considered unclean;
And the sole of my shoe to show
To another is to demean.
Cameras were on evil Bush.
I threw my shoe for all to see.
It missed, but there's a worldwide push
To give hero status to me.
The Iraqis were not amused,
But were quite embarrassed instead.
I went in with high crimes accused,
And came back without a head.

I did not know the fates that flew,
When I took off and threw my shoe.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Insult, then Cry

Of Islamic faith, I do know
That shoes are considered unclean;
And the sole of my shoe to show
To another is to demean.
Cameras were on evil Bush,
I threw my shoe for all to see.
It missed, but there's a worldwide push
To give hero status to me.
Sadly, my mother heard the news
Of what I'd done and my arrest.
Her consciousness she then did lose,
And died from being overstressed.

I did not know the fate that flew,
When I took off and threw my shoe.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Circle of Healing

The history of medicine
Started out with eating a root.
Then that was condemned as heathen.
Prayer was deemed the healthy pursuit,
Until branded superstition
By sellers of magic potion,
Which had a popular long run,
Until pills became the notion;
Followed by antibiotics,
Which were all the rage for a while.
Return to nature said critics.
Eating a root is back in style.

As takers of medicine found,
What goes around then comes around.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


'Tis the season to play the game
At the ol' nativity scene,
With the ever popular aim -
The grab Baby Jesus routine.
So this year, as in years before,
I snuck up in the dead of night,
Out of the manger made my score,
Left the crime scene with my delight.
Shortly after, the cops found me
And the evidence of my crime.
They were electronically
With Baby Jesus all the time.

I do not think that's playing nice,
Sticking in a tracking device.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Miracle on the Hudson

Flight 1549, I will
Most certainly never forget.
Because of lots of luck and skill,
I survived the ditch of a jet,
With fellow passengers and crew.
Leaving LaGuardia, we hit
A flock of geese that also flew,
Causing both the engines to quit.
George Washington Bridge, we just cleared,
And attendants warned us to brace,
As Captain "Sully" commandeered
A Hudson River landing space.

All on a flight failed came to be
Afloat saved miraculously.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Security Breach

The inauguration takes place
Of a new U.S. President.
Flying in capitol air space,
During the swearing in event,
Is my carrier pigeon, Hope,
Carrying a small canister
Of deadly nerve gas with the scope
Of killing the whole crowd for sure.
As trained, Hope drops the can on cue,
Striking the brand new head of state,
Breaking open, letting forth spew
A world wide witnessed righteous fate.

As Hope flies away overhead,
The live coverage shows the dead.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher

In Need

Helping the poor - I never did.
I figured they were just lazy,
And looking for a way to kid
Us working stiffs for a freebie.
I remember the Aesop tale
Of ants that constantly did work,
While the grasshopper did avail
Of doing nothing - what a jerk.
But I became an ant that lost
My job and means of livelihood.
Becoming poor does have its cost.
Something I never thought I would.

I have to ask for charity.
I have to feed my family.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Inaugural 2009

We the people, the U.S.A.
Are blessed with living freedom's worth.
We are determined, come what may,
To better life on planet Earth.
We are not perfect in this quest.
The history of humankind,
We hope to learn from worst for best,
And grow in body, soul and mind.
We journey through a time unknown,
With freedom leading as a guide.
We seek that better lives be grown
For all of us who live and died.

We the people, a nation free,
We were, we are and we will be.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sense Sonnet -Tickler

Merry Droppings

The garland for the Christmas tree,
Very expensive in the store,
But with some creativity,
Made by hand, thus means so much more.
'Specially as a home project
Where the family each and all
Can make the garlands and connect
Chunks the size of a marble ball,
Which we get at the local zoo,
Then dried and decorated bright.
Oh it's such a fun thing to do,
Stringing together through the night.

