Sense Sonnets

Friday, January 31, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Beyond Decompression

Hubby caught me cheating on him.

I thought he was gonna combust.

His threat of divorce sounded grim.

To decompress, I said he must.

But Hubby refused to relax.

And so I hit him on his head

With a wrench I swung with my max.

He fell over, Hubby was dead.

In the trash compactor I stuck

His body and compacted so

Better to hide with any luck.

Divorcing me was now a no.

Hubby's still real uptight, I guess,

Cuz he will sure not decompress.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Multi Tasker

A flyer, fiddler, tailor, three,

Pastimes that I wrap into one,

As o'er the neighborhood goes me,

Labors of lots of love and fun.

Pickup and delivery is

Part of the service I provide,

Transacting my tailoring biz.

Foot pedal power is supplied

My air ship shop for awesome flight.

As my self sewing machine sews,

I play my fiddle with delight,

Bringing folks out of bungalows.

A flyer, fiddler, tailor, I

Smile down to all from way up high.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 "Mack the Knife"

The name's MacHeath, just call me Mack.

Lots of whiskey I like to down.

For knives I'm known to have a knack.

Just ask anybody in town.

Anytime a dead body be

With knife wounds being the cause why,

The word spreads real fast about me

That I must be the guilty guy.

So I sit sipping whiskey and

Puff on a cigar when the cops,

Checking out my knife, they demand,

Their suspecting me never stops.

But the cops never seem to know,

Two knives, one to kill, one to show.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Visit

I was not sure if she was home,

So tapped, she opened up the door,

Inviting me in and to roam

Through rooms where I had been before.

I felt I was a welcome guest

Of a kind hostess I would please.

And so I did my very best

To give her my most pleasant breeze.

And of this visit who could guess

That when I left she then would write

A poem from this poetess

Of my visit to my delight!

"The Wind's Visit," her poem to be.

Thank you dear poetess from me.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Sense Sonnet -Pumper

 Picasso's Napkin Sketch

Pablo Picasso once was asked

By a lady admirer to,

On a paper napkin, be tasked

With a very quick sketch to do.

Picasso nicely agreed, then

Quickly drew, the lady said thanks,

But was certainly surprised when

He asked her for a million francs.

"Five minutes was all that you took,"

"Seems like too high a price to me,"

The lady said with a grim look.

Picasso replied politely,

"No, this five minute drawing now,"

"Took forty years to practice how."

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake

2025 news I hear

Is that yours truly, wood snake, I

Am star of the Chinese New Year.

On my scales of one to ten, my

Excitement hearing this is ten.

And I do slither forth and hiss

This great news through the forest glen,

Letting all know I'm filled with bliss.

I've never been to China and

I doubt if that trip I will make,

Cuz from Google I understand

The Chinese diet includes snake.

I expect this year to be good

For this lucky snake, knock on wood!

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Removal "Eggs"acted

A dictator in the hen house,

The hens were badly treated by

The rooster who they deemed a louse,

And wanted rid of of this mean guy.

So beaks were sharpened by each hen,

And while the rooster was asleep,

The hens gathered around him, then

Attacked his neck in one big heap.

Squawk of protest from severed head,

And flapped around the headless one.

Then dictator rooster was dead,

His cock a doodle doo was done.

The rooster made the hens so mad,

A coop d'etat the hens had,

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Dream to Share

I looked in on my daughter who,

With her kitten, was fast asleep.

And in my mind I see the two

Drifting off in a gentle sweep,

And to a wondrous dreamland bound,

Under the glow of starry night,

Coming to a merry go round,

My five year old in sheer delight,

Is riding on a pony, while

Kitty is nearby, watching her.

My daughter's face shows a big smile,

Very pleased with this dream for sure.

My daughter will be oh so glad

To hear about this dream she had.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Unappreciated Poem

Robert Burns, poet, plower, he

Was plowing through the field, and came

Plowing right into where I be,

Destroyed my home, and felt such blame,

That then and there began a verse

On what an awful thing he'd done,

By making my life so much worse.

He was quite the talkative one.

Frankly, I was not that upset,

Used to the butt in humankind.

I was just surprised he would fret

On this matter I did not mind.

Robert Burn's verse, lost on this mouse,

Cuz I had moved into his house.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Not to Judge but to Support

She is only seven years old,

But my mistress already is

At such a young age, truth be told,

A genius at inventing whiz.

While she's inventing, I sit near,

And watch her working where she's at,

Cuz she believes that I am here

On "purr"pose as her lucky cat.

Currently, I am watching her

Build a fancy, clever machine

That will be a marvel for sure,

Working on the pest control scene.

