Sense Sonnets

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


I went on a school field trip to
The capitol of U.S.A.
To see what politicians do,
And hear what politicians say.
One night while in the hotel, bored,
I called a number overheard,
That politicians did afford
For help on not keeping their word.
At first surprised and then so not,
And only 50 cents per call,
As to the party that I got.
And then I made sense of it all.

To make a phone call from D.C.
Is just a local call - hell be.

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Aging of Roe v Wade

For decades, Roe v Wade is law,
Allowing abortions to be.
But pro and anti both still gnaw
Away at the legality.
The fetal stages - battlegrounds
For armies to advance, retreat.
Partisan politics abounds
Each and ev'ry fetal heartbeat.
This war on life will not be won.
In many ways, both sides have lost.
No matter what tactics are done,
Humanity has paid high cost.

A fetus has no say so - yes!
To be or not to be - who's guess!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Jabber Joe

Jabber Joe can be counted on
To turn a serious issue
Into a dumb sound byte upon
Gun violence - what Joe's lips do!
"Shooting for Tuesday," the Veep said,
To give his report to the Prez.
"No silver bullet," from the head,
Empty of thought of what he says.
A basher of the N.R.A.
But now Joe's for some school armed guard,
And James Bond guns could arm the way,
But please don't make Joe think too hard.

Jabber Joe just jabbers away,
Not thinking much 'bout what to say.

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bill v Donald Show

Bill Maher vs Donald Trump,
Both mouths that mainly do speak trash,
Not from the head, but from the rump,
But good if charities get cash.
Was Trump's dad an orangutan?
Did Maher's mom wish to abort?
Such heavy issues that do span
All the airwaves lippy assort.
So stupid is as stupid talks,
As both these dudes prove oh so well,
As each tries to outdo in mocks,
The dumb stuff that each has to sell.

But if spreading all this manure,
Charities benefit - for sure!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Burgle Gurgle

Burglary - from old common law
Is house breaking and entering
With the proven intent to be
A doing some unlawful thing.
And so it comes as no surprise
That many accused, in defense,
Claim there is a legal surmise
Of lawful be there evidence.
"Why was I there?" some accused say
Was to do a right not do a wrong.
This excuse oft holds little sway.
The court finds guilty and "so long!"

According to some current laws,
A burglar would be Santa Claus.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

All Children Be Elite

The powered and monied elite
Protect their children best they can.
Oft security's not complete,
Without an armed guard in the plan.
Most common folk do not begrudge
Protection that elite do buy.
Likewise, the elite should not judge
Anybody who is asking why
Some children get the good of gun,
While others get only the bad.
The elite preach what should be done,
But not their children - kind of sad!

Elites do what they want to do.
We the People love children too.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Am Gun, Will Kill

I am made in the U.S.A.,
Mainly composed of stainless steel,
Stick bullets in me the right way,
Shoot me and get that oh good feel.
I got my first home through online,
Daddy wanting to please his son.
A robber stole me. I was fine,
No attachments for this here gun.
The robber took me to a store.
Boy, the bullets came out of me,
Caused lots of fatal blood and gore,
Tossed in a garbage truck, I be.

So now I'm stuck in a landfill,
Waiting, waiting for that next kill.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Watered Down

Some raft the rapids just for fun,
Nature's own roller coaster ride.
Experts know how it should be done,
But some get hurt and some have died.
But one day too soon rapids will
With less fresh water slow then stop.
No more for funseekers to spill.
The Earth will dry up drop by drop.
Experts know there is time to fix,
By changing water wasting ways.
But wasting time in politics
Means fresh water has numbered days.

Here's hoping politicians go
On rapids rafting - doncha know!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Manti Love

Manti Te'o of Notre Dame
Told a tale of found and lost love.
Sweet Lennay died young - what a shame!
But still would call him from above.
The B.M.O.C. at South Bend,
Could this love story be a lie?
If so, when will it ever end?
But loads of famous - still they try.
Lennay sounds like a lovely girl,
But now her memory will be
Remembered in the mocks we hurl
About Te'o's dishonesty.

Loved and lost did Manti Te'o,
But not like Edgar Allen Poe.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


Sports enhancing performance drugs
Have been and always will be done,
Just another rule set that bugs
The drive to be the number one.
Breaking rules and not getting caught
Will always be part of the game.
Better ways will ever be sought
To achieve sports fortune and fame.
Science and money will make sure
That athletes get the very best
Enhance drugs - cheating will endure.
A world full of winning obsessed.

Those who think sports can be dope free,
Might as well think that dopes they be.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Pop Gun

Could a gun bring life and not take?
How about this scenario -
A young man feels a sudden ache,
Shot in the scrotum, doncha know!
The bullet passes out, then in
A young woman who's walking by,
And lodges in her abdomen.
Given quick care, she does not die.
The bullet carried seed of life.
Nine months later, a baby boy.
The man takes the woman as wife.
A gun has turned lives into joy.

An urban legend - silly one,
About the slang, "son of a gun."

