Sense Sonnets

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Almost Worked

I needed to get to the store.
Being out of booze was not good.
I wasn't driving anymore,
Since my D.U.I. meant I would
Go to jail if the cops caught me
Behind the wheel driving a car.
So a solution seemed to be,
Since the store was not all that far,
To have my 10 year old drive us.
After all, I would be right there
To handle any muss or fuss.
So off we drove without a care.

We almost made it okay,
Till that cop car got in the way.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Crowd Control

We usually get along fine,
All willing to go with the flow,
Giving us all a spiffy shine,
Not a one out of place to show.
But for reasons to date unknown,
There comes a day when no one can
Behave like one maturely grown,
And acting out pervades the clan.
Scientists too, enduring this,
Have long and hard searched for a cure.
Soon we will be in ever bliss,
Never a naughty to endure.

To happen soon, scientists say,
Never again a bad hair day.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Chicago's Air and Water Show,
An annual spectacular.
Precision flights jet to and fro,
Between the buildings in a blur.
Turning over Lake Michigan,
And passing back over the Loop,
Performing the high feats again.
But one plane veers off from the group,
In an uncontrollable spin.
All eyes are on the crash to be,
As the plane goes burrowing in,
Exploding into tragedy.

Sears Tower - a funeral pyre,
Calamity by friendly fire.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Lost Treasure

It's been 10 years since my Dad died,
Leaving me an orphan alone.
There's still an emptiness inside,
Even though I'm now almost grown.
Life was hard, and then Dad got sick.
There was nothing that I could do.
They said it was good Dad went quick.
I really hoped that he'd pull through.
My home burned down the other day.
I barely managed to survive,
Escaping in just my p.j.
But at least I was still alive.

Gone - the most precious thing I had,
The only picture of my Dad.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Water Boys

I fell into the flooding creek,
And was being pulled fast downstream.
I tried to swim, but felt too weak.
Up the creek, so it would sure seem.
But, then I felt a hand grab hold,
And Dad was there, pulling me back.
Actually, it was Dad twofold.
Granddad was picking up the slack.
We all 3 got back to the bank,
Splashing around, covered in mud,
And smelling like a septic tank,
Laughing together - flesh and blood.

Boys playing in waters that run,
Like Granddad, like Dad and like son.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

All Wet

I fell into the flooding creek.
The current pulled me fast downstream.
Dad was nearby and heard me shriek.
He jumped in, and I heard him scream
For Granddad, who I could see there
On the bank, and he had a rope.
And Granddad was closer to where
I was. He saw me, but the dope
Ran back to help Dad, who could swim
A whole lot better than I could.
I managed to grab a tree limb,
And get out, cursing fatherhood.

Hey Dad, Granddad - what about me?
No thanks to you, I got lucky.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Family Pull

I fell into the flooding creek,
And was being pulled underneath.
I could not swim. I was too weak.
But, then a hand grabbed me like teeth.
And Dad was there pulling me back.
And pulling Dad, there was Granddad.
I was at the end of the pack,
But not alone, and I was glad.
Together, the 3 of us made
It back to the bank and pulled each
Out of the flood waters' cascade,
Till all was in safety's reach.

A Granddad, a Dad and a son.
We're one for all and all for one.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Gone in a Flash

I fell into the flooding creek.
The current pulled me fast downstream.
Dad was nearby and heard me shriek.
He jumped in, and I heard him scream
For Granddad, to help us get out.
Just then a wall of wave flowed through,
And I was tossed up and about.
Into the creek bank mud I flew,
Crawling up and out of harm's way.
Help came and we searched for my Dad
And Granddad, but it seemed that they
Were swallowed by nature gone mad.

Water to water, ground to ground.
Dad and Granddad were never found.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher

There for Me

I went to look at the small creek
That flowed at the edge of the street.
The heavy rains sure made a leak.
The water must have been 10 feet,
Deep and flowing furious and fast.
My house was pretty close nearby.
I hoped that the worst wet had passed.
Looking up at the darkened sky,
I must have slipped while standing there.
Because the next thing that I know,
Under water, gasping for air.
Lucky - I got out of the flow.

Later, 2 dead bodies were found.
My Dad and Granddad, they both drowned.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Strike but don't Touch

Three guys - a student and hobo
And a long time union man were
Waiting at a bus stop when lo,
An angel's coming did occur.
The angel said that by her touch,
She could heal any malady.
The hobo threw away his crutch,
When the angel touched his bad knee.
The angel touched the student's eyes,
His thick glasses needed no more.
But, the third one of the 3 guys
Said healing, he was not up for.

