Sense Sonnets

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

In Dr. King's Day

Black America was so long
A blur kept in time and place
By white America. This wrong
Of giving one's rights based on race
At last focused in on one man,
Who gave a face to civil rights,
Who gave a dream for all time span,
Who brought together blacks and whites.
Doing his life work, Dr. King
Was loved and hated, praised and killed.
But a nation began changing.
His dream is still being fulfilled.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day,
Reminder of a long, hard way.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Rip Tip

Rip Van Winkle lived lazy life,
No work or exercise at all.
He had a very nagging wife.
So he did not laugh much at all.
He took a walk up in the hills.
Thirsty, he drank a bunch of booze,
Which was a favorite of skills.
Then Rip laid down and took a snooze.
For 20 years Rip there did sleep.
He awoke, back to town did roam.
His wife had died. Rip did not weep.
His grown kids let Rip loaf at home.

Rip Van Winkle, a tale to tell,
Where a lot of sleep worked out well.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer


I, Satan, cause a lot of mean,
But not by Mother Nature stuff.
I prefer to be heard and seen
From manmade - that's more than enough
To wreak havoc upon the world.
From the humankind mouth and hand,
All sorts of evil does get hurled,
And I just stamp on it my brand.
Now the Haiti disaster could
Set my agenda back a bit.
Humans are gonna do much good.
But I am sure I will get through it.

Pat Robertson - you're owned by me.
'Cause who do you think owns T.V.?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Sarah on Safari

Sarah's sighting New York City,
Calibrating and taking aim.
Her targets will get no pity
All Lettermanites are fair game.
She knows she's in a wilderness
Surrounded by libs and elites.
But lefties tend to get careless.
Sarah will chow'em down for treats.
This foxy fox will run the hunt.
Will she do so successfully?
You betcha! It's more than a stunt.
From this gig - it's on to D.C.

The Big Apple's gonna feel right.
Sarah's gonna take a big bite.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Polygamy Pics

Though the polygamists have trust
In the photo taker of pics,
Don't they fret of a legal bust
In practicing illegal tricks?
I say live and let live for all,
As long as it is not a harm,
But there are laws galore that call
Polygamists to have alarm,
That if discovered in big love
They could be carted off to jail,
Thanks to the meddlings of big gov,
Helped out by a photograph trail.

Though polygamy sounds like fun,
I go through my men one by one.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Quick to Give

The tweet and text technology
Is a wonderful way to aid
In disasters as in Haiti
Where the help should not be delayed.
Gifts of money through the Red Cross
Should be assured of being used
To help the victims on their loss.
The gift goal will not be abused.
The people of the U.S.A.
On their own and through government
Have always a generous way
In heart and hope and help be sent.

Money can't buy back Haiti's life,
But it can ease the pain and strife.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Flow with the Flood

A flood insurance salesman tried
To sell me a thick policy
For the hut where I did reside
With the missus and family.
But I said buddy forget it.
Water will soon cover the world.
And sure enough, the storm did hit.
A flood an angry heaven hurled.
But this here Noah was prepared
With a new home - one that would float.
And with other couples we shared.
Too bad for those who missed the boat.

Floods are always a question mark.
The best insurance is an ark.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Do Not Mix

Catholic bishops seem to say
If abortion funding is nil
The health reform bill is okay.
Taxpayer dollars must not kill.
That would be an immoral thing,
As of course not a law should be.
Heaven help us should a law bring
Something passed politically.
The Catholic Church knows far more
Of twisting arms and bending rules.
The Church was around long before
The Congress of elected fools.

Morality and politics,
Like oil and water do not mix.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Old Renewed

19th Century Christmas times.
One hundred celebrations of
Human harmony rich in rhymes
Of earthly yearns for heaven's love.
In such artful pictures and prose
Are flourished samplings of a past
Which went through repeat ebbs and flows.
The human condition does last.
Back then Grandfather did the dance
Called "Sir Roger" and reminisced.
The old dudes like to kick and prance.
Today, Granddad shows off the twist.

Christmas of 19th Century,
Reminder of joys that still can be.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Moby Sam

Sam started up with just one store.
Then with a distribution plan,
Began expanding more and more,
Becoming the world's richest man.
He'd dropped a partner on the way.
A Captain Ahab was obsessed,
And followed Sam all night and day,
Not letting Sam get any rest.
At a stockholder's meeting, Sam
Was attacked by Ahab's trash talk.
Into the share holdings both swam,
Both drowning in a sea of stock.