Build a better mousetrap thinks she,

But no trap's better built than me.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Within These Woods

He taught poetry to us at

Amherst College, and one fine day

Professor Robert Frost said that

To nearby woods we'd make our way.

Which we did, and we all walked

Through sunlit trees and listened to

The master poet as he talked

On verses of these woods he'd do

Through all the seasons of the year,

And asked us all to share as well,

Poems of the woods we held dear.

This class sure cast a wondrous spell.

Promise to return, he could not keep,

As death took Frost to his final sleep.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Behavior to Beware

I was just monkeying around,

Then saw two human boys below,

Huddled together on the ground.

Piqued my curiosity, so

Out of the tree I swung to get

A closer look, and one boy blew

On a held stick, a fire to set,

The other boy staring, I knew

Likely mischief both had in mind.

Neither boy seemed aware of me.

Fire starting, then focus combined,

So I swung back up in the tree.

This monkey sure has no desire

For humaning around with fire.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Most Hazardous Duty

I was veteran of foreign war,

Followed orders like a good grunt,

Fought many a battle before.

Now I face a domestic front.

Enemy known for laying waste.

Grave threat, my being fired upon.

Greatest danger I've ever faced.

Somehow must find strength to march on.

My orders have come from the top.

A coward if I dare turn back.

I've tried to arm myself to stop

This latest flow of vile attack.

"Do your duty," my wife's command.

I march with clean diaper in hand.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Friend of Fear

Fear was awakened suddenly,

And there was darkness all around.

And such unknown made fear to be

Frozen and feeling helpless bound.

But then fear heard a calming voice,

And down deep, fear knew that a friend

Was close by, offering a choice

To help what fear felt come to end.

And so fear asked this friend to show

The way out of this scary place.

The friend assured fear that they'd go

Together, the unknown to face.

Courage led fear through that dark night,

Till both came safely to the light.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Dunning - Kruger Effect

Tale of a true bank robbery

Caused two professors to connect,

And a theory then came to be,

Known as Dunning - Kruger effect.

This two wannabe robbers case

Had these two guys wearing no mask,

But put lemon juice on their face,

Believing that this easy task

Would keep the bank cameras from

Getting a picture of these two.

And in due course this thinking dumb

Got both quickly captured on view.

There are those who are dumb enough

Not to know when they do dumb stuff.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Extent of Compassion

I'm asked what is the extent of

Compassion and I must reply,

Compassion extends just with love,

And both of these I must supply.

Extent determined case by case,

Challenge to know to what degree.

More wisdom comes each time and place,

Extent that should be shown by me

Of a loving compassion for

One or many in suffering,

And not give such selfishly or

Boastfully on why such I bring.

Compassion's extent I must state

Is nowhere if given with hate.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Sugarplum Mary

Santa and the elves ate a lot.

Kitchen help Mrs. Claus desired.

She put out the word and soon got

Elf, Sugarplum Mary, inspired

To make the trip to the North Pole,

A helping hand for Mrs. Claus

In huge meal preparation goal

Of happy eating for the cause

Of busy making all those toys

Each Christmas Eve needed be done

To give to all nice girls and boys.

Mrs. Claus was a grateful one.

Thanks to Sugarplum Mary's aid,

More time with toys, Mrs. Claus played.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Alice Wonders

That weird white rabbit I followed

Down a hole, and thirsty I drank

Some "drink me" stuff and when swallowed,

I noticed right away I shrank.

So now that white rabbit and I,

The same size, in a garden be.

Pocket watch floating, time does fly!

And gigantic all around me,

Butterflies flutter 'twixt and 'tween

Mushrooms and flowers bright array.

It is an overwhelming scene,

And mumbling, I hear myself say,

"Hey Alice girl I did fall, and"

"Wonder if on my head did land!"

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Food for Thought

A modern day matter of mind,

Should or should not humans eat meat.

At last worldwide laws were designed,

Only plant life, humans could eat.

Best for health and environment,

World powers that be did proclaim.

Harsh law breaking penalties sent

Message of meatless be prime aim.

So humans got accustomed to

Eating plant life from seas and land.

Of course no outcry did plants do,

At least that humans understand.

Came an alien plant life crew.

Eating humans is what they do.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Let's Make a Deal

Greenland, part of the U.S.A.?

President Trump seems to think yes.

So there be critics right away

As just another Trump b.s.

But We the People by golly

Can look back into history

To what was called Seward's folly,

Bought from Russia, Alaska be.

Purchase of Alaska turned out

To be no folly but shrewd deal

As a good investment, no doubt.

