Sense Sonnets

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Fearless Felix

Felix Baumgartner is the name
Of the skydiver who did dive
Into the record setting fame -
The highest jump, landing alive.
Twenty four miles above the Earth,
Falling at supersonic speed,
"Fearless Felix" did prove his worth
In dare on which few humans feed.
Cloaked out in a pressurized suit,
Falling faster than speed of sound,
From way up to way down his route,
Until he safely touched the ground.

Thank you Felix for thrill you flew,
Now what next are you gonna do?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Cell Off

A cyber Pearl Harbor attack,
And the 9/11 hits too,
Showed when the U.S. can fight back,
The attackers do get their due.
So wannabe attackers would
Be smart to plot until they've got
A scheme with such scope that it could
Destroy the U.S. a whole lot.
Knock out at once all the cell phones.
Panic and pandemonium
Would spread like fire through all cell zones.
Citizenry, helpless and dumb.

The U.S. government would fall.
There'd be no one to take the call.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

The Asylum

The Asylum makes movies fast
And cheap, not for art but for cash.
No Oscar winning crew and cast
In flicks of horror and sex bash.
To top Video on Demand,
A number or the letter "A"
Starts out each flick title as planned
To help entice viewers to play.
The mockbuster has proved to be
A profitable movie biz.
Folks stay home and watch on T.V. -
A mom and pop corn time it tiz.

Playing with the big studios,
Smart, The Asylum tippytoes.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Common Environment

Israeli - Palestinian
Conflicts taking much time and place.
And why does all this spilled blood run?
Is peace beyond the human race?
The land is torn in war and strife.
Environment could be the key
To opening up love for life,
And making it reality.
Back to the land, how each can give,
And learn from others, better ways,
Not what to die for, but to live,
Can sow the seeds to better days.

Come together to understand.
Put peace, not blood into the land.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Pay Per Bent

Libbie, Jon Stewart, in lip lash
With conservie, Bill O'Reilly,
Both doing the televised bash,
Jousting jabs they thought were wiley.
Both are one percenters who think
Their own ideology brand
Smells good, the other one's does stink.
They both live in a never land.
The show was some for charity,
Bill and Jon did it to sell
The what's in it for me, me, me.
The rest of us can go to hell.

Rich libbies, rich conservies do
Anything to get cash from you.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bond of Bird

Ornithologist is my game,
A renowned expert for the birds.
Ian Fleming borrowed my name,
Cuz 'twas ordinary - his words.
I was happy to be of aid.
Bird watching's kinda like a spy,
Not as dangerous as portrayed,
And I'm no macho, sexy guy.
Mr. Fleming loved birds as well,
Always gave them good cameo.
And I got some good show and tell
With my bird book in Dr. No.

Many a birdwatcher hear me -
"Bond, James Bond - I've got birds to see,"

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Plastic Wrap

It was a world to be checked out.
Maybe life would be living there.
So the probe orbited about,
Checking the land, water and air.
Apparently, life once had thrived,
Ruins from some high intellect.
But all was gone, none had survived.
But why? The probe sought to detect.
A substance seemed to be the why.
The stuff was in every place.
And slowly caused all life to die.
The probe returned to outer space.

The probe findings were quite tragic.
The world was covered in plastic.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


An old guy is making some point,
A politician in right field,
Gets listening ears out of joint
With abortion talk that he spieled.
He said abortions do be done
On women who are not pregnant.
The critics take these words and run,
Charging sexism to be blunt.
Procedures, shady docs do do,
Called abortions on non prego
Who thought they truly were - tiz true!
Need a word for that - doncha know!

The back and forth abortions got,
Don't need to call it when it's not.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

In Habitat

Billions of human beings live
In habitat of time and space.
Whatever life does take and give,
Each human connects to a place.
To a body, a mind, a soul,
A home is where the in keeps out
Bad in daily and nightly goal,
Just wanting good in and about.
But oft, forces descend upon,
And the home becomes torn apart.
What was a home now is all gone.
Rebuild the home first in the heart.

In palace and in hut do dwell
Lives made in heaven and in hell.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The piece of something dubbed "Piss Christ,"
Is termed a boring blasphemy,
That how the true Christ sacrificed
Should save modern stupidity.
So many sins abound to save,
An ego driven pissy fling,
Christ probably quickly forgave
As just another stupid thing.
No doubt Christ is much more concerned
With how we piss away the good.
O'er centuries we've never learned
To be what God had hoped we would.

