Sense Sonnets

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


'Twas the fight of the century,
Hundreds of millions of cash purse.
Las Vegas was the place to be.
Pay per view outage - many curse.
But then the fight went on, and on,
And on for the whole 12 round bout,
All in all an expensive yawn,
Mayweather in, Pacquiari out..
It matters not the show be lame.
Four fists punch while the money talks.
Promoters cash in on the game,
So to speak, think inside the box.

Fight of the century is done.
Counting more cash for the next one.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Sloth - LP Zoo

I am a sloth a hanging out
In style at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Nocturnal - during day I'm 'bout
Doing a lot of naparoo.
The humans named me as two toed,
As number on each hand there be.
Humans did not count my foot load.
The toes on each foot number three.
Smart humans should know, one would think,
The dif'rence 'tween finger and toe.
But sloths don't want to cause a stink.
Humor the humans - doncha know!

If I were named accurately,
A two fingered sloth I should be.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Anna Jarvis

Anna Jarvis began the quest
To establish a Mother's Day.
She gave the effort all her best.
1914 the U.S.A.
Proclaimed a day in May as so.
But over time Anna became
Disillusioned with the cash flow,
Thought cards and candy such a shame,
With all the profiteering stuff.
A Mother should not be on sale,
Love from the heart should be enough.
But Anna's take did not prevail.

Mother's Day brings in big bucks - yes!
Anna Jarvis died penniless.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Momma Lemur - LP Zoo

I am Momma crowned lemur here
At home in the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Just gave birth to another dear
Baby lemur - that's what I do.
So many kids have come and gone
To other Zoos. I raised all right
And good and proud to lemur on.
Being a Momma's a delight.
In the Primate House you'll find us.
The gibbons nearby - that is good.
Next door neighbors - the colobus.
This is sure a fun neighborhood.

So drop on by and visit me.
I'll introduce the family.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Good Works

"Bill - that NBC interview"
"Went pretty smooth I have to say,"
"'Bout all the good works that we do,"
"And all the bills we have to pay."
"The African backdrop looked good,"
"Much better than the deals we've made."
"We've moved up in the neighborhood."
"A bunch of golden eggs we've laid."
"And believe me, this mother goose"
"Is gonna lay a whole bunch more."
"Just don't let your lips get too loose."
"We can hoodwink just like before."

"Most honest woman that you know!"
"Oh Bill - you do sweet talk me so."

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

How to Bear Humans

We bears that live in Yellowstone
Get used to humans in the way.
I act better when I'm alone,
But I've got cubs that often stray
Over to check the humans out,
Causing all to get in a jam.
Humans yell lots and run about,
Causing Mom a lot of stress - damn!
Watching the cubs, I've got to try
Not to panic the humans more,
And find the best way to get by.
Bears are few, but humans galore.

When human and bear jams do come,
Bears must mind that humans act dumb.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

"Ball"ad of Tom Brady

Tom Brady's getting most blame for
The scandal of deflated balls.
Tom turned the NFL real sore,
The League could not snoop his phone calls,
So deemed Tom guilty more or less,
Of knowing that generally
Ball deflaters would likely guess
That's what Tom wanted - make it be.
If Tom added some humble air,
And asked the public to forgive,
Whatever "air"ors that were there,
Then football faith again could live.

Tom Brady 'fess up to it all.
Tom Brady won't you please play ball!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Red Panda View - LP Zoo

I am a red panda that lives
In Lion House, Lincoln Park Zoo.
Surrounded by big cats - what gives!
I'm no big cat. I thought they knew.
And just across the pathway is
The Park Place human food cafe.
Such stuff they eat - none of my biz.
For me it's bamboo all the way.
"Where's the restroom?" I hear a lot.
I guess that's where the humans go.
For me, I just pick any spot.
Weird human habits - doncha know!

Just becuz humans seem so dumb,
No cause for pandamonium.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hammocking - LP Zoo

There is no better place to do
Gorilla body, mind and soul
Searching at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Than in a hammock - a sweet goal.
Plopped in a hammock, I can feel
A relaxing of any stress.
May take the time to munch a meal.
May take some time for a nap - yes!
May take some time to ponder why
Humans do dominate the Earth,
As I watch humans wander by,
Watching me for whatever worth.

The world revolves around me, please,
From my hammock I watch with ease.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Too Old

"Bill - the right wing is hinting that"
"I am too old the Prez to be."
"I guess it's only tit for tat."
"We hinted Dole was an oldie."
"I guess I'll do the Reagan thing -"
"So inexperienced are the young,"
"Still in their cribs in the right wing,"
"Filling their diapers up with dung."
"But let's not hear on this from you,"
"Like the senior moment you said"
"I had causing my fibaroo"
"'Bout snipers firing at my head."

"No more age stuff - you sound so lame."
"Be hubby hush up - what's your name?"

