Sense Sonnets

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 War is Humankind

Before the Adam and Eve plan,

Plants and animals all did be,

Only killing for food need span,

Living in peace and harmony.

But then did come the humankind,

Much more a willful killing sort,

Killing by hand as came to mind.

War evolved as a power sport.

The powerful fool powerless

Into believing war is good,

And only way to make progress

In saving "patriotichood."

Always will be, always before,

Only humankind wages war,

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Choices in My Life

Since I was born, from life I've learned

That I can be bad or be good.

To which of those choices I turned,

I knew whether or not I should,

Because I'd been taught right from wrong,

A child of God given the choice

To live life, whether short or long.

The gift of conscience gave me voice

That, yes at times my will would err,

But if I asked, God would forgive.

And when death came sometime, somewhere,

With God I would go home to live.

I try to live my life as though

To heaven one day I will go.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Flag of Uganda

Flag of Uganda, colors bright,

Six stripes of yellow, red and black,

For sunshine, blood and ethnic might,

Of living forward, never back.

A circle white in center be.

In the circle, a gray crowned crane,

Fabled for its gentility,

National bird of the domain

Of Uganda, Republic of

A people striving to live well.

And independence be first love

To have in time and place to dwell.

The crane's raised leg is message sent

Of Uganda's forward movement.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Boat Ride

Invited by friends to go on

A boat ride I say, "Yes, why not."

Since I went blind I have not gone

Boating which I once liked a lot.

Of course, my companion, Joe, goes

With me in taking this boat ride.

We sit as a gentle wind blows.

It feels so good to be outside.

Our friends give us time alone

To sit together at boat end

To enjoy this time and place zone.

Waves chat with me and my best friend.

I imagine that Joe and me

A merdog and a mermaid be.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Feather My Nest

This turkey calls Mexico home,

More specific, the Yucatan.

Fast in my flight and foot, I roam.

So try to catch me if you can.

An ocellated turkey is

How you humans refer to me

"Eyes" are on my feathers, gee whiz,

As far as I know, they can't see!

I guess quite colorful I am,

And use this in my mating game.

In sight and sound I act the ham,

Cuz instinct tells me that's the aim.

Called bird of a pretty feather,

I show off to get together.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 J.R. and Bobby

J.R. Ewing of Dallas fame,

The vile villain that T.V. gave.

All of the world knew of that name,

The more J.R. the more to crave.

"Who Shot J.R." will always be

Remembered as a show that showed

In the vast wasteland of T.V.

On villains, ratings are bestowed.

Good brother Bobby was to star

When the night time soap first came out,

But soon was outshined by J.R.

This did bug Bobby lots no doubt.

Down deep Bobby had wished the plot

Let him be who did fire that shot.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Let One "Lion" Rule

Coming to senses as a We

Is never going to occur,

As long as the powers that be

Keep playing their games to endure.

We the People roam like "blind sheep,"

Drawn by the lies from left and right.

Some lyin' "lions" seek to keep

Power over the sheep by fright.

China's the best for using fear.

One "lion" rules the "blind sheep" there.

Maybe that is what We need here,

As well as all the world to share.

To stop the chaos consequence,

World dictator - it just makes sense!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Just him and me left on the farm,

The 70's hippie commune

When love and peace held all the charm,

Toked from high midnight to nigh noon.

So through the years some left, some died,

But him and me, we stayed indeed.

Through good and bad we stayed pot highed.

Year after year we farmed the weed.

I'm bringing out a cup of brew.

The old V. W. shell's where

He's waiting for a sip or two,

So many fun memories there.

I know he's waiting there for us,

To get it on in the Love Bus.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


I watch all the folks watching me.

This center of attention is

This rebel of society.

About to carry out their biz,

Punishing me for being in

The wrong place and in the wrong time.

They found me guilty of the sin

Of committing the murder crime.

I guess I'm at peace with my plight.

A lot of bad things I have done.

They think that they are doing right.

But they are frying the wrong one.