Cranberries, popcorn - that's old hat.
Reindeer poopies - that's where it's at.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

You Know

"Four score and seven years ago..."
If in the Gettysburg address,
Lincoln had sprinkled in "you know,"
Would that famous speech still impress?
If "what for art thou Romeo..."
And other play lines of Shakespeare
Were peppered with the words "you know,"
Would lots of his plays disappear?
If as the politics do go,
Caroline's on the Senate floor,
Speaking her maiden speech, you know,
Will counters muse - how many more?

For one who always says "you know,"
Mime school is where one should go.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The Pilgrims came to the new world.
Socialism was the first way
They tried to survive. Ill unfurled.
Some worked hard. Some did only play.
But all fruits of labor were shared
Equally amongst the whole host.
That meant the undeserving fared
As well as those who worked the most.
With no incentive to succeed,
The Pilgrims failed. So they tried out
That each kept what each earned. Indeed!
That's how Thanksgiving came about.

The Pilgrims gave both ways the test,
And capitalism proved best.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

On a Dare

I did it on my buddy's dare,
Going to the deserted place,
And looking for the right one there,
Opening up the covered space.
I guess I knew that it was wrong.
But oh the adrenalin flowed,
And the pumped loins in me did long
In the forbidden to explode.
And then the object of desire
Awaited me. With no foreplay,
I hastened to put out my fire.
The deed was done. I rushed away.

On You Tube, there's footage of me
Down in the grave, making whoopee.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Martha "Sunny" von Bulow died.
Society heiress who made
Sensational headlines worldwide,
As a victim who was betrayed
By a husband who went on trial
For attempted murder of her.
She was tended to in high style,
As the story of her did stir
In the tabloids and movie screens,
Until the public's thirst was gone.
But Sunny stayed behind the scenes,
Oblivious to what went on.

Comatose for 28 years,
Her death finally interferes.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

On Peel of Glad

Slipping on a banana peel,
Often occasion for a laugh
By one who does not have to feel
The pain that's divvied half and half
Between bump and embarrassment.
Oft red behind and redder face
Colors as the slipper's intent
Is to escape to anyplace
Where some dignity can return,
And any real harm be assessed.
I went through that when 'twas my turn
To fall, when heel and peel were pressed.

Sometimes means do justify ends.
The peel and I are best of friends.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

On Peel of Bad

Slipping on a banana peel,
Often occasion for a laugh,
By one who does not have to feel
That pain that's divvied half and half
Between bump and embarrassment.
Oft red behind and redder face
Colors as the slipper's intent
Is to escape to any place
Where some dignity can return,
And any real harm be assessed.
I went through that when 'twas my turn
To fall, when heel and peel were pressed.

What was the worst that kept a tug,
Was falling for a litterbug.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

On Peel of Rad

Slipping on a banana peel,
Often occasion for a laugh
By one who does not have to feel
That pain that's divvied half and half
Between bump and embarrassment.
Oft red behind and redder face
Colors as the slipper's intent
Is to escape to any place
Where some dignity can return,
And any real harm be assessed.
I went through that when 'twas my turn
To fall, when heel and peel were pressed.

Before I did anything rash,
I threw the peel into the trash.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

On Peel of Mad

Slipping on a banana peel,
Often occasion for a laugh
By one who does not have to feel
That pain that's divvied half and half
Between bump and embarrassment.
Oft red behind and redder face
Colors as the slipper's intent
Is to escape to anyplace
Where some dignity can return,
And any real harm be assessed.
I went through that when 'twas my turn
To fall, when heel and peel were pressed.

A crowd was gawking there at me.
So I shot at them randomly.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher

On Peel of Sad

Slipping on a banana peel,
Often occasion for a laugh
By one who does not have to feel
That pain that's divvied half and half
Between bump and embarrassment.
Oft red behind and redder face
Colors, as the slipper's intent
Is to escape to any place
Where some dignity can return,
And any real harm be assessed.
I went through that when 'twas my turn
To fall, when heel and peel were pressed.

