Sense Sonnets

Friday, November 30, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Peanut, the parrot, smelled the smoke,
Saw that the humans were asleep,
Knew that it was no time to choke,
That it would take more than a peep.
Peanut went through his memory
Of what kind of sound it would take
To rouse these humans quite quickly,
And not burn up for pity's sake.
Peanut parroted the alarm
He'd heard the humans test before.
He did it shrill. It did the charm.
A happy ending was in store.

Peanut gave his all to be heard.
Kudos should be given the bird.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Glastenbury Mountain

Glastenbury Mountain, Vermont
Is steeped in an eerie folklore.
A foreboding menace does haunt
The mountain's woods forevermore.
The natives say a magic stone
Awaits in hidden shadowed lair,
To swallow ever as its own,
Whoever happens to pass there.
Many have ventured to this place,
Perhaps unknowingly or not,
And disappeared without a trace.
To go there, heed this caveat,

Glastenbury Mountain just might
Take you and put you out of sight.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Wounded Knee

It happened on Wounded Knee Creek,
At a camp of Lakota Sioux.
The 7th Cavalry did seek,
On orders, to take the tribe to
A reservation permanent.
The tribe had agreed to disarm,
And came together to present
Their weapons. One chief, in alarm,
Being deaf, did not understand.
His rifle accidently fired.
The shots from others did expand,
Until a massacre transpired.

A single misunderstanding,
So much needless bloodshed did bring.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Skip the Toaster

An old couple in a drug store
Had questions for the pharmacist.
The couple were both 94.
They had a whole prescription list
Of pills that covered just about
Any and all bodily thing
That could go wrong or just give out.
The pharmacist was assuring
That their drug needs could be filled.
And did they want to go ahead?
"Not right now, but we are so thrilled."
"We're getting married." the man said,

"We have signed up this pharmacy,"
"For our wedding registry."

Monday, November 26, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Tell Tale

When my sister got custody
Of my son, and they then left town,
Folks around started asking me
Where Matt was, and that got me down.
So I said that my son was dead,
Killed in a bad car accident.
To stop questions, I went ahead
And had a funeral event,
With an obituary too.
I guess I overdid a bit.
They found out my tale was untrue.
Now, I'm stuck in a load of shit.

So I told a little white lie.
Cops got involved. I don't know why.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Nature's Bride

William Faulkner asked a dear friend
To go with him to see a bride,
Dressed in her gown of gorgeous blend.
Faulkner had a romantic side,
Which the friend had grown to adore.
So off they drove into the night,
On back country roads searching for
Faulkner's promised heart wrenching sight.
Into a meadow, Faulkner drove,
Turning off all the car lights so
Only the moon beams interwove,
Giving the viewing a full glow.

The moon light showed the bride to be,
In full blossom - an apple tree.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Fooling Around

My marriage was not going well.
Neither of us cared any more
Whether the other went to hell.
On line, I found a paramour.
For weeks, we chatted our love.
She would say the sexiest things,
That my ice wife never dreamed of.
I shared back such fantasizings.
We set a time and date to meet.
A rose, each one of us would wear,
So each would know the other's sweet.
And then such ecstacy we'd share.

I saw the lady with the rose.
My wife looked back at me. We froze.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Absent Parent

Frank. This letter is hard to write.
We got a mean, messy divorce,
With a nasty custody fight.
A 5 year old son was the source
Of what brought out the best and worst
In both of us. But Billy should,
For each of us, always come first.
One of us had a match that would
Give a kidney to Billy, so
He could get well. It wasn't me.
I begged your help, but you said no,
Because you had no custody.

There's really nothing more to say.
Our son, Billy, died today.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


A lady, ready to divorce
Her rich hubby, was concerned that
The pre-nup contract would of course
Leave her fundless in no time flat.
A fortune teller, she sought out,
Who peered into her crystal ball,
And told the lady without doubt,
Death was about to cast its pall.
The lady's husband would soon die
In violence and horribly.
The lady mulled, then in reply,
Asked for the possibility.

"Knowing that has benefitted."
"Tell me, will I be acquitted?"

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Measure of Care

I've run the Noahs Ark Day Care
For more years than I wish to count.
This place is deemed extraordinaire,
With 3 stars which is tantamount
To being the best that can be
According to the license board.
Now there's all this controversy.
What's causing this blown up discord
Is putting pacifiers in
The babes' mouths, then as a short cut
To keep from spitting out again,
Just taping their little mouths shut.