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


The maypole once did represent
The joy at the coming of spring.
Children came to the pole and went
Around and 'round and 'round the thing,
Holding colored ribbons tied to.
Birds a chirping, flowers abloom,
Songs a singing - quite a to do.
But then the world turned doom and gloom,
Too pro Commie, too anti Christ,
For children to be acting so.
Young innocence could be enticed,
So the maypoling had to go.

Tiz not p.c. for maypole use.
Big gov now deems it child abuse.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Snow Born - LP Zoo

I am a baby snow monkey,
The first born at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Mom is taking good care of me.
Dad's around, but I don't know who.
Of three guys, could be any one.
A later time, I s'pose I'll know.
DNA testing will be done.
By that time maybe there'll be snow -
Some cold white stuff I'm s'posed to like.
Lots was here when I was conceived.
Mom says to be a patient tyke.
Chicago snow can be believed.

No snow, but life won't be a bore.
Mom says that's what humans are for.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

The Egg and I - LP Zoo

I am Mrs. Ostrich who lives
And lays eggs in Lincoln Park Zoo.
At Wild Things Gift Shop my egg gives
A wild thing souvenir for you.
Cuz me and the Mister are not
Yet picked by Zoo powers that be
To hatch ostriches we begot,
So the eggs are taken from me.
That's okay - there's a time and place
For Zoos to be able to care
For newborns on a case by case,
Achieving better health welfare.

Buy my egg and then on it sit.
Don't worry, you cannot hatch it.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Rattle Me This - LP Zoo

I be a rattlesnake, I be
A Mexican lance headed kind.
Come to Lincoln Park Zoo and me.
In the Reptile House you can find,
Coiled round myself or all stretched out,
A meter or more of patterned scale,
Camouflaged with space I'm about,
From tip of head to rattled tail.
Each time I shed my skin, I do
Add to my tail one rattle more.
So by the time my time is through,
Yes, I will have rattles galore.

Heat pits do sense what comes my way.
I will know when you're on display.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

One Big Rabbit - LP Zoo

Roger the Rabbit and I hop
On the Farm at Lincoln Park Zoo.
A Flemish Giant, I do top
The scale at 20 pounds, I do.
The biggest rabbit breed on Earth.
I'm raised on farms for pelt and meat.
But here I serve a higher worth -
Show biz - just lucky rabbit's feet.
As you walk in the Farm's front gate,
Just look for my digs to the right,
And size me up all hopping great.
I hop - your eyes pop at the sight.

Visits will become a habit,
Once you see this real big rabbit.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Peepers - LP Zoo

We snow macaques come from Japan,
To be seen at Lincoln Park Zoo,
In a 24/7 scan,
Humans keep us in constant view.
But we don't mind, cuz we act right.
There are no secrets we need keep.
Whatever we do day or night
Is wholesome and no need to bleep.
Our faces may be bright red,
And always so, but humans show
Red faces too, but those instead
Are humans blushing - doncha know!

We macaques see reality.
Jeepers what peepers humans be.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Pest

"Bill - a bug is flying around -"
"Martin O'Malley mosquito,"
"And buzz is starting to abound"
"There is a 'rival' for my show."
"The thought does bring a good guffaw,"
"That such a twirp could dare to test"
"Me for Prez,you for first grandpa."
"So get out there and swat the pest,"
"Before a bite sucks any blood."
"I play dirty but must be seen"
"Being above throwing the mud."
"Just you will be seeing me mean."

"The next Prez should be a queen bee,"
"And that Prez is gonna bee me!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Those human creatures came around,
Got all excited about me,
Said a new frog species they'd found,
Had not looked hard, apparently.
I am see through translucent green,
Living high in tree canopies.
I like to make the night life scene,
So hanging with humans - puhleeze!
My best feature are my swell eyes,
Bulging white eyeballs sticking out
With black pupils of sexy size,
That have that show biz look about.

"Muppet" the humans do term it.
And who in the heck is Kermit?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Shroud of Turin

The Shroud of Turin is owned by
The Catholic Church, officially,
Will not confirm, will not deny
The Shroud of Jesus Christ it be?
The best of science that is known
Leaves questions of questions upon
Whatever answers have been shown -
Mysterious phenomenon.
It is the faith of Christians since
The life and death of Christ to know,
Whatever be the evidence,
Following Christ is good to go.

To be human is to deceive.
To be human is to believe.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

In Nature's Way

The tallest mountain in the world
Makes motion as the earth does quake.
Masses of snow and ice are hurled
Downward, as gravity does take.
Forces of nature at its best,
Or at its worst depending on
The point of view that is expressed,
Or silent since the voice is gone.
The mountain has no memory
Of why or how is nature's way.
For those who on the mountain be -
Humans know the deadliest day.

It is a human tragedy,
But that's the way of nature be.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Sisterly Advice - LP Zoo

Little sister just two years old.
Lucky you've got two year old me
To tell you all that needs be told
Of growing to a grown up be.
The world is watching as you grow.
Upon you there are always eyes
Oohing and aahing - doncha know,
Cuz babies are full of surprise.
You have a big sister who will
Help you in all that you will face.
Good memories we will fulfill.
Lincoln Park Zoo is a cool place.

