Sense Sonnets

Friday, May 31, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bolivian Titi - LP Zoo

Bolivian titi - the kind
Of monkey that in fam'ly be.
Mom, Delasol, taught us to mind
Her well, swinging from tree to tree.
A better Mom could not be had.
She gave us praise when we were good,
And gave us "bleep" when we were bad.
Mom's tops in monkey motherhood.
We wanted to give her a gift
From all her many girls and boys,
Something that would give her a lift,
A bunch of berries she enjoys.

From Lincoln Park Zoo, we all say
Thank you Mom. Happy Mother's Day.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Dr. Joyce Brothers

Dr. Joyce Brothers gave T.V.
The face for decades to present
Some flair for dull psychology,
The T.V. mindset to frequent.
On Johnny Carson a fav guest
Who knew just how to play it straight
When Johnny went for a laugh quest,
His ego ever to inflate.
A pioneer psychologist
Who used the air waves long and well
To provide her own advice list
How to stay out of padded cell.

Dr. Joyce is in heaven now,
Giving advice on why and how.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Breaking Break

Notice how fate seems to space out
Disasters as not to collide.
So there's plenty of time about
Mediaocres to decide
What sells and how to spin the news.
Bombing, shooting, kidnapping or
Hurricane, fire or a bad cruise.
Beat to death each topic before
Whatever next "breaking news' breaks.
Exclusive that, exclusive this.
Nuggets of truth in piles of fake.
It's all a game of hit and miss.

Multi disasters on same day!
Mediaocres - whaddaya say?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Choctaw Bass

Biologists found a new bass,
Living in the U.S. southeast,
From DNA tests done in mass,
And then publically released.
But of course, the American
Fisheries Society must
Approve any new found bass clan,
To be debated and discussed.
Choctaw bass is the name proposed,
Native peoples who there once thrived.
But U.S. tyranny imposed
And very few Choctaws survived.

Hopefully Choctaw bass will fare
Better than their namesakes did there.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Chicken Little Al Gore

"The sky is filling," spread the word
400 ppm of gas
Yells Chicken Little Al Gore bird
CO2 much has come to pass,
Al is yelling high in the sky,
Cavorting in his private jet,
A burn fossil fuel kind of guy,
Greened to make money - wanna bet!
From all of us, what does Al want?
Why of course to buy his new book.
Ev'ry disaster he will flaunt.
He told us so - we're gonna cook.

"We must act now," Al's gases spew,
"Do as I say, not as I do."

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Greater Wax Moth

I hear that humans say I hear
As the best animal on Earth.
That with my greater wax moth ear,
I get a full frequencies' worth.
The humans say it's so I can
Detect bats flying out of hell,
With me as target as snack plan.
So far it's worked, but who can tell!
I find my hearing tunes in best,
While at moth balls (the party kind).
I can hear what all of the rest
Are gossiping my back behind.

Real reason my ears have evolved -
The "cocktail party problem" solved.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Time Flies

In heaven, each soul has a clock
That keeps a time track of each lie
Told by each of the human flock,
Right up until the day each die.
Each clock does tick for each lie told,
The hand moving a second's worth,
Adding up lies as each grows old,
Moving faster further from birth.
Very few eaches tell no lies,
But there's a bunch that tell the most.
It really comes as no surprise,
One bunch of lies is overdosed.

Each politician's clock is ran
Constantly as a ceiling fan.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Thou Shalt Heed Big Gov

The Ten Commandments, Moses got
He said from God, and started to
Give preachings on each "Thou Shalt Not."
Cuz he was the got guy - 'twas true!
Suppose Moses went to a school,
The tablets tucked under his arm.
But no discussion was the rule.
Government thought it would be harm.
Moses would have to find a church
To talk about the tablets there.
By the reg book, a soul must search
Just where approved, not anywhere.

Moses muzzled on talking sin.
The bureaucracy has always been.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Nayembi - LP Zoo

I'm one cute little gal - aren't I!
I know Nayembi is my name.
Not yet a year old - time does fly.
Who knew that I would get such fame,
From getting injured on my head.
All the attention that I get,
I really like, let that be said.
Real caring humans I have met.
Some act gorillas very well.
And my real family are near.
They're with me too - I see and smell.
Lincoln Park Zoo - my life is here.

