Sense Sonnets

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Good Manners Matter - LP Zoo

Today is a Tuesday to do
A watch humans get out and vote.
Of course here at Lincoln Park Zoo,
There's polite politics - please note.
This broad bill is one bird who will
Be judging how humans behave.
The sounds that chirp forth from my bill
Will warn of human rant and rave
Over who's elected or not.
In the heat of an election
Good manners should not be forgot.
Need a reminder - I'm the one.

So after voting - heed this bird,
Come to the Zoo - polite's the word.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Water Polo - Lincoln Park Zoo

Ah - the game of water polo
Is a game that I love to play.
Invigorating - doncha know,
A good match really makes my day.
But opponents are hard to find.
None seem to want to play with me.
The why bears heavy on my mind.
A good sport I do try to be.
I've got the time, I've got the place.
I really want to play, I do.
So come play with me face to face,
Right here at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

I'm a player extraordinaire,
A water polo polar bear.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Annual Molt - LP Zoo

Tiz just a yearly thing we do.
All feathers we penguins do molt.
Tiz my turn at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Giving the visitors a jolt.
Unlike most birds that molt throughout
The year, feathers lost here and there,
We penguins do a two week bout,
Completely changing feather wear.
My turn - I knew instinctively
Ahead of time to eat a lot,
And alone I would want to be.
A time to share with world - tiz not!

No worse for wear, I'm almost back,
Brand new feathers, not off the rack.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Choice of a Marksman

Patrick Ferguson, marksman prime,
Against the colonists fought for
The British Crown during the time -
The Revolutionary War.
During battle, an officer,
American, came into sight
Of Ferguson's gun, and for sure,
Would be a deadly shot - yes quite!
But the target did have his back
To Ferguson, who chose not to
Shoot in such an unfair attack,
And Ferguson and gun withdrew.

In the sight of the marksman's gun -
The General George Washington.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

How to Peck

A woodpecker does peck at wood.
That's just the way that nature is.
Humans think that head banging should
Be good for the aspirin biz.
But our head is made just so
To keep us safe from the impact,
And have the brainpower to know
The right way for the wood peck act.
Nature "wood" head us right to solve.
Humans just like to make a fuss.
For better heads, you must evolve.
You humans could learn much from us.

Don't you fret, humans, for health sake.
Fret will just give you a headache.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Acher


Found crawling in some garden dirt,
The heaviest one ever found.
Named Dave by a youthful assert,
And off to study, became bound
To be for human scrutiny.
Scrutinize is what humans do,
Cuz that's what life all about be.
Humans are just so nosy - true!
So Dave was kept alive a while,
And then in course the study led
To being preserved to compile
More scrutiny once Dave was dead.

A life was found and lost cuz gave
To science study - earthworm Dave.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Curse Lifted - LP Zoo

Chicago Cubs - World Series champs
In the year of twenty sixteen.
A long time ago my goat gramps
Was victim at a Wrigley scene,
Made to leave for smelling too bad,
And so a curse was put on all
Cubs fans for making goat gramps mad.
No champs be Cubs at playing ball.
At the Farm in Lincoln Park Zoo,
This grandson goat says time to end
Gramp's curse and so end it I do.
Chicago Cubs - World Series winned.

No need to thank me, it was time.
'Twas tough to get this goat to rhyme.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Aura Soltana

Aura Soltana was my name.
Queen Elizabeth was my boss.
Liz the first that garnered great fame
Winning big at Catholics' loss.
Catholics were out to get her,
So with Muslims she did ally,
And prospered in trade to be sure.
She knew a bargain, and so I
Was traded to her to help dress
In exotic fine finery.
I did a bang up job, I guess,
Quite close to her I came to be.

Queen Elizabeth - Virgin Queen!
A misnomer from what I've seen.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Jesus R.I.P.

A Roman emperor proclaimed
Where was Jesus' burial site.
The emperor's mother had named
The location, so 'twas deemed right.
Upon the site, a church was built -
Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Christians went for the spot full tilt,
'Twas a leap of faith to be sure.
Inquiring minds still want to know.
Studies of the tomb never cease.
Is it really Christ - yes or no?
Why not let Jesus rest in peace?

Believers have faith to assume
Christ is buried in Jesus' tomb.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Bug On

Super bugs become super cuz
Humans are easy to outsmart,
Getting caught up in ways that was
Letting the bugs get a head start.
Humans go to hospitals to
Get poked and jabbed to be made well,
Bugs thrive in hospitals, they do,
And cause some humans super hell.
The question to be asked is why?
Hospital super bugs - how come?
Human common sense goes awry.
Why are the hospitals so dumb?

