Sense Sonnets

Friday, November 30, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Andy's Soups

32 cans of Campbell Soup,
Andy Warhol bought at a store
To knock the art world for a loop.
Printed on canvas, each can bore
The exactness as in still life.
What was the motivation here?
Is this true art? Questions were rife.
Are things really what they appear?
All Andy said was his Mom would
For years fix him the soup for lunch.
'Twas for him a memory good.
He loved all 32 a bunch.

Insired by Mom, the Soups today
Are all at MoMA on display.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Ivory Touch

Because ivory is big biz,
A lot of elephants get killed.
That's just the way humankind is.
Where there's demand, supply gets filled.
Calling ivory biz a crime
Doe not seem to be working well,
A waste of energy and time,
As ivory is hot to sell.
Let scientific minds invent
A way to make ivory bad.
An instant death message be sent
When handling by humans be had.

If ivory is to die for,
Then supply would be good no more.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Gold Hold

The U.S. dollar is worth less
Because of the wizards of straws,
Grasping at 'em and making a mess.
Why? Goofy gov goofs - that's because.
We the People need to rein in
The goofies of gov that We've let
Commit the stupidity sin
Of spending into hellish debt.
Retie the dollar to the gold
To get gov goofs smaller at least.
The wack wizards will whine and scold.
We have to stop funding that beast.

Wizards be spendall maniac.
Expose 'em - pull the curtain back.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bull Shot

Teddy Roosevelt as Bull Moose
In 1912 for Prez reran,
Got shot by a guy with screws loose,
Screwing up Teddy's orate plan.
Teddy knew that he had been shot
Through the speech tucked inside his vest,
Not coughing blood, correctly thought
The slug was not deep in his chest.
And so for 90 minutes he,
With his scheduled speech did proceed,
Even while bleeding profusely.
Hard to stop a Bull Moose - indeed!

That Prez bid, Teddy did not win,
But lived, thanks to thick speech and skin.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Cyber Junkie

Addicted to the Internet?
A disorder tagged IAD.
Doctors call it a real health threat.
An online test diagnosed me
A Web vet so hooked on online
That if a brain scan scanned my brain,
Atrophied parts would be the sign
From Internet I should abstain.
But how to stop this self abuse?
The chatter says there's help for it,
To find a way for controlled use
In just times and places legit.

I must find out if this is true.
I'll surf the Web until I do.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Race Case

Yes, the Big Apple did get bit
Hard and bad by big Sandy cane.
Life is a race that does not quit,
Throwing a lot of loss and pain.
Staten Island will get restart,
But it will also get the blame
For playing baddie borough part
In the cancel marathon game.
When it comes to sports and money,
Tiz a life of party and fun,
A way to race through tragedy,
All that matters in the long run.

The New York City Marathon
Coulda, woulda, shoulda gone on.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Burst of Bloomberg

Mayor Bloomberg sprouted and did bloom,
As Hurricane Sandy did come,
And a news camera did zoom
In on Hiz Honor's crotch, whencefrom
An erection appeared to grow,
As he pumped New Yorkers to heed
His warning that Sandy would blow,
Peeling the Big Apple - indeed.
The Mayor at 70 still can
Get it up as near things go down.
Perhaps a pop Viagra plan
Keeps him on top of New York town.

Sandy cares less the Mayor be manned.
He's no more than a one night stand.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Time is Now

People in power run the time,
Ever seeking to sell their game.
Today's play is tomorrow's crime.
Since the stone age, we play the same.
"It's for the children" is the line
That's often used to try to make
Some point (with hidden dollar sign)
Of a future way we should take.
Selling us now of what should be
The future fate of humankind,
An easy way to make money,
To make a matter over mind.

The now is what it's all about.
Even if time is running out.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


August 30th - I was born.
Some study would say my birthday
Should get me depressed and forlorn,
Cuz in grade school, kids born in May
Older than me got dibs on smarts,
And the teacher picked them more to
Perform the class leadership parts,
Leaving us younger, zilch to do.
And all grown up, the May folks would
Be CEOs of biggest incs,
While we the younger only could
Live how an August birthday stinks.

I did beat the odds - doncha know!
I'm Warren Buffett - CEO.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Flip for Prez

Election of the President,
A four year U.S. way of life,
The rhetoric and money spent,
Fueling the fires of public strife.
We the People should know by now
That campaign promises are just
Means to an end - not sacred vow.
Only in God should We have trust
That God's will will somehow be done
In all that happens from D.C.
Next President - will he be one
Better or worse for history?

