Sense Sonnets

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Without My Love

"What is my life without your love?"

Is a question you ask of me.

I hear you ask this question of

Anyone who you want to be

Falling for this questioning line,

With whom you have hopes to succeed

In your next conquest by design,

Using your wile and charm indeed.

You sing you want me by your side,

But never tell me for how long.

But if you would you would have lied,

Just how you sing your same old song.

Whatever your life is without,

Includes my love, I have no doubt.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Second Thoughts

In a potato patch I grew,

With lots of bud spuds all around.

Got fully grown before I knew

Time for all to leave underground.

But I was scared and so I hid

While my buddies got dug up all.

They tried to ease my mind, they did,

But I refused to heed their call.

And soon a lone potato, I

Was by myself, left in the dirt.

All of my eyes began to cry,

Cuz loneliness for me sure hurt.

Now lots of regretting does me

That hesitator I did be.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 You Underestimated Me

You were warned of my coming, yet

Chose to defy me and to stay.

Others tried to say that your bet

Against me was the loser's way.

From the ocean I came ashore

With winds and rains that sought you out.

You thought I'd give less but gave more.

Forced to your attic, sweating doubt,

You tried to call for help but none

Could safely come to your domain.

You had to admit I was one

Hell of an awful hurricane.

You think I'm finished, but not true,

Because I have my eye on you.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Ima Ryma Beginning

Ima Ryma, apt pseudonym

For a most grateful sonneteer.

No matter if I'm her or him,

Sonnets helped me to persevere.

Ima so sickened through and through,

After attempting suicide,

Was hospitalized to renew

The will to live, with love supplied.

Ima received the needed care,

And wrote sonnets to pass the time,

Wrote of some good, some bad to share

In fourteen lines and had to rhyme.

While Ima wrote this prescribed verse,

Ima went to better from worse.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Cloud 9

In Siargao, the Philippines

Be a global surfing icon.

Ocean waves over a reef scenes

For ideal surf phenomenon.

In the late 1980's found

By wandering surfers and named

Cloud 9 as surfing heaven bound,

Fast became destination famed.

Big crowds each day do quickly fill,

So earliest surfers catch best

Chance for a lifetime surfing thrill

Riding the Holy Grail wave quest.

A dream that always has been mine,

Perfect wave found and ride Cloud 9.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 New Beginning

Just off the bus I've made it to

New York City in dawn of morn.

Not much traffic is passing through,

Haven't heard a single mad horn.

And so I jaywalk and stop in

The middle of the empty street.

Could be ticketed for my sin

If any cops are on the beat.

But nothing happens while I'm there.

So just like Mary Tyler Moore,

I throw my cap into the air,

Let out a happy I'm here roar.

The Big Apple at my first sight,

And I am here to take my bite.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Day at the Zoo

The wife and I went to the zoo.

We stopped to see her favorite there,

Kix, a full grown male kangaroo.

Kix saw the wife and hopped to where

We were standing, then suddenly

Over the high fence Kix did leap.

Then right next to us he did be.

In his arms the wife he did sweep.

Then the two of them hopped away.

And I wished them both a good life.

But then later in that same day,

Kix delivered to me the wife.

I was real mad about the attack,

Mainly because Kix brought the wife back.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Feathered Family

Mister and Missus Robin, we

Have readied nest in early spring.

And now four pale blue eggs there be,

All going through incubating.

We're quite protective of the nest,

And when the young ones hatch we'll each

Be proudly pumping each red breast,

Then we'll both get busy and teach

The young ones all about lives of

Robins as we bring by the bunch,

Juicy berries and feed with love

The young ones, mouths open for lunch.

After couple weeks or so,

Goodbyes are chirped, off the young go.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Honey Fest

Honey Pixie and Honey Bear

Do rest to have a honey break.

The honey from the jar they share,

And oh so good for goodness sake.

Some honeybees buzz a "Hello."

Honey Pixie asks if by chance

The honeybees will do a show

For them with a honeybee dance.

The honeybees are busy bees,

But always make some time for those

Who love their honey, so to please,

Adjust their wings to dancing pose.

The honeybees do dance a while,

Pixie and Bear, both Honeys smile.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Commies Keep Coming

The "Ain't I Right' song came out in

1966, the U.S.

Was in a war it would not win.

The powers that be did profess

The Vietnam War was a need

To fight the commies over there,

Or commies would come here indeed,

And too soon would be everywhere.

Since losing that war more wars be

Fought and lost by the U.S. on

Foreign soil and similarly

The same excuse phenomenon.