Western lowland gorillas be
Endangered. Thanks for helping me.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The urban versus rural fight
Over water will just get worse.
Deciding on who's got the right
Depends on the size of the purse.
Big gov wants to get bigger, so
Those who can "bribe" big gov the most
Will get first dibs on water flow.
That problem solved, big gov will boast.
The haves will have fresh water to
Do with and waste as much as bought.
What will the have nots have to do?
Gripe about their waterless lot.

In the end, big government will
Decide which ways the waters spill.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Dead but not Facebook Forgotten

A Facebooker once live now dead,
Can get a funeral as long
As there are postings to be read
From all the friendings, right or wrong.
Mourning's always been, always will
Be more about the mourner, who
Lets the tears and the lies spill.
Mourning's an audition - tiz true!
And on Facebook the mourner can
Use the absence of the deceased
To drag on and out a grand plan
To post the most about the least.

But something's really out of whack
If the dead Facebooker posts back.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Jeremy - LP Zoo

This little piggy went to the Zoo
In Momma's belly a while back,
And then popped out as piglets do,
And Momma gave us each a snack.
I got the name of Jeremy,
A smart good looking Berkshire boy.
Back to the farm went the fam'ly.
Just left me for folks to enjoy.
But now it's time for me to go.
My call to duty never quits.
The farmer calls it - doncha know!
Hope I'm more than just bacon bits.

It's been a blast, Lincoln Park Zoo.
I bid farewell - this oink's for you.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Trumpeter Swans - LP Zoo

In 1868, we came -
Two trumpeter swans - what to do
In Chicago, and so to fame
We turned into Lincoln Park Zoo.
Happy on the city's north side,
Just a paddling around the pond,
Could spread white wings many feet wide,
And watch the city life beyond.
1871, we saw
The Great Chicago Fire burn by.
We just watched the whole thing in awe,
Safe in water - no where to fly.

The Zoo is still the place to be,
So much fun stuff to do and see.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Go Ahead

Being a part of the in crowd
In a ladies' room often used
By a lady is oft endowed
By info gems, thus she's enthused
To visit as the need arise,
And go without anxiety,
To gain wisdom and to advise
Others of life in world of she,
Of sharingness in time and space.
Tiz a haven she can go,
Where men should never have a place.
Men's world is boring - doncha know!

Ladies' rooms cater to the group.
Doing bizness is more than poop.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Murray Hall

1800's - no womens' lib,
So New York City's Murray Hall
Began to tell a little fib,
'Twas just politics after all.
A Tammany politician,
Murray was a man about town,
Puffing at cigars one by one
And gulping shots of whiskey down.
Murray was married at least twice,
Quite sweet on ladies, so 'twas said.
Engaged in all the manly vice.
And then one day, Murray dropped dead.

Doc checked the corpse - how could this be?
Murray was not a he - but she.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Kobe Be Good

Kobe Bryant is public mad
At his Mom for selling his stuff,
That he acquired when just a lad.
He's got his lawyers playing rough.
Mom is told to cease and desist
Trading K hotties for cold cash.
No doubt this has got Mom quite pissed.
Kobe deserves a strong tongue lash,
Reminding Kobe all she did
Giving him life and then endure
Him being just a snot nosed kid.
Now he's giving her this manure.

C'mon Kobe, whaddaya say -
Give Mom the stuff for Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Club Gitmo

Guantanamo is home to some
Terrorists who got themselves caught.
And so to prison they did come,
Costing the U.S. cash a lot.
Some say terrorists there do live
A better life than many here.
What do We get for what We give?
Healthy terrorists without fear
Of what the U.S. thinks it is -
Power for righteous and for free,
So long as minding U.S. biz.
The world minds less than used to be.

Closing Guantanamo - a fix
Only for short term politics.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Longfin Eel

New Zealand is home for my kind,
Though I was born way out to sea.
But the instinct was on my mind -
New Zealand's where I need to be.
An oceanic current came,
I held on tight and swept away,
Was going home, that was my aim,
Though it would take many a day,
Many hundreds of days in fact.
I do not make the trip alone.
Brothers and sisters, we are packed,
And travelling in fam'ly zone.

I head to New Zealand with zeal,
Cuz that's home for this longfin eel.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Propaganda done in cartoons,
Disney and Dr. Seuss did so,
Drawing anti U.S. - buffoons.
What goes round comes round - doncha know!
The U.S. goes the world about,
Not heeding much what is within.
Some itching, then some pain breakout,
The antiants toon to begin.
Anti U.S. of now are grown
Within the homeland, nesting still,
Armies of antiants unknown,
Just cartoon characters, until...

