Sense Sonnets

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Dog Days

"Dog Days" of summer is a phrase

Coined from old Roman and Greek lore

About July through August days

Filled with superstition galore.

Sirius, the dog star, be blamed

For causing hottest summer heat.

Female passion would be inflamed,

But male lethargy could not meet,

As rising temperatures be had.

Toll taken on humanity.

The rising temperaments be bad,

And lots of bickering there be.

Dog star, Sirius, would delight

Watching suffering from its bite.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Saw It Coming

On a limb and sawing it off

Busily is humanity,

And all the while the common scoff

That no real problem does there be.

The human animal is odd,

Having a brain that should be smart,

Put in by happenstance or God.

Humans just seem to fall apart

On making decisions of worth

That would help and not hurt us all,

Who live here sharing planet Earth.

But humans seem intent to fall.

I guess it's a suitable fate.

This tree could bear a lighter weight.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Belly Button

When I was just a young one, I

Went to my Mommy and asked her

A hole in my belly was why?

Then Mommy smiled and did assure

Me that my belly button was

An innie not an outie, so

Looks like a hole my button does.

The next thing I needed to know,

In my belly button was stuff

From time to time I could pull out

In my fingers a ball of fluff,

A mystery to me no doubt.

A human waist product, there be

Some belly button lint in me.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Patience Against Ignorance

So ignorant I was when young,

But was insulted when was told.

Then made such known with pen and tongue,

Ignorantly so brash and bold.

Wiser and older did suggest

My ignorance I could change from

By being patient at my best

And substituting smart, not dumb.

So over time with patience, I

Shielded myself the better to

Understand ignorance and why

We all need help with it, we do.

And as the older I do be,

I shield from ignorance patiently.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 My Suitcase

Usually my suitcase is

A carryon that stays with me.

My last flight, the airline, gee whiz,

Said checked my suitcase had to be.

So I checked it and then of course

My suitcase got lost 'twixt and 'tween,

The airline said with feigned remorse,

Leaving me quite less than serene.

A month later the airline called,

My suitcase found, tattered and torn.

When it saw me, my suitcase bawled,

Looking oh so sad and forlorn.

My suitcase just keeps crying a lot.

Emotional baggage now I've got.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake

A yellow-bellied sea snake, I

Drift with warm ocean currents and

Once in a while, though I don't try,

Drift to New Zealand where I'm banned,

Along with any and all snakes.

I really don't know why that is.

Humans can be weird and that makes

Me want to stay out of their biz.

But luckily when I drift to

New Zealand just by accident,

The law there says humans can't do

Me any harm, and off I'm sent.

Sometimes I wish that there would be

Laws banning humans from the sea.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Battle with the Bee

I was taking a nature hike

By myself in boonies somewhere.

Suddenly, nature did call like

I needed stop right then and there,

Pull down my pants and squat and do

My bizness, done, pulled up my pants.

And as I did, inside there flew

A bee, buzzing, and it did dance

About, tickling against my skin.

Close encounter battle, no doubt,

And odds favored the bee to win.

Pants repulled down, the bee flew out.

That bee invaded parts of mine,

And stung me where the sun don't shine.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Love at Home

I lost my love so I left home,

Sure I'd find it someday, somewhere.

So many places I did roam,

But at each place, no love was there.

No matter how hard and how long

I searched for my love, it would not

Let me admit that I was wrong.

The harder and longer I sought

My love, it was more evident

Of where my love would always be.

So finally back home I went

Where my love was and welcomed me.

There was love where I had left it,

And never lost, I must admit.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Balloon Bad Tripping

This balloon, looking for some fun,

I got hold of some crack cocaine.

Lots of inhaling it I done.

On a high but could not maintain,

And too quickly back down I came.

Then quite paranoid I did be.

That quick deflation I do blame.

So afraid the cops would bust me,

Which of course the cops tried to do.

I was pulled down for questioning,

An experience that really blew,

A bad trip pop quiz of a thing.

Cops held me an hour or so,

Then for some reason let me go.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Love Dilemma

I am a vampire in love with

A human who does not love me,

And thinks that I am just a myth,

Claiming a vampire I do be.

Of course if wanted I could change

This human into a vampire.

And I know that it does sound strange,

But it's this human I desire,

And am afraid that such change would

Destroy the love that I do feel

For this human and feels so good.

