Sense Sonnets

Monday, July 31, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

No Blessed Be Me!

The Bible tells us blessed be
The poor, the mournful and the meek,
The hated, hungry and thirsty,
Cuz heaven's there if such will seek.
Too many lives have come and gone
With blessed be only a dream,
The only hope to carry on -
The promise of heaven to deem.
Blessed be has not been my case.
I am one of the lucky few.
The Bible tells woe will replace.
I will turn blessed as all do.

Blessed be sounds awful, instead
Let me be lucky till I'm dead.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

4th of July '17 - LP Zoo

July fourth, twenty seventeen,
Humans feel it important that
A bald headed eagle be seen.
Two of us share the habitat,
Provided at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Ethan has been here quite a while,
Me, Amelia, in year two.
Pix posing is not Ethan's style,
So when the picture taker came,
Ethan sweet talked me to pose so
I'd be the model - I was game.
Ethan's such a charmer ya know!

On Facebook my pose does appear.
Ethan says he'll do it next year.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Home Movie - LP Zoo

"Can you believe, son, that you were"
"Such a small guy then just last year?"
"Four floppy skinny legs for sure,"
"But for this Mom, oh such a dear."
"Wherever I be, so you'd be."
"Always with me, you I would find."
"It was like you were hooked on me,"
"Never staying too far behind."
"A super son, eager to please."
The video, Mom and son view,
Sharing from film the memories
Together at Lincoln Park Zoo.

Around the yard Mom and son go,
Family camel cameo.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Arounding Love

Once the kids come, then she does go
To find a new papa to be.
When he is found, then she does show
Intent by squirting urine, he,
Beguiled by her, invites her in
For more or less a one night stand.
A new kids' coming does begin,
As she and he do part ways, and
The next and new she does appear.
And he is once again beguiled.
Tiz like a deja vu love sphere
Of she's and he's ala love child.

This circle of love knows no bounds,
As the lobsters do make their rounds.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Family Recycle

His son was only two years old,
But had a vocabulary
Of an adult, and one day told
His Dad that his son used to be
His Dad's grandfather, coming back
Through the portal, and now was here
On a reincarnated track,
The grandfather did reappear.
In fact his grandfather had died
One day before was born his son.
Dad asked his son, his son replied
How the grandfather's death was done.

Dad's son slapped the top of his head.
Cerebral bleed made Granddad dead.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Toast Prelim

Making of toast is not an art,
But is a science based on fact.
Of course a piece of bread to start,
Fourteen millimeters exact
In thickness from a pale loaf, please,
Cooled to thirty seven point four
Right on fahrenheit degrees -
And do take care, no less, no more.
Thus, ruler and thermometer
Are necessary tools to be
In the toast making kit for sure,
So as to proceed correctly.

Don't have these tools, enough's been said.
True toast cannot be only bread.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Hummingbird Hum

The hummingbird does hum in sound,
Due to the flapping of the wings.
Sixty flaps per second around -
Now that's a whole bunch of flappings!
The hummingbird can fly real fast,
And also hover in one spot.
Even if there's a windy blast,
Balance the hummingbird has got.
Studies say the hummingbird hum
Is means to communicate, too.
Humming a yes or no welcome
To whatever is passing through.

Next time you're near a hummingbird,
Listen closely to get the word.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Nathan Hale

General George Washington needed
A spy behind enemy lines.
So Captain Nathan Hale heeded
The call for sneak snooping designs.
Hale did not last long as a sneak.
Acquaintances gave him away,
And he was caught within a week,
And found guilty without delay.
Hanged at just twenty one years old,
His only regret was that he
Only had one life, so we're told,
To offer up for his country.

The C.I.A. does not deny
Nathan Hale's status as first spy.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

User Friendly - LP Zoo

Parents with children in the park,
Enjoying a bright sunny day.
For young and old, fun hits the mark.
The old do watch the young at play.
The Windy City winds blow light.
A summer breeze be in the air,
Not too hot, not too cold - just right
For all the families to share.
Spread out upon the grass so green,
Serenity in time and place,
For each and all within the scene,
The look of joy in each red face.

Walk in the park - families do,
Snow monkeys in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Polka Dot Wasp Moth

The polka dot wasp moth is hued
To celebrate Fourth of July.
Its body is red, white and blued
In freedom flight across the sky.
Back of blue with polka dot white,
On the belly a splash of red,
A dangerous wasp looking sight,
But just a harmless moth instead.
Flying throughout the day to find
The plants on which it likes to chew,
Patriotically designed,
But most probably has no clue.

Some are made in the U.S.A.
Check them out down Florida way.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bargain Hunters - LP Zoo

Two sisters spot a sidewalk sale
At the gift shop across from where
They live, and both ponder if they'll
Check out bargains that may be there.
"Sis, I will go if you do go."
"We can mingle with the in crowd."
"Gets real crowded, Sis - I don't know."
"Shoppers get so pushy and loud."
"Sis, it's a nice day - let's get out,"
"And both bargain hunt for a while."
"Okay - you've convinced me, no doubt."
Both sisters smack their lips and smile.