Propaganda of antiants,
Going nuts in Uncle Sam's pants.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Ben Affleck - one day you subsist
Just like a billion humans do
On a few pennies to exist.
You hope some message will get through.
Yes, you're doing a tiny part,
Not a very blockbuster role.
At least it says you've got some heart,
Or just trying to save your soul.
All that money that "Argo" made,
A lot of Congo that would feed.
Give all that cash to hunger aid,
Now that would be something - indeed!

Give all you've got, Ben - what the heck!
You can do more than just a fleck!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Sahar - LP Zoo

I am Sahar, the lion king,
Heir to the throne of Adelor,
Who's mighty roar was welcoming.
I too shall reign in mighty roar.
Though only heir here a few years,
I'm growing the more kingly mane,
Showing myself more to the cheers
Of human subjects of my reign.
More oft with Myra I am seen.
I'm getting on her better side.
If she will have me as my queen,
Perhaps we'll join in fam'ly pride.

Long live the king, I hope I do.
Life is good at Lincoln Park Zoo.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Corrupt in Afghanistan (C.I.A.)

U.S. taxpayers pay to play
The old game in Afghanistan.
Star player is the C.I.A.
To bribe Karzai to be the man
To head the puppet government,
And do the bidding of U.S.
Is all the bribing cash well spent?
How well's pay going - wanna guess?
Iran, Iraq - we paid the price.
Syria looks ripe for game on
To bribe the folks who will be nice,
Until they're not - they know the con.

More hush money for coverups.
U.S. power ever corrupts.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Out is In

Homosexuality is
The physical attraction to
Same sex - hers to hers, his to his.
Just a fact that some humans do.
Too bad the fact could not just be
Kept between the consenting pair.
Call it a right to privacy,
That all the world just need not share.
But extremes jerk at common sense.
Condemnation, celebration -
Turn truth to slanted consequence.
Same sex battles are never done.

So who will be the next to say,
"Hey world, just so you know - I'm gay!"

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Chocolotta Loot

The Spanish conquistadors came
And did conquer the Aztecs, who
Gave the cacao beans claim to fame
As currency to also chew,
And to make chocolati drink,
That when consumed made one feel ups.
But quite odd, did the Spaniards think,
When Aztecs drank from pure gold cups,
And finished drinking, the cups were
Discarded like a piece of trash.
The Spaniards thought the Aztecs sure
Crazy about their ways with cash.

The new world differed from the old.
Chocolate was worth more than gold.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The power elites of D.C.
Are ever playing politics.
The nation suffers injury.
D.C. just gives a bandaid fix
For We the People overall.
Special treatment is reserved for
Special interests with speed dial call,
That D.C. powers don't ignore.
If pressure causes too much heat,
The D.C.powers then react,
Flailing around in boastful beat,
Pretending the problem is whacked.

The D.C. powers that control,
Govern by playing Whack-A-Mole.

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Chicago Cubs and Wrigley Field.
Ricketts bought both in package deal,
Yearning for the revenue yield
From oldies with such fan appeal.
World Series Champs? - a hundred years
Of hearing next year, then 'twill be.
Each year starting with hopeful cheers.
Each year ending world champlessly.
Some modernizing will, no doubt,
Occur. One day fans will beam in
Another hundred years without
The ever dreamed World Series win.

Cubs and Wrigley - never be gone,
As long as world champ dreams dream on.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


American angry young men,
Committing the most heinous crimes.
Not a question of if but when
These are killing at random times.
A theater, a shopping mall,
A public school, a marathon.
A twisted mind does make the call,
And someone's loved one is just gone.
Life in a free society
Is an open season to kill,
For only bad reasons there be.
The killer can, the killer will.

Young killers kill, all ages die.
Who next? - soon answered, but not why.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Addicted to...

Labelled addiction - catchall bin
For a body doing too much
Of varied pleasurable sin,
Helpless and hopeless stopping such.
Abuse of substance or of sex,
Or work or shopping come to mind.
And how 'bout the hi tech effects
Taking a hold of humankind?
Multiolics are more and more,
And proven cures are less and less.
People must have pleasures galore,
Hoping to escape painful mess.