I did the stuff that you will do.
This gorilla girl's here for you.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Big Deal

"Bill - like a sleeping dog that lies,"
"You keep up lyin' with a smile."
"The New York Times will soon get wise"
"That Clinton fibs are hands off pile."
"Like our uranium deal,"
"That brought us a whole bunch of cash."
"So what if U.S. folks do squeal"
"Russia owns lots of U.S. stash."
"Of the radioactive stuff,"
"When I'm Prez I will really shove"
"Through cash deals - we can't get enough."
"More to come from Russia with love."

"Reset Russia - I am all set,"
"And Clinton cash in - a sure bet."

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Eat It Up - LP Zoo

Another Earth Day of the Year,
So party time as humans do.
Edible pinatas to cheer
Gorillas at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Humans oft go on a guilt trip
About how badly they pollute.
Which they still do while giving lip
To saving the planet pursuit.
So we humor humans as they
Try doing eco friendly stuff,
Once every year on Earth Day.
But they don't feel guilty enough.

Humans be putting Earth in wreck.
We might as well eat - what the heck!

Friday, May 08, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

HillBillill and The Logo

"Bill - did you catch my new logo?"
"An uppercase 'H' that is blue."
"Sported therein a red arrow,"
"Pointed to the right, and to do"
"A number on any who dare"
"Get in my wannabe Prez way."
"The White House - I will be back there."
"You too - if you don't go astray."
"I'm thinking that it would be good"
"If you tattooed my logo on"
"Some body part on you that would"
"Support my Prez phenomenon."

I'm arrowing. I'm Hillary.
Tiz Harrowing, but Prez I'll be.

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Heartily - LP Zoo

Pink flamingos surely stand out
With bodies made as work of art.
Two faced together and no doubt
Are heads and necks formed into heart.
We are birds liking together.
The more the merrier we are,
Forming a colorful feather,
And such a sight for near and far.
The color comes from what we eat -
Water life shellfish and algae.
Besides nutrition there's the treat
Of being birds of beaut we be.

Two flamingos facing each do
Form a heart for Lincoln Park Zoo.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Growing Boy - LP Zoo

My first baby when he was born,
A boy all bouncing pound for pound.
Happened a sunny August morn.
Lincoln Park Zoo was all around.
Since then, more than a year has passed,
And I'm amazed how much he's grown.
It's true that kids grow up so fast,
But faster when he is your own.
That once wee guy under my feet
Is still a stay close to Mom son.
But a little distance is sweet,
Cuz he's almost now at a ton.

For a rhino Mom, it's such joy
Being there for a growing boy.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Just Curious

Just a chimp minding my own biz,
At the Zoo's outdoor habitat.
I hear some noise, and there it is.
At me a drone is flying at.
And so I grabbed a stick nearby
And gave that drone a mighty whack,
Knocking it down out of the sky.
It laid still and did not fight back.
I stayed a bit, then walked away,
Deciding to leave it alone.
Who knows what the humans would say.
Curiosity killed the drone!

The downed drone footage has made me
An Internet celebrity.

Monday, May 04, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I open wide. What do you see?
Two tiny teeth are in my smile,
Showing the growing babe I be.
More teeth will grow in in a while.
Teething can make a baby fuss,
But I know that the pain is good.
My teeth are saying, "Welcome us"
To my where I eat neighborhood.
So far it's been Mom's milk to drink,
Suckling and chewing - a delight.
But Mom's okay with it, I think.
She doesn't mind a little bite.

I'm getting teeth. What will I do?
This gorilla girl's gonna chew.

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Chew On - LP Zoo

An African wild dog am I,
At home in the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Over the main mall I can spy
The resurfacing that is new.
I hear the humans talking 'bout
How more dark rock was being used,
Cuz humans litter lots, no doubt,
Spitting out gum is oft abused.
And when the gum is not removed,
It's flattened out in darkened pock.
Can't win so join, humans behooved,
And thus put in more darkened rock.

The humans like to chew on gum.
I like to chew on humans - yum!

Saturday, May 02, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Rum Ride

April eighteen, seventy five,
Paul Revere made his famous ride.
The revolution came alive,
Paul being on the rebel side.
His ride took him through Medford town,
Known for distilling of fine rum.
Time to toss a slug or two down!
Gets thirsty riding for freedom!
The famous ride did stay on track.
Paul needed his head to be clear.
Maybe he'd stop on his way back,
Becuz good rum Paul did revere.

If Paul had gotten rum tipsy,
Then the U.S.A. might not be.

Friday, May 01, 2015

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Post Abe

President Lincoln shot and killed,
Not just by one man but by all
Whose rebel hearts and minds were filled
With disloyalty to appall,
"Loyal" news media so wrote,
Calling into question the will
Of the President to devote
A healing mercy to instill.
News media spread far and wide
Opinion that it was Divine -
Assassination to decide,
Punish the South was the design.

Vengeance by news media spread,
The hopes of Lincoln had gone dead.