Sense Sonnets

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 "Bridge Over Troubled Water"

"Bridge Over Troubled Water" be

A love song sang by him to her,

That he is ever close when she

Is needing someone close for sure.

When she feels pain, when she feels fear,

He's like a bridge she can count on,

That in her darkness does appear

To take her to a bright new dawn.

With him to ease her crossing all

The troubled waters filled with strife,

With him to hold her, she won't fall

While she does let him share her life.

And he is with her close by there

When she does find her first gray hair.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 The Clash

Joe Strummer was lead singer in

The band, The Clash, from London town.

Soon after the band did begin

The Clash clashed lots and brought them down.

Band's originals, one by one,

Left, some on their own and some fired,

Till Strummer was last of first run,

And in turmoil The Clash stayed mired.

So in 1986, Joe,

Disillusioned by rise then fall,

Announced that it was time to go,

And The Clash sounded its last call.

Best eulogy for The Clash came

In the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Spreading the Risk

Do not keep all my eggs in one

Basket is an old adage that

I believe in and do not shun.

So when the grocery store I'm at,

I try to spread egg break risk out.

A cartoned dozen eggs I take,

And from the carton I reroute

Each egg to its own cart to make

It less likely that the eggs all

Would in a breakage danger be

From some sudden bumping or fall.

All twelve carts are then pushed by me.

Folks look at me crazy when I

Try to explain my reason why.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Cool Cats

We're called the Cool Cats Band, we are

The coolest cats you'll ever hear,

Each singing while playing guitar,

And you will wanna meow with cheer.

We play the alleys around town.

So check which alley we are at,

Then come on over and get down

With us and be one more cool cat.

Old rock and rollers, we three play

Tunes to bring nostalgic hurrah.

And with the beat we'll always stay,

Sing though whiskers and strum with paw.

In whatever alley we be,

We're making music "purr'fectly.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Shield of Feathers

A shield of feathers fell to me

From the sky on the very day

A warrior I came to be.

To the Creator I did pray

That I was worthy of such gift

To carry into battles with

Enemies, and my shield would lift

My powers real not merely myth,

Protecting me from any harm.

The brightly colored feathers of

The many birds give mystic charm

To me. the holder, from above.

With feathered shield I fear no foe.

Into first battle I now go.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Hoffman vs. Streep

Kramer vs. Kramer, film great,

Was also Hoffman vs. Streep,

Dustin and Meryl in roles of fate,

Where emotions ran very deep.

Streep, an unknown in movies yet,

Had lost her true love recently

To cancer, and so Hoffman bet

She was meant for this role, and he

Would constantly remind for sure

Of her real pain of loss to press

Real emotional depth from her,

Making the film more a success.

Since then, not too hard to conclude,

The two have carried on a feud.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Jellyfish on the move

I am a jellyfish who is

In my medusa phase so that

I can do reproductive biz

While in my ocean habitat.

My bell pulsates to locomote 

Me through the water waves to make

Reiki energy as I float,

Vibrating gently in my wake.

And as I propel in my flow,

Apt to meet predators for sure,

So bioluminescent glow

I emit so as to deter.

Also helping thwart off attack

I stay with my kind called a smack.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Mask Controversy

To be or not to be face masked,

This Covid question caused a lot

Of controversy when much asked.

For good of public health or not?

Powers that be from place to place

Made rules, some ruling yes, some no.

There was no doubt the world did face

Crisis, no one did really know

For sure then whether masks would make

Any difference, good or bad.

Rules were made for mixed motives sake,

Using the powers that be had.

Whenever a rule controversy,

Who is, who's not a power that be?

Friday, August 23, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Ways to be Happy

When I was young and knew not much,

Happiness for myself I sought.

For me to be happy was such

An uncertainty, that a lot

Of time, unhappy, yes I was.

But as older and wiser I

Grew, I'd learn that happiness does

Be mine in certain ways, and why?

Because happiness I would seek

Would be for others, not for me.

Then something happened, not unique,

That happy I would also be.

So I do hope for each new day

I make someone happy some way.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Not to Knight

Come ride with you off to some fight

That must be for us to survive,

And be like some fairy tale knight

Who will not be taken alive.

You tell me there's a god you'll show

Me who through veins of history

Sleeps on the job. How do you know

That your belief is shared by me?

If fools can be kings, so can you.

To fight knowing we cannot win,

Not something that I want to do,

So don't expect to count me in.

You say don't waste my time, so I'm

Saying you're a waste of my time.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Clue from the Crew

Went to my favorite pizza place,

An Italian restaurant fine.

Esteemed, I'm served at fastest pace,

My fav pizza on which to dine.