But this human shuns my appeal.

This human tells me go to heck,

That I'm just a pain in the neck.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 A Hunger Unfed

As I was flying through the night,

So suddenly I was hit by

A drone on my mouth with such might

That completely broken were my

Fangs, causing me lots of distress

As I landed, and thinking now

Need to get my fangs fixed, I guess.

Cuz biting victims' necks is how

I feed my hunger for blood, so

Need to find some ways to inquire

On dental places I can go,

To fix the fangs for this vampire.

Hunger will have to go unfed

Till dentist found by this undead.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Bab's Breakout Breakin

Babs, the baboon, in Boston be

On the loose from a local zoo.

Into a bakery went she,

Closed for the night so no one knew.

Babs had a sweet tooth so she went

Straight to the section she did eye,

With lots of sweetness evident,

Shop specialty, Boston cream pie.

Babs grabbed and shoved the pies galore

Into her mouth and gobbled down.

Meanwhile her zoo keepers searched for

Babs throughout all of Boston town.

Babs, the baboon, be safely found

By keepers by her burping sound.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 An "Egg"splanation

The chicken or egg - which came first?

This question has been long around,

Over which debate has conversed

With many theories to abound.

One popular theory does be

That the chicken descended from

The dinosaur technically,

And over eons did become

A bird instead of a reptile.

The dinosaur became extinct,

And only a memory while

The chicken evolved, dino linked.

So eggs before chickens were made,

Cuz eggs are what dinosaurs laid.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 No Tie, No Entry

At a nightclub the bouncer said

No entry for me with no tie.

The bouncer looked tough, so instead

I went back to my car to try

To see if I had left one there.

Looked all over my car but no

Tie was to be found anywhere.

Nightclub entry now a test, so

Wrapped jumper cables 'round my neck,

Went back to the bouncer to see

If this stunt would work, what the heck!

The bouncer scowled, then said to me,

"Go in, you're sort of complying."

"But just don't you start anything."

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 The Leanhaum-Shee

The Leanhaum-Shee is how I'm named.

A fairy with a long life span,

Preying upon men I am famed,

On appropriate Isle of Man.

To each target I do appear

A young lovely lass to seduce

The man, and then as lovers we're

Joined, as I suck out his life juice,

Until he's just an empty shell.

During lovemaking I inspire

Him to recite love poems well.

That helps to keep his loins on fire.

Any man who is a love dud,

I quickly kill and drink his blood.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Stovepipe Hat

A stovepipe hat, my look like name,

Being worn by Abe Lincoln who

As President gave me most fame,

Seven inches taller Abe grew,

When often upon his head, I

Made Abe much easier to spot,

Too often a targeted guy.

Once upon his head I got shot.

To the Ford Theater I went,

Made of black silk for dress, Abe wore

Me, till seated, then I was sent

Beside his chair upon the floor.

That night I was not on Abe's head

When an assassin shot him dead.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


A saber toothed tiger did be

Suddenly catching me off guard.

With smacking lips it looked at me,

And I knew escape would be hard.

With no weapons, I knew that I

Could not outrun this fearsome beast.

Oh, what a gruesome way to die,

Becoming an unwilling feast.

Then I heard a familiar sound,

To get my butt back to the cave,

Familiar footsteps on the ground

I knew would soon arrive to save.

A fiercer beast did save my life.

Showed up to save me was my wife.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Betty Croc

Betty Croc, I fondly call her,

My neighbor crocodile, and who'll

Oft crawl from her lagoon for sure

For a dip in my swimming pool.

Betty was doing her dip thing,

When friends of mine, quite drunk, showed up,

Jumped into the pool for dipping,

Before I could warn the fools, yup.

I yelled for my friends to get out,

Cuz with them was a crocodile.

My friends paid me no heed no doubt,

But Betty did, and she did smile.

Out of the pool Betty did crawl,

Happy ending for humans all.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


I drove by a car accident,

And could see somebody had died.

Then continuing on I went,

When suddenly there was beside

Me an old man who scowled at me,

As blood was gushing from his head.

He waved his arms menacingly,

And hissed to me that he was dead.

I stopped the car and I jumped out.

The dead man got behind the wheel.

So unbelievable, no doubt, 

I was being carjacked for real.