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Owwie Ban

Professional football is due
For the nanny state to step in
And by laws turn the game into
A soft, money losing no win.
Players and coaches and teams will
Be forced to play nice in the game,
All what if injuries to kill
This sport built on fortune and fame.
Fans will become bored in the end,
With the over protective call.
Less and less viewership will tend
To be the death of pro football.

The nanny state will all too soon
Be "fixing" Sunday afternoon.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Kings Cake

Kings Day kicks off the Mardi Gras.
Eating some King Cake is a must
To celebrate a time of awe,
Plastic baby Jesus is thrust
Inside the cake, which outside is
Purple, green and gold sugared bright.
Baking King Cakes - seasonal biz.
Before I took that first cake bite,
Adult beverages I had drunk,
Prob'ly too many I might note.
I scarfed down cake, swallowed a chunk.
The plastic babe slid down my throat.

I'm on my way to the E.R.
This time of year - not too bizarre.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Flip a Trillion

The U.S. Treasury can mint
A coin made of some platinum,
Take it to the Fed and present
It for a trillion dollars - dumb!
Not in the Oz land of D.C.
Where politicians play the game
With any new toy that there be
To buy more time and have no shame.
Santa Claus should be on the head,
But a blank nothing on the tail.
When all these games are done and said,
We'll end in go out of biz sale.

We are the coins that D.C. toss.
Odds are we're landing for a loss.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Oscar Madison

Are real sportswriters really like
The Oscar Madison we know?
Who was the slob to ever psych
Out neatnik Felix - odd duo.
Oscar hung out with sporting greats.
In cameos some did appear
To give some sense of how the fates
Made Oscar's sports writing career.
Divorced, he drank and gambled lots,
As roomy Felix nagged and fussed.
Heteroly he had the hots
(We could not hear) of course he cussed.

Yes, long live Oscar Madison,
A role to give some life some fun.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

D.C. opia

Leftie, rightie, moddie elite,
We the People send to D.C.
Where the stupid and power meet,
Resulting in a lunacy.
Constituencies are about
Being fooled by lies relied,
So that the ins don't get thrown out,
And stay D.C. cozy inside.
The D.C. good life bubble keeps
The ins protected from the real
Hard lives of We the People sheeps,
Pawns to sacrifice - no big deal!

Rare ins turned outs, for D.C. yearn,
So as paid lobbyists return.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Camel Talk

Two camels are talking one day.
Son asks, "Why these huge feet - 3 toed?"
"To walk in soft sand," Mom does say.
"These big long eyelashes - why growed?"
"To keep the sand out of your eyes,"
"That in the desert ever blows."
"And on my back, why do humps rise?"
"Because most time a camel goes"
"For long treks in the desert sun."
"The humps store water for such trips,"
"Cuz drinking oft cannot be done."
Son replies, "Thanks Mom for these tips."

"But if all that you say is true,"
"Why are we here in London Zoo?"

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Not News

From time to time the headlines note
The tragic deaths of young children,
Causing a heavy lump in throat
Of all horrified by such sins.
But soon the headlines go back to
The grown up stuff around the world,
The comic/tragic adults do
That keep attention span aswirled.
It's bad enough that grown ups fill
The time and headlines up with bad,
But all the time is filled with kill
Of children, but too few feel sad.

On planet Earth, feel some surprise,
Ev'ry few seconds a child dies.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Papa's Cats

Papa Hemingway's six toed cats
Have homed at his home in Key West.
The "let's butt in" Feds have deemed that's
Issue enough to be a pest.
Any "animal exhibit"
Must be regulated -  hot damn!
And who is better to do it
Than the well practiced Uncle Sam!
Key West or Florida is just
Not up to doing the job right.
We the People should only trust
The Feds to know how to catfight.

The cats sense the U.S. got dumb,
Maybe Cuba for asylum.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Cold Heir

He, an adopted great grandson
Of the multimillionaire who
Founded Las Vegas just for fun.
He was an heir to that - who knew!
A penniless and homeless man,
He did not come in from the cold.
The winter chilled as nature can.
Lifeless he died, sixty years old,
Inheriting new fallen snow.
Was he spared the being rich pains?
Something he will not have to know.
Children, sledding, found his remains.

What might have been need not be said,
Because this homeless heir is dead.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


James Laurie "Deacon" White, a star
In early U.S. baseball fame.
Hitting and catching took him far,
Playing in 1800's game.
He believed that the Earth was flat,
Tried to convince his teammates so.
Since he was real good with a bat,
The teams said maybe and not no.
The Baseball Hall of Fame did not
Induct Deacon while still alive.
Year after year, no call he got,
Finally died at 95.

Deacon's making the Hall Fame scene
Middle of two thousand thirteen.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Katydid Try

The katydid plays hide and seek
With the birds of the forest in game
Of life and death to miss a beak
With katydid as snack as aim.
The katydid's fav food is leaf,
So looks for one, color and size,
As fool birds camoflage in brief,
Hidden in plain sight from birds' eyes.
The katydid presses in down lie.
Very still, katydid does stay,
Hoping any bird flies on by,
And at the leaf, nibbles away.

