Sense Sonnets

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Mrs. of Manners

She married a wife cheating cad,
But tried to put up a false face,
For propriety must be had
In the perfect wife role and place.
Hubby's affairs took a press course,
And she was forced to undergo
A nasty and public divorce.
But then she carried on as though
She was still the well mannered wife.
Her maid was like her chaperone,
At her side in her public life.
But at home she was all alone.

The name that still comes up the most
On etiquette - Emily Post.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bloomy v Butt

If Bloomberg had been mayor back
In the good ol' nifties fifties,
Like Mad Men he'd carry his pack
Like one of his extremities.
'Cause if he tried to take away
The cigs from city folk back then,
He'd been put out in an ashtray,
And never to butt in again.
But Bloomberg exists in a time
When brainwashed city folk believe
All unhealthy should be a crime.
Give up some freedoms to achieve.

Buttinsky Bloomberg nanny struts,
To save all, no ifs, ands or butts.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I made loads of money in biz,
So turned my bucks to politics.
I know that playing dirty is
Part of the competition kicks.
Yes, I had employed for a time,
A housekeeper who she turned out
Was an illegal. That's her crime.
I fired her. What's the fuss about?
My enemies got hold of her.
She opened wide her mouth grande'.
I himmed and hawwed. That caused a stir.
She's costing me. I'm gonna pay.

What good does it do to be rich,
But don't buy some hush - what a bitch!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Auto Sense

Cars are smarter over the years.
Hi tech is giving cars the brains
That aren't between the drivers' ears
To lessen driving mishap pains.
There will be a time coming soon
When the car driver will be sensed.
No moving parts will be immune.
Any forbidden stuff commenced
That distracts from the driving task,
The car will pull over and stop.
For a confession it will ask,
Then give a ticket like a cop.

To err is human. To hi tech
To profit from less human wreck.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Meter Mission

The Obama regime bought me,
Thanks to the borrowed stimulus.
I control electricity.
Each household will have one of us.
A smart meter is how I'm billed,
Supposed to save you money on
Your energy use as fulfilled.
I'm just another big gov con.
The real purpose that I'm installed
Is to monitor you and yours.
If anti gov you be so called,
Then I will give you your what fors.

If you don't act and vote true blue,
Then I will electrocute you.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Left not Right

I'm tallest mountain in the world,
Holy one in Nepali eyes.
But foreigners have on me hurled
Tons of their trash to humanize
My natural pure majesty.
The melting ice and snow reveal
The mounting manmade tossed debris,
A litterbugging hell for real.
I am covered with all this crap
Discarded on all my terrains.
You, who threw this all in my lap.
Clean up your mess and your remains.

You too would be a grouchy grump
If people used you for a dump.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Tweet Secrete

I read a tweet in a rainstorm
From the astronaut, Neil Armstrong.
It said that something was abnorm,
That an asteroid had veered wrong,
And now was heading straight for Earth,
And when it hit most likely 'twould
End human life for what it's worth.
This tweet surely did not sound good -
These characters of astro end.
Maybe Neil was just tweeting crap
To pull a fast one on a friend.
Just then there was a thunderclap.

'Twas such a scary circumstance,
I had no choice but pee my pants.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Fool the Fools

The so called independent vote
Serves to just get bounced forth and back
Between what promisoory note
Dems or Repubs do party pack.
The indees should be getting sore
From all that to and fro whiplash.
Why do indees keep taking more
Same ol' by shifting votes and cash?
Dems and Repubs are lying fools
Who think there is no other choice.
Indees - stop being their shared tools.
Poop both parties in your next voice.

When stupid is full measured out,
Both parties are quite full - no doubt.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Tell When Tail Fin

For us, we thank you Mister Earl
Giving us some time in the sun.
We gave many a boy and girl
The feel that riding was all fun.
Inspired by flying fighter planes,
The sense of soar we did instill
In some of the roadster domains,
Making the drive more of a thrill.
We hit the peak in '59
Upon the El Dorado Cad,
Jutting so outragiously fine
Above the pavement launching pad.

We tailfins gave a car such flair,
As we went flying through the air.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Killer Pam

If one is gonna do a crime,
Especially like murder foul,
Then do it like a lip sealed mime.
Assume recording of each vowel.
If possible, go it alone,
But if accomplices must be,
Get them mature and fully grown.
Teenage boys spell calamity.
If found guilty or innocent,
It comes down to good or bad luck.
In jail one might or not repent.
It's hard to unstick what has stuck.