Lioness sisters - what to do?
Go shopping at Lincoln Park Zoo.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Subtracting Tiger

In India the tiger be
Of varied sense by humankind.
For some it is a deity.
For some, to kill is first of mind.
The human powers that be gave
The tiger a sort of reprieve,
From total extinction to save.
But for how long - who can believe?
In forests where the tigers roam
Some humans also want to live.
As time goes by, their place of home
Will get too crowded - who will give?

The numbers are not hard to guess.
Humans be more, tigers be less.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


In Massachusetts, 1812,
Governor Gerry carved the state.
For more votes he did dig and delve,
So his party carried more weight
In friendly districts redrawn, so
They curled around the map to look
Salamanderish, head to toe.
The next election Gerry took
The state's legislative control,
Thanks to districting redesign.
Others copied this Gerry goal,
Politicians still stand in line.

A politics underhander,
Still known as the gerrymander.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Acher


For a long time I'd been with her.
She took very good care of me.
I found her cold and still - not sure
Of why no movement seemed to be.
I tried to rouse her, but no way
Would she respond to any try.
She was beyond wanting to play.
I guess it was her time to die.
No one else was around, and so
Right next to her I put my head.
An instinct kicked in, doncha know!
I could not hurt her - she was dead.

Dead mistress, yes, I chose to chew.
Just something that a dog does do.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Jumpin' Devils

Once a year in the month of June,
A centuries old baptismal rite
In a Spanish village commune,
Costumed and masked "devils"  take flight,
Jumping over in the street - who?
Babies born the previous year,
All laid down, and the "devils" do
Absorb all sin as the crowds cheer.
A Catholic and pagan blend
Of ritual - triumph of good
Over evil, message to send,
Better than sprinkling water would.

Water or "devil" leap the goal
To cleanse the sin from a young soul?

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

He's Got Too Much

He and she are driving somewhere.
Both realize that they are lost.
"Ask for directions," she does share.
For him this is too high a cost.
He is the driver, he's in charge.
He's decided the way to go.
His confidence is very large.
She does not grasp what he does know.
He will not change the way he is.
She accepts this as their joint fate.
In his own mind he is a whiz.
He drives, odds are they will be late.

Why he is stubborn is now known -
He's got too much testosterone.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Acher

I was a Teenage P.O.W.

I was thirteen when World War II
Began and caused my life to change.
A camp my family went to,
And life was suddenly so strange.
The trappings of society,
Like schools, hobbies and social stuff
Were provided for kids like me,
But cramped and forced life was real tough.
I did not treat my parents well.
Useless and helpless they did seem.
All of us were stuck in Camp "Hell,"
In time and place a real bad dream.

For me war torn four years were these,
As American Japanese.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Pochard Ducks - LP Zoo

Some Baer's pochard ducks have come to
The Bird House Wetland habitat,
Viewable at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Pleased to roll out the welcome mat.
Head, neck and back - dark gray to black.
Sides of light brownish red and white.
A blue gray bill from which to quack.
The feather report - a fine sight.
Native to eastern Asia, and
Critically endangered there,
Due to hunting and lost wetland,
Reminders that we need to care.

These rare birds here now number four,
And hopefully there will be more.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Willie Gillis

Willie Gillis Of World War II,
The Norman Rockwell ev'ry guy,
As portrayed American who
Served the nation as a G.I.
The public thought Willie was real.
He gave a human face to war.
With Willie, the public did feel
Connection and supported more.
Through the art series, Willie went
From freckle face to manly brow.
In the last work he did present
A growing up from then to now.

Willie Gillis last did instill
Future dreams on the G.I. bill.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

What's Up! - LP Zoo

The two giraffes do what they do,
Browsing on leaves way upon high,
In their home at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Chatting together, by and by,
"Sabrina, when do you think that"
"Our new neighbors will be here?"
"We sharing our habitat -"
"Ostriches and zebras - oh dear!"
"Now, Etiana, don't you fuss."
"Don't look down and you'll hardly know"
"There's anybody new with us."
"Be on the high side, don't be low."

The two giraffes continue lunch,
Sharing thoughts on high as they munch.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Why Change?

Scientists checked the D.N.A.
Of cat remains from long ago.
The tame cat that we know today
Was once a wild cat, doncha know!
The wild cats and the humans came
Together when the mice did roam
To human food source - who can blame!
Wild cats followed to a new home.
Thousands of years passed and the cat
Has not changed that much, in or out,
Tolerates humans' this or that,
For own self serving wants, no doubt.