But, now the state has gone too far.
They've stripped me down to just 1 star.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

On Call

At last I'm getting some good press.
To be an appendix has not
Been such a joy, more or less.
Useless thing - I've heard that a lot.
But now, I'm called the cul de sac
Where good gut germs can safely thrive.
It's said I have a reboot knack
For helping the bod stay alive,
When there's no outside source around,
Like other bods with healthy germs.
Someday, disaster may abound.
My host will need me on my terms.

Ready to serve - this appendix,
In upcoming epidemics.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Because I am claustrophobic,
The thought of being in a box
For a CT scan makes me sick.
But, the tech gives me 3 pep talks,
Assuring me it will go fast.
Inside the tube it all is black.
An hour here, I have to last.
The tech says later he'll be back.
It's been so long, I must get out.
I can't breathe anymore in here.
Don't they hear me thrashing about?
My God, I'm choking on my fear.

The cleaning crew finds me that night.
Left and forgotten with just fright.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

The Losses of Mrs. Lincoln

Mary Todd Lincoln lost a lot.
She watched 3 of her 4 sons die.
She watched the President get shot,
And leave her poor and widowed thereby.
Some close to her betrayed her trust,
Subjecting her to ridicule.
Her eldest son felt that he must
Hide her from being made a fool.
An insane asylum became
Her home. Eye problems made her blind.
Spinal injury made her lame.
She died broken, body and mind.

Mrs. Lincoln, mother and wife,
Had a lot of loss in her life.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Golda Meir would talk about
Moses in good news, bad news ways.
She said that he, without a doubt,
Brought her people to better days,
After 40 years to this soil,
The only Middle Eastern spot
Where there wasn't a drop of oil.
The U.S., during war, had sought
Some military expertise.
She said some generals she'd send,
And take 2 U.S. ones apiece -
Motors and Electric - she grinned.

Gold Meir had a quick, ready wit
To use to lead and to bullshit.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Make Love Not Trash

I was walking along the beach.
A plastic bottle washed ashore.
A fan of recycle outreach,
I picked up the nuisance eyesore.
Inside was a "got married" note
From Wisconsin, across the lake.
The month and day the couple wrote
Were the same ones, for golly's sake,
As our anniversary.
Married 28 years ago,
It's been good for hubby and me.
Wish those newlyweds well also.

It was a sweet romantic thing,
Also pollution littering.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Albert Einstein needed a clip,
A paper clip to be precise.
He found one, but it would not grip,
Being a badly bent device.
His assistant then joined the hunt,
And in a drawer was found a case
Of new paper clips, right up front.
Using a new clip as a brace,
Einstein fixed the first clip he'd found.
His assistant asked why just not
Discard the old clip. The renowned
Einstein then replied with this thought,

"Once I'm on a project mind set,"
"I work until that goal's been met."

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


I have a chessboard that I use
To keep count of how many men
I've killed in random rendevous,
Met here and there and now and then.
A bottle of vodka is how
I lure the victim to some spot,
With the sad tale that my bow wow
Has just died and I'm so distraught.
When he is drunk sufficiently,
With the bottle I smash his head.
The bottle cap, I take with me.
On the chessboard, it marks the dead.

Men will continue to be killed,
Until each chessboard space is filled.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Joan of Arc, a French teenager,
Grew up in constant war between
France and England. Joan had major
Divine word at age 17,
To drive the English from her land.
French forces followed her brave lead,
And she brought victory to hand,
Inspiring all of France by deed.
While Joan retained her piety,
Her enemies called her a fake.
And, she was charged with heresy,
Found guilty and burned at the stake.

Condemned a sinner by complaint.
500 years later - a saint.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Confession Update

A man who lived in Amsterdam
Went to see a priest to confess,
"Father, it's been too long and I am"
"Here for decades of sin, no less."
"In World War II, I charged high rent"
"From one hiding from Nazi hell."
"For that, I do wish to repent."
"God forgives you," the priest did tell,
"That happened a long time ago."
"Bad things happen during a war."
"Thank you, Father. You've helped me so."
"Oh by the way, just one thing more."

"Should I tell this guy anyhow,"
"The war's been over a while now?"

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Macho Mouth

I found this here rattlesnake,
And took it to show my girlfriend.
Well, maybe that was a mistake.
She kept on screaming to no end.
To show that the snake was harmless,
Into my mouth, I stuck its head.
It bit my tongue. I must confess
I thought I was gonna be dead,
When my head blew up like a bomb.
The Doc says I'm a lucky case.
My girlfriend moved back with her Mom.
The snake's still missing at her place.

