Sense Sonnets

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Adultery Friendly

All adult adultery is
Green lighted in the new rulebook.
It's private and not public biz,
And should get no judgemental look.
Those who are holier than thou,
And kick adulterers while down
Should be taught a lesson somehow
Not to dis nasties of renown.
Perhaps a fitting punishment
For those who violate the rule
Is that such revelers be sent
To must have some compassion school.

Hopefully, this new rule will fix
Some pettiness in politics.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Rhino Biz

The killing of rhinos is biz.
There's a market to sell the horn
To those who think the horn stuff is
Medicinal. I do not scorn.
There is demand. I do supply.
It's just basic economics.
The truth is that rhinos do die,
No matter what the politics.
I do not know who is the worse -
Those the greedy or the needy
Tear jerks preaching bio diverse.
They are all a pain - yes they be.

Lucky for me the tear jerk need
Is outnumbered by the raw greed.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

No Place for Civility

Presidential campaigns bring out
The hidden worst in humaness.
When all is said and done, no doubt,
The truth is anybody's guess.
All of the presidents of past
Would have more trouble getting in
With media so fired and fast
To give the truth sensation spin.
Civility in politics -
Kind of like a snowball in hell,
Not at all a long lasting mix,
And the snowball never does well.

Beings of civility do
Exist. Go see them in the zoo.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Saucy Bossy

To curse or not to curse at work.
If you're the boss, you have more choice.
It's how you use this power perk
To manage better with your voice.
If you do spew profanity
All the time and with all the folk,
Then most probably you will be
Behind your back just deemed a joke.
But if a curse from you is rare,
Then as you do, those who have heard
Will suddenly become aware
That they need heed your ev'ry word.

You curse and some don't get your gist,
Put them on your you know what list.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


When the Weiner thing first made news,
Bill O'Reilly was quite concerned
Of blackmail a nasty could use
To keep the power tables turned.
Andrew Breitbart has made the threat
That he will use X rated stuff
Should Anthony Weiner forget,
And not behave himself enough.
O'Reilly talked to Breitbart since.
They chatted how the lefties scheme
To do Breitbart attack intense.
Those nasty lefties was the theme.

Bill O'Reilly - why did you fail
To ask Breitbart about blackmail?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Ants' Way

My family's been on this land
For generations, and we've known
Good and bad times, and understand
Both ways are how the winds are blown.
It's like that Aesop's fable old
Of the grasshopper and the ants.
In the good times, the ants did hold
Provision for bad happenstance.
The grasshopper did not so be,
And felt the pain of nature's way.
We are the ants, my family.
Upon this land, we're here to stay.

Dust bowls will ever come and go.
Those of us who endure them, know.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Kid Recruiting

We know that in the heart and mind
Of children lies the destiny
Of triumph over humankind
To make in the reality.
What better way than a cartoon
To animate what we can do
To show your child that very soon
Your child can do these fun things too.
Some parents may try to beware,
But it will not do any good.
We can reach your child anywhere.
Al Qaeda's in your neighborhood.

We are not Disney, but we are
The makers of your child, a star.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher


I am six and have been told by
Mommy and Daddy not to let
Strangers touch me, and I know why.
Because then bad things I could get.
But then we went to the airport,
So that we could fly an airplane.
And when I walked through a black fort,
Bells started ringing like a train.
Then some strangers came up to me,
And started touching me all around.
I could not see my family,
Just strangers faces that all frowned.

At Disneyworld, all I do is cry,
So scared that again I have to fly.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Junk Mail

My Twitter account has been hacked.
The hacker has sent a crotch shot.
I can or can't say for a fact
Whether the pic is me or not.
I think there should be privacy,
Especially for private parts.
One's pubic should not public be,
Unless displayed under fine arts.
The Twitter should not be a tool
For nasty mischief to be done.
This sneak attack has been so cruel.
Tweeting for me has lost its fun.

Who knows what fallout will arise
From this wee package of surprise.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Media Turn On

Sex and stupid go crotch and crotch.
Politicos become perps prime,
And as with gov stuff that they botch,
We get fresh scandals all the time.
Once just the juice of the tabloids,
Today all media go lewd,
Pretending to be Sigmund Freuds
On why the public are faux prude.
The perps know media is there,
And some must wish that they get caught,
Assured of fame in press, on air,
Where the X rated hits the spot.

Filling the public ear and eye -
Sexmedia - profits are why.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Harry Potter of Gold

Harry Potter has grown into
A huge money making machine.
The film, Deathly Hallows Part 2
Is 3 Deeing dough from the screen,
Earning on an hourly rate,
Millions of dollars spent by those
Who just cannot bear to be late
To the latest of Harry shows.
Opening day records worldwide,
A hear and see humanity
In theatres awed eared and eyed.
They will not wait for DVD.

