Sense Sonnets

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Spousal Split

In a study where he did drink
A lot of alcohol each day.
But she did not - was there a link
As to whether the pair would stay
Together in a wedded bliss?
Or would he be a rotten sot,
A hubby acting quite amiss,
And not behaving as he ought?
The pair broke up, the study showed,
He went his way and she went hers,
Leaving the marital abode.
This kind of break up oft occurs.

Booze drinking was the reason that
Broke up Mr. and Mrs. Rat.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

How Do You Do?

Dogs like to sniff each other's butts.
Such a gesture does mystify,
And tends to make some humans nuts,
As we do watch and wonder why.
Experts who study this do say
Tiz a means to communicate,
And get some info by the way
From anal sacs - the scent to state
What the sniffed dog is all about -
What are some habits, good and bad.
The sniffing dog can thus check out
Whether a hook up should be had.

Sniffing human crotches do be
The same gesture to say, "Howdy!"

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Acher


She was born in two thousand six.
Oh six thus did become her name.
She had a prime wolf bag of tricks,
And through the years gained worldwide fame.
The Yellowstone Park was her home.
She hunted bigger prey with skill,
A stalking loner on the roam,
Outsmarting the prey she would kill.
Inside the Park she was safe from
Humans who would want to hurt her.
She liked to roam, the day would come,
She'd roam outside the Park for sure.

Hunters shot and killed her one day.
Outside the Park, she was the prey.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Two Fivers Birthday Party - LP Zoo

A birthday party for the girls,
Both recently turned five years old,
Cute duo in gorilla curls,
Lincoln Park Zoo - lo and behold!
Patty and Nayembi do share
The time and place with family,
And all of the birthday treats there.
The sisters act so sisterly,
Excited wherever they go,
Unwrapping presents, checking out
All of the goodies high and low,
Wondering what it's all about.

For both the girls we all do cheer,
And wish another happy year.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Missing Ring - LP Zoo

Hubby and Wifey, snow monkeys,
Living at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Hubby is telling Wifey, "Please,"
"I just don't know what I should do."
"I had my wedding ring for sure,"
"But it fell off my finger, and"
"I think it is stuck in my fur."
"I hope Wifey, you'll understand."
Wifey tells Hubby to be still.
She searches his fur for the ring.
Her Hubby can be such a pill.
She looks but can't find anything.

Wifey is very peeved, and how.
Hubby knows he's in trouble now.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Taking Up Residence

They moved into the neighborhood,
Mom and Dad and lots of offspring.
The housing and the food was good.
Their host did not notice a thing.
They'd go for walks mostly at night,
But did not travel very far.
They all were sensitive to light,
But that is just the way they are.
Many more offspring came about,
As Mom and Dad were quite attached
To the place making roots no doubt
Where all their numerous eggs hatched.

The human eyelash is where be
The large eyelash mite family.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Polar Bear Week '17 - LP Zoo

Polar Bear Week is now and here,
November, twenty seventeen.
Big guy Siku came out to cheer
Here on the Lincoln Park Zoo scene.
In the wild, polar bears do face
A warming climate - not so nice
For living in a northern place
And depending on the sea ice.
If fossil fuels can be burned less,
The air up north will be less hot,
And there will be more sea ice - yes!
So humans need to help a lot.

Siku (which means ice by the way)
Is asking for your help - okay!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Snow Angel - LP Zoo

Snow fallen at Lincoln Park Zoo,
First snow of the season to fall.
Gray seal,Ziggy, knows what to do -
Flip out in it in front of all.
Make a snow angel with the wings
Fashioned from the flippers aflip.
With snow there be so many things
To make the leap well worth the trip.
Dressed for snow with blubber and fur,
Whatever time, Ziggy can take,
So that the snow to op for sure
Is a prime seal selfie keepsake.

Ziggy, the seal, be quite the sight,
Whiskers adorned in snowy white.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Treasure Hunt - LP Zoo

Red pandas on a treasure hunt,
Hunting all over the two do,
From side to side, from back to front,
Hunting hard at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Not really sure what they might find.
The keepers keep a low profile.
Of course bamboo of any kind
Would be a finding with a smile.
While one checks here and one checks there,
Covering all the habitat,
Whatever one finds, both will share.
Now where could that yum yum be at?

One thing's for sure, there is no doubt,
The yum yum yes will be sniffed out.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Yankee Doodle

"I'm Yankee Doodle do or die,"
American soldiers would sing.
'Twas patriotic  rally cry
During the Revolution thing.
But Yankee Doodle was first used
By the British in mockery
Of colonist soldiers infused
All with show offish foolery.
So the colonists did in turn
Reappropriate the term to
Make the fighting spirit more churn -
Show what a Yankee Doodle do!