Buying Greenland does have appeal.

An opportunity We should seize,

Otherwise Greenland goes Chinese.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I walk the town streets all alone.

Walking toward the sunset I go.

The saddest walk I've ever known,

The waves of grief through me do flow.

This loss did come so suddenly,

So unexpectedly it came,

A devastating loss for me,

My life will never be the same.

Through the glow of the setting sun

I see the church steeple rise to

Beckon this lonely, grieving one

To come to God and so I do.

The church is closed this time of day.

Upon the church steps I do pray.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


No doubt dusting is a dull chore

That I need do for peace of mind.

Each time I dust I know that more

Will soon be back for me to find.

A can of Pledge I have sprayed in

My home for decades, then I wipe

With assorted fibered stuff, then

Bored increasingly with each swipe,

I know some dust always exists.

Even my dead skin cells add on,

And so my dusting chore persists,

Never ending phenomenon.

Perhaps in my future will be

An A.I. drone dusting for me!

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Positive Spirit

Haunting an empty house turns out

For me not to be too much fun.

So these folks moving in no doubt

Is making me a hopeful one.

The mom and dad seem nice enough,

But are the sort who cannot be

Believers in any ghost stuff,

Thus will not be aware of me.

But their little girl has the sense

That a ghost like me can exist,

So if my efforts are intense,

We'll connect, I just need persist.

I know my loneliness will end

When this little girl is my friend.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Future Answers to Current Questions

Supernatural, good or bad?

I'm guessing that just like there is

One and the other to be had

In the world of natural biz,

In the supernatural world

Both good and bad together be,

And secrets yet to be unfurled,

Maybe or maybe not for me.

Supernatural questions asked,

Answers are somewhere yet to find.

Once found such secret is unmasked,

And is of the natural kind.

The question asked by me the most,

Answered when I became a ghost.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Resolve to Lose Weight

New Year's resolution for me,

Hubby nagged, was to lose some weight.

Much wine later I did agree,

But Hubby made me sign and date

A contract on the weight I'd lose.

Every pound more Hubby agreed

To pay a percent toward a cruise

For me and my girl friends, indeed

An incentive well worth making

Such a resolution, and I

Fully intended not breaking,

Just a tweak on how to comply.

I lost a lot of weight of course,

All of Hubby's weight by divorce.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 From One Fairy Tale to Another

Happily ever after she

Did not live, and when her Prince died

Her fairy tale did change to be

She becoming crazy inside,

And running from the castle to

Deep in the woods where she lived in

A hut and as a hag would do

Awful and ugly deeds of sin.

Her last such deed, her stove she lit

To cook Hansel and Gretel sure.

But the two children did outwit,

Into the oven they pushed her.

Cinderella died by her name,

Burned into cinders she became.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


In ancient Egypt I did be

Named for Egyptian goddess, Bast,

Who atop vessels made of me,

She as a lioness would last

In tombs for centuries until

Grave robbers would steal my stone art.

And vessels made of me now fill

Museums where I'm a prime part

Of history when Pharaohs reigned.

One Pharaoh I was entombed with,

A jar of my white stone contained

A must have for his trip of myth.

Long time would have decayed him, but

I held cosmetics for King Tut.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 The Emperor's New Suit

The vain emperor's main desire

Was fancy clothes at any price,

At the expense of the empire

Where common folk lived like poor mice.

The court jester, wanting to do

Her best jest ever, said she would

Make the emperor a suit to

Only be seen by wise and good.

The jester pretended to weave

Such a suit and said it was done.

The vain emperor did believe,

And donned the suit as finest one.

All praised the emperor's fine wear,

But one child asked, "Why is he bare?"

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Faeries, Unicorns and Flowers

The faeries rode on unicorns

Into a flower garden where

The frightened flowers aimed their thorns

At the intruders coming there.

The unicorns stopped and talked to

The faeries about using charms

In magical ways which they knew

Would solve all the flowers' alarms.

And so such magical charms cast

Made all the flowers safe and sound.

The faeries and unicorns passed,

All parties happy all around.

The flowers, grateful they had been saved,

To the faeries and unicorns, waved.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 I'm a Given

In each November I prepare

For my trips through the holidays.

Season of giving, I'm aware,

And taken from my dormant phase

Where I've been stuck since last year end.

And I become wrapped up once more,

Anticipating trips to send

Me to folks in places galore.

Over the years I've held up well

Through all the forwarding of me,

Until I reach a shelf to dwell

Until the next year's Yuletide be.