Commies the U.S. always fight,

But never seem to get it right.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Always skeptical, yes I be,

But skepticism is worldwide.

Skeptical is not only me,

And to most folks can be applied,

Becuz most folks do lie enough

That most other folks always must

Figure not all is truthful stuff,

Grains of salt taken in mistrust.

So big pharma decided to

Cash in, developing a pill,

Cure for skepticism to do

For all us skeptically ill.

Such a pill's on sale I admit,

But of course I'm not buying it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Yearning for You

I see you see me watching you,

As you are walking down the street.

Though stuck behind this fence I do

Really wish that we two could meet.

High class lady I know you be,

With jeweled collar and perfumed scent.

Why bother with the likes of me?

But I would act the perfect gent.

No peeing on fire hydrants done,

No jumping up on passersby.

All my attention on you, one

Who's sure got the heart of this guy.

I wanna be your dog no doubt,

Just as soon as I can sneak out.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Tulips to Lips

At the restaurant for dessert,

"Surprise me," the waiter was told.

With different I like to flirt,

Am always willing to be bold.

Tulip petals to me were brought,

Red and orange and yellow in hue.

Somewhat off guard I was caught,

And not really sure what to do.

"Dip them in this," the waiter said,

Melted chocolate in a bowl.

Dipped petals, yellow orange and red,

To my taste buds their destined goal.

A chocoholic I do be,

Now also tulipholic, me.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Wings of Solomon

One day out of the blue I came.

Gift to King Solomon was me.

With my help he did rise to fame.

No one knows how I came to be.

Sixty miles long and wide went I

Upon the winds, my silks unfurled,

I'd take King Solomon to fly

In just hours around the world.

On me enthroned the King held court.

Under us lands and oceans passed.

Armies with horses we'd transport.

None else on earth could move so fast.

'Round the world Solomon would go.

I, flying carpet, made it so.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Lomelok, since your first birthday

You went through months of having to

Face your future in a hard way

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

You needed spinal surgery

To give you a more normal life.

Support from your Zoo family

Helped you during the stress and strife.

You had your times both good and bad.

But through it all you'd always try

To share cub life with brotherhood.

But sadly time came for goodbye.

Death came too soon a consequence.

You will be much missed, lion prince.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Caernarfon Castle

Caernarfon Castle built in Wales

In late 1200's, symbol to

Deter the Welsh in their assails

On English rule, hate of which grew.

Edward the First, the English king,

Ordered the castle built to be

With octagonal towering,

A quite impressive sight to see.

In style of Roman empire old,

As middle ages structures went,

It was a marvel to behold,

And the message of strength was sent.

As the castle came on display,

Often king Edward came to stay.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 One Way - Which Way?

I was wealthy and the church said

Give us your money and you'll buy

A one way ticket when you're dead

To heaven, sounded good so I

Gave my money to the church and

When I died to heaven I went,

Just like the church and I had planned.

But at the Pearly Gates did vent

Saint Peter who called me a fool,

Said my angel status was bought,

And I had broken heaven's rule.

A new one way ticket I got.

Once an angel but then I fell,

With a one way ticket to hell.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Cut Down

I cut down my lilac today,

Cuz allergy my true love had

To the lilac and would not stay

If the lilac stayed, I felt bad.

But did what I thought I need do,

Got my electric clippers and

Cut down that lilac, I felt blue.

Tears fell on my murderous hand

After that awful deed was done.

My true love breathed sighs of relief,

And again was a happy one,

While I remained one filled with grief.

I wish my lilac still did be,

Cuz it never cheated on me.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


The humans call me a sundew.

I am a lovely flower, white,

With five petals opening to

Give bugs nearby nectar delight.

Atop a long stem does sit me,

Far above the plant leaves below,

Covered in sticky goo they be,

Trapping any bugs there that go.

The trapped bugs are then dissolved by

Enzymes becoming nutrients,

Providing my main food supply.

It is the bugs' choice consequence.

Bugs leaving me to pollinate

Can avoid my plant leaf dire fate.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Accumulating Habits

The wife is always telling me

I have an old habit that is

Annoying to her that does be

Procrastinating doing biz

That I need to do right away.

For a long time I knew she was

Right on that, but then came the day

I got a new habit that does

Have me forgetting things a lot.

Now when there's a complaint from her,

Likely it's something I forgot.

I now tell the wife I am sure

That definitely I can state

That I do not procrastinate.

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 The Assange Thorn

Julian Assange is a name

We the People of the U.S.