Police found my abandoned car,

Blood on the steering wheel, bizarre!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Made My Point

Often as villain I am cast,

When Eve and Adam fell from grace.

Eating forbidden fruit, they passed

From their holier than thou place.

Angels from heaven tried to make

The argument, humans were good,

Certainly better than a snake,

And perfect for the neighborhood.

So I performed a simple test,

Showing these humans truly had

Leanings to do the worst, not best,

Tending to choose, not good, but bad.

Debate with angels I did win.

I proved humans easily sin.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Period of Doubt

A punctuation family

Be Ed and Poppa and Momma.

Poppa was named Apostrophe,

And his sweet wife was named Comma.

There only child, Ed, grew up and

Wondered why both of his folks had

A tail, Ed did not understand

Why he did not, and he was sad.

So Ed's folks told him that he was

A young punctuation mark gem.

They loved him no less just becuz

He might look different from them.

Ed's folks felt time for truth be said.

His folks told him, "You're a dot, Ed."

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Food for Thought

I came out of my dog house and

Found all my humans at home dead.

Awful, I did not understand.

Through the neighborhood dog howls spread

That all the humans everywhere

Were dead from causes yet unknown.

Of course this comes as quite a scare

To this dog, now all on my own.

I look at my empty food bowl.

My humans, I used to count on 

For food to keep my body whole.

Now I guess that food chain is gone.

There is all that dead human meat,

Which of course those dang cats will eat.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Night Shopper

Lady of the evening, I

Am Ms. Raccoon, shopper who is

Checking out freshest trash supply

Left by those humans, who, gee whiz.

Do trash a lot of stuff each day.

And so I go shopping each night,

Through loads of garbage make my way.

Picking out this and that delight.

I try to shop real quietly,

So as not to have humans hear,

And come forth to interrupt me,

Busy being a raccooneer.

In human trash I ever seek

Treasures that meet my high critique.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Carol and Julie

Julie Andrews and Carol Burnett,

Best friends for over sixty years.

This duo is one priceless set,

Sharing through laughter and through tears.

Entertainers, both do it all,

Sing, dance and act and crack the jokes,

Whether they're at Carnegie Hall

Or with just ordinary folks.

These now golden girls still both sing

Oldies but goodies from hit shows,

Like "West Side Story" and both bring

Thrilled audiences to their toes.

Carol and Julie, we thank you two

For all the fun brought us by you.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Drivin' to Leavin'

From you I hear the same old song

That I'm cheatin' on you somehow

With someone new, doin' you wrong.

You wanna hear about it now.

Not a whole lotta trust you've got

In us lastin' apparently,

Cuz you just sing an awful lot

Of hearin' it's over from me.

Who's hurtin' who I'd like to know,

Accusin' me of hurtful stuff?

Judged guilty of wantin' to go,

So Patsy, I have heard enough.

Yeah, I've got leavin' on my mind,

Thinkin' of leavin' you behind.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Pearly Gates

The pearl in Biblical times be

The jewel above all other jewels.

The Gates to heaven be Pearly,

Governed by certain divine rules.

Heaven has twelve gates, each made of

A single pearl, open to all,

Admittance hinging on God's love,

Otherwise down to hell to fall.

Must be angelic oysters that

Have made such priceless pearls to let

Those into  heaven's habitat,

A journey I have not made yet.

The Pearly Gates, I'll come with sin,

To be or not to be let in?

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Too Used to Using

"Using Again," the same sad song

I used to sing as I did use.

A low down life I knew was wrong,

But nonetheless I chose to choose.

I promised all who cared about

Me using that just stop I could,

And would a while, then go back out.

At promising, I was so good.

Programs of self help, God and stuff,

Many told me could get me well,

But I never wanted enough

To pull me out of dug in hell.

I won't sing "Using Again," I

Am the latest user to die.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 My Last for You

This be my last verse, Dearest Clyde,

Cuz I  have a feeling we will

Soon be killed on our last ride.

But no damn cop can ever kill

The love I'll always have for you.

A weak damsel in distress of

A boring life, but then I knew

The rescue of being in love

With an outlaw who turned me bad,

And turned me onto having fun,

Gave me the best bad times we've had,

Getting life's gusto with a gun.

Life worth living you brought on me.

Thank you Clyde, Your Loving Bonnie.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Wince If I Could

Yes, I admit to vanity.