Biz fiction - yes for the most part,
Based on Sam Walton of Walmart.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Fateful Decision

The powers that be in Iran
Desire to be nuclear armed,
And have proceeded with that plan.
Iranians should be alarmed.
Israel cannot and will not let
A nuclear Iran exist.
For such would be a fatal threat
That would never cease and desist.
Leaving Israel to make the choice
Of striking Iran with such might,
Ignoring all protesting voice,
Leaving no Iran left to fight.

It will happen without a doubt,
Israel will take Iran all out.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Eyes On

We're sex guiders for newlyweds,
Guiding the duo through the maze,
Giving advice on ups for heads,
That by themselves they might not raise.
It's difficult to have good sex
While trying to thumb through the book.
We offer balances and checks,
Point of view from a bedside look.
Yes, the whole spectrum we do see.
Sometimes they rock. Sometimes they bomb.
Of course our role is to be
A professional peeping tom.

We're here to help the bride and groom.
Try to forget we're in the room.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Hit the Pavement

More asphalt is the Congress' way
To pave over and try to hide
The infrastructure in decay.
Congress people should have to ride
Each and every road and bridge
Until they all collapse into
Oblivion, with just a smidge
Of 'em left to remind 'tis true
No more Congress is best for all.
The Congress gone would be a boost.
Just leave an empty Capitol
Where pigeons and not goofs can roost.

In nationcidal somersault,
It's Congress as that is at phalt.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Bionics - Priceless

In "The Six Million Dollar Man,"
The feds spent all that money for
Fixing an agent who then ran
Fast and caught the bad guys galore.
In real life bionics must cost
More than most people can afford.
There are so many who have lost
What bionics can have restored.
Call it socialized medicine.
Call it universal health care.
People need be made whole again.
Bionics can do mass repair.

Let bionic technology
Go to those with the need for free.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

Good Gracious

Did Shakespeare ever wonder that
His works would be quoted in times
Of computers filled with blog chat.
Centuries after he wrote rhymes.
Hallowed and gracious be the dawn
Of a new year from Hamlet quote.
Two thousand and ten is moving on,
But will 2 years be all that's wrote?
Long before Shakespeare, Mayans told
Two thousand twelve would be the end.
Humans will no longer behold
Any chance a new year does send.

If Earth has no more humankind,
Gracious should not be hard to find.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Gloria Firking

2009 - you're glad it's gone.
You hope for better years ahead.
Google your name and you pop on
In verse to tell this year you led.
Not a happy upbeat rhyme
About the real you and your life.
Not much mentioned of your time
As a mother and as a wife.
Just words about how hard it's been.
Your world is bleak or so it seems.
You can find goodness from within.
Don't give up on your special dreams.

Yes, Gloria Firking, my dear,
You're Newsverse Person of the Year.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Hollywood Folly Good

Ah, You Tube, the maker of stars.
Ataque de Panico - go flick.
Give the movie industry czars
A fresh excuse to sell their schtick
Orson Welles, may he rest in peace,
Could have done his Citizen Kane
On the Internet, piece by piece,
Had he lived in today's fast lane.
And in lieu of Rosebud the sled
How about a giant robot
To wow the audience instead.
Hollywood havoc to be wrought.

Giant robots destroy You Tube.
Now there's a thought outside the cube!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Romper Room

The Senate has all sorts of rules
That lets its members play the game.
The rest of us must suffer fools
Who continue to put to shame
Any notion that common sense
Is at all in these hundred heads.
Toying with national defense,
The pettiness of spoiled brats spreads,
In pointing fingers ever in
Across the aisle bickering rut.
The only way we're gonna win
Is to kick out some Senate butt.

For TSA just add an "R."
Obama can appoint a tsar.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Music Made

A father teaches how to play
The harp to his son, who learns of
The special joy of the harp's way
In making music out of love.
Even with a crippling disease,
The father finds the will and makes
The harp, because his tremors ease.
The son feels blessed. The harp he takes
Out to play to the people to
Share the gift of his family,
Sending the tones and timbres true,
The sights and sounds of pure beauty.