Bound here in this electric chair,

Bound for whatever's next somewhere.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Nonjudgmental Me

Judgmental, I don't want to be.

But at every turn I take,

Everybody seems to me

To talk and act for selfish sake.

I try to avoid humankind,

So judgmental I do be not,

And this gives me my piece of mind.

Of course I think of me a lot.

I wish everybody could

Take me as an example of

A human truly being good.

No wonder me, I so much love.

A liar and imposter be

Everybody else but me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Snow Queen

I do live in a northern place.

In winter time does come the snow.

Zillions of tiny snow flakes lace,

Led by the Snow Queen who does know

She only rules for a brief fling.

And then her snow will melt away

With the always coming next Spring.

So the Snow Queen does like to play.

Sometimes she's in mood to play nice,

To let the life forms enjoy her.

Sometimes her mood does turn to ice,

Leaving life forms with woe for sure.

When I encounter the Snow Queen,

Sometimes she's kind, sometimes she's mean.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Litha in Australia does be

Midsummer and December time.

Occasion to celebrate, we

Aussie Wytches do chant in rhyme

In gratitude for ripened fruit.

No candles lit, no cauldrons burned

In deference to the pursuit

To thank the Sun for all we've learned.

Coven members give what we can

To all the children charities.

We are part of the human clan,

Fruit ripening on fam'ly trees.

Litha, time and place to revere

Longest two Sun days of the year. 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Is there only one universe?

I think there's multiples of them.

Some are better and some are worse.

Better have peace, worse have mayhem.

In all, higher life forms of course

Determine each universe fate.

The evil or the good, which force

Rules is always up for debate.

In each, life and death is the norm.

When one life dies, it's reborn in

Another universe in form

Of life, new cycle to begin.

My bones be buried underground,

To next universe I be bound.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 November Treat

We're ornamental cabbage heads

With leaves of purple, pink and white,

And brighten up fall garden beds

To be a visual delight.

We do not like the summer heat,

So plant us when temperatures cool.

Good sunlight, we do need receipt

In moist and rich soil as a rule.

As cooler weather does arrive,

Especially November days,

Is when our colors do thrive

In very welcoming displays.

We're edible, take us and boil,

And serve us with some olive oil.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Holiday Song Request

All radio stations, I'm here

On all of your call in lines to

Wish you lots of holiday cheer.

This Christmas Eve I'm with my crew,

And we enjoy the songs you air,

Since October, all day, all night.

I know not all listeners share

Our feelings of ear delight.

I am calling in this request

For one who leads us on the way

To fulfill fun annual quest,

Riding 'round Earth in our sleigh.

Radio stations, all Eve long,

Rudolph requests you play his song.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Good Crawl

The lowest point in writing is

For me to get a writer's block.

It used to be frustrating biz,

Like a bad fall during a walk.

So I have learned what I need do

Is continue to move ahead.

Being a low point, I want to

Get back to the basics instead.

I try to think like a snail might,

Crawling along at a slow pace,

Content with progress, not just flight,

Knowing that time will give it place.

When writing poems, I do crawl.

It's much harder for me to fall.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Wanna Kiss You

Wanna kiss you all over when

I get back home from a long day.

Kiss over and over again,

Is all I think of when away

From time and place being with you,

Feeling the love of your warm touch,

Being entwined together through

Blissful night, I miss you so much.

The thought of you sets me on fire.

My burning passion there does be.

You're my one and only desire.

Your love is all that fulfills me.

Wanna kiss you all over, Dear.

When will you ever be back here?

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Jimmy in the Box?

In the back yard my dog dug up

A dirty bag that looked quite old.

But inside an ornate box, yup.

I wondered if I had struck gold.

Opening up the box I found

A note with some ashes below.

The words I read did sure astound.

But true or not, I could not know.

As I did ponder what to do,

My dog comes up real close and gawks.

And then my dog did sneeze and blew

Right on top of the open box.

Would remain a mystery no doubt

If Jimmy Hoffa's ashes blew out.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rain Check

I am a young single male squirrel

Who just landed a date online.