But then I noticed on my pie

A human thumb was sticking out.

I did not need to question why.

One owing me had paid no doubt.

I smiled cuz it was no rumor

I liked to be amused a lot.

Big slice of dark sense of humor

I, Tony Soprano, have got.

Of course a new pizza did come

According to my rule of thumb.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Tip Scales of Justice for Me

Human Hubby and Wifey flushed

Down the toilet this Black Moor fish.

Such disposal was not kept hushed,

But served in a poetic dish,

Which from the sewer in surprise

I found on the AP website,

And read with both my bulging eyes.

Then pen in fin, began to write

To AP my own plaintiff rhyme,

Suing Wifey and Hubby for

All my pain and suffering time.

I'm entitled to points galore.

AP jury, I beseech you

To give to me my justice due.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Snorsing Around

This Mister's stuck with Missus Horse.

For breeding purposes we be.

So my future sees no divorce.

She is ever nagging at me.

I always hope when time to sleep

That I will get a break from her.

Dream starts off good when I snooze deep.

A hot young filly shows for sure,

And my wild oats I start to sow.

I get myself all fillied up.

But then the crash down, doncha know,

And back to reality, yup.

My dream filly's no longer there,

Replace by my Missus nightmare.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Call Response

"Nice lips," I heard the tom cat call

As I was walking down the street.

The pickup lines, I've heard them all.

My response is never discrete.

So I walked over to him and

Responded in the way that he,

Like most jerks, quickly understand,

In language spoken by my knee.

My kneecap hit below his waist,

And my lips gave him a sweet smile.

Then he doubled over in haste.

For my next move, I paused a while.

What happened next won't be revealed.

I'm a lady, my lips are sealed.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

My Big Sis

Big Sis, this is your wedding day.

Bachelorette party you were good,

Paid the stripper I could not pay.

When I could not, you always could.

A lot of laughs we two have shared.

When I was down you were the one

I'd turn to and you always cared.

Being your Little Sis is fun.

Now you are becoming a wife,

And maybe become a Mom too.

I want to stay part of your life.

I am so lucky to have you.

As maid of honor you chose me.

Best friends forever we will be.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Ghost of a Bride

At the church on my wedding day

I snuck out of the bridal room

To my true love, but on the way

I saw the best man kiss my groom,

The two locked in a close embrace.

That should have been my groom and me.

It was a truth I could not face.

I ran to where the steeple be.

Up the winding stairs I did climb

Until I was next to the bell.

I took a deep breath one last time,

And then jumped from my wedding hell.

And since that sad day when I died,

I haunt the church, a ghostly bride.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Melody of Our Love

I remember that day so well

When first I sat down next to you,

And in your hand you held a bell,

And jingled forth a tune I knew.

Was just for me and ringing of

The feeling that came from your heart

That I had just become your love,

And for us it was just the start

Of all the music we would make

Together each and every day.

Your jingling bell was no mistake

That with me you would always stay.

Melody of our love was set

When in kindergarten we met.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Love Laughing

She had a laughter like the breeze

That I could hear float through the air,

As she and her Dad walked with ease

Toward me as I stood waiting there.

I bet her Dad had told a joke

That got her laughing out loud so

She could be heard by all the folk

While passing by them she did go.

I would have to remember to

Ask later what her Dad did say

To make her laugh as she did do

On our very special day.

Hearing her laughter made me smile

As my sweet bride walked down the aisle.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 "Spin the Bottle" Spin

Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie,

As the old nursery rhyme goes,

Kissed all the girls and made them cry.

The boys threatened Georgie with blows.

So Georgie decided the game,

"Spin the Bottle" would help him in

The girls not crying in his aim.

Of course Georgie cheated to win.

He rigged the bottle to just stop

At him for a nickel or kiss

The girls gave at each losing pop.

And Georgie got away with this.

Yes, Georgie Porgie was a louse,

But by age thirteen owned a house.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 "Take Me Back to Eden"

When from Eden my kind thrown out,

You must have know my kind would fail.

You must have known that without doubt

My kind would live to no avail.

And through the eons since my kind

Was forced out of Eden by you,

The creation you once divined

Has lost the will for pure and true.

There are those of my kind like me

Who want more than be sinning slave,

Where there's no other choice to be

Unless you choose my soul to save.

Take me back to Eden to dwell.

Take me from my kind stuck in hell.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Afoot in My Hot Cocoa

Sometimes in my hot cocoa cup

In the cocoa there does appear

A footprint stepping in there, yup,

Showing very vivid and clear.

I look around for more footprints

On the table and on the floor.

But none, it really makes no sense

Why there aren't any footprints more.