Yes, Harry Potter is the wiz,
Making them want now - that's showbiz!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Chop for Chop

My village is in Borneo.
We were headhunters formerly.
But the times are changing, and so
We're civilized or try to be.
But the oil palm plantations are
Cutting down the forests around
The village, leaving land in scar,
With no life left on barren ground.
We've tried to appeal to conserve,
But the plantations balk in greed,
And tell us that we have some nerve
To talk of conservation need.

So if talking does fail, instead,
We're gonna have to hunt some head.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Not Proven Guilty

Acquitted - Casey Anthony
For murdering Caylee, her child.
Could death have been accidently?
That's the theory defense compiled,
Tossing reasons out one by one,
Hoping for a case of some doubt,
And then when all was said and done,
Reasonable doubting won out,
By a jury of Casey's peers,
Who had no choice but weigh maybes.
Justice cares not of cheers or jeers,
Just common sense from legalese.

The Anthony family lives on,
Living with Caylee being gone.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Sexwasm Sexism

The Playboy Club, like it or not,
Was nifty fifties, sixties cool.
Hef was no evil male despot.
His bunnies were not treated cruel.
They were free to come and to go,
And understood the role they played.
It was a for guys sexist show.
Gals have the Chippendale type trade.
So T.V. wants to try to bring
The bunnies back for a rehop.
Whose to say that's a bad thing?
Ratings will decide if a flop.

Sexism is, though is not right,
Since Eve told Adam, "Take a bite."

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Take the Word

An offshoot of the hacking threat
Is the hackee getting blackmailed.
Sounds like a racist term - but yet
From old Scotland the term has hailed.
"Mail" was Anglo/Norse for tribute
Which poor farmers were forced to pay,
So that plunderers would not loot.
White mail was silver in that day.
Farmers mainly paid off in black.
Things of some worth like grain and stock.
Those who did not pay got the hack,
Which meant back then a body shock.

If you are hacked, then blackmailed today,
The more your secrets, the more you'll pay.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Betty Ford

The spotlight did not come by choice.
But in the White House she did choose
To speak out with a forthright voice
On issues that had been taboos.
The public found her a class act,
Welcome like a breath of fresh air
With wit and charm to perk her fact
On ups and downs she chose to share.
A dancer from her younger days,
She danced into the heart and mind,
In her honest and open ways.
A first lady - one of a kind.

First Lady Betty Ford has died.
Once again she's at Jerry's side.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Monster Air

There is a monster in the air
That will blow any human mind.
The jet streams are this monster's lair
To prey upon all human kind.
The winds have joined around the world
Into a massive whirling force,
Fiercer than any known winds whirled,
Destroying all within its course.
The monster strikes all time, all place,
Sucking up and ripping ashred,
Hurling all into outer space.
Most of life on Earth is dead.

Those still living are quite earthbound,
Forced to live far, far underground.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Hounded by Helmsley

When you read this, I will be dead.
Good bye to all in this dog's world.
With pen in paw, let it be said
Whatever bow wows that I hurled
That sounded in a nasty pitch
Was Leona barking through me.
Death did not stop that mean old bitch
From coming back afterlifely.
I thought that when Leona died
At last my life would be all nice,
But her spirit dogged me inside.
Yes I was rich. But what a price!

If Leona's there, I can tell
I will be doomed to doggie hell.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Ceiling Dealing

The powers that be of D.C.
Including pundit parasites
Proclaim the debt ceiling to be
Too complex for mere commonites.
Oh the ceiling, it must be raised,
Or else the sky will surely fall.
Those who think otherwise are crazed
To dare to take D.C.'s game ball,
And throw it in another way
To show D.C. for what it is,
A bunch of brats who like to play
Politics with the nation's biz.

Let's call the bluff of D.C. gov
And see what D.C. is made of.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


President Obama did get
Code name, "Chalaque," by Scotland Yard
From a South Asian based word set,
And not held there in high regard.
Defined as skillful, crafty, sly,
And not an adult compliment.
The term, "smart aleck," would apply.
An insult to the President!
Random computer pick was blamed.
Investigation under way.
Sources who wish to be unnamed
Charge high tech jesting was at play.

The code name was really picked for
The President's telepromptor.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Be Mum Alum

I am Princeton and I am proud
Of the status symbol I am.
Shame on the alum who shouts loud
That I am nothing but a scam.
That alum did use my good name
For entry into a career
That brought him both fortune and fame.
And now my good name he does smear.
He calls mine lazy liberal
Who do not teach kids properly.
Just because we bounced off his skull,
Is no excuse to be nasty.