I'm hoping she is the right girl.

I'm off to take her out to dine.

I sprayed cologne over my fur,

Really wanting to smell all right,

Pulled out all my gray hairs for sure,

Want to look and smell a delight.

On a vital mission I be,

For a new girlfriend to attain.

I hope she is Miss Right for me.

Suddenly, it begins to rain.

A flower umbrella I get,

Won't make a good impression, wet.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Black Holes Be Found

Astronomers on Earth refine

The ways and means to calculate

The infinite light years that shine

To us at a forever rate.

Monster black holes lurking out there

Provide new points of measurement

At the cores of galaxies where

Mind over matter may present.

So sinister sounds a black hole.

Does one lurk in the Milky Way,

Moving with its gobble up goal

Of absorbing all cosmic ray?

Is a black hole hell? Guess we'll know,

If and when into one we go.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 How He Spent His Summer

Upon a bank of Lake Tahoe

He pitches a teepee like tent.

Alone is the young Navajo,

Seeking a summertime well spent.

He knows that there be all around

Lots of folks in this tourist spot,

But the location he has found

Is very unbothered a lot.

He plans to fish and swim and walk,

And read and write through day and night.

He hopes he will share little talk.

The solitude's for him delight.

A recent Harvard Law School grad,

He seeks life as ancestors had.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Mouse that Poured

Minnie notes Mickey Mouse is late,

And sends two Mouseketeers to find

Her partner who will suffer fate

Of messing with his Minnie's mind.

In the woods the Mouseketeers go,

Knowing it's Mickey's fav'rite spot

To drink so no one else can know

That Mickey is a closet sot.

Sure enough Mickey there is found,

With empty bottles in a pile,

In a stupor upon the ground.

The Mouseketeers stay for a while.

Drunk and in a passed out display,

In Mickey Mouserable way.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 White Poppies

A new acquaintance gave me some

White poppies in a nice bouquet.

Home delivered this gift did come

Wishing me a Happy Birthday.

Choice of poppies, I'm not sure why.

Symbol of peace they are thought of

By some, and too deemed a supply

To express a sending of love.

But also poppies are used to

Make potent drugs of addiction.

Heroin overdose did do

A too early death of my son.

A bouquet of white poppies be

A mixed emotion gift for me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Last night before I fell asleep,

I was troubled and did lament

My trust in God I'd failed to keep.

For all my sins I did repent.

I asked God to please forgive me

For doing mine and not God's will.

I asked in all humility

That God help heal me from my ill.

Then in my sleep there be a hand

Pulling me from a dark deep hole.

In front of God I then did stand.

God's hand did heal my aching soul.

I awake to a good new day.

With faith I will go in God's way.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Lot's Wife

Two angels came to Sodom to

Warn Lot and family to flee,

Because God was about to do

A destruction of the city.

So Lot and family fled out.

The angels warned to look back not,

But Lot's wife peeked back and no doubt

Was not the same wife known to Lot.

Heaven deemed her to be at fault

For peeking without a permit.

She became a pillar of salt.

Lot tried to make the best of it.

Whenever Lot sat down to eat,

He shook his wife to spice up meat.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Just Too Tired

I am tired of the life I live,

Working my fingers to the bone.

Loving me, family does give,

So why do I feel so alone?

A happy home, all say I've got.

So why don't I feel that same way?

Lately, I've been drinking a lot.

I'm drunk now after a hard day,

In my pickup and driving home.

The dark is more than just the night.

To such sad thoughts my mind does roam,

Deciding to no longer fight.

This old country road winds ahead,

But I keep driving straight instead.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Medical Advice

In my old age I like to take

A tub bath long and leisurely.

A special wall rack I did make

For liquors and mixes to be.

Outside the tub within reach nice

Is a small fridge to keep stuff cold,

Like beer and wine and lots of ice,

One of my perks of growing old.

Getting out of the tub one day,

In a drunk state I took a fall.

Just sprained my thumb in a slight way,

But to be safe, gave Doc a call.