Love is music made from each one,
The harp, the father and the son.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller


Deficits and debt will increase.
Obamacare will smother out
Innovation until decease.
High unemployment will no doubt
Be welfared to a way of life.
Lucky youth will immigrate to
China to leave underclass strife.
In America, land of few
Reasons left to stay. The flate
Of in- or de- each takes a turn.
Foes leave us to a self made fate.
Politics fiddle while we burn.

America is sinking fast.
The will to unsink is long past.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

Big Cats at Risk

Big cats and humans just don't mix
When both are moving about free.
A cougar came (who knows for kicks!)
To Chicago, where welcome be
A bunch of bullets in its hide.
No other option deemed okay.
The cougar came, the cougar died.
Now, in its money hungry way,
Chicago could have been bribed to
Spare the big cat. More likely that
Chicago did what it did do,
And was paid off by a fat cat.

There are always those who'll pay more
To use a big cat for decor.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Vegas V.I.P

After the holidays I need
A nice long vacation to get
Into a more relaxing speed,
Someplace like Las Vegas, I bet.
I'll fly first class there all the way.
Am empty bag - no need to check.
Much more comfort than the old sleigh.
A 5 star hotel - what the heck!
Renting a car - I think I'll pass.
Don't want to get a D.U.I.
Oh it's gonna be a real gas
For this here jolly ol' fun guy.

A trip to Vegas is go go
It's Santa's time for toys - ho ho!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Sense Sonnets - Steamer

They are Trying to Us

As you say, we in the U.S.
Should not have to put up with crap
From those in the U.N. with less.
We are the ones on the world map
Who say the Golden Rule is good.
We have the gold and we should rule.
And everybody else should
Tow the line. We're the supercool.
How dare some members, all ragtag,
Propose anything that is not
Wrapped in the American flag.
It must be an Islamic plot.

United Nations, as you say,
Should be united our way.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Twain Tweet?

Halley's Comet brought Mark Twain to
Tell some wonderful tales to last.
Then came the time as comets do,
And once again Halley's had passed.
I believe that Mark Twain returned,
And is alive and doing well.
The world is dif'rent he soon learned.
Lot's of humor has gone to hell.
Thar's trouble in the biz of print,
Reams of papers and mags bankrupt.
But still creating is the gent,
Mark Twain, who Halley's re-hiccupped.

Ah yes, Mark Twain is back, I bet,
And blogging on the Internet.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Chiller

One Last Gift

Hubby was so hard to buy for.
He never liked the gifts I gave.
For days after I would be sore
From his beating in rant and rave.
This holiday season, I made
My hubby a gift of himself.
I cut him up with a sharp blade
Till he was smaller than an elf.
Then put his pieces in a box,
Along with a bunch of dry ice.
No more of taking his hard knocks.
This holiday would be real nice.

Hubby was wrapped. I had to grin.
I wrapped his gift in his own skin.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Acher

List Missed

Best Christmas movies ever list:
Miracle on 34th Street,
A Christmas Story. Who have missed?
It's a Wonderful Life - so sweet.
A Charlie Brown Christmas - of course.
And then the National Lampoon's
Christmas Vacation - no remorse.
White Christmas - oh Der Bingle's tunes.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas - T.V.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer - too.
The Brits did Love Actually.
A Christmas Carol - list of ten through.

The Birth of Jesus is no where
Listed on the Christmas film fare.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Conservative Crasher

The White House had been crashed before
In books and movies and T.V.
Through the sewers on "24"
Then real life Bravo wannabe.
All of these plots were on the left.
'Twas fitting that one be just right.
And so he did the deed most deft,
Curling into a box quite tight.
It was good he had lost the weight.
He sent himself - a treat for Bo.
The Secret Service at the gate
Waved in the package - doncha know!

Face to face with the President,
Crasher Rush Limbaugh did present.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

Alger Hiss

Alger Hiss, symbol of the times.
Leaning to the left was excuse
By the leaning right to charge crimes,
And no matter how fast and loose.
It was rightee's turn to pay back
Lefty for acting oh so smart.
Paint lefty pinko was the tack
By stabbing at the bleeding heart.
Nixon was such a stabber fine.
Targeting Hess was Nixon's way
To get the public's eye and shine.
The rest is history they say.

Lie to Congress and go to jail,
'Cause Congress can't stand a tall tale.