Whatever was Pamela's part,
It can't be said that she was Smart.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

D.I.D. a number

Dissociative identity
Disorder. D.I.D., once known
As a split personality,
Complicates a one party zone.
Personalities in and out
At all times of the day and night,
Each one wanting to go about
Life as each one thinks is all right.
This puts a body in much stress,
Never sure who will do what.
What's next is anybody's guess.
So many cooks - one melting pot.

It's hard for one body to keep
Multi task lives without much sleep.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Witch Run

A witch running in politics
Looking to win a Senate seat
Brings a cauldron of spelly mix
That may make her quite hard to beat.
Voters are known to be prone to
Having spells cast upon them, so
They elect goofballs - yes they do.
Off to D.C the goofballs go.
At best a witch might bring some good.
On her broomstick she might sweep clean
The dirt that fouls the Congresshood,
And bedevels the D.C. scene.

A witch in Congress could do well,
'Cause Congress often goes to hell.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Dollars with no Sense

A billionaire with an armed guide
Going for a dawn safari walk,
And they do stroll up alongside
A herd of elephants. Then - shock!
A momma elephant with young
Notes the intruders as a threat,
And quickly the big girl has sprung
Into a charge with clear mind set.
The guide waited to shoot, then missed,
And was tossed unharmed through the air.
'Cause the rich made momma real pissed.
She tore apart the billionaire.

Elephants are a dying breed.
Stupid billionaires - we don't need.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I am called ginger in the west,
Where I am just beginning to
Show off my talents at my best
As medicine - though nothing new.
For thousands of years in the east,
My herbal healings have been known.
So many aches and pains have ceased
As I have passed through flesh and bone.
Researchers have not yet found out
Why I relieve a bunch of ill.
At first I'm swallowed with some doubt,
But then convince with my proved skill.

Just ingest a little of me.
I am a multi remedy.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Wear Fare

Wearing a nazi uniform
In a photo that shows worldwide
Is now considered to be norm
How to do image suicide.
Prince Harry's still taking flack
For a youthful nazi costume.
Publicized, and there is no lack
Of massive offense in full bloom.
Those who would dress in such a way
And pose for pictures to be seen
Are trouble seekers, most would say.
To frame others - 'twould be so mean!

If you have enemies to bop,
Nazi them via photo shop.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Ism for War

The wars today cannot be won
If ism is the reason why.
The war in Vietnam was done
To stop communism - or try.
With blood and treasure - yes we tried
Invading other people's land.
We were not on any good side.
We failed and did not understand.
We wage war in Afghanistan
To fight terrorism of few
Who dared to undertake a plan
On 9/11. War to do.

Isms are no excuse for war.
But we still keep searching for more.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Rush to Bail

So folks are leaving the U.S.
To greener pastures claimed elsewhere.
Most of them helped make this here mess.
Now they're taking problems to share
In other lands, but will they be
Welcomed with open arms to stay,
Or will they live illegally,
Hoping that ICE will keep away?
Costa Rica will let Rush live
There as long as he wants to, but
Mucho dinero he must give,
And promise to keep his mouth shut.

Rush could consider the North Pole,
And get on Santa's elf payroll.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Biggies Piggies

Three little piggies got gov born.
Social Security comes first.
Then later from the gov womb torn,
Medicare and Medicaid burst.
Gov promised that the piggies would
Stay cute and small and not eat much.
Gov promises are not much good.
Gov thinks that it has Midas Touch.
But the gold ran out long ago,
As the piggies grew monstrous fat,
And gov kept on gorging them so,
Piggy hell is where we are at.

These entitlement piggies three
Just cry for more cash. We! We! We!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

The Kiss

When I showed up on the big screen,
The crowds went wild with shock and awe.
I was branded porno obscene.
Protesting prudish lips flapped raw.
I was a sign of evil times.
Propriety had disappeared.
Forget all of the real life crime,
For it was I that must be feared.
I think I was a great success.
It was so sad some lips spewed sore.
Those lips should do the bashing less.
Instead all lips should do me more.

Thomas Edison, thanks for this -
Making me a film star - "The Kiss."

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Money is the power door key
To buy people, places and things.
The richer, the more choices be
To wield power that money brings.
Just a handful of humans own
Most of the wealth that does exist.
They tend to lurk behind the throne,
Tweaking each other's shopping list
For pawns to give star roles onstage,
Be it a pope or president
Who acts the part in gilded cage,
Bought and paid for till worth 'tis spent.