Like Christ, let's learn how to forgive,
And be better, live and let live.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Behind Green

A lot of food we buy to eat
Is more expensive cuz it's grown
As green organic plants and meat,
For a more healthy body zone.
But where green savings can be found
Is where the food later comes out.
Need for diapers and wipes abound.
Reuse and it's cheaper, no doubt,
Yes, washing such things is no fun,
But the more washed, the more tiz saved
Of your dollars and Earth be done,
All because you greenly behaved.

Reusable diapers and wipes -
Good green for both young and old types.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Tic Talk

Being at that job interview
Is lots more than just what you say.
You're being watched at what you do.
Bods odds can make or break your day.
Of course you're nervous, but you must
Not let your nervous tics be seen.
Cuz nothing makes your hopes go bust,
By ticking time all 'twixt and 'tween.
Be moderate in ev'ry move
Let your body language speak why
For that job now it would behoove
To pick you as the gal or guy.

And once you land that job, well then
You can resume your tics again.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

It's Academic

Academia libbies do
Freely speak about bad free speech,
Advocating good big gov to
Stick the nasty mouths out of reach.
Let's start censorship with the profs,
Shutting down those lib lips for good.
Protect the children from the coughs
Of squashing rights from leftyhood.
Young minds are being zombieized
By all the crap that's freely spewed
By libbie loons that are disguised
As learned - but only delude.

Babble on now professors, cuz
You're gonna be the first we muz.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Andy "W"

Its letters crumbling - who would save
The Hollywood sign - 'twas a shame!
Letter by letter, celebs gave.
Andy Williams, singer of fame,
Picked the letter that he would boost,
To stand up proud and tall once more
Upon the mount side, freshly spruced
For the tinseltown to adore.
All nine letters did get redone,
And guess which one Andy did choose?
Of all the others, it's the one
From which sounds of sweet music ooze.

"Moon River" is heard flowing through
The Hollywood sign "W."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Ryder Cup Ripples

The Ryder Cup U.S. team had
A huge lead over Europe's team,
And would have to play really bad
Not to win, or so it would seem.
But then the little twists and turns,
A shot made here, a shot missed there,
A slow rippling web of concerns.
An upset spreading through the air.
The late Seve Ballestreros
Perhaps gave Europe's team the will
To take the competition close,
And get the U.S team to spill.

The Ryder Cup, full of compete.
Ripples, not floods, flowed to defeat.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Speak Leak

Presidential candidates do
Forget and make a slip of lip,
Actually saying something true,
But mindless, just letting it rip.
Obama spit the "bitter" pill,
And Romney did the "victim" dope,
Both caught at it as surely 'twill
To kick a while on self made rope.
Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt,
One wonders what their tongues did tell
In guarded moments how each felt
About vote blocs that gave them hell.

Truth told by a politician -
Something that tiz so rarely done!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog Action Day 2012


There are so many things in life
One can become addicted to,
Resulting in a lonely strife,
And so unsure of what to do.
There's no quick fixes, no sure cures
To stop oneself from self abuse,
And so the living hell endures,
Body, mind and soul - a recluse.
But help is in the way of we,
In coming together to share
Life's ups and downs in unity.
One can get well because we care.

We are addicts anonymous,
If you are one, come join with us.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Scout Out

"Trouble with the Curve" shows that man
Has parts like eyes that dim with age.
The parts in a computer can
Be fixed to keep the machine sage.
Baseball scouting can now be done
By sticking stats into programs,
Flipping switches, letting them run.
No old, tired eyes making exams.
Of course computers are the way
To best assure a winning team.
Old grumpy guys have had their day.
Computers are real field of dream.

A sport - baseball no longer tiz.
It's just show me the money biz.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Went Dental

With the guys after a long day,
Tipsy, I got home to the cave.
The Mrs. threw a rock to say
I better learn how to behave.
The rock hit, and a tooth did crack.
The wife felt bad and banged the drum
For old Doc Chompers, the tooth quack,
Who came and said, "Open up bum."
The pain by now was really bad.
I was a hurtin' to the max.
The Doc pulled out some stuff he had,
And filled the crack in with beeswax.

The bees got mad and stung my head.
The pain went away. I was dead.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Replacement Ref

The call was good says NFL,
Adding fuel to the spreading fire.
Replacement refs' lives will be hell,
Now the most hated jobs for hire.
The Seahawks - Packers squabble tiz
Making the headlines like a war.
For the NFL it's good biz -
Free advertising - gobs galore.
The poor replacement refs, but pawns,
In the game that's played off the field
To score some points and then begones,
Tossed away by powers that wield.

Blame follows the replacement ref,
Forever taunting, "What the F!"