Each Yule it is my goal to take

'Round the world trip by this fruitcake.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Late Night Itch

It's 2 a.m., I'm wide awake

And search the A.P website to

Find a contest that let's me make

My favorite sort of verse to do.

And such a contest I do find,

Called "Late Night Rhyme" this contest is,

The goal of which is be of mind

Of my late night feelings, gee whiz!

I accept this challenge with zeal

About my late night and pen on it,

In fourteen rhymed lines what I feel.

The itch is felt to make a sonnet.

The late night for me is a time

For feeling reason for a rhyme.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Choir

Choir mistress is leading the choir.

A young choir mistress but felt by

All the singers, one to inspire.

And so the singers do supply

Her with the finest they can sing.

So as the choir mistress does lead,

The led in confidence do bring

Forth lovely melodies indeed,

Which do float through the wintry air,

Amid the falling snowflakes to

Be for any ears near to share,

Such a performance, pure and true.

The choir mistress does smile as she

Leads song bird choir in harmony.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Person of Interest

Person of Interest, P.O.I.

Sits across from me in the bus.

I feel attraction, but I'm shy,

So start to daydream about us.

In my daydream at first I smile

At my P.O.I. who smiles back.

We gaze at each other a while.

I'm sure my dream's on the right track.

So with my P.O.I. I start

Up a conversation and I'm

Very sincere with all my heart.

The bus jolts, I'm back to real time.

Then my P.O.I. smiles at me.

Maybe a P.O.I. I be!

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Coulda Been Not So Nice

Young and dumb a long time ago,

In a bar I watched him alone.

He was so hot so I did go

Up to him and in a hushed tone

Whispered, "Oh, hi, nice to meet you."

Then suggested we dance, I did.

He looked at me, I think he knew

I was a young, dumb kind of kid.

Same suggestion I did repeat,

While he just sat staring at me.

Finally he rose to his feet,

Out the door and gone he did be.

Later I learned what an awful chance

I took, asking Ted Bundy to dance.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Still Living Contestant

What is the true meaning of life?

A question a contest does ask.

More the pondering, more the strife.

Answering is a true hard task.

If I lived my life as a plant

Or animal not human, I

Might live a life I can or can't

Ask meaning of my life be why?

I google quotes by humans who

An answer to this question give.

Who knows if these answers be true?

Is there a true meaning to live?

The true meaning of life does be

Question still not answered by me.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Doll of My Dreams

A woman that I could possess

Was what I went on the Web to

Find, and a website I found, yes,

That sold a mail order bride who

Would service me in every way,

Always be at my beck and call,

No matter what time, night and day,

Answer to my fantasies all.

The price tag for her was quite high.

All my credit cards I maxed out,

Paid the no refund funds, but I

Knew I'd be satisfied no doubt.

A mail order bride I had bought.

A blow up doll was what I got.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Christmas Cookies

We are Christmas cookies and we

Be baked early on Christmas morn.

Awesome aroma of us be

Through all the household air be borne.

Of course the bakers guard us well

In the kitchen until time to

Be more than just a tempting smell,

But do duty we're meant to do,

And be picked up at a quick pace

By fingers into mouths to feed,

Celebrating in time and place

A Merry Christmas, yes indeed.

We, a short time phenomenon,

Here Christmas day and same day gone.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


The month of December sure is

Filled with all sorts of holidays

With lots of celebration biz

And loads of this and that displays.

Such celebrations seem to take

Much effort to participate.

So as a lazy sort I make

It a rule not to celebrate.

Thus I do what I need to do

So not to have a single care.

I find myself a snug spot to

Be like a hibernating bear.

The month of December does be

Uncelebration time for me.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Front Page Picked

Over the years I'm honored that

Some poems of mine be front page picks,

An illustrious habitat

Where more attention does affix.

Sometimes the pick surprises me,

Most by Kevin but others too,

But a happy poet I be.

Though sometimes I don't have a clue

Why a this or that poem of mine

Was deemed deserving of front page.

I read it again line by line.

Did it just get better with age?

When poem of mine is front page pick,

No doubt I get an ego kick.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Sonnet 20, On It Plenty

Sonnet 20 by Will Shakespeare,

One of many of "fair youth" brand

Where sonnet's subject does appear

Maybe she or maybe he, and

Interpreters swing either way,

Pondering lots the question of

Was or was not Will Shakespeare gay?

Who was this "fair youth" of Will's love?

Feminine and masculine mix

By Will adds to the mystery,

And one of Will's favorite tricks

To keep readers in suspense be.

Interpreting, never ending,

On Will Shakespeare's gender bending.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Good Santa

Movies: Bad Santa, Elf, The Grinch

And Christmas with the Kranks, if I

Must choose one to go, it's a cinch

I'd choose Bad Santa and here's why.