The unchanging cat as subject -
Why? Because the cat is purr-fect!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Piglets Arrive '17 - LP Zoo

The Lincoln Park Farm in the Zoo
Is pleased to make the announcement -
A litter of piglets born new,
A bunch of cuteness to present.
American Guinea hog breed,
With upright ears and curly tail,
And black hairy coat,  yes indeed,
You'll want to see them without fail.
Mama and babies doing fine,
A lot of nursing going on,
All in the family porcine,
A squeal appeal phenomenon.

You come and visit and you might
Contribute your squeal of delight.

Sunday, July 09, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Have Silk, Will Shoot

A gnaphosid, ground spider, I
Don't spin a web the normal way.
Don't want to sit around is why.
I actively hunt for my prey.
With larger silk producing glands,
I shoot the silk out through the air,
Aiming at prey, and when silk lands,
The prey can't move and is stuck there.
This is efficient strategy,
Leaving the prey without defense,
With fate to be eaten by me,
A nature thing that just makes sense.

Humans copy this shooting plan.
One copy cat is Spider Man!

Saturday, July 08, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Way to Say No

Unlike most birds, male ducks have got
A penis to be used to mate.
Male ducks do force the act a lot,
Leaving female ducks quite irate.
The female duck does have her way
When a male duck is raping her.
Her vagina can say a "nay,"
By not letting him in, for sure.
Thus, the female duck does control
Who, when and how does fertilize
Her eggs, and messaging the goal -
"Treat me like a lady, you guys."

She's telling him, "You're out of luck,"
"If you try you know what the duck!"

Friday, July 07, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Summer of Love and Haight

'Twas the Summer of Love and Haight,
San Francisco, '67.
The hippies came to celebrate
The feel of communal heaven.
The drugs, the sex, the music gave
An aphrodisiacal mix -
A groovy way the world to save
From all the hateful politics.
A time and place to one and all
Of kaleidoscopic welcome.
Came together to heed the call
To join the cause of hippydom.

'Twas the Summer of Love and Haight,
Old hippies now still celebrate.

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Adam West

A 1960's T.V. rave,
The series Batman was on air.
His memoir, "Back to the Batcave,"
Adam West, the actor, did share
Why he did get the Batman role.
In the Caped Crusader costume,
West delivered each line with goal
To be serious as a tomb.
Each week a paunchy Batman would
Fight crime of a villain pack,
Urge the audience to be good,
A comedy with no laugh track.

The Batman played by Adam West
Was straight faced tongue in cheek the best.

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Rhino Part - LP Zoo

Ah - tiz a beautiful June day
At beautiful Lincoln Park Zoo.
Humans watch this black rhino play.
Cardboard is beautiful to chew.
Look at all those humans around.
I love to watch them watching me.
Their squeals of excitement abound.
Easy to please, humans do be.
Conservation of wildlife is
Very important for us all.
I do my part with my show biz
To do my best for nature's call.

Come to the Zoo and join the fun.
Conserving wildlife can be done.

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Cat Tail

Anatomy of a cat's tail,
An average of ten inches long,
A twenty vertibrae bone trail,
Muscles, ligaments, tendons strong.
The tail is a balancing tool
For walking and running so well.
The tail also "talks" as a rule,
With many a tail tale to tell.
A happy cat with tail held high,
Super so with  tail tip quiver.
Back and forth lashing of tail - why?
Claws out from a mad cat giver.

Signs from a cat's tail - bad or good?
A cat's way to be understood.

Monday, July 03, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Invest in the Nest - LP Zoo

We penguins at Lincoln Park Zoo,
For our South African kin,
Want to beak out a big thank you
For making the fund raise a win.
One hundred fifty thousand bucks
Given to Invest in the Nest
Will go a long way to help, shucks,
You humans are really the best!
In the wild it is getting hard
To build a good penguin nest, so
You human donors came to pard
To make good nest building a go.

Thanks to all of you in a word.
Come visit, we'll thank you in bird.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Love Sight

He and she were young and in love.
She was blind and oft he would hear
Her heartfelt wishes dreaming of
A time she could see him, her dear.
They loved each other oh so much.
He would do anything for her.
He felt her sadness in her touch
Become his sadness to endure.
A miracle did come one day.
A donor gave her eyes to see.
She saw his truly loving way
To make her dream reality.

Who gave her eyes, who was so kind?
He gave his eyes, he now was blind.

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Death of Lupe Velez

Lupe Velez, an actress who
Was called "The Mexican Spitfire,"
A Hollywood movie star to
Live life for gossip to inspire.
Her love affairs filled her with strife.
She'd show them all,and chose to die
In elegance, bigger than life,
On satin sheets - the world would cry.
She overdosed, then became ill,
And stumbled to the bathroom where
Head into toilet she went still.
The world gossiped about her there.

An urban legend - maybe so.
What a way for Lupe to go!