The union man warned, "Don't touch me."
"I'm on paid disability."

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Another Name for President

The term, Conotocarious,
Iroquois for "Town Destroyer,"
Was the hate nickname given thus
To George Washington, to refer
To his ordering the complete
Destruction of every town
Of the Iroquois; to defeat
All their nations and keep them down.
Washington's orders were obeyed.
Most of Iroquois were wiped out.
But their term,"Town Destroyer," stayed
Through history to be about -

Every U.S. President.
That's still what "Town Destroyer" meant.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Bo was one of the family.
Rescued from a shelter, the pup
Was full of playful energy,
Ready for whatever was up.
Then one day, Bo became lost.
We looked all through the neighborhood,
House to house, back and forth crisscrossed.
We posted flyers. It did no good.
Hope for Bo's return slipped away.
We accepted that he was gone.
But then, there came a happy day.
A dog was barking on the lawn.

We lost that pup 5 years ago.
Out of the blue, back home came Bo.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


A man is on a Greyound bus.
He's attacked by one with a knife.
While being stabbed in front of us,
The man is screaming for his life.
The bus comes to a sudden stop,
And all go running for outside,
Except the knifer. With a lop,
Cuts off the stabbed man's head, wild eyed.
And then the knifer cuts off skin
From the victim's beheaded head.
And with a maniacal grin,
Feeds upon his newly made dead.

Who could do this atrocity?
The police say it was me.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher


People around me are so nice.
I know they wish the best for me.
They have to tell me at least twice,
If they are friends or family.
My memory is very bad.
But I have gotten used to it.
They tell me that I should be glad
When I can remember a bit.
Often those times are of my love.
Over 50 years we were wed.
I gaze into his face above.
Then I remember that he's dead.

Why is it always such sad things -
My moments of rememberings?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

First Time Boarding

I figured that I'd up and die
Before I had a reason to
Get on one of those planes and fly.
But, I don't have the time to do
A boat across the ocean, so
Here I am in this here airport.
The clerk told me where I should go.
When asked if I needed escort,
I said I could do it alone.
Once I got to the moving belt,
I sat on it, then laid out prone.
Weird way to board a plane, I felt.

Why are people staring at me?
Am I where I'm supposed to be?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I am flying a commercial flight.
The extra charges blow my mind.
An extra charge for weight and height.
An extra charge if deaf or blind.
If I speak, then I'm charged per word.
If I itch then I'm charged per scratch.
If I poop, then I'm charged per turd.
Sneezes are charged 3 to a batch.
And extra charges are assessed
By the amount of body hair.
Depending on the size of chest,
I'm charged extra for breathing air.

And if a plane crash is my fate,
An extra charge to my estate.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Old Elvis

I read that they dug up a bust,
That dated back to ancient Rome.
The stone head had a jaw that thrust
Out in chisled, angled aplomb.
Atop a wavy pompadour,
Back at both sides, was fishtailed slick.
Lips full of sexy pout galore.
Bushy sideburns that did the trick.
Bedroom eyes giving that sly look.
Alas, the nose missed a large chunk.
One of the hazards that time took.
All in all, a hell of a hunk.

I am Elvis. You'll find me
Popping up in antiquity.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Eyes Storm

I am surfing the Internet,
When a flash of light hits the screen.
To avoid any hazard threat,
I pull the plug on the machine.
But still the screen shows a display -
A bunch of dots dancing around
In a lively and weird array
That puts my mind in a dumbfound.
As I gaze at this scene bizarre
That has the spell to hypnotize,
And seems to near me from afar,
The dots enlarge to become eyes.

The eyes fill the screen completely.
I am watching them watching me.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Kidding Around?

I got the dress from Dad and Mom.
It wasn't new, but that was fine.
I wore it to my high school prom.
And I was with some friends of mine,
When Susie Barkley and her crew
Came by. Susie was a mean one.
She had nothing better to do
Than make me the brunt of her fun.
Susie wasted no time at all,
Saying she'd seen my dress before,
And that I really had some gall
Pretending that I wasn't poor.

"That's my old dress," her laugh was shrill,
"That I gave away to Good Will."

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Call for Help

Welcome - Psychiatric Hotline.
Multiple personality -
Press buttons 5,6,8 and 9.
Press 1 over repeatedly,
If an obsessive/compulsive.
If manic/depressive just press
But an answer, no one will give.
If co-dependent, more or less,
Then ask somebody to press 2.
And if you are schizophrenic,
Then a little voice will tell you
Which number to press you should pick.