I'm "Yankee Doodle" was each sender
When the British did surrender.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

A New Goeldi's '17 - LP Zoo

The Goeldi's monkeys, Mom and Dad,
Are pleased to announce a babe new,
Making both parents very glad,
All at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
At Primate House they share a space
With the bigger howler monkeys.
The whole habitat does embrace
Enhancing the family trees.
The Goeldi's babe is still quite small,
And clinging onto Mom real tight,
Looking like a little fur ball,
And kind of difficult to sight.

So even though the babe's still shy,
Come by and visit and say, "Hi."

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

John Brown

John Brown in 1859
At Harper's Ferry did attack
The U.S. army by design,
A white to help the enslaved black.
He and his raiders lost that fight.
Brown was tried and convicted of
Treason for aiding the slaves' plight,
Martyred for freedom he did love.
John Brown was hanged for treason crime,
But set in motion headings for
A far more spilling of blood time -
The U.S. split in Civil War.

Land of the free, home of the brave
Was not the truth for one a slave.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Guy Fawkes Day

November fifth, sixteen oh five,
A plot to overthrow the king,
Guy Fawkes was caught, taken alive,
Charge of treason England did bring.
Tortured, Guy Fawkes did confess all,
His co-conspirators were caught.
At the hanging, Guy Fawkes did fall,
So actually hanged he was not.
His lifeless body nonetheless
Was drawn and quartered, parts thrown to
Four corners of England to stress
What would happen to traitors - true!

Guy Fawkes lives on in morbid way,
November fifth - a holiday.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Salvator Mundi

A painting of Christ, unsigned, did
Get sold in 1958,
Forty five pounds the winning bid,
As artwork, not considered great.
But then in 2005
Some experts did look at the piece.
Salvator Mundi came alive,
And their findings they did release.
Unsigned but in the paint was found
A palm print on the painting be.
Verified palm print to astound -
Who's? - Leonardo da Vinci.

Once again on the auction block.
Dollars in nine digits - no shock!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Nayembi is 5 - LP Zoo

Nayembi girl is 5 years old,
Gorilla thrilla age to be,
A happy counting to handhold
With the rest of her family.
A festive celebration that
Will be enriched by special treats,
And placed throughout the habitat
For serve all selves - bon appetits!
Gladden the hearts of passersby,
Nayembi and her sisters do,
Making any spirit soar high
For all at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

A special birthday does arrive,
And so Nayembi - a high five.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Martin Luther

Fifteen hundred and seventeen,
Martin Luther published his thought -
Ninety five Thesis read and seen.
The Pope deemed him a faith crackpot.
Indulgences, Luther did say,
Money payment to save a soul,
Was papal greed and not God's way.
An obstacle to the Pope's goal
Of a basilica to build -
St. Peter's, with the money raised
From indulgences fulfilled.
Free trip to heaven was just crazed!

Because Luther did protest, he
A first protestant came to be.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Thomas Andrews

Thomas Andrews, chief architect,
For the ship building firm that made
R.M.S. Titanic erect,
And "unsinkable was its grade.
On the maiden voyage he sailed,
And summoned to the bridge the night
The hull of the ship was impaled
By an iceberg, with sinking plight.
Many to save, lifeboats too few,
Women and children first to save.
Andrews helped do what he could do.
Titanic sank to final grave.

Last seen weeping as the ship downed,
And his body was never found.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Prefer to Nap - LP Zoo

The African painted dogs do
Not seem too excited about
Fall Fest at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
They would prefer to nap no doubt.
Their habitat does overlook
The Zoo's Main Mall where humans be
Jabbering in gobble-de-gook
About the stuff to do and see,
What rides to ride, what games to play.
Where is the nearest place to eat?
And nearest bathroom by the way?
All this view from a front row seat!

But each of the painted dogs thinks
Far better to catch forty winks.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Suited for Trick or Treat - LP Zoo

Be a vulture or be a bat
When going forth for trick or treat.
Be a snake or be a mole rat,
So many costumes to compete
For the best of the scary cute,
To start the stuff for Halloween.
Some come with the ready made suit,
Making the Lincoln Park Zoo scene.
Each animal is quite picky
About the treat it would prefer,
And things can get very tricky
If the treats get mixed up, for sure.

The keepers keep on top of this,
Assuring a Halloween bliss.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Paris with a Pee

Public peeing in Paris is
Long standing tradition widespread.
Failing to stop this doing biz,
The city has joined in instead,
Placing sidewalk urinals where
The public likes to urinate,
With odor fighting stuff in there,
The leak reek to alleviate.
When full, a sensor does alert
Time to empty the ripe cargo,
Deposits taken to convert
To compost for flowers to grow.