"Install a bar," my doctor said.

"I'll drink to that," went through my head.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Last Till Next

You are a bad habit I've got,

Just like the cigarettes I smoke.

I'm addicted to cigs a lot

And addicted to you, no joke!

Each time a cig and you get lit

By me, I do expect that high

When upon each of you I hit.

I need you both, ain't gonna lie.

Each time I have a cig and you,

I think could this time be the last?

Just guilty wishful thinking, true,

And soon those thoughts, already passed.

Like cigarettes I smoke galore,

Each puff on you and I want more.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Hermit

The Hermit is an old man who

Does stand upon a mountain peak,

Holding the Lamp of Truth to do

Guidance for Knowledge, he does seek.

A staff does help him navigate

The narrow and dark pathways trod

In persistent but lonely fate

To learn the truth that be of God.

Human connection he does shun.

He does not trust their hand or tongue.

A lot of healing must be done

On the harm inflicted when young.

Of all the tarot cards that be,

The Hermit is one most like me.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Not Given Lightly

I wake up to this morning new,
And watch you sleeping peacefully.
I don't know why I deserve you,
But am thankful you are with me.
From you I take more than I give,
And often times I wonder why
You do seem quite content to live
With me, I hope you know I try
To be a better lover and
Find deep inside more love to share.
I hope you always understand
When I wake up I need you there.

Not given lightly is gift of
Hopefully to you all my love.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Sandra Dee

Born Alexandra Zuck, she be

"Discovered" on Park Avenue,

And changed her name to Sandra Dee,

A teenage film star dream came true.

Universal Pictures used her

As the romantic "girl next door,"

"Tammy" and "Gidget" roles for sure

Gave her fan public wanting more.

But her mind and body did go

Through a list of disorders bad.

She was dropped by the studio.

Her remaining life was quite sad.

Two thousand five, Sandra was gone.

She is interred at Forest Lawn.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I am a leaf that came in spring,

And take my place with many more.

It is just a natural thing.

But there are times I've yearning for

My beginnings within this tree.

As I was taking form to sprout

There was such nurturing for me.

I felt more safe inside than out.

But then came time to take my place

With all the other leaves outside,

With all those unknowns I would face.

Past nostalgia I kept as guide.

It is the time of fall and so

Back to my roots I yearn to go.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Hope, the Blue Whale

The year was 1891,

The place was off the Irish coast.

A young female blue whale had run

Aground on sand bar outermost.

The local folk found her trapped there.

They could not move her back to sea.

Her eyes watched them in loving care

Put her out of her misery.

Tons of blubber were taken from

"Hope," the blue whale, local folk named.

Her bones went to a museum,

Tale of this blue whale ever famed.

The local folk then did depart,

Like Hope, each with a heavy heart.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Wait With the Violets

The storm did blow me from the nest,

Blown to the ground with wounded wing.

Below I watched above the rest

Of my family departing.

I know they know they cannot be

Of aid and must fly on their way.

They have no choice but to leave me

All on my own as helpless prey.

Instinct does tell me where I'm bound.

Some predator will be my death.

Lovely violets are all around

To comfort me till my last breath.

Huddled alone where violets lie,

It is my time and place to die.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Enchantress

In earthly habitat I'm known

As the Enchantress, power source

From another dimension zone.

I find hostess, June, in due course,

And use her body, mind and soul

As villainess or heroine

Depending on each plot line goal.

In "Suicide Squad" I'm the one

The Task Force X is formed to stop

As an evil doer a lot.

My heart is crushed, so hope I swap

For do gooder in the next plot.

Since then the plots do come and go,

Good girl, bad girl - I never know.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 White Wolf Woman

A plane crash killed my family.

I was only one left alive.

The white wolves came and rescued me.

With them through years I would survive.

The White Wolf Woman I was named

As told to me by humans who

Became some bounties which we claimed

In daily hunts we would pursue.

High in the mountains we do dwell.

There's cold and snow most of the time.

