Sense Sonnets

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Facing Fifty

At age 50 I had the face

I deserved so George Orwell said.

He really could not prove his case.

At 50, George was 4 years dead.

Turning age 50 was for me

Mixed emotions, some good, some bad.

I looked in the mirror and did see

The 50 year old face I had.

A lot of sags and wrinkles showed,

Whether I deserved them or not.

A double chin had been bestowed.

Deserving better, help I sought.

So unlike George I was not stiffed

At 50 and got a facelift.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Femme Fatale

A torrid affair we two had

In secret in a hotel room.

We were a couple oh so bad,

As all of each we would consume.

The fact that she was married made

It much more exciting for me,

As we made love behind pulled shade.

Of course the harder it would be

For me to do as I'd been hired

By her husband to kill her dead.

Surely not the end she desired.

So she made her own end instead.

I knew our affair was done

When she shot me with my own gun.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Fake Moon Landing

Neil Armstrong once was asked about

Being the first man on the moon.

He said at first, trip was in doubt,

So fake landing seemed opportune

To make the Commies jealous, so

Hollywood said a fake film could

Be made in well propped studio,

Fool the Commies as true and good.

After a billion dollars spent

And months of work to no avail,

Hollywood was forced to relent

That its efforts were gonna fail.

Hollywood could not get it right,

So the film was produced on sight.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Hey up, Walter, the donkey, you

Are a lucky donkey because

Doll in the Cupboard's gonna do

A book of poems, no hee haws,

As a sweet Christmas present for

You, special, so you will know that

Poets around the world adore

You in your grassy habitat,

Where over the field you can roam,

Happy in donkey stuff immersed,

Enjoying the fact, while at home,

You're one donkey very well versed.

So Walter in poetic way,

My best you in rhyme I say.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Polyphemus, Cyclops, I be

Assaulted by Odysseus,

Who came with crew to visit me.

But then he made such a foul fuss

When I began to eat his crew,

Which I told him was no big deal.

It's just something we Cyclopes do,

Cuz humans make a tasty meal.

So Odysseus got me drunk,

Then took a wooden stake he had,

Which into my one eye he sunk.

This of course made my mood go mad.

Odysseus, a bad blind date.

I wish he'd been the first I ate.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Time Will Tell

The libby eggheads pretty much

Are cracked up over the Trump win.

How did they get so out of touch

Letting MAGAs get voted in?

These eggheads said the common folk

Got sold on lies in Trump's punch line,

And like sheep just fell for the joke,

Were pawns in the devil's design.

And so these libby eggheads warn

That all is gonna be mayhem.

And will keep up giving us scorn.

Is the yolk on us or on them?

The future will tell all the price.

Of course cheaper eggs would be nice.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Romans 13:1

Romans 13:1 verse decrees

That each human is subject to

The governing authorities

Whose power comes from God as true.

But many in such power be

Of an evil heart, soul and mind.

Why does the Great Divinity

Allow them to rule humankind?

The reason is that God does give

Each human the will to choose whom

Under the rule each one will live,

Be the choice one of good or doom.

When the devil is human choice,

God allows hell the ruling voice.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Brushing My Teeth

Brushing my teeth, a self care task,

I do every day at least twice.

When a kid, my Mom I would ask

Why, she'd say, very stern but nice,

That brushing my teeth was best way

To help these helpers serve me well.

Clean and healthy my teeth could stay

If I brushed them as times does tell,

At least two minutes of my time,

Each brushing with good brush and paste,

In self care assuring that I'm

Not letting my teeth go to waste.

The more I brush my teeth I will

Feel less the pain of dental drill.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Going with the Flowing

If butterflies make hurricanes

Unknowingly by flapping wings,

Causing many chaotic pains

Such a severe storm ever brings,

Then I, as one of human race,

Would wonder if my flapping arms

Be such theoretical case,

Causing unknown chaotic harms.

So when I'm told I must do this

Or that by other humans who

Want to mess with my lazy bliss,

I mutter what such folks might do.

I'm just a human who is cursed,

Heading with all of us to worst.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 On the Couch

On the couch was a sticky spot.

You told me to sit down and I

Sat down on the couch and forgot

Not a good place to sit and why.

The two of us married so long,

Never any secrets we'd keep.

But when you told me to be strong,

I felt anxiety run deep,

Afraid to ask you about this.

I'd kept still but now you told me

A threat to our wedded bliss,

A truth I hoped would never be.

On the couch that stuck to my rump,

I heard that you voted for Trump

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Subject of Song

"Your Cheatin' Heart" was a hit song

My ex admitted was 'bout me,

Bellyaching I done him wrong,

Typical of that s.o.b.

The truth is that the both of us

Cheated on each other a lot.

