Sense Sonnets

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Dance to Remember

Deserted on a desert isle,

I'm all alone  and feeling down.

A giant guinea pig with smile

Comes and takes away my sad frown.

The guinea pig extends a paw,

Inviting me to dance I guess.

This happening has me in awe,

But what the heck, so I say, "Yes."

The two of us do tiptoe through

The palm trees on the sandy beach,

Bright sun and blue sky o'er us two.

It is a dancing first for each.

Fondly recall this dancing jig,

Had with a giant guinea pig.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Your Router's Point of View

Your Internet service goes down.

Who do you blame? The router - me.

You curse me through your lips of frown.

But the modem's where blame should be,

Cuz the modem brings Internet

Into your home, and then I do

Its routing, so don't get upset

When your service is stinkaroo.

As long as Internet comes in,

I always do its routing well

To all your devices you've been

Using and working me like hell.

I'm in your bathroom so would guess

You wanted an IP address.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Forever Them

We the people are assured by

Them that They protect us from all

Deplorables of us who try

To make the good world order fall.

The truth is only what They tell

We must accept this or else we

Will face a life of living hell.

Just let Them tell us what must be.

They assure us They keep the peace

By forcing us to fight wars to

Keep Them in power, They won't cease

Assuring us just They be true.

George Orwell 1984 

Is of course illegal folklore.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 New in the Neighborhood

It takes a while but I get out

Of the egg that I had called home,

So I could develop no doubt.

But now I am free and time to roam.

I notice right away that I

Breathe, making little puffs of smoke.

And then there is some fire in my

Throat that needs some practice to stoke.

I wander through the forest and

The other creatures stare at me.

They say, but I don't understand,

A dragon like myself can't be.

I am perplexed to say the least

That I am a mythical beast.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Little Miss Giggles

Little Miss Giggles giggled so,

Red haired, freckled and body blue,

Yellowed nose and barrettes, she'd go

Giggling and make me giggle too.

She lived in Chuckle cottage where

I liked to go and visit her,

And listen to her giggling there,

Contagion I would catch for sure.

The day she lost her giggle be

So sad, and giggle back she yearned.

And also giggleless for me.

Thank goodness her giggle returned.

Little Miss Giggles, thank you for

Your giving me giggles galore.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


I am called Scorpius and be

Best known for being the foe of

Orion in mythology.

And thus humans have little love

For us scorpions ever since.

Human Orion boasted that

He would kill all animals, hence

The gods did send me to combat

Orion which I did with sting,

Killing him, a reminder to

Humans to beware of boasting,

Which too often humans still do.

So Orion runs scared as I

Still chase him across the night sky.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Scariest Ghost

A scary body she could be

When she would tell me all the ways

She thought up how to murder me.

Such always left me in a daze.

So on an ocean cruise we went.

She taunted how easy she could

Just give a push and I'd be sent

Overboard and be gone for good.

One night I followed her to where

She was standing next to the rail.

And I snuck up behind there.

One push, and down down she did sail.

Scariest ghost I'd meet in life

Would no doubt be my murdered wife.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Bastet, Egyptian goddess with

Body of woman, head of cat,

Became renowned in ancient myth

As the deity worshipped that

In her temple on river Nile

Beloved cats who had died be brought

To stay upon this sacred isle,

And blessings of Bastet be sought

That all the souls of these cats be

Forever in protection of

Almighty feline deity,

Bastet, who would bestow her love.

A resting place for cats who died,

Many thousands, each mummified.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

 Dancing Down

She'd heard the devil loved to dance,

So what the hell, she approached him,

And decided to take the chance

That she could succeed at her whim.

Using her energy she could

Bring out in the devil his best,

And make the bad in him turn good.

She put her theory to the test,

Dancing with the devil all night,

The twosome dancing unrestrained.

Suddenly disappeared from sight,

Only a puff of smoke remained.

They danced into her afterlife.

God knows I tried to warn my wife.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Review of Role

A new grandma that now I be,

My own grandmother I recall.

Showed lots of equanimity

To family, and and all.

I was quite young, she was quite old.

The few times that I was with her,

No warmth, instead she came off cold,

And kind of scared me, that's for sure.

We heard when she was gravely ill.

All did gather by her bedside.

No emotion, I recall still,

Did come from her, and then she died,

I'm gonna work at being one

Grandma with whom grandkids have fun.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 From My Falling

You left me cuz I was a drunk.

I really can't blame you for that.

You stayed a while as down I sunk

Into self made hell habitat.

My falling down on the job of

Life just got easier for me.

I tossed away all of your love,

Cared less the more the gravity.

But finally a bottom I

Hit, and reached out for help to give

Living my life another try.

A sobered up life now I live.

Miracle believer, so now I'm

Asking you to rejoin my climb.

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


Getting me out of bed each day

Is a ten pounder cute fur ball.

Chihuahua, Squirt, does have her way

Of giving me my wakeup call.