Latest to cope with public pee -
Self service spots in spray Paree.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Pumpkin Lickin' Good

I see a pumpkin, yes I do.
It is the pumpkin time of year,
October at  Lincoln Park Zoo.
Those big round orange balls just appear.
This gorilla girl recalls that
The keepers spread treat stuff upon
The pumpkin in the habitat -
Quite a welcome phenomenon.
And so to the pumpkin I race,
My lips a smacking all the way,
Putting on my very best face,
As I partake in pumpkin play.

Once I start I just cannot stop
Licking my pumpkin lollipop.

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Jack Smack - LPZ

This red panda sees something new
In the habitat to check out
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Keepers keep me alert, no doubt.
Of course it is that time of year.
October brings on Halloween.
A Jack O'Lantern does appear
To challenge all my senses keen.
Ears hear, eyes see and whiskers touch,
Determining if tongue should taste.
With my past memories of such,
I sense there's goodies not to waste.

Just give me something good to eat,
And I am up for trick or treat.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Ben's Snooze Views

Ben Franklin, an insomniac,
Essayed a list of what to do.
First, get out of bed, and then whack
Your pillow, and then kick it too.
Take of your p.j.s and shake well.
Open the bed and let it cool,
And remain naked for a spell
In your bed chamber, perhaps you'll
Sit in a chair and read a book.
Wait until unpleasantly cold,
Then put on the p.j.s you shook,
Then back into your bed be rolled.

We try to sleep, but sometimes not
When the body is just too hot.

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


In 1967 in
October - off Broadway debut,
The hair raising Hair did begin
A musical protest to do,
Achieving critical acclaim,
Stripping away old ways to rock
The stage, never to be the same,
Letting it all hang out to shock.
Long haired hippies against the War,
That's what the show was all about,
Musical messages to score,
Dropping acid and dropping out.

Hair - happy 50th birthday,
A tad thinning and a bit gray.

Monday, November 06, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

At the Drop of an Apple

Sir Isaac Newton sat one day,
Thinking beneath an apple tree,
Why in perpendicular way
A falling object seems to be.
When something falls it seems of worth
The thing falls straight down not sideways
As though drawn to the core of Earth.
The reason why would sure amaze.
The theory of gravity came
Into Newton's great mind to dwell,
Causing him everlasting fame,
And all because an apple fell.

Sir Isaac Newton, it is said,
Gravity hit him on the head.

Sunday, November 05, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Help Needed - LP Zoo

Shake, rattle and roll this snake do,
The Eastern massasauga kind,
Being raised at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Then to the wild, a home to find,
An eco system hopefully
Where they not only will survive,
But a protected place to be
Where this species will truly thrive.
This rattlesnake deserves the chance
To have its time and place on Earth,
In co-existing circumstance
With humans. All life is of worth.

When asked to help, please heed the call.
Take a stand For Wildlife. For all.

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Day of the Sloth '17 - LP Zoo

October 20th, the day,
2017 is the year,
Day of the Sloth - hip hip hooray.
I clap my claws and hear me cheer.
Raising a lettuce leaf I toast
My good life at Lincoln Park Zoo.
I never am too slow to boast
About the good works that I do
As good will sloth ambassador
For all the sloths out in the wild,
Needing human help more and more
For co-existence reconciled.

When you come by, give me a shout,
And together lettuce hang out!

Friday, November 03, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

The Pumpkin Room - LP Zoo

There now is a dwarf mongoose who
Visits a pumpkin shaped abode.
Halloween at Lincoln Park Zoo,
When lots of pumpkins be bestowed.
This pumpkin really is not real,
Made of paper and colored so
To have a "what is this?" appeal
To curious who need to know.
The dwarf mongoose curious be
From top to bottom all around
Checks out the round residency
As suitable for homeward bound.

The dwarf mongoose waves to all kin,
Open house pumpkin - all jump in.

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Unwelcome Visit

So very gentle I do touch.
The picked person does not feel me,
Since I am small and light and such
And do my thing very quickly.
When I am ready to depart,
Daintily I do move away
In a pattern of mobile art,
Full of the blood sucked from my prey,
Who then notices but too late
The itch and sting where I have bit,
Causing annoyance or worse fate,
Depending on where I have lit.

And off into the air I fly,
This mosquito bidding bye bye.

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hardware Disease

When a cow does swallow a nail,
As oft a cow is apt to do,
If stomach pierced the cow will ail,
Called hardware disease, yes tiz true!
An ounce of prevention is worth
A pound of cure, the saying goes.
Within a year from the cow's birth
In a mouthful of feed enclose
A cow magnet to swallow, so
From then on metal nails and such
Onto the magnet will thus go,
And not bother the cow too much.

The magnet stays and does not pass,
Safely letting the iron amass.