Ever since Stossel went to Fox,
He's more a find fault chatterbox.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Moonshine - I am illegal booze,
Distilled by the light of the moon
To gyp the gov of revenues
From private enterprise saloon.
My womb is in a metal still.
Sugar is fermented by yeast,
Producing alcohol to spill
Through coils or other means released.
Even a horse blanket would do,
Yielding a flavor quite equine.
But in the end I was the brew
That made so many feel divine.

As American as can be,
Against the law is homemade me.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


TSA - Taking Safe Absurd,
And giving government excuse
To make profile a dirty word
And terrorize all with abuse.
Instead of taking Israel's lead
On how to do air safety right,
The U.S. does what's guaranteed -
U.S. citizens butts to bite.
Sack the gov goons and privitize.
Let real pros on this have a trial.
Give us back safe and friendly skies.
Focus on baddies by profile.

TSA - Take Stossel's Advice.
Ax TSA, to be precise.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Lost in the Details

Ground zero memorial site,
Acres of sacred, hallowed ground.
Water falls sparkle in the light,
And nary one toilet around.
The designing powers that be
In oversight did drop the ball,
And there is no facility
On site to answer nature's call.
The nearest relief - blocks away
At a private department store,
Folks will most likely pee and pay -
One supply and demand galore.

Before your visit you should know
You better go before you go.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Guilt by Chatter

Talking points talked and talked to death
The vile Casey Anthony case.
O'Reilly spent many a breath
Convicting Casey in a quick pace.
Oh what a horrid mom she be.
Convict her of murder for that.
Don't let her like O.J. off free.
"Justice for Caylee," Judge Bill spat.
Not guilty! That jury need 'splain
Why they didn't do it Bill's way.
Poor Caylee's a victim again,
Failed by a jury gone astray.

Judgement by Talking Points availed.
Guilty - the justice system failed.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Muzzle Not

We need to hear the dyings' voice,
No matter if it's right or wrong.
Death is not, but dying's a choice
Of life while dying, short or long.
Any effort's worth living for
To fight against deadly disease.
All points of view, not less but more,
Keeps up pressure that guarantees
That cures will continue to be
Sought by science with evidence
From the dying especially
Who speak the truth of consequence.

Let all dying speak with life's breath.
The only muzzle should be death.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Nothing Works

When nothing works - that day will come.
It's only a matter of time.
So high teched tied the world's become,
Somehow, someone will do the crime
Of cyber hacking that succeeds
In making modern life stop still,
Shutting down all the up to speeds,
Creating one global big chill.
Why would such hackers do such hack?
Perhaps for fortune or for fame.
But because of the off attack,
The hackers can't work - what a shame!

Maybe the hackers will think it through.
They screw the world, then they're screwed too.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Bling Up

Bling and marriage go hand in hand,
And ear and ear and wrist and wrist,
Around the neck in pricey strand,
An anatomical long list
Of baubles to save hubby from
The do's and don't's of naughtiness,
Ever a threat in hubby dumb.
Nothing better can clean a mess.
The more expensive be the bling,
The bigger trouble hubby's got.
Constant credit line is the thing
For instant use when hubby's caught.

Hubby bringing bling to the spouse
Can buy reprieve from the doghouse.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Pfleger Pflap

Father Pfleger returns, "I'm baack!"
The St. Sabrina priest does say.
Most of his southside flock is black
With the white priest who gets to stay.
Not the plan of Cardinal George,
Wanting Pfleger out of the place.
Some humble pie he did engorge,
Keeping Pfleger smack in his face.
Father Pfleger for many years
Has been the St. Sabrina priest.
The church hierarchy has some fears
Control over Pfleger has ceased.

Is the St Sabrina priestship
Father Pfleger's own ego trip?

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Love Bee Scent

Euglossa natesi - that's me,
Collecting pollen all my life.
Yes, I am quite the  busy bee,
Preparing for my future wife.
I use my tongue that's super long
To scoop from each fragrant flower,
Pollen to scent my wooing song.
My perfume to overpower
Mixed in pockets in this bee's knees,
Until my potion is ideal,
Ready to present and to please
Miss bee right, and then seal the deal.

Must get it right on the first try,
'Cause after mating, I soon die.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Not Well in Orwell

George Orwell's "1984"
Is now less fiction and more fact.
D.C. is full of frauds galore
Who strive in ev'ry word and act
To point a finger placing blame
On what is wrong on party foe.
Both parties fully play the game,
Wreaking havoc for public show.
Orwellian "Newspeak" is used
To twist the Constitution's words,
Betting that whatever's abused
Will be forgotten in new absurds.

Both of the parties go Orwell,
While all the nation goes to hell.