But he had to sing up a fuss,

And make public his pity pot.

I left him cuz he was a souse,

Awarded half his royalties,

Got Hank Jr. and got the house,

Got from the divorce legalese.

But father and son felt the same.

I was the "cheatin' heart" to blame.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Explaining the Raining

Walking along the lakeshore, I

Saw o'er the lake a waterspout

That whirled and twirled into the sky.

Then I felt raindrops all about.

But also falling on the sand

Were lots of little hoppers who

Were swimming near the lake top and

Got vacuumed up as light weights do,

By the waterspout and then dropped

Along with raindrops where I be.

And as I watched in awe they hopped

By the dozens all around me.

Tall tale tells raining cats and dogs,

But I attest it can rain frogs.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I am programmed to do my best

Whatever mission I'm sent on.

I fly through the air going west

And into the phenomenon

Of a magnificent sunset,

Which I am able to enjoy

Because of new programs that let

Me have true feelings to deploy

Just as well as humans can sense.

So seeing a grand sunset be

Artificial intelligence,

Making it glorious for me.

Fighter jets come, I'm not alone,

And soon to be a shot down drone.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Arachne, young Greek mortal girl,

Had magnificent weaving skill.

At goddess Athena she'd hurl

Superior boasts which did instill

Great offense in Athena who

Did order a weaving contest

To decide better of the two.

Wise Athena knew that the best

Weaver was Arachne but she

Was enraged that a mortal would

Dare to defy divinity.

Arachne's weaving was too good.

So Athena would not abide her,

Turned Arachne into a spider.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Wild west sharpshooter was her fame.

In a shooting contest I met

The teenager and she took aim,

Beating me, I lost a big bet.

The two of us then joined up with

Buffalo Bill's show, and she'd shoot

Cigars out of my mouth, no myth.

Crowds sure loved this legal pursuit.

Not wanted by the law, but she

Was in public demand a lot,

And she was wanted most by me,

Lucky, she let herself get caught.

She was wanted by me for sure,

Annie Oakley, I married her.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Mother, a Selkie

When I was nine years old, I found

A sealskin that my Father hid

In a chest buried underground.

When Mother saw the skin she did

Take it from me and told me when

She was a Selkie seal who had

Come from the sea and shed her skin.

My Father then did something bad,

Forced her to be his human wife.

But now she had her sealskin and

She could return to her sea life,

And hoped that I would understand.

Often when I am by the sea,

I know my Mother's watching me.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Awaiting Time

For most it's known as Halloween,

But for a witch it's Samhain Eve,

When dead and living can commune.

I am a witch and I believe

That on this hallowed eve I will

Once again share time and place of

A celebration to fulfill

Reunity with my true love.

Beneath the full moon I await

The coming to me from beyond,

My true love, and we'll celebrate.

For this eve we two can rebond.

My true love's coming, I can tell.

I fell opening up of hell.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Minoan Snake Goddess

The Minoan snake goddess of

Island of Crete  would each year wed

A young god consort she would love

Till year end when he would be dead,

Then reborn next year to begin

Another fruitful cycle that

Was like a snake shedding its skin,

"Rebirth" in nature's habitat.

Each death and rebirth of the god

Would be how the snake goddess would

Makes seasons, worshippers could laud

When harvesting season be good.

The Minoan snake goddess be

Protecting good fertility.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Grouchy Giraffe

A grouchy giraffe now I be,

Cuz a pesky mosquito is

Quite a pain in the neck for me,

Buzzing around, minding my biz.

I know it wants to bite my neck,

So try to swat it with my head,

Swing round and round, but what the heck!

Just make myself dizzy instead.

This bad bug bugs me to the point

Of being a grouchy giraffe,

With a neck that's now out of joint.

Darn mosquito has the last laugh.

One more pain in the neck I've got,

Cuz I've tied my neck in a knot.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Reality Checkup

With urination woes I went

To Doc in hopes to get a cure.

"Dose of reality," did vent

Doc, as I did listen to her.

"Global warming's destroying all."

"Unknown pandemics any time."

"Nuclear war's about to fall."

"Law and order can't stop high crime,"

Doc continued with her tirade

Of warnings with her high pitched rants,

Then chuckled at success she'd made

When she saw that I'd peed my pants.

Doc gave her prescription for me,

A dose of dire rhetoric be.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 In Passing

Old and alone, bedridden in

This hospital bed I so dread

The trip I'm about to begin

Too soon with the grim reaper, dead.

The candy striper's in my room,

A sweet young girl who visits me,

Takes my mind off my pending doom.

A bright light in my dark she be.

I feel her clasp my withered hand,

And gently tell my time is here.

In this moment I understand,

And suddenly I have no fear.