Do not like wrinkles on my face.

Botox injections given me

Help keep me a wrinkleless case.

Regular injections I get.

But with needle nervousness, I

See that needle and am upset.

And each time I do wonder why.

With all these shots gotten, I should

Be used to the needle by now.

But still try to wince if I could.

It's just the way I am somehow.

Needle approaching, wince I might,

If my skin were not stretched so tight.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Poetaster, the term applies

To a poet who is deemed bad

Making poetry that defies

Qualifications critics had.

My poetry, I do a gob.

I enjoy doing it a lot.

Others' enjoyment, not my job,

Enjoy my poetry or not.

I'd like to think that I do take

Criticism from others well,

Maybe a better poet make

Me from suggestions others tell.

When poetaster I do be,

Critic I hear from first is me.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


As a dentist I do feel sure

My patients do appreciate

Sessions with me that they endure

To have a healthy dental fate.

I know that sitting in my chair

Is no pleasant dream to fulfill.

For many it is a nightmare,

Dreading my fingers with the drill.

While their appreciation is

Unspoken for what I need do,

It is shown for doing my biz.

And why do I think this is true?

Cuz every patient I do see

Presents a little plaque for me.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Attire Optional

For my fortieth birthday, I

Embarked on an expensive cruise,

Formal party attire, black tie.

But early on I got the clues

That seasickness had gotten me.

Back in my cabin, quickly got

Out of my clothes, and then did be

Laying in bed when a friend brought

Me news the ship was sinking, so

There was call for abandonment.

So to a lifeboat I did go,

No time to dress before I went.

When the ship took a sinking route,

All I wore was my birthday suit.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Alien Uniformity

When I first got stationed on Earth

I got the uniforms I had

To wear, and I was filled with mirth

On how humans did look so bad.

Each uniform from head to toe

Made me look like a human when

Into the outfit I did go,

Complete with cloth and hair and skin.

Because my form was s'posed to be

More younger than older no doubt,

Lots of ironing gets done by me

To try to get the wrinkles out.

My daily choice is just a whim.

I have both human her and him.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 What Is My Purpose?

What is my purpose I did ask

My Mom and Dad when I first learned

How to perform the talking task.

This question on my mind, I yearned

To get the answer from who had

Made the decision to have me,

Of course being my Mom and Dad.

They should know what the answer be.

Mom looked at Dad, Dad looked at Mom,

Both looking in a funny way.

But each were trying to stay calm,

Neither of them sure what to say.

Mom and Dad were both hesitant,

Because I came by accident.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


On the South Carolina coast

At Learnington Lighthouse be seen

Young daughter, Caroline Fripp's ghost,

As she walks back and forth between

The cottage and the lighthouse to 

Fulfill her dying father's plea,

Assure the light is lit all through

The storm that blows so violently.

1898 was the year

The hurricane hit, Caroline,

Just having lost her father, dear,

Went back and forth, the light did shine.

Still seen, the young girl filled with stress,

Walking along in her blue dress.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Close Encounter

In a rose garden I hang out

With other roses and I be

A lovely rose, I have no doubt.

Here comes the human right to me.

Off me she cannot take her eyes,

Then grabs me gently in her hand.

Pulling me to her nose, she sighs,

Awed by me, I do understand,

As I let forth my fragrance flow

To her nostrils from petals mine.

Her total joy with me does show.

Our encounter, purely divine.

The human sniffing me is great.

Just wish that she could pollinate.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Marry Wary

She's married to the blues she'll sing

To anybody in ear shot.

Because she and I had a fling,

She wanted wed but I did not.

For a while, yeah, we had some fun.

I had to tell her a few lies

As we headed to being done.

It should have come as no surprise,

'Specially when she watched me pack,

Never leaving her was a lie.

Truth was I never would come back.

And, yeah, I gave a bad goodbye.

Still married to the blues she be.

Just glad she's not married to me.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Tug of War

My buddy and I ate lunch at

An expensive restaurant and

The waiter put the bill down that

Each of us picked up with one hand.

And each one holding a bill end,

We did engage  in tug of war,

With bill payer the winning friend.

After all, that's what friends are for.

As back and forth our arms went,

We knocked into my buddy's plate,

That flew on him by accident,

Winning the tug of war by fate.