While I am still in dreamland, she

Has super leaping power to

Jump up upon the bed with me,

Target for daily job to do.

Sometimes I dream I'm drowning, but

It's Squirt slobbering my whole face.

Lots of spit for a little mutt,

But wakes me up in time and place.

Loud and clear in Squirt's bow wow talk,

"Get up and feed me, then we'll walk."

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


That first time when I met her, I

Knew she was the true love for me.

She sensed right away I was shy.

But so relaxed she made me be.

We walked the city through the night,

Holding hands as we strolled along.

I was in ecstatic delight.

The bond between us was so strong.

We were in a city park, and

She suddenly did whistle shrill.

At first I did not understand,

But soon knew I was her next kill.

They're circling me, set to attack,

My girlfriend leading the wolfpack.

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Stheno and Euryale

Stheno and Euryale, two

Immortal Gorgon sisters, and

Mortal sister, Medusa, who

Was killed by Greek Perseus' hand,

By cutting off Medusa's head,

And fleeing with it to be chased

By the screeching Gorgons in dread

For his life which sure loss he feared.

But Perseus got away, so

What happened to the Gorgons that

Still lived? It's said that they did go

To the underworld habitat.

Bored with dead human souls' attack,

These two Gorgons can still come back.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

 Morgan le Fay

Morgan le Fay, enchantress, and

Said to be older sister of

King Arthur in Camelot land,

Held for Arthur a jealous love,

So hated Guinevere, his queen.

She learned from Merlin's magic to

Wreak havoc on the royal court scene.

Lots of evil deeds she did do.

And turning against Arthur, she

Used her magic power to plot

To overthrow Arthur, but he

Forgave when such from him she sought.

After battle, as Arthur died,

Morgan le Fay was at his side.

Monday, October 07, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 My Wish Ful"filly"ed

I be a lucky pigeon who

Found a bottle, opened it up,

And out did pop a a genie, true,

Giving me a single wish, yup.

Of all the wishes that there are,

My mind went right to thinking of

The lady I'd seen from afar,

And with whom I'd fallen in love.

I knew that someone she would not

Love back would be a bird like me.

But I loved this filly a lot,

And I knew what my wish would be.

So I wished the genie of course

Turn me into a stallion horse.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Count Catula

Count Dracula was upset that

So many mice his castle had.

So, he wanting a mouser cat,

He did place a newspaper ad.

Since I loved to kill mice a gob,

I interviewed with Count one night.

He liked me and I got the job,

Which I do well to Count's delight.

When I told Count of my desire

To be like him, then he did say

I should not become a vampire,

Cuz I was needed night and day.

But a title Count gave to me.

Count Catula is who I be.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 "The Starry Night"

"The Starry Night," a painting by

Vincent Van Gogh of view he had

From his window of eastern sky

Of Asylum he'd gone to mad.

The stars included Venus bright

Joined with the shining crescent moon.

Mysterious swirls spun through night.

Imagined village to commune

To balance the lone cypress tree,

Which oft is seen to denote death.

Beside it a church steeple be,

Perhaps in show of hopeful breath.

"The Starry Night," did Van Gogh find,

Creating it, some peace of mind?

Friday, October 04, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Pandora's Box

In Greek mythology Zeus made

Pandora, first human female,

To punish man who had betrayed

The gods for theft of fire detail.

And a box Pandora did bring

To man with countless plagues within.

Pandora did box opening,

And humankind be bound in sin,

As all the evils made their way

Out into world of humankind.

But in the box something does stay

For humankind to try to find.

Since then woman is forced to cope

With man but there is still left hope.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hamilton's Confession

I, a confession, was made by

Alexander Hamilton in

A public way on how and why

He committed adultery sin,

An unfaithful husband, and he

With Mrs. Reynolds in affair.

Hamilton then chose to make me

When Mr. Reynolds tried to scare

Hush money from him for the fling.

I was published by Hamilton,

A confession to the whole thing

In a hundred page booklet done.

"Reynolds Pamphlet," Hamilton wrote

And made me in quite detailed note.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Prostate Cancer

I am the prostate gland and be

Helping the males having sex and

Urination activity.

Sometimes cancer does strike this gland.

Often symptomless, males opt out

Doctor checking me, so I am

Getting worse, cuz males cringe about

The digital rectal exam.

Hopefully, if caught soon enough

The cancer in me will not spread.

Thanks to good medical stuff

I'm fixed before the male is dead.

So to the males I say, "Man up."

"Have me checked regularly, yup!"

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 My Sonnet Recipe

Bake a sonnet in my own way,

Ingredients, the words, depend

On what I am trying to say

In fourteen lines from start to end.

Is the flavor funny or sad?

Maybe serious, maybe not.

Desire for good taste should be had.

Iambic tetrameter sought.

And of course add set scheme of rhyme

In the portions that fit in well.

And let the sonnet bake o'er time.

Don't overbake or it will smell.

Then pull out of the oven one

Sonnet to serve when sensed it's done.