Anxious - press buttons uncontrolled.
Anal retentive - then please hold.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Nuisance Law

By my home, there's a 4 way stop.
The typical traffic pattern,
Assuming there's no nearby cop,
Is to slow down and to discern
If it's clear and if so, drive on.
Well, someone stopped the other day,
As I was coming up upon.
A full, long stop to my dismay,
Causing me to rearend that car.
That driver was clearly to blame.
To fault me for it goes too far.
Going against the flow's a shame.

The law should not hinder the flow,
When it makes sense to slow and go.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Working Through

Being a single Dad is hard.
My son, Mike, is almost 14.
Rather than play ball in the yard,
Mike prefers the face makeup scene.
I've known for a couple of years
That Mike tends to act fem hard core.
I've tried to turn all my fears
To better understanding more.
I've learned we can't do it alone.
But life's deal of any sort,
The loving bond we share has grown.
We both have found lots of support.

I know Mike's life is challenging.
Informed love is what I can bring.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


I'm in the cabin all alone.
There is the shattering of glass.
Inside, hundreds of birds have flown.
Screeching, they come at me in mass.
Frantic, I wonder where to go.
There is a closet, that's nearby.
I scramble to it, keeping low,
And dive inside, wondering why
The birds are doing such a thing.
Huddled behind the closet door,
I listen to the sounds on wing,
Mad, like I've never heard before.

Something has made the birds crazy.
I hear them coming in for me.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Far Fetched Faith

In a lagoon of crocodiles,
People wanting blessings would wade.
It was believed that the reptiles
Were harmless if the people prayed.
Into the waters people went,
Praying for the blessings therein.
For years there was no accident.
A man seeking blessings again,
After having waded before,
Went into the lagoon and prayed.
At first a big croc did ignore
The man, who toward the croc did wade.

Chance turned into instinct instead.
The man, half eaten up, was dead.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Worth a Try

I wanted to divorce my wife.
She didn't want to divorce me.
I had no grounds. This caused me strife.
How then to make the split to be?
I hired an actress for the part
Of my wife, and we went to Court.
She said she'd broken my heart,
And deserved no money support.
The Judge bought into the whole act,
And signed the papers of divorce.
Of this done deal, matter of fact,
My real ex was so told of course.

When told of the divorce, my ex
Just laughed at me. This does perplex.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Dream Team

A man who is in public life,
Decides to have a fling affair.
Apparently, he tells his wife,
After rumors begin to flare.
A year later, the man does run
For President, and his wife is
Right beside the son of a gun,
Both going for the White House biz.
The man's campaign had a good shot,
But fell short of winning it all.
He could have won, and we'd have got
A first couple with lots of gall.

The man and his wife did not think
That this would not come out to stink?

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Small World

It was the end of World War II.
I, a G.I. in Germany,
Was walking down an avenue.
A young German girl came toward me.
We passed and she returned my smile.
I turned and asked her if she would
Like an orange that I'd kept awhile.
Her first orange, I felt so good.
Years later, at my plant in Maine,
A sales rep brought her grandma in
From Germany she did explain.
We shared stories of what had been.

A grandma now, but it was she
Who got her first orange from me.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Coming Down

A full moon, a beautiful sight
To behold and gaze long upon,
In a wondrous and star filled night,
Before my hectic life speeds on.
I am part of a study group
Of gravitational upturns.
Only a few are in the loop
Regarding the current concerns.
As of now we can only guess
That there is some magnetic change
Causing us to find, with distress,
The world is acting very strange.

The end is coming all too soon.
The Earth is pulling down the moon.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Fall from Grace

For centuries, I formed in place,
Sculpted by all nature's tools,
Hovering in beauty and grace.
Then along came the human fools,
Romping atop me in their sprees.
But then at last the humans gave
Me "look but do not touch" decrees.
With tourists, I became a rave.
I guess that I did always know
That gravity and erosion
Would one day do me the heave ho.
That one day came and I was done.

One moment a great arch - world known.
The next, just one more pile of stone.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Witch Glitch

Being a witch, I need to heed
The runs of luck, both good and bad.
I'd been having good luck indeed.
So not to make the powers mad,
I did look up the spell that would,
With a sword plunged into the ground,
Keep my run of luck running good.
So into the chant I did bound,
And gave the words such energy.
Witchcraftiness out of me poured.
When I finished my entreaty,
With my eyes shut, I plunged the sword.

Well, so much for that good luck spell.
I stabbed my foot. It hurts like hell.