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher

In a Word

President Abraham Lincoln
Has proclaimed that I'm free, I heard,
Called it an emancipation,
A really fancy sounding word.
Some say the word is just a trick
To try to win the Civil War.
Some say that freedom just got sick
Of calling us slaves anymore.
Old times here are not forgotten.
I was, I am and I will be
A slave in the land of cotton.
No word is gonna set me free.

I'm heading north to make my stand
To live and die in a free land.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Golfing Goofing

"We are Golf" - straight, not hook or slice,
Appeal to conservies to putt
A stop in strokes made not so nice,
Divoting Obama in cut,
By mocking the duffer in chief
On all of his merry-go-rounds.
Tiz only scoring job threat grief
As unemployment's out of bounds.
The Prez often is bunkered down
Obamacaring 4 more health,
How to hole in one D.C. town,
And redistribute righties' wealth.

The President is a nice guy.
He's just stuck in a real bad lie.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Politics is no longer where
A "nice" guy (or gal) can survive.
Any true "nice" who wanders there
Is gonna get eaten alive
By all the naughties that do run
The We the People power game.
A naughty that's nice could be done
If Nice were that pol's last name.
President Nice? Maybe some day.
Rove and Axelrod - check it out.
Ah - what bumper stickers could say.
Play on words - what it's all about.

If you should have the name of Nice,
Run from politics - my advice.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Mama's Boys

I love to travel with my boys,
Had all five of them years ago.
They're all grown up, but still my joys.
We are family, doncha know!
A good mama, I've tried to be,
Teaching the boys how to live life.
I help the boys, the boys help me.
Stick together - whatever strife.
I do worry once in a while
About my boys when I am gone.
But watching them just makes me smile.
No matter what, we just go on.

If my boys are not treated right,
This mama whale's been known to bite.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Gridiron Caesar

Some Saints got caught at nasty stuff,
Doing a bounty hunting gig.
Sportsmanlike pay was not enough.
"Suspended" ordered Mister Big,
Roger Goodell, football commish
Over an empire run like Rome,
Where if tiz the emperor's wish,
Saints are outta the Superdome.
These bad boys can seek to appeal
To Goodell's goodie softer side.
But an emperor knows for real,
Stabbed in the back comes with the Ides.

Hail to the Emperor Goodell,
To put these sinning Saints through hell.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Mrs. Jesus?

Ask what if Jesus had a wife,
And feel fairly safe that no one
Is gonna wanna take your life,
As others (won't mention) have done.
Christian male chauvinists no doubt
Will wanna stick to the old script
That keeps the Jesus file about
A guy who was not pussy whipped.
But Jesus seems to be fair game
For any kinda what if he...
Without a lotta nasty blame
By holier than wannabe.

On Jesus' second coming back,
He'll get a kick outta the flack.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Fat Tax

The U.S.A. is growing fat.
Nanny Bloomberg strives to weigh in
With consume bans on this and that,
But obesity's gonna win.
The fast food and drink industry
Gets more profits the more the pounds.
Early death from disease 'twill be,
But making babies still abounds.
Let's tax in fat like tax income,
Progressively per each one's weight.
Allow health deductions for some.
The more you pay, the more you ate.

Who else can the government charge?
Why - We the People, by and large.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Play Day

Once upon a time, Sundays were
A time for family and church.
But then pro sports boom did occur,
And pew gave way to bar stool perch.
Time out from life to watch a game,
To get caught up in fantasy,
Grab gusto in fan hall of fame,
An afternoon of destiny,
Maybe a bet or two to give
An added tingle to the buzz
Of what it's like to strive to live
The field of dreams. Why? Just becuz!

Am I in heaven or in hell?
Did my team do bad or do well?

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Rahm E and Karen L show tiz
A gonna be a mean match game
Of raw reality show biz,
Smothered in low down dirty shame.
Picture a mud wrestling venue,
Minds and bodies locked and heated.
Both sets of lips the taunts do spew,
Loads of expletives deleted.
What is the lesson to be learned
From exploiting this silly show?
When bloated egos are concerned
It's fight for nothing - doncha know!

See and hear this dueling duet.
Stay tuned - you ain't seen nothing yet!

Monday, October 01, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Righties Pouties

Conservies and Repubbies whine
About the libbie Demmie press.
Just shove it where the sun don't shine
While making the farewell address,
Cuz libbie Demmies play the game
A lot down and dirtier than
Most conservies, only in name,
Any WASPy Republican.
Rumor has it Repubbies will
Call it quits when Romney does lose.
The Tea Party will pour to fill
The long dead and gone Reagan shoes.

The right gets lamer and limper,
Left by the left just to whimper.