Into a lady, I did glide.
She had a heart attack and died.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bi State

IN tend WI
MDetermined to CA clone.
FL goes well NVitro, my
MNent MO ND zone,
IL make UTriffic two
WA DElighter,
TNder, TXtra of you.
HI will love SD other.
WV will MAze those
And NE who are MT souls
That NH of us OR flows
To fill NYdening love holes

IDsire to WY?
ARtful love cloner, RI.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Herod Obscessed

Herod of Judea was king
During the time Jesus was born.
Magi came to Herod to bring
Him news of this, to Herod's scorn.
The magi, Herod tried to trick
Into telling him whereabout
Was this newborn king of Jews pick.
But Herod's motive was in doubt,
And so the Magi would not tell.
The wrath and fear in Herod grew.
His curse upon his land befell.
All males murdered up to age two.

Jesus was safe in Egypt then,
Escaping Herod's horrid sin.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Winging It

In New York state, I broke my wing.
I figured I would soon be dead.
But then happened a saving thing.
Some humans found me; kept me fed.
With cardboard splint and cement glue,
They got my wing to fully mend.
In short time, I was good as new.
But due to the cold weather trend,
I could not make my trip in time.
So they found a trucker who would
Take me south to a warmer clime,
Where I could fly home. I could.

This butterfly's now on the go
For the winter in Mexico.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Out from Under

All of a sudden, I'm awake,
Like coming out of a deep sleep.
What's going on for heaven's sake?
A panic level starts to leap.
I cannot move, I'm paralysed.
My eyes are closed. I cannot see.
But from the sounds, it's realized
That I am now in surgery.
I'm having my gallbladder out.
No way should I be awake, but
Something has gone real wrong, no doubt.
Oh no. They are starting to cut.

My God! Am I going to die?
Why is this happening? Why? Why?

Monday, January 05, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Bad Timing

I was invited over to
A pool party with the cool gang.
It was like a long dream come true -
In with the in kids just to hang.
I wore a brand new swimming suit,
A one piece in ivory white.
Many were saying I looked cute.
But then something was not quite right.
Everyone started to stare.
All their stares hit me like a flood.
Horrified, I looked down , and there
My suit bottom was splotched in blood.

I know that my parents mean well.
But this growing up stuff is hell.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Behind and Under the Wheel

I was heading home in my truck,
After a few beers at the bar.
So not wishing to push my luck,
And not having to go too far,
I was driving carefully slow.
But a pothole caught me off guard,
And the jolt gave me the heave ho,
Smacked me into the door real hard.
I hit the latch and open wide
Went that damn door and I went through,
Falling down underneath outside.
The back tire left a tread tattoo.

It's kind of hard to explain, gee,
How my own truck ran over me.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I am a veteran and old.
It's hard for me to get about.
Service honored, I do uphold.
I love my country without doubt.
So on Veteran's Day I went,
As always, to the city hall
To celebrate this good event
With others who served duty's call.
The powers that be did presume
That the seats for them were implied.
I was told there was no more room,
And so I had to stand outside.

When it comes to self serve, I guess,
It's politicians and the press.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Adjusting to Turn

This is the new millenium,
Which many counters do dispute
Over proper rule of thumb.
(And probably the point is moot.)
The feel that's not yet full mind blown
Has to do with radical change
Of leaving nineteen hundred zone,
Ushering in dates sounding strange.
Science fiction gave us back when
All of those futuristic plots.
Now, we're living in what was then,
Distant times and wild worlds of thoughts.

The hyped up Y2K is here.
2000 sounds like one weird year.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Change in the White House

The operation had been done,
Without any leaks to the press.
They had returned on Air Force One
To the famous D.C address.
Amid the secrecy and stealth,
The only official word made
Was all concerned were in good health.
Any updates would be conveyed
In a timely as needed mode.
In a few days that time came.
The news conference pictures showed
Someone well known was not the same.

The first couple in the White House -
The President and same sex spouse.