As hunters we do very well.

For us killing's never a crime.

No doubt we are an awesome sight

As we all hunt in winter white.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Winter for Kids

I am called winter, colder clime

Than the other three seasons be.

For human children I'm a time

That kids do make the most of me.

Especially the kids that live

In areas where I bring snow,

The opportunity to give

The funner side of me to show.

Cold clouds do come and the snow falls,

And suddenly the kids show up.

Snow forts, snow persons and snow balls,

Snow sledding and snow tubing, yup!

I love to hear all the kids say,

"Hey, can I go outside and play?"

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Unspecial Day

Here I am on my wedding day

All gowned up and watching the clock.

I keep hearing groom's on his way,

But what I hear is nervous talk.

My heart fell for him but my mind

Always was giving me a hint

That he was not commitment kind,

But I ignored that sentiment.

And now I am here at the church,

A no show is my dearest sweet.

I know he's left me in the lurch.

He's run away on two cold feet.

Sure is gonna perk up my pride

Being known as a jilted bride!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Coming Down

On lots of buildings my kind be,

And we are quite misunderstood.

On this building long has stood  me,

Reference to me's never been good.

That's when some bother to look up

And notice that I'm standing here.

I am at the 13th floor, yup,

I guess as an omen of fear.

For years no one has checked me out.

Inspections are of little use.

There has been erosion no doubt,

And I feel myself coming loose.

Somebody's day I'm gonna spoil

When killed by this fallen gargoyle.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Chose to Pose

In the forest minding my biz,

I sense somebody moving near.

Going closer I see there is

A pretty lady painting near.

Then she happens to glance my way,

And waves her paintbrush in the air,

Seems like a welcoming display,

And so I just keep sitting there,

Which surprisingly has appeal,

A flattering phenomenon.

Serving good purpose I do feel,

So I sit still while she paints on.

Can't indulge my hopping habit

While posing as a still life rabbit.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Death is Relative

Adam and Eve, vampires became.

Upon  their deaths their matter went

To energy with required aim

Of being fueled by blood content.

The twosome oft do discuss that

Albert Einstein did theorize

In universal habitat,

Matter tries to conceptualize

Death of matter as "spooky" stuff.

Vampirism is just one way

Of striving to be long enough

For all past consciousness to stay.

As a form of smart energy,

Maybe vampire Einstein does be!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Up for a Cup

I am a Mister Rabbit who

Often does make a coffee stop

To share many a cup of brew

At a nice underground IHOP

Run by a female bunny hutch,

Where I am treated very well,

Joining in with their coffee clutch.

They spoil me and my head does swell.

It is a highlight of my day,

Perks my coffee drinking habit,

Hear all the bunny ladies say,

"Goody, here is Mister Rabbit."

I dress up with a fancy flair,

And act like I'm a zillionaire.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Excalibur in legend be

The sword held in King Arthur's hand.

Pulled from a stone in his youth, he

Went on to rule Camelot land.

Through anything this sword could pierce

In pursuit of justice and right.

When pulled from sheath, this blade so fierce

Gave king Arthur all needed might.

But then did come that fateful day,

The great sword was dropped by the King.

Enemies took this chance to slay

Arthur, and as he lay dying,

Ordered Excalibur be tossed

Into a lake, forever lost.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


We are two ornery cats who

Have gullible humans who are

Fun to play tricks on by us two.

The best tricks are the most bizarre.

The humans know liver does be

Our favorite food and so

We act as though humans will see

One of us does appear as though

An incision through fur's been made,

With one liver removed so that

On our food dish it be laid,

To be ingested by each cat.

When the humans see us no doubt,

The humans will really freak out.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hopeful Monday

So gloomy Sunday seemed to be.

With heavy heart my thoughts were of

You now being apart from me.

I miss you so much, dearest love.

I decided to end it all,

In this life time and place to do

Quitting of having to recall

Memories of being with you.

But slumber came in saving grace,

Before I'd done the deed to die.

Monday brought a new time and place.