She wrote I should have known better;
Dumped me in her "Dear John" letter.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I'm waking up, so it would seem.
And not from hybernation sleep.
It's kind of fuzzy, like a dream.
I remember making a leap,
When I got spooked by a damn car
On a bridge. I managed to hold
The edge, when I could see how far
The jump would be - fatal all told.
But being big, I could not swing
Back up, so I had to just hang there,
Till people saw me in my cling,
Then tranquilized, and saved this bear.

Now, safe and sound, and not a rug -
Sometimes humans deserve a hug.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Point Pleasant was where I was born,
The year after the Mothman came.
Many sightings of him were sworn
To - furry, winged thing got the name.
I was told my Mom went insane,
And shortly thereafter she died.
I asked about my Dad in vain.
Nobody knew, they all replied.
As I grow older, I have dreams
Of having wings that let me fly.
My skin is hairy and it seems
My life so far has been a lie.

That might explain why Mom went mad.
The Mothman might have been my Dad.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Johnny Doe

Johnny Doe was the name I got
When I was found dead in a field,
Discarded like trash in that spot.
Exact cause of death did not yield.
3 years old in tee shirt and jeans.
Authorities put out the word
To learn who I was, by some means.
A response back was never heard.
Two years went by and finally,
Still unknown, I was laid to rest.
And what really happened to me
Was buried too, an unsolved quest.

Carved by good strangers, "Son Unknown,"
"But Not Forgotten," on my stone.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Play Ground

Mozart died and was laid to rest
In a town cemetery plot.
Later, townspeople did attest,
Music was coming from that spot.
The priest, who was a Mozart fan,
Came to the grave to listen to
The music. Over a time span,
He noted Mozart pieces through,
But playing from end to begin.
When asked why this music might be,
The priest thought, and then with a grin,
Replied most reassuredly,

"The reason for this backward thing -"
"Mozart is just decomposing."

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Cruel and Unusual

Conditions have just got so bad,
We had no choice but to rebel.
It took a lot to get us mad,
But now, we're gonna fight like hell.
We set some fires to make the point
That we are human beings too.
And just because we're in this joint,
We still have feelings, real and true.
So when the rations were cut back,
With no good reason given for,
We took it as a mean attack
By the Man to just make us sore.

The warden's having sausage fun,
By cruelly serving us just one.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Wipe On

It was Pavarotti's debut,
Singing at the Carnegie Hall.
He had a bad cold or mild flu,
Dripping wet like a waterfall.
He said what made it all the worse
Was the fact that he was quite fat.
When body fluids were a curse,
He had so much more to combat.
There was a fear that he would choose
Not to go on in such a state.
But, a white hanky he did use,
While he sang sweet - the rest is fate.

The white hanky from that day on
Was a constant phenomenon.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


A newlywed couple checked in,
And went to their honeymoon suite.
Soon, they noticed to their chagrin,
A putrid odor did excrete.
They complained to the management,
Which solved the problem with some spray.
Into the bed, the couple went.
But, it was lumpy where they lay.
Management checked out this complaint.
The mattress was cut open wide.
The newlywed couple did faint.
A naked corpse was found inside.

Bodies in this honeymoon bed -
Two were living and one was dead.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Infant Mortality

My baby had been doing fine.
But then his breathing seemed not right.
Then a fever was the next sign.
The suddeness caused me some fright.
So I took him to the E.R.
Before they could examine him,
He died. It was just so bizarre.
The cause showed in the post mortem.
A rabies virus was the source.
Once symptoms showed, it was too late.
The infection would take its course.
Death would be the ultimate fate.

How or where did it happen at -
Being bit by a rabid bat?

Friday, November 02, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Name Game

The Marx Brothers wanted to make
"A Night in Casablanca" film.
Soon, they got a legal headache.
Warner Brothers sought to chill'em.
Threatening a lawsuit due to
Having made "Casablanca" which
Gave the Warners their rightful due
To the "Casablanca" name niche.
The Marx Brothers were not to be
Foiled by the Warners' petty fuss.
"If we can't so name this movie,"
Groucho wrote Warner Brothers thus,

"Stop the 'Brothers' or we will sue."
"We were brothers long before you."

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Mad About

I was waiting at the bus stop,
When this lady bumped into me,
Causing my class folder to drop,
Papers flying haphazardly,
As I'm trying to chase them down,
I give her a piece of my mind,
That could have been heard across town.
The bus comes and leaves me behind.
But, I keep on with my tirade,
Still picking up papers I dropped,
On a kicking, screaming crusade.
That old lady - I shoulda popped.

I was late, thanks to that dumb ass,
For my anger management class.