Just the name "Bad Santa' does be

An awful term for children who

Know Santa's always good and he

Just never ever bad would do.

Now in this movie even though

The "Bad Santa" is just pretend,

It's too hard for children to know,

Watching cops shoot him in the end.

In any movie Santa should

Never be bad, always be good.

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 By the Light of the Moon

Emily Dickenson did write

In verse about the moon as though

A lovely lady of delight

While turning her face all aglow.

A night or two ago I walked.

"The moon was but a chin of gold."

Later, good fortune on me knocked.

Coming together did unfold.

And now under moonlight we stroll

Hand in hand, and so blessed I feel.

The moon perfectly plays her role

Of sending moonbeams to reveal.

Under Emily's moon we be.

You turn your lovely face to me.

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Perplexing to Hitch

Alfred Hitchcock's "North by Northwest"

Was partly filmed at Mount Rushmore.

Hitchcock thought one ending was best,

But there were federal rules galore,

And he was prohibited from

Ending his film as he desired.

National Parks commission, dumb,

Hitchcock responded, plainly ired.

But Hitch relented and there be

An alternative ending made

That the moviegoers would see,

And that the government okayed.

Perplexing Hitchcock, story goes,

Filming forbid up Lincoln's nose.

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Queen with Pride

Cleopatra, Egyptian Queen.

In lots of artwork done of her,

Quite beautiful and oft between

Ferocious lions, live for sure.

Tales tell Cleopatra would sport

With her furred companions as she

Held audiences in her court,

Making many quite nervous be.

Including all her lovers who,

When seeing lions by her side,

Wondered how much loving they'd do

In front of Cleopatra's pride.

Cleopatra's ex lovers said,

To her lions, had them fed.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Presidential Breaking News

April 20th was the day,

1979 the year,

President of the U.S.A.,

Jimmy Carter sipping a beer,

Fishing alone in a small boat

On a pond at his peanut farm.

Suddenly a menace afloat,

The Secret Service waved alarm.

A swamp rabbit, hissing galore,

Was swimming toward the President,

Who splashed the rabbit with an oar,

And that ended the incident.

The news media with its spin knack

Reported "the killer rabbit attack."

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Black Cats

Sunderland A.F.C. is my

Favorite soccer team which is

From Tyne and Wear, England, and I

Have been a long tome fan, gee whiz!

I watch their games on the telly

In their uniforms, red and white,

Always exciting time for me,

And when they win, it's sheer delight.

I like the team's nickname because

Known as the Black Cats be this crew,

Which thrills me right down to my paws

Because I am a black cat too.

I practice soccer in the house.

It is a kick to kick the mouse.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Same Old Song

They called you Jackie, you did sing

To me as you played your guitar,

Inviting me to have a fling,

Though we just met in this dive bar.

They called you Jackie, sung again

By you, slurred becuz you were drunk.

I kinda made my mind up then

That you were just another punk.

They called you Jackie, same old song,

You were becoming quite a pest,

And comin' on to me too strong.

I got more mad the more you pressed.

I'm one Grandma you shouldn't sass.

I'm gonna kick your Jackie ass.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Chosen Ones

Christmas Eve the hour was late

When down the chimney Santa came.

We Christmas cookies on a plate

Saw Santa's fingers take their aim.

Then two of us, both chocolate chip,

Were the lucky ones Santa chose.

Up toward his mouth we took the trip,

Hearing the sound of "Ho, Ho, Ho"s.

For both of us cookies this be

Highest honor to get we could.

We headed to great destiny,

Knowing our recipe was good.

Before on us Santa did chew,

A selfie with us he did do.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Carolina Gold

Rice, the main crop ordered to be

Growing by the British Crown in

South Carolina colony.

Rice growing there, a failure, then

From Africa came knowledge and

Slaves who knew best how to grow rice,

Which then flourished in coastline land,

Making fortunes at profit price.

Carolina Gold was prime strain

Of long grain rice with golden hue,

Highest quality to attain.

Worldwide popularity grew.

Rice in America success

Came due to slaves there to oppress.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Believers sing all 'round the Earth

"Hallelujah," believers sing.

Celebration of Jesus' birth

With hope and joy that He did bring.

Believers still sing of that day

Over two thousand years ago.

The time of Christmas came to stay

With a miracle to bestow.

Believers in coming of Lord

And Savior for all humankind.

Jesus Christ is loved and adored

By all who have the faith to find.

Miracle Birth, God did conceive.

I am one who came to believe.