I felt better, I don't know why.

My gloominess has given way

To more hopefulness this Monday.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Family Farewell

Mom and Dad Great Egret do take

Their last young remaining at home

For some fishing down at the lake

Before this young takes on life's roam.

In this night there's quiet and calm.

The young egret is aware that

It's time to leave both Dad and Mom

And find a new nest habitat.

The white plumage of the birds' shine

Under the moonlight from the sky.

The three wait patiently to dine,

As some curious fish swim by.

With Mom and Dad in this last night,

Before taking a farewell flight.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Cactus Wren

The cactus wren parents do be

Raising their chicks in a nest that

Well suits needs of this family

Within a cactus habitat.

It's the dawning of a new day.

The parents have flown away to

Use their hunting skills to display

Bringing breakfast back to their crew.

The parents will snatch bugs in air

To bring back to the cactus nest

For with the family to share.

Bug hunters, cactus wrens are best.

The chicks climb to the cactus top,

Waiting return of Mom and Pop.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Kissing Bargain

A serpent wrapped around a tree

Did see the Princess walking through.

The serpent said, "If you kiss me,"

"A handsome Prince I'll turn into."

The Princess stopped and came close by,

Stroking the serpent's scaly skin.

She looked the serpent in the eye,

"Why change the body you are in?"

She continued the dialogue,

" A Prince perhaps you'd want to be"

"If you were ugly as a frog."

"But you are blessed with great beauty."

A command the Princess did make,

"Kiss me, I want to be a snake."

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Annual Tradition

In time and place 'neath autumn leaves

Jack-O-Lanterns do glow about,

Ghosts and skeletons in the eaves.

A witch in the window looks out.

From up and down the street they stroll,

Dressed up in costumes, this and that,

The multitudes of young with goal

Of stopping at this habitat,

Each at the front door in good cheer,

And when answered, politely greet

The dweller of this house to hear

Holiday words of "trick or treat."

All children of fun heart do roam,

Welcome at this Halloween home.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Those Superstitious Humans

On Halloween there's lots of hype

Reminding that black cats do be

Deemed a scary stereotype

As bad luck, but it seems to me

Black cats are beautiful in all

Of body, of soul and of mind,

And have gotten a real bad call

By superstitious humankind.

I feel my best friend is so sad

When trick or treaters get freaked out,

A brush with black cat being bad.

I feel my best friend's angst no doubt.

So each Halloween I know that

It's not be seen for this black cat.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Generosity

Too oft I feel my word and act

To another just seems so well

That generous I be in fact,

Causing of course my head to swell.

I give money to charities,

And to many I give advice.

My generosity does please

My thinking that I am so nice.

When I needed a hearing aid,

I was aided another way,

That generosity's not made

Just by "good" stuff I do and say.

My greatest generosity

Is truly listening by me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Pardon Me

I am a turkey and I got

A Presidential pardon this

Thanksgiving and, whew, I will not

Be the main course, 'twas a near miss,

As I got shipped to the White House,

A gift to the First Family

By that haughty farmer, the louse.

'Twas gonna be the end for me.

But tradition unsealed my doom.

Instead we all did eat some ham

In the fancy Lincoln Bedroom.

Ah, a thankful turkey I am.

Thanksgiving bounty, lucky guy,

I'm 'bout to chow some pumpkin pie.

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Deja Vu

After a world nuclear war

Some humankind may still exist.

Will lessons be learned from before?

Human error will still persist,

Largely led by new Church and State

That will continue to deceive

Humans to follow same old fate

Of being told they must believe

Only what the powers that be

Command as truth for humankind.

Slowly but surely, weaponry

Will be prime goal of human mind.

Weapons of mass destruction will

Be sure prophecy to fulfill.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


During each day I try to find

Some time and place to sit in peace,

Empty the clutter from my mind,

Let ills temporarily cease,

And close my eyes and let there be

Some calming shapes and colors of

Pure enjoyment visually

That brings me to a state of love.