While the bugs are superfying,
The humans are stupefying.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

A Pumpkin Roll - LP Zoo

A leopard and a lion do
A game of play a pumpkin roll,
Back and forth at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Of course the pumpkin takes a toll,
Bearing the marks of teeth and claws,
As the pumpkin rolls forth and back,
'Twixt and 'tween the big cats, because
They both do like something to smack.
All in spirit of Halloween,
When a pumpkin has chance to be
A major role upon the scene,
Although very temporary.

A thinking pumpkin should know that
Odds are not good with a big cat.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Olivia - LP Zoo

I am Olivia, who lives
In the Small Mammal/Reptile House,
At the Lincoln Park Zoo - what gives?
I'm a spider but I don't grouse.
I have a cozy habitat,
This giant baboon spider does.
I'm right next door to the sand cat.
I look mammally with my fuzz.
I'm a big girl, as spiders go,
About as big as an ear muff.
I like to eat bugs - doncha know!
The keepers keep me fed enough.

So stop on by and visit me.
Reptiles and mammals round me be.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Into Halloween - LP Zoo

We, the dwarf mongoose family,
Are getting into Halloween.
At the Lincoln Park Zoo we be,
And Jack O'Lantern's on the scene.
The keepers brought out ol' Jack so
We could do the creepy crawl in
The eyes, the mouth, the nose we go -
Really getting under Jack's skin.
Trick or treat the keepers do tell,
So humoring humans we do
Give in to the Halloween spell,
And pack Jack with a go into.

About this thing called trick or treat -
Better be something good to eat.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Together Today - LP Zoo

Mother and daughter do enjoy
A sunny afternoon, they do.
Mother looks calm, daughter looks coy,
Out across Lincoln Park Zoo.
Both soaking up the world around,
The comings and the goings all.
Each see all sight and hear all sound,
As summer's changing into fall.
A cozy comfy time and place
To ponder what life be about.
The young and old in bonded pace.
Family does matter - no doubt!

Both mother and daughter agrees,
Good time and place for both monkeys.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Portrait of Anana - LP Zoo

Anana painted at her best,
To be at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Reminder of her show biz zest,
Polar bear ambassador true.
A favorite with humans all,
No matter how young or how old.
The lady be wild of the call,
Countless tales of her times be told.
But came the time to say farewell,
As she took her show on the road,
Another zoo, as southern belle,
Leaving fond memories bestowed.

Her painting hangs in memory,
Her Mona Lisa smile to see.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Do as I Do

The teacher has a lesson plan
That does involve pulling a string,
To teach the class that the class can
Learn a new way to do a thing.
The teacher pulls the string to show
How to release a tasty treat.
Watching the task is how to know
To do the task and get to eat.
String pulled and flow the nectar will.
The class of bumblebees do be
All abuzz with the new learned skill,
Taught by the teacher bumblebee.

Mind over matter - more to solve,
And more the bumblebees evolve.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Tree Climbing Time - LP Zoo

"C'mon Bro, I'm daring you to
A tree climbing contest with me.
Who's champ at the Lincoln Park Zoo?
I bet you that that champ I be."
"Sis - I'll take you up on your dare,
Cuz I'm the better climber here,
Up and down and everywhere.
Who's in the front? Who's in the rear?"
And through the trees the two do climb,
Siblings competing for brag rights.
Cute red fur balls in place and time,
So fun to watch at any heights.

Humans watch both tree climbing go,
Two red panda cubs - Sis and Bro.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Dog On

Poachers beware, I'm being trained
To catch you in your poaching act.
Your killing ways won't be maintained
When I'm on duty - that's a fact.
Your quick escape is of the past.
From an airplane I'll parachute,
And I will be onto you fast.
You run - I'll run in hot pursuit.
And I will catch you - yes I will.
A happy poacher - you won't be.
But unlike you, I will not kill.
You always will remember me.

I'm gonna make you poachers pay.
You can't escape this dog - no way!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Journey of Siku - LP Zoo

Hello to all at Lincoln Park Zoo.
It will be a grreat place to go,
This polar bear name of Siku,
And just in time for fresh cold snow.
A nine hundred and fifty pound
Bouncing boy, who is looking for
A lot of lovin' to abound.
Match me with a gal - hear me roar!
A new habitat - state of art
Is almost ready just for me.
I'm clawing at the chance to start.
Ah - all the good times that will be.

Coming soon to Chicago - nice!
Here's a "Howdy" to break the ice.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

My Kind of Day - LP Zoo

I sleep and eat - that's what I do.
Just born a couple months ago.
Born here at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Getting used to stuff - doncha know!
Mom woke me up so humans could
Snap some pix of this so cute face.
Mom said it was all for the good.
Humans are caring at this place.
I'm slowly learning first things first.
Sleep and eat get priority.
Some milk from Mom to quench my thirst,
Then it's back to sloth nap for me.