The rich seek money games to play.
What and who will they buy today.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

I Coulda Had Harry

As a publisher, I used to
Get loads of manuscripts to read.
I got one thick one good to do
My office door stop duty deed.
After about 6 months went by,
I realized that I need send
That submission back with reply
Of sorry, cannot recommend.
It simply has no mass appeal.
Wizard stories are so boring.
Find a subject that fills with zeal.
You're new to this, J. K. Rowling.

Harry Potter turned out to be
The end of publishing for me.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Early T.V. Made Moms

T.V. Moms - June and Harriet,
Laura and Alice and Lucy,
And Samantha and Margaret -
Icons of domesticity.
Some wore pearls and heels to serve lunch.
Blue jeans - none of them ever chose.
Mild mannered and they smiled a bunch,
With perhaps a twitch of her nose.
For the children, ever the touch
Of perfection in matters all.
With Hubby no sex stuff as such,
Censors ever on beck and call.

T.V Moms went a bit too far
When Mom was "My Mother the Car."

Monday, November 08, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Judge Not Lest...

I was doing my normal schtick
With my wild beard and gutshot eyes,
Laying on the doomsday thing thick,
In D.C. where I specialize.
A blogging pundit must have seen
And heard me warning of the end.
I sort of feel he does demean
The message that I try to send.
He is a p.r. parasite,
Feeding off of whoever's in,
Making a living off the plight
Of victims of the D.C. sin.

And he had the audacity
To label me an S.O.B!

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

On Don

'Twas in nineteen eighty six,
Oprah was beggin' dapper Don
Johnson of all the dudes and chicks
To pretty, pretty please come on
Her new national show. Alas,
Rhinestone shades were not enough.
The Miami Vice star did pass.
So common folk became the stuff
That Oprah featured for show one.
Don Johnson slowly faded out,
While Oprah ran a winning run.
That's what show biz is all about.

Don Johnson's beggin' doncha know,
To guest star on Oprah's show.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Genetically modified -
Now there 'tis really food for thought.
Bioteched salmon - open wide,
Eat the frankenfish while it's hot.
Nature no longer needs to be
The maker of new life to eat.
Just buy some genetically
Modified cells of special meat.
Ah - leave it to science to fix
The need for more and faster food.
Meals will become an altered mix
Out of sight, out of mind once chewed.

Growing new life in petri lids.
First comes the food, next comes the kids.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Manners Matters

"Oh wherefore art thou Romeo?"
Juliet asks in Facebook post.
Then he joins her - on with the show
To take their lives to uttermost.
But first they want to send their friends
One last messaging of farewell
Before the two kids meet their ends.
Also their folks can go to hell
For grounding them, so they can't be
Together, and must live apart.
So they will die and all will see
Suicide photo from the heart.

Dead Romeo and Juliet,
Not polite Facebook netiquette!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bark Lark

Humans are easy to predict.
Take Jennifer who is my charge.
When she ignores me, I get ticked.
I make her come fetch, by and large.
She saw me eyeing that raw steak,
But just kept chatting with her friend.
That snub is more than I could take.
A clear message I had to send.
Into sucker the human mode,
I did my sneak attack pretense,
Gobbled the steak down, then bestowed
On Jennifer THE LOOK intense.

A while later I did throw up.
Guess who cleaned that mess from this pup?

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Trading in Braiding

Small biz in any time and place
Need find out the game rules to play.
Take the hair braider as a case.
First, she should untangle the way
In getting her biz pre-approved
By the powers that be about,
Whose hands and fingers are well grooved
In taking bribes from biz - no doubt.
Call it a price to do the biz.
It matters little 'tis not right.
That's just the way the system is.
It really does no good to fight.

Small entrepreneur beware.
Pols want their cut in braiding hair.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Tea Time

Tea Party in blue Delaware
Aiming for the Biden old seat.
RINOs are first to get the scare
That moderation means defeat.
It's now or never to try out
True conservs as powers that be.
Even some libs are having doubt,
If they know of past history.
It's all voters that must decide
If it's time for a change to try
To turn the failed big gov high tide
Back to the first Fourth of July.

The Tea Party is not so strange.
Obama said 'twas about change.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Death by Failure

There are some cultures that believe
That mental toughness must include
Resolve that desire to achieve
Is more than just right attitude.
Lives depend upon one's success.
It matters not to what degree.
An organization is less
When one fails in what needs to be.
So failure must be consequenced
By paying the ultimate price.
So others will be better convinced,
Nothing about failure is nice.

A matter of honor and pride,
Failure followed by suicide.