My buddy looked at me quite grim.

As it turned out, lunch was on him.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Revenge of Stonehenge

June 19th, 2024,

The stones of Stonehenge were attacked

By vandals who had come to score

Attention for anti oil backed.

It was orange paint made not of oil

But of corn flour that was sprayed 

Upon the sacred stones to soil

Them and leave them very dismayed,

Which turned to anger with a spell

Being upon the vandals placed,

Who all will be condemned to hell

When crushed to death by stones defaced.

Those who dare vandalize Stonehenge

Will feel the wrath of stones' revenge.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 We are to Blame

We the People, majority,

Want neither Biden nor Trump in.

But We the People votes do be,

One of the two is gonna win.

Two old white guys We know too well.

Each play the games with lies and tricks,

Putting We the people through hell,

Willing pawn in their politics.

We only have ourselves to blame.

Millions to choose from and We do

Stubbornly play a loser game,

Picking wither of the worst two.

Prez election, the U.S.A.

Gonna have a bad judgement day.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Bear by the Lake

I was going fishing one day,

When I saw a bear by the lake.

When the bear did not go away,

A trap I decided to make.

So I dug a deep hole nearby,

And filled with ash from wood I burned.

Around the hole put berries, why?

Becuz berries do be bear yearned.

The bear did smell the berries and

Left the lakeshore to check it out,

Came to the hole just as I planned.

Soon I would be fishing no doubt.

Cuz then I did achieve my goal,

And kicked that bear in the ash hole.

Friday, July 05, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Patrick Star

Patrick Star is Sponge Bob's best bud.

On the plump side starfish, coral pink.

Lives under a rock in the mud

At bottom of the ocean drink

In Bikini Bottom hometown.

Funny fellow, he does perk up 

Sponge Bob whenever Bob gets down.

Always can make Sponge Bob laugh, yup!

The art of doing nothing is

What Patrick Star's an expert at.

Sand bed sleeping is his main biz

Underneath his rock habitat.

Patrick Star, Sponge Bob, neither say

Yet whether or not they are gay.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Hens on the Hunt

We three hens like to get dressed up

And go down to the club to view

Sights we need our glasses for, yup,

So our focus is clear and true.

We gals are regulars and so

We get a table right up front,

Have a great birds' eye of the show,

Engaging in a friendly hunt.

And when the hunted come on stage,

We gals are filled with joyous chills.

It's really hard to act our age,

As we stuff waistbands with our bills.

We enjoy finding fellowship,

Watching all the young roosters strip.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Book on How To Follow the Clues

"The Complete Sherlock Holmes" I be

Taking time to completely read.

Meanwhile the wife, cheating on me,

Thought I knew not of her misdeed.

But just like Sherlock I believed

Women can't be trusted and so

While the wife thought I was deceived,

Simple deductions let me know.

Finished the book and did commence

To follow clues left by the wife.

Confronted by the evidence,

I watched her cry in stress and strife.

The wife asked why I sought divorce.

"Elementary," I said of course.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Needed a Better Friend

"Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" sang

Marilyn Monroe, dripping ice,

Which all around her limbs did hang,

Pink satin gowned and looking nice,

In "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" flick,

A film from 1953,

And U.S. Film Institute pick,

12th best film of century.

In 1962 in bed,

Her diamonds in a jewelry case,

Marilyn was found nude and dead,

A suicide in time and place.

Diamonds were not Marilyn's best friend

When life for her came to an end.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Robbie and I

Robbie, the Robot, and I are

The best of buddies, and we do

Go on adventures near and far,

Always finding fun for us two.

Recently on a hike we found

A log fence and I said let's climb

This log fence and walk all around.

I knew that keeping balance, I'm

Real good and could show Robbie how.

Fence walk programmed, Robbie was not.

So I did teach Robbie and, wow,

Our fence walking was fun a lot.

Whether Robbie is he or she

Really makes no difference to me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The "Dark Lady' Responds

Oh, you are such a naughty boy,

Penning such a sonnet my Bard,

Bawdy in your body of joy

Of how I make you oh so hard.

You plead a guilty conscience of

Letting your nobler mind and soul

Give in to flesh of lust for love,

With me in triumph be your goal.

Yes, I know I cause you to rise

To occasion of your desire

To possess me, a worthy prize,

For lighting up your loins on fire.