But I take time to pose, cuz hey -
It's International Sloth Day!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Cubs Spirit - LP Zoo

We red panda cubs, sis and bro
Were born at the Lincoln Park Zoo
In June, just a few months ago.
Now in October, the Cubs - who?
We hear they play some sort of game
Involving a bat and a ball,
The World Series being the aim.
We just don't understand it all.
But we love Chicago, so we
Do wish these fellow Cubs the best,
In at last winning victory
In the how long? World Series quest.

For the home team we both do root,
Cuz we are both so Wrigley cute!

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Preston - LP Zoo

I am Preston, the penguin, who
Is alpha leader of the pack
Of penguins at Lincoln Park Zoo.
I strive to keep the birds on track.
A white band on my flipper wing
Will let you know that I am me.
I have no crown, cuz I'm no king,
But like an admiral, maybe,
Leading in water and on land.
As you humans come visit us,
We 12 penguins, a merry band,
Scoring a crowd pleasing A plus.

We penguins like to share the fun.
Come join us and be im"Preston."

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Enhancer Gene

Snakes and lizards - one dif'rence be
Lizards have limbs and snakes do not.
But go way back in history,
The snakes back then had limbs a lot.
What happened to the limbs of snakes?
Inquiring humans want to know.
No matter how much time it takes,
Limbs on the snakes again will grow.
The key is the enhancer gene,
On in lizards but in snakes off.
Snoopy humans will intervene,
And turn the snake gene on - don't scoff!

Just like the olden days long gone,
Snakes will have a leg to stand on.

Monday, November 07, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Travel in Time

Time travel is a thought to me
Of mind over matter which is
Thought that was and thought that would be.
Am I really here now - gee whiz!
I think about the time that's past.
I think about the time ahead.
All in all, time is oh so vast,
But will time end when I am dead?
Back to the future would I do
If thinking so made so an act?
Would I have time? I wish I knew,
But only time knows. That's a fact!

The future now is past in time,
During which I did do this rhyme.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Color Me?

North American woodpeckers,
Northern flickers to be exact,
Are found by some human checkers
To do a color changing act.
The yellow shafted flicker does
Be changing to red shafts much more.
Not red shafted mating, but cuz
Eating of red berries galore.
The color of feathers can change,
Depending on what birds might eat.
So most likely would not be strange
To turn yellow - bon appetit.

The red shafted flicker may find
A yellow turn from lemon rind.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Checkup - Lincoln Park Zoo

It's not something I like to do,
But medical checkup is part
Of the deal at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Where humans have a caring heart.
Not a good patient when awake,
The docs want me asleep no doubt.
Before exam, for safety's sake,
I get a shot to put me out.
All kinds of tests are done on me.
Preventive care, it's called I guess,
The latest med technology,
Including a CT scan - yes!

Taken back to my habitat,
This cougar - one healthy big cat.

Friday, November 04, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Acher


The axolotl - almost gone
From native lakes in Mexico.
Human pollution dumped upon
These salamanders, bringing woe.
In Aztec time with godlike charm,
Axolotls in nature thrived.
Over centuries, due to harm,
Only a handful of survived.
Human farming could change around,
A species saved well worth the cost.
Through time the stories do abound -
Cause of Mexico to be lost.

If go extinct the axolotl,
Means the end - believe it or notl!

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Elliott - LP Zoo

Dear Elliott, rest in peace, do.
You lived your rabbit life so well
At the Farm in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Where you were great to show and tell
How rabbits on a farm can be
The ways and means from which to give
Children responsibility
On how to help animals live.
Humans would bring you from your hutch,
And children would come and say, "Hi,"
And have the chance to be in touch
With one so cute, sweet lop eared guy.

We're glad you made the Farm a stop
On your journey of bunny hop.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Err Wear

Fashionable clothes used to be
Made with stuff back in olden day
Of arsenic and mercury
Causing wearers to rot away.
Of course in time such got phased out
For other stuff synthetic made,
Chemical names without a doubt
Sell ignorance and unafraid.
That pair of jeans must have that look
That brings envy to all around.
No matter what the toxins took,
Let both reward and risk abound.

Check the label of made in where.
Maybe it's made of killer wear.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Neck Less

Marie Antoinette, Queen of France,
Was blamed by the people for all
Her spending on extravagance.
A diamond necklace sped her fall.
A few who became close to her,
Ordered the necklace in her name,
Then stole the necklace, and for sure,
Made evident she was to blame.
The King in her defense did try
To save the honor of his Queen,
A hopeless cause that was met by
Two tickets to the guillotine.

The French did not forgive, instead
Marie Antoinette lost her head.