It's flipping a coin when We vote.
Win or lose - tiz later we'll note.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Sandy Cane Lick$

Mom Nature sent her Sandy cane
And gave media something new,
Besides political campaign,
To seek to spin some point of view.
Libbies and conservies - do tell -
Agree that gov does play a role
When natural or manmade hell
Hits the public and takes its toll.
We the People pay taxes for
All gov to come together to
Serve and protect in peace and war.
That's what gov is supposed to do.

But how intrusive should gov be?
That's where left and right disagree.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Parents Go To Heaven

Little Susie's dog, Spot, had died.
Mom and Dad were trying hard to
Console Susie who cried and cried.
Mom and Dad weren't sure what to do.
Later on Spot could be replaced,
But now how to explain why
The life of Spot had been erased.
It just came time for Spot to die.
So Mom and Dad went the God way,
Telling Susie that Spot had gone
To heaven where good Spot would stay,
A pet for God forevermore.

Susie cried out, still in a fog,
"What does God want with a dead dog?"

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Jimmy the Greek

Gambling gambler, Jimmy the Greek,
Did picks in the sports with the stats.
But intangibles he would seek
That gave a winning edge - congrats!
Such a gut instinct served him well,
Till he let it go to his head.
Sometimes best let gut feelings dwell
Unshared intangibles instead.
On Martin Luther King's birthday,
He shared that athletes who were black
Were better cuz were bred that way
By white slave owners, going back.

Too bad Jimmy's feeling of gut
Could not at times keep his mouth shut.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Jeanne Calment

Jeanne Calment lived a lot of years,
One hundred and twenty two plus,
A record in the Guinness spheres,
Longest lifespan of all of us.
Olive oil on food and on skin
Was her secret fountain of youth.
She enjoyed moderation in
Cigs as she got long in the tooth.
At age 90, she made a deal
For life to get fat monthly check
For real estate - a buyer's steal!
A lawyer bought it - what the heck!

1997 - Jeanne died,
After life's longest human ride.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

We the Sheep

U.S. - my country tiz of sheep,
Herded about from left to right,
Then right to left in mindless sweep,
No end to wandering in sight.
White sheep, black sheep, brown sheep - we all
Follow pol shephards forth and back.
All sweet promises shephards call
To the sheep in each party pack.
We the sheep are the pawns of those
Shephards seeking the power to
Thrive no matter what comes or goes.
We get fooled, cuz that's what sheep do.

A cliff's out there someday, somewhere.
Most of us sheep don't seem to care.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Job Jack

Like any day, I was at work,
But then the boss was scolding me.
Why is the boss being a jerk?
Part of my brain said fight or flee.
But alas, 'twas too late to run.
The boss's toxic vibes grabbed hold.
Raw brain primitives had begun
From my amygdala of old.
I just blanked out where I was at,
Then saw the boss's body dead.
Did I and why did I do that?
Emotions took over my head.

Judge - there's a defense why I cracked.
My amygdala was hijacked.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher


The name, Robert Griffin the Third,
Not the Gilligan Island guy,
But in a role just as absurd,
Washington Redskins savior (SIGH!)
RG3 is a rookie still,
Getting the feel for pro football.
But sooner or later he will
Send agents out in distress call
To get him out of the nightmare
Of being stuck in Groundhog Day
On such a loser team fore'er,
No matter how great he did play.

If RG3 really wants wins,
Then he better lose the Redskins.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

George McGovern

George McGovern, American,
Who served his nation and world well.
A World War II vet, he was one
Who felt first hand why war is hell.
The first U.S. Senator to
Early warn against Vietnam.
A warning that later came true,
Trapped inside that ticking time bomb.
If Watergate winds had soon blown,
And from past mistakes we did learn,
A war torn nation would have known
A President George McGovern.

Thanks, George McGovern. Rest in peace.
You leave a world where war won't cease.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Catchee in the Lie

"If you tell the truth," Mark Twain said,
"You don't have to remember..."(lies).
Tom Sawyer went to the woodshed
For a few whoppers - no surprise!
George Washington cut down a tree,
Told Dad, "I cannot tell a lie."
Cuz Dad already knew that he
Had done that nasty deed - that's why.
To lie - it's knowing if and when
That is the real truth of the art.
Goes back to original sin,
Adam and Eve gave us the start.