I've taken pictures to show proof

That such a footprint does exist,

And I'm not just a sighting goof.

My search for answers does persist.

Like Big Foot still a mystery

How and what Choco Foot does be.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Love Triangle

A love triangle I am in.

There's three of us instead of two,

Making it hard for me to win

The affection of my love true.

At first she loved me, I was sure,

But then a threesome we became.

The cold shoulder I got from her.

That third butinsky was to blame.

Impressing her, the more  I tried,

My attempts she chose to ignore,

Making me feel awful inside,

That she refused to love me more.

I love her, she loves nobody,

And sadly, nobody loves me.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Not one but two landslides befell

The Goffa community where

Such tragedy is known too well

To Ethiopians living there.

July of twenty twenty four

Heavy rains fell upon the land

Until the land could hold no more.

Hundreds were buried beneath and

When others came to help rescue,

A second slide would bury them.

In place and time nature can do

So much misery and mayhem.

Condolences for all who died,

The victims caught as land did slide.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Merry-Go-Round

On my merry-go-round of life.

Each life of mine that I go round,

Sometimes merryless with more strife,

But sometimes merry does abound.

Each round I'm cast in different role.

Sometimes I'm good, sometimes I'm bad,

Angelic or devilish soul,

Never the same as I once had.

Sometimes in a round I know love.

Sometimes in a round I know hate.

Each round I gain more knowledge of

Which one will decide the world's fate.

Each merry-go-round of life, I

Keep hoping sometime to know why.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Missing you Miss Chatelaine

Miss Chatelaine, I miss you so.

My being with you was such bliss,

The best of times I'll ever know.

It was heavenly when we'd kiss.

I'd hold you close for just a while,

And watch you when your eyes met mine,

And watch your lips turn to a smile,

And I'd feel your burst of sunshine.

I'd hear myself with a deep sigh,

Knowing with you I'd found love true.

I will never understand why

That moment came when I left you.

I miss you so Miss Chatelaine.

My regret is filled with such pain.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Pando, a quaking aspen clone,

In Utah's Fishlake forest be

A huge live organism known

As the world's largest living tree.

Forty seven thousand trunks that

Are all connected by roots same

In this high mountain habitat,

Allowing a single tree claim.

Pando is Latin for "I spread"

Over a hundred acres to

Quake leaves of summer green ahead

Of fall leaves quaking golden hue.

O'er thirteen million pounds of weight,

Pando, one tree to contemplate.

Monday, August 05, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Thank You from Ima Ryma

A contest in honor of me,

Ima Ryma a sonneteer,

So very humbled I do be

That such a contest should appear.

On All Poetry website for

A couple of years, at least one

Contest a day or maybe more,

I try to get a sonnet done.

Each contest theme a challenge is

To try in fourteen lines of rhyme

To do my sonneting, gee whiz,

Always an enjoyable time.

This Ima Ryma sonnet I do

To say to Delta victor, thank you.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rainbow Camper

In a rainbow camper does live

This old hippie who's found my pot

Of golden retirement to give

Me daily peace and love a lot.

To many places through the years

I've traveled by day, camped by night.

And when a real rainbow appears,

I am filled up with sheer delight.

The colors of the rainbow shine,

Keeping my spirits ever high.

Wherever camped, I call home mine.

Happy hello, happy goodbye.

In my rainbow camper I do

Hope sometime, someday to meet you.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The beautiful young maiden danced

Into the great temple hall where

Her body movements were enhanced

By her gratitude being there,

Being the honored chosen one,

Performer for the sacred rite,

To dance before the rising sun

In worship of the divine light.

Through the temple hall dancing to

The high altar at which she be

Presented as the pure and true,

To bring her tribe prosperity.

Her dance was timed to end precise,

Then proceed to her sacrifice.

Friday, August 02, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Zoo Spew

On my electric scooter at

The zoo I rolled on over to

The outdoor hippo habitat,

Right up front and had a great view.

A hippo a few feet away

In the water suddenly stood.

Rear end to me began to sway.

Had a feeling this meant not good.

Of course I was right becuz then

That hippo decided time be

A huge number two to begin,

And out it sprayed all over me.

I could not see to hit reverse.

All I could do was sit and curse.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Best Theft

Quite young I started as a thief,

Stealing the little things to learn

To steal better with the belief

The best to steal was yet to yearn.

The more years passed, the more I stole

Treasures of others I would find.

No repentance in this thief's soul,

Larceny in my heart and mind.

And now the time has come that I

Have just one best theft left in me,

Cuz very soon I know I die,

With one best theft waiting to be.

Upon death this thief contemplates

Best theft, stealing the Pearly Gates.