So did it escape getting caught?
Alas no, the katydid not.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Play Date

The children are playing a game,
A game that is naughty, not nice.
But none of them feel any shame.
None of them care who pays the price.
They play in the D.C. playground,
Nancy and John from the same house.
Mitch and Harry make byting sound,
Calling each other names, like louse.
Joe and Barack the bully taunt
The others into frenzied hiss.
The last thing that the grown ups want
Is another four years of this.

We the People need firmly say
"Children who can't be nice, can't play."

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Damselfly By

The female damselfly does search
The Kakamega Forest for
A mate. She takes a viewing perch
To shop for males in nature's store.
She notes the Red Jewel - eye candy -
Who puts on quite a show for her,
Chasing away flies that might be
His competition as it were.
He puffs his bright colored physique
To better odds a wife to win.
He uses all his best technique.
A Sapphire damselfly swoops in.

The female picks the Sapphire guy.
Away together they do fly.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Cold Hate

Add some more chill to the cold war,
Orhaned children - weapon of choice.
Russia's peeved at the U.S. for
Giving human rights too much voice.
So Russia says to the U.S.
"No more children adoptions - nyet!"
Politics more, compassion less.
Hate powers the power mindset.
Once again the children lose out,
As grownups act in hateful ways.
Hate is what it is all about.
Children are pawns in power plays.

Children hostage to hate, whereof,
No more coming from Russia with love.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Black Piranha

The black piranha, I'm now known
For the strongest bite among fish,
Pound per pound, some research has shown
By some humans who had a wish
To measure the strength of my bite,
Which is 30 times more in force
Than my weight, which is kind of light.
The guy was in my face of course,
A fiddling around with my jaw,
Impressed by its efficiency.
Humans get easily in awe,
But so annoying they can be.

The human learned this at a cost.
The finger poked at me - 'twas lost.

Monday, January 07, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

A Stewart Serves

Jimmy Stewart flew a plane well.
As bomber pilot, he signed on
And flew into World War II hell,
Where few celebrities had gone.
Mission after mission he flew,
Dropping bombs on the enemy,
Dodging attacks, making it through
What seemed like an eternity.
This was a role he lived for real,
Colonel James Stewart, brave and bold.
No film with box office appeal,
Four years of war, his life on hold.

Jimmy Stewart, back from war strife,
Starred in "It's a Wonderful Life."

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Sum of a Gun

A bad guy with a gun - to stop,
Does take a good guy with a gun.
Ev'ry school needs an armed cop.
So precious - each daughter and son,
More than money and presidents,
Where armed protection is routine.
We have to use some common sense
In a world going ugly mean.
A school is not a time or place
For any gun, critics do say,
But an armed bad guy face to face -
A school needs more than just to pray.

Schools - where childrens' minds are fulfilled,
Not childrens' bodies shot and killed.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Tickler


The Elf on the Shelf is a ploy
To get parents to spend more dough,
To trick the little girl and boy
Into behaving goodly so.
The tale of elves at the North Pole
Helping Santa make toys and such
Really has profit as the goal,
Spending parents - an easy touch.
And if the elves perform real well,
Exceeding quotas on toys sold.
The rest of the year they can dwell
In luxury and count their gold.

There's money to be made in elves.
They only spend it on themselves.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Mental Illness Abounds (M.I.A.)

I'm diagnosed mentally ill.
I take the meds the docs prescribe.
I hope that I do never kill.
The politicians diatribe
The tragedies caused by the sick.
But ill have few lobbyists who
Wine and dine the powers we pick.
Politicians talk, but few do
Anything to really help out.
Mental health funds - not a fav choice
Of politician pork - no doubt.
Ill kill but mainly guns get voice.

It will take more than passing laws
To help the mental illness cause.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Happily Ever After

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was
The Walt Disney movie that made
World wide box office go abuzz
That a fairy tale cartoon paid.
The once upon a time Grimm tale
Was dubbed "Disney's Folly" at first,
But public acclaim closed the sale,
Happily ever after burst.
An honorary Oscar went
To Walt for screen innovations,
One full sized statuette present,
And with seven miniature ones.

Ageless, Seven Dwarfs and Snow White,
Seventy five years of delight.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


NORAD is tracking Santa Claus,
With cams attached to Santalites.
National security cause
For its for the children delights.
North Korea, no U.S. bud,
Is seeking a missile success.
So far each missile's been a dud.
But Santa could give cover - yes!
Santa is grabbed in Pyongyang.
Missiles are attached to the sleigh.
Santa and reindeer are drugged - dang!
A bag of tricks is on its way.

While NORAD is doing Santa track,
North Korean missiles attack.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Sense Sonnet - Pumper


Ima Ryma - all things, all time.
Ima Ryma - the good, the bad,
The ugly, the beauty in rhyme.
Sonnets - some happy and some sad.
And sonnets - some to send a scare.
And sonnets - some a mad to make.
And sonnets - some a laugh to share.
And sonnets - some a heart to ache.
So many sonnets - some fatigue.
Some say Ima Ryma - enough.
Not in the Shakespeare, Spenser league.
But some are diamonds in the rough.

For each new day and each new year,
Ima Ryma, a sonneteer.