I should not lie, the goodies taught,
But I was bad cuz I got caught.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Yawn Coulter

Ann Coulter fibbed to help Romney.
John Stossel sniffed. He smelled big gov.
Coulter has books to sell, so she
'Twixt and 'tween giggles, professed love
For all the conservative stuff
Romney has promised he will do.
It's getting elected that's tough,
So Romney must tell tales not true.
But in Prez Romney we should trust
He'll lead us into a land right.
Romney boom from Obama bust,
A relit Reagan burning bright.

Popping the No Doz helps no more.
Ann Coulter is just such a bore.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Cuban Missile Crisis

Nuclear chicken was the game.
U.S. missiles were in Turkey,
So Krushchev chose to do the same
With missiles in Cuba to be.
But Kennedy threatened nuclear war.
Such grave threat made Krushchev rethink
This game too costly to play more,
And so the Soviets did blink.
Kennedy praised and Krushchev blamed.
Soon both of the leaders were gone.
The Cuban missile crisis named.
A close call, but the world went on.

While blame against Krushchev was hurled,
Was he the one who saved the world?

Friday, November 09, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I am called sloth cuz I am slow
Compared to humans' hurried pace,
But what's the hurry - doncha know!
Life's too short to be in a race.
A Cecropia in Brazil
Is the one tree that I call home.
Food, sleep and sex - I get my fill,
A one stop soul - no need to roam.
I am three toed and throated brown,
And like to hang out in my tree,
See my world from the upside down,
Go to ground when I have to pee.

Why go to ground the question tiz?
I make less noise doing my biz.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Foreign No More

Obama and Romney debate
Foreign policy - friend and foe.
The only super power state
Gets shook in road bumps - doncha know!
Benghazi, Obama has said
Was just such a bump in the road.
Four murdered Americans dead,
And what super power was showed?
Terrorists (insert p.c. name)
Better than ever understand
Unsuper the U.S. became.
Wage war in the U.S. homeland.

Terrorism will too soon be
Part of domestic policy.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Benghazi - Americans died.
Four who served America well.
Obama lied? The press complied?
Only passage of time will tell.
We the People today do get
Instantaneous news and views,
With spins and angles that are set
To try to fix who win, who lose.
Libbies, conservies - all the same
In talking tales on how We think.
All 'bout playing the power game,
Making politics really stink.

Benghazi - time will tell the cost
Of four lives and more that We lost.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

$ign $eller

Called the king of hits, yes, Pete Rose,
Called lots of other names still too,
As baseball's "living legend" goes,
To sign his name for revenue.
He'll sign anything for a price -
Banishment reports or mug shots.
Promoters call him very nice,
As his famous name's sold and bought.
And Rose works hard to schmooze his crowd,
A gift of gab that serves him well.
He can't let silence get too loud.
Being forgotten would be hell.

Put Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame
For best in show selling his name.

Monday, November 05, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace, Lord Byron's child,
With the numbers made poetry.
By computing, she was bequiled.
Computer programmer was she,
A pioneer of the machine
That intertwines all life today.
She foretold what it all could mean,
Way ahead of her time, do say.
She loved to gamble and did try
To find a mathematic spin
On making bets - it went awry.
But otherwise, she was a win.

"The Enchantress of  Numbers" got
10/16 as her numbered spot.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Vote for Hell

A politician up and dies.
St Peter says he gets to pick
Hell which has his pals, colleague wise,
Or heaven where he must change quick.
So the pol heads on down to hell,
That throws a big party for him.
Demons of the devil do tell
That heaven for him would be grim.
But death in hell would be such fun.
"Gimme hell," the pol quickly said.
Then all the lies that hell had spun
Began to burn the pained pol dead.

"Not fair. Not fair." shrieked the pol slain.
The devil smiled, "Call it campaign."

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

The Mad Duck

Alex Karras, as a young kid,
Did join the high school football team,
So older brother, Teddy, did
Not further smack his self esteem,
Using him as a punching bag.
Football or else Teddy did say.
Alex thought football was a drag,
And Alex did not want to play.
But life with Teddy could be grim.
Football basics were kinda hard.
First day the coach had to tell him
A jock strap is not a nose guard.

To football fame went The Mad Duck,
Ruffled feathers and gave a pluck.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

We're Plucked

Obama and Romney debate
About Big Bird's future to be.
Oh golly, what will be the fate
Of this feathered celebrity?
Both campaigns spew oodles of breath,
Hoping that votes will sway their way.
But on real issues - life and death,
The candidates have crap to say.
A message really need be sent
That fed up We the People are
About campaigns for President
That sing such silly repertoire.

We the People will have last word.
Why not elect for Prez - Big Bird!