Imagination does allow

Me to escape  for a brief while,

My past and future for my now,

Always a time and place for smile.

I oft forget good dreams at night.

That's why daydreams are such delight.

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Gassed Up on Love

Long ago oxygen did write

A quite sincere love letter to

Hydrogen to express delight

Of a pairing the twosome do.

Somehow two hydrogens did get

The same letter oxygen sent.

Both hydrogens were quite upset

At oxygen for this event.

Oxygen was a charmer grand,

Wooed both the hydrogens and so

The trio got together and

The marriage happened - H2O.

That is how water came to be,

Matter of gas polygamy.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I watch my four year old son wade

Out into the pond to explore.

Pond's shallow, so I'm not afraid.

We've done this many times before.

It is a time and place for him

To get a closer look at all

That he can sense at nature's whim

Make known at nature's beck and call.

He waves at me, and then points at 

Something wondrous that he has found

Beneath the water habitat,

No doubt a treasure to astound.

Discovering, he has the knack.

I watch to see what he brings back.

Monday, November 07, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Halloween Hatch

'Twas Halloween and as night fell

The pumpkin patch began to quake.

A hole did open up from hell

In time and place for evil's sake.

Throughout the patch came smoke and fire.

The pumpkins glowed in fiery light.

Dark shadowed forms loomed to inspire

Purpose in the pumpkins this night.

For on each Halloween there be

A ritual of ancient worth

Providing opportunity

For new evil upon the Earth.

Then from each pumpkin in the patch

A demon of this night did hatch.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


"Art washes away from the soul"

"The dust of everyday life."

Pablo Picasso did extol

Art as giving some joy from strife,

A ways and means to reach beyond

The boring clutter of one's mind

And seek from sensing art a bond

For motivating one to find

Some serenity of insight

That be connected to this art,

Providing one with deep delight,

Heaviness lifted from one's heart.

Comes time when each work of art must

Have removed accumulated dust.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Major Detail

The devil's in the details is

A well used saying that's about

Checking out all the fine print biz,

Or there'll be surprises no doubt.

I knew that my new wife did be

A smoker cuz she always had

A pack of cigs, okay by me,

Though I thought it a habit bad.

But over time she breathed out smoke

Whenever I did piss off her,

And did this with no cig, no joke.

This made me real nervous for sure.

The devil's sure in one detail,

When I found out she is female.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Soldiers of Ukraine

War came to nation of Ukraine,

Invaded by a mad man who

Sought to claim as Russian domain.

Ukrainians chose to pursue

A decision of fighting back,

To become soldiers who would strive

To repel the Russian attack,

And as a nation to survive.

Pain and loss these soldiers all bear

Each and every day and night.

Honor and devotion they wear,

Giving so much for the good fight.

Ukraine's soldiers do fight to be

A nation sovereign and free.

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Maple Show Time

In my front yard the maple tree

In autumn time becomes the star,

Displaying bright red leaves to be

Admired by all from near and far.

And I have come to believe that

This maple tree does know that it

Now shines in my yard habitat,

And does its best to stay bright lit

For as long and as well through fall,

Knowing it is the prime display.

But at last it heeds nature's call,

And one by one leaves fall away.

Before I have to rake them up,

I roll around in the leaves, yup!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Spirit

The universe is made up of

Lots of matter and energy,

Hopefully created in love

Of varied life forms meant to be

Moving as spirits bound to live

In times and places of all kind,

Letting each spirit take and give

Meaning from each body and mind.

This time I be a human that

Is experiencing bad and good

In a place called Earth habitat.

It's been a worthwhile livelihood.

My human dies and then my "ghost"

Moves on to live in my next host.

Friday, November 04, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Soul Journey

My body and my mind do be

Lifelong companions that I found

Upon them a dependency

The longer they were both around.

The strengths and weaknesses of each

I got accustomed to quite well.

I learned as limits I would reach,

Both good and bad inside me dwell.

One day this mind will think last thought,

And this body will breathe last breath.

Again soul searching will be sought

For next new life after this death.