I hear my last, lone gasping breath,

As I'm floating away with death.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The Theridiidae family,

"House spiders" are the spiders who

Make what is called a cobweb be.

Arachnid experts claim this true.

This type spider's tummy does make

Sticky silk threads and sticks them on

Building parts for bug catching sake.

A mish meshed web phenomenon

Which the spider abandons soon,

Moving on to another spot

Where maybe prey's more opportune,

Each prior cobweb soon forgot.

Left alone, any cobweb can

Collect dust for a long time span.

Saturday, November 09, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Damballa, a serpent spirit who

Generates life upon the Earth,

A primary force of Voodoo

To help the human life seek worth.

He moves between water and land,

Kind and wise, his presence to bring

Peace for humans to understand

Better the purpose for being.

Taking possession of a soul,

Damballa makes a human pure,

And to live on with future goal

Of inner peace that's more secure.

When Damballa spirit's within,

A human will be free of sin.

Friday, November 08, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Chiron, the Centaur

Chiron, in Greek mythology,

A centaur, the most wise and just,

Man head and arms, with horse body,

A teacher, students leaned to trust.

Immortal from his divine birth,

He taught mortals his healing skill

From using herbs grown in the earth.

Much good knowledge he did instill.

His immortality, he gave

Up willingly to the gods' ire,

Mortal Prometheus to save

From death for stealing the gods' fire.

Half brother, Zeus, honored him by

Placing Centaurus in the sky.

Thursday, November 07, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My First "Kiss"

My first kiss I am asked about

Happened when I was a babe, so

Whether a kiss or not, I doubt

Was something that I yet did know.

I had been comfy for a time,

All cozied up in a snug ball,

Then there's pushing pressure, and I'm

Delivered as nature does call

For me to be born, I assume,

A happy moment this does be,

As Doc pulls me out of Mom's womb,

And upside down, Doc's holding me.

Doc slaps me on my butt, and this

I consider as my first kiss.

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Ghosts Try Again

Each June 25th at midnight

Emerging from the prairie ground

Amidst the fog, an eerie sight,

A rider on a horse be bound

To the battle the rider led

His troops to on that fateful day

Where he, his horse, his troops fell dead,

Losing in his arrogant way.

Each anniversary the ride

He makes upon his horse again

To try to regain his lost pride

In the battle he'll never win.

General George Custer's ghost does be

Riding his ghost horse, Victory.

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Twist and Shout

The year was 1963,

"Twist and Shout" by The Beatles band

On the radio playing be.

I am a teenager fan and

In the back yard digging a hole.

The sides cave in on me and I

Find myself stuck in this dirt bowl,

And I can't climb out, hard as I try.

"Come on and make it on out" do sing

The Beatles to me loud on air.

But no help do these lyrics bring,

As in the hole I'm still stuck there.

All I could do was twist and shout,

Till Dad found me and pulled me out.

Monday, November 04, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Blossoming Snow White

While with the seven dwarves, Snow White

Did go through normal puberty,

Which gave the seven dwarves delight,

And very horny each did be.

Even Grumpy not as before,

And like the others did become

Acting as Happy more and more.

Snow White aroused the sevensome.

Doc being the most mature tried

To counsel the other six to

Put their lustful feelings aside,

And show Snow White their friendship true.

All seven dwarves felt very bad

About their shortcomings they had.

Sunday, November 03, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Best Halloween Ever

Halloween, five year old witch, I

Was with Mom in my neighborhood,

Starting to trick or treat and try

To get lots of candy, yum good.

At the first house across the street,

A happy clown came to the door.

"Beep, beep" his horn to me did greet.

Then all of a sudden, before

I said, "trick or treat," the clown took

Off his mask and did smile at me.

I gave this clown a closer look.

Then in a hug we two did be.

Yes, my best ever Halloween,

With my Dad, an on leave marine.

Saturday, November 02, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Using and Losing

Bubba Bo Boone is on a high,

Laughing out loud, scratching his head.

Hillbilly heroin is why.

Just skin and bones as he has shed

A lot of weight using this stuff.

But Bubba Bo is hooked on it.

Any amount is not enough,

Just has to have hit after hit.

His family and friends have tried

To get help for Bubba Bo but

He just continues his downslide,

Going deeper into hell's rut.

Only a matter of time that

Bubba Bo becomes a sad stat.

Friday, November 01, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Forked Royal

Place setting for the silverware

Beside the plate was a big thing,

And I was chosen to be there,

The fork that was fit for the king.

But a lamebrain servant put me

Down in the wrong place at the end.

More than a "tine"y snub this be,

A point just I could comprehend.

And when the king sat down, of course,

His elbow knocked me to the floor.

For the whole dinner fate did force

Me, bent out of shape to the core.

Down set this fork is still upset.

I won't fork give and won't fork get.