Have heard for decades as his fame

Of leaking secrets did progress.

World opinion and British Courts

Have caused his extradition to

The U.S. be delayed for sorts

Of reasons that U.S. would do

Vengeful injustice to this one

Who leaked about a government

With lots of lying corruption

That now is worldwide evident.

Most of the Feds of U.S.A.

Just wish Assange would die away.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Penny Lane

Penny Lane was my first girlfriend.

We met when we were in first grade.

That first meeting I did extend

Affection when I pulled her braid.

And she responded to me by

Turning around, glaring at me,

Then putting her fist in my eye.

That's how our romance came to be.

I'd walk her home but she would not

Invite me in, I sensed she had

Some secret hurting her a lot,

Turned out she had a real mean dad.

Such sadness I did feel inside

The day I heard that Penny died.

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Bubble on a Mission

I be a bubble in a brook.

Bunches of bubbles all around.

Just like all the others I look.

And we are all so boring bound.

Out of this stream I long to be.

"Come over here," the shore does say,

Very invitingly to me.

And so I plan my getaway.

I bubble bounce into the air,

And catch a ride upon a breeze,

Which to the shore does float me there,

Plan comes together with such ease.

I be a bubble reaching shore.

Alas, I pop and be no more.

Friday, June 07, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Self to Self

Dear Younger Self, I write to you.

Doc says my time is almost up.

These ninety years, wow they jut flew.

But I am grateful for all, yup.

Life was good through all of these years,

Wonderful friends and family

Sharing the laughter and the tears.

A long good life God gave to me.

Best advice to you is that you'll

Do unto others as you would

Have them do you, the Golden Rule.

That key unlocks a life that's good.

Want you to know that well we end.

Sincerely, Older Self, your friend.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Ever Remembered

November twenty second in

The year of nineteen sixty three,

At twelve thirty p.m. was when

John Fitzgerald Kennedy did be

Assassinated by gun shot

In Dallas, Texas as he rode

Through Dealey Plaza and was not

Able to survive as blood flowed

From his wounds, and the President

Slumped, dying, held by his wife who

Was shocked as all by this event,

Unbelievably sad but true.

Those who are still alive for sure

Always remember where we were.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rocky and Bullwinkle

On 50's and 60's T.V.

Was a show starring Rocky Squirrel

And Bullwinkle Moose who did be

Fighting evil schemes to unfurl

By Boris and Natasha who

Spied on Frostbite Falls, U.S.A.,

Cold war dastardly deeds to do.

Rocky was sharp, flew like a jet,

Bullwinkle, dimwitted sweet soul,

Came to visit each T.V. set,

And save the free world be the goal.

Rocky and Bullwinkle live on,

Cartoon rerun phenomenon.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Fruitful Journey

Upon God's vine a branch I be

Living in heavenly pursuit,

With Jesus taking care of me,

Helping me to bear worthy fruit.

Always I need to beware of

Straying away to lures of sin,

Leaving the light of Jesus' love,

Causing a withering within.

Only God's truth I need to know,

And letting Jesus guide my time.

For then as a branch I will grow

In full fruitfulness as I climb.

Cared for by Jesus in life mine,

I grow in goodness to divine.

Monday, June 03, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 The Waiting Game

The old gods were sure caught off guard

When the new young rules books god came.

Old gods got thrown to the junkyard.

Best selling rule books they did blame.

What puzzled old gods even more

Rules books god managed three main brands,

Members of each in constant war

Wreaking havoc in all the lands.

All the old gods could do was wait

For rule books god to fizzle out

As its brands faced a doomsday fate

Which was bound to happen no doubt.

The old gods hope more converts be

After the end of World War III.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 On Break

Some quiet time I like to take

In a secluded shore outcrop,

Where this mermaid goes on a break,

Tail in water and out my top,

To bask a while catching some sun,

Of course putting cream on my skin,

So burning damage won't be done,

And never upon my tail fin.

It just feels good to get away

Where sailors cannot bother me,

A place I am not on display,

And just relaxing I can be.

Quiet time takes timing no doubt,

Needs to end before tide goes out.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Loss of Hoss

Dan Blocker was the actor who

Played "gentle giant" Hoss Cartwright,

Brother and son audience knew

From show "Bonanza" with delight.

Blocker died unexpectedly.

Decision Hoss would die also.

First time in T.V. history

That's how a main player would go.

Episode written with Hoss wed

Changed with dialogue evidence.

Little Joe got married instead,

And talk of Hoss was in past tense.

Not told till years later why,

Drowning accident Hoss did die.