But this "Dark Lady" must reply,

Will, you are just another guy.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Get The Shakes

Named the Titanic, this ship be

Guaranteed that I'd never sink.

But hit an iceberg, down gone me,

Sunk to the bottom of the drink.

Of course this shook me up real bad,

Tried very hard to settle down.

Thousands of humans I had had,

One third were saved, two thirds did drown.

So now at ocean bottom I

Must face the future all alone.

I can only ask myself why

I'm here through no fault of my own.

I've got the shakes, but what the heck,

This ship is just a nervous wreck.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 The Lizard King

In a galaxy far away

Where lizard life form had most worth,

The Lizard King sent an array

Of starships to the planet Earth.

Food samples were abducted and

On the trip back got fattening.

All seemed to go as had been planned.

The samples given to the king,

The Lizard king was pleased about

How this mission for food had gone.

Earth life could be subdued no doubt,

And lots of food to feed upon.

The Lizard King took the first bite

Of raw human and smacked delight.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Reelection Strategy?

My days as Prime Minister be

Looking to be numbered by my

Calling early elections, gee,

I'm no longer the golden guy.

A double digit loser say

The polls on how I'm gonna do.

Brit voters could sweep me away,

Favoring the Liberal view.

Rishi Sunak, supporters ask,

What can I do to turn less more?

It is a much easier task

Getting reelected in war.

Maybe I'd have a better chance

If I got us in war with France.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Blue Velvet Repeat

He wore blue velvet, Hubby did,

When we redid our vows in June.

Same blue velvet, but did not kid

Hubby looking like blue balloon.

I still fit fine in my white dress.

Hubby insisted his suit still

Did fit just fine too, more or less.

But whole lot more Hubby did fill.

The two of us resaid, "I do's."

I quickly got Hubby alone.

No way would Hubby get the blues,

Once I had him all to my own.

Grinned at Hubby and did not scoff,

Peeled layers of blue velvet off.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Driving Miss Kitty

I was driving Miss Kitty out

Through the countryside which she sure

Gets a real kick out of, no doubt,

A "purr"fect getaway for her.

We took the scenic route so she

Could watch the fields and woods go by.

Oft a paw tap to remind me

Slow down so she can better eye.

When I sped up, sirens I heard,

Pulled the car over to a stop.

"Not to worry," Miss Kitty purred,

As walking toward us came the cop.

Miss Kitty gave me a quick kiss,

And meowed, "Let me take care of this."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Moon Eyed People

When the Cherokees first came to

Appalachia, already there

Were some albino humans who

Were of small stature and did bear

Huge blue eyes sensitive to light.

Thus, Moon Eyed People were their name

By the Cherokees, seen at night,

When out of their home caves they came

To hunt and fish for food to find.

The Cherokees apparently

Became concerned, cause undefined,

And made the Moon Eyed People flee.

Conjoined in a statue of stone,

Two Moon Eyed People still be shown.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Stay in the Shallow

My shrink is ever telling me

I do favor my shallow side,

Where I surely am most comfy.

My shrink continues on to chide

Me for not going deep into

Myself where likely I can't swim.

My drowning is not a to do

I want to risk on my shrink's whim.

Of course I tell the shrink that I

Will go deep into myself more.

I tell this as a straight faced lie,

Cuz I stay shallow to my core.

Really my shallow side does tell

My shrink and deep side, "Go to hell!"

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 When It Rains a Sin

When rains a sin upon my head,

I feel that heaven's testing me

For judgement day when I am dead.

Really tricky heaven does be.

Most often I know it's a sin

That hits upon my head just dropped.

Whether or not to let it in

My head, I have some time to opt,

But sometimes that sin drops so fast,

It catches me quite by surprise.

Into my head the sin has passed,

And I'm a sinner none too wise.

So when it rains I need beware,

Those sins are dropping everywhere.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Leave'em Larry

Larry the Superwinch just stopped,

The four wheel drive refused to go.

And so some human fixers hopped

Underneath Larry to fix, so

Larry get with the notion

A four wheel drive is s'posed to drive

Onward merrily in motion

So to destiny to arrive.

While the fixers laid underneath,

Larry let out a big gas fart,

And unconsciousness did bequeath

The fixers, then Larry did start.

Larry just drove on with a mind

To leave gassed out fixers behind.