Old soul with new body and mind,

Old ones to lose, new ones to find.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Night at the Nest

Mister and Missus Owl await

The hatching of their family.

It is in night time very late,

Missus Owl watches from the tree,

Where they have their nest safe and high,

Watching for Mister Owl to

Return in moonlight from his fly

Of hunting food for Missus who

Stays at home protecting their nest.

Mister Owl returns from his roam.

They both do eat, then both do rest,

Snuggled together in their home.

From their eggs, owlets will hatch soon,

By the light of the next full moon.

Thursday, November 03, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Running Blushlessly

"Man is the only animal"

"That blushes, or needs to," Mark Twain

Said those words, wise and insightful.

In the political domain,

Watch the ones in the public eye,

Running for this, running for that.

To some degree they all do lie,

Comes naturally as they chat.

Those who need to blush most, blush least.

They've got a face that serves them well.

It is the nature of that beast,

No red face till they go to hell.

Politicians with blushing face

May have happened some time, some place!

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Passion of Villanelle

Oh, Henri how I do miss you.

No island prison deters me.

Each day in a small boat I do

Row over so passionately

To show the world that I do care

Of love we have and love we had,

And such a bonding we did share.

It matters not that you went mad.

I know that such was caused by strife

Of having to face the cruel fate

We'd never be husband and wife,

That passion we both contemplate.

Henri, we never be apart,

For you will always hold my heart.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I am a macaron and be

Around since time of Renaissance

As a coveted French pastry,

Lots of appealing ambiance.

A meringue based confection sweet

With varied fillings 'twixt and 'tween,

An easily melt in mouth treat.

I'm quite a popular cuisine.

I'll provide a moment of bliss,

If you decide to select me.

Mixed emotions on telling this,

Limited my shelf life does be.

I used to be a macaron,

But you ate me and now I'm gone.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Still Kicking

We skeletons do love to dance

At night in the cemetery.

We do so at every chance

With boned up choreography.

Night birds provide us music that

Accompany the tapping toes

In moonlit graveyard habitat,

With such artistic decompose.

Once in a while a passerby

May catch a glimpse of dancing us.

Police are called, we're not sure why.

Back underground till ends the fuss.

Once were Rockettes in a past day,

Now are Bonettes dancing away.

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Off She Switched

Marie Antoinette, the French Queen,

Was taken from her prison suite

For her turn at the guillotine.

Her maker she was gonna meet.

On her way out, she noticed that

All of the light switches were on

In her prison suite habitat,

Seemed a wasteful phenomenon,

Since no one remained in the cell.

She asked guards to switch the lights off.

The guards told her to go to hell.

Let lights eat cake the guards did scoff.

Her hands kept bound, the Queen instead

Turned the switches off with her head.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Toe Breaker

I was in a first chat online

With a lovely lady, we met

Through a dating service design,

I thought the best match I'd had yet.

She was charming with a great smile,

As we chatted of that and this.

After we chatted for a while,

I was feeling this match was bliss.

But then I asked her to give me

A fun fact, and she did comply,

Totally toeless she did be.

Then sadly I had to reply.

"My dating you, I really can't."

"I am lactose intolerant."

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Holiday Spirit

A haunted house is in a wood.

A family of ghosts live there.

It is a scary neighborhood,

Trick or treaters told to beware.

In the spirit of Halloween,

The family of ghosts have set

Jack-O-Lanterns throughout home scene,

In festive display so to get

Those brave trick or treaters to come

And find this ghost family be

Well worth the stopping by for some

Other world hospitality.

The family of ghosts will serve

Fine treats to those who have the nerve.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 You Are My Reason

Whenever you are feeling blue,

I right away come to your side,

And do my best to comfort you,

And hope you feel trust to confide

To me whatever's on your mind.

I listen with an open heart,

Always hoping that you may find

That I am pleased to be a part

Of all that happens in your life,

Especially when you do ail

In any time of stress and strife,

I come to you with wagging tail.

You are my reason that I be

Your best friend ever doggedly.