Addicted to addictions be
The future of society.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Silence the Jobless

Joblessness at an all time high
Since the Great Depression, but then
The powers that be worked on why,
Pressed for prosperity again.
Today, politician elite
Have media elite to spin
The joblessness as trick or treat
To assure powers that be win.
The jobless have no soundbyte voice
To sell the ads on newsy shows.
The welfare state - that is the choice
That's now the way the future goes.

No jobs - broken, not breaking news.
You bet that powers care - you lose.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


An arapaima, I am
A big fish in the Amazon.
Up and down and across I've swam.
I'm a fine finned phenomenon.
My swim bladder hybrids with gill.
There is some lung stuff growing there.
So while waters my preferred, still
I have to come up for some air.
Though fish is main catch of the day,
This fish outta water does find
My rough boned tongue leading the way
For a snack of the feathered kind.

Some like to fish for fish, I've heard.
But my fav is to fish for bird.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Close Encounters of the Tiger Kind

You're at the circus - bathroom break.
A tiger's taken a break too.
This could be bad for goodness sake.
What's a puny human to do?
Just don't panic, the experts say.
Don't look like food is also said.
Try not to look alive - okay!
Cuz all too soon you could look dead.
Got your cell phone, so take it out,
Call 911 emergency.
A tiger tale - hope there's no doubt.
A tiger roar could helpful be.

The tiger's got your number, so
The tiger calls it - doncha know!

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

CTA (Close Tight Asspects)

Doing biz with the CTA,
Billions to builder Bombardier
For rail cars built in the right way
To stuff in more bods, front to rear.
The bod that opts to take a seat
Is sandwiched in with squeeze galore,
Sitting on cloth that's trick or treat
From some bod sitting there before.
Better believe some bods are gross.
No room to move, just forced to watch
Whatever bod is standing close,
Showing either a butt or crotch.

CTA brass get where they go,
Not trains but limos - doncha know!

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Egyptian Fruit Bat - LP Zoo

Egyptian fruit bat, that is me,
Hanging out at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Egypt - there never plan to be,
But love to eat fruit - yes I do.
I am nocturnal, but my eyes
Don't see all that well in the night.
But I have radar ears - sound flies,
Alerting me of snacks to bite.
Only mammal that flies, and so
When not in flight, my body brown
Needs good leg support - doncha know!
Best way is hanging upside down.

I have a long name for a bat.
So just call me E.F. - how's that!

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

In the Nose

All Boston ordered to shut down,
A bomber suspect on the run,
Thought to be somewhere in Bean Town,
Thousands of cops - each with a gun.
The suspect's identity known.
The cops were searching, but how well?
Found in a backyard boat alone,
After an all clear - what the hell!
Found by an unarmed citizen,
Where the cops should have searched before,
As someplace good, bad would hide in.
Seems like the cops could have searched more.

Authorities - incompetent!
Why weren't some search dogs on the scent?

Friday, May 03, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hottentot Teal - LP Zoo

A new born hatched Hottentot teal,
A hatch first for Lincoln Park Zoo.
Tiz great to flap my wings - for real,
And do the doings ducklings do.
I am of species dabbling duck.
Come far from Africa, my kind.
But the Zoo is my home - what luck!
The nest is cozy that Mom lined.
I'm learning I'm omnivorous,
Insects and seeds are my fav lunch.
I am vocal - but do not cuss
At all those humans - what a bunch!

This Hottentot teal's hot to trot.
Oops - hot to waddle - I forgot.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

See That and Raise...

Boston has had a few folks killed,
Beginning with the marathon.
Americanized bros got skilled
With a mean bomb phenomenon.
All the news media moved in,
And then Boston shut down real tight,
To give the news the preferred spin
All that could would be done, despite
The fact that sensation was why
These crimes were getting such attend.
No doubt a wannabe will try
To star next in this "my turn" trend.

Wannabe killers should take heed -
More news, more dastardly the deed.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Topsy, the elephant, was shown
Within a Coney Island park.
Humans did not like her stressed tone.
Her temperament was much too dark.
Trampled a trainer, the last straw,
Deserved to get the new "death chair."
And, oh, such a crowd pleasing draw.
Thomas Edison was brought there.
He had killed cats and dogs for years,
Public execution tests.
But an elephant - that brought cheers.
Of course, for scientific quests.

Thanks to Edison, Topsy "fried."
Edison prospered, Topsy died.