Sense Sonnets

Monday, August 31, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Great Plains Ratsnake - LP Zoo

As a Great Plains ratsnake I do

Like to coil up ready so that,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Should a keeper bring me a rat,

I can spring forth and grab it whole.

When excited I shake my tail

To signal pursuit of my goal.

If shook in dry leaves of avail,

The sound of a rattle I make.

And it is easy to confuse

Me maybe for a rattlesnake,

Although no venom do I use.

But when in a state of excite,

If need be I can and will bite.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Shades of Hay - LP Zoo

A Sichuan takin's takin'

A nice lunch break under a tree.

And on the lunch break he's breakin'

Some tasty hay quite happily.

It is a lovely day to munch

Some hay while sitting in the shade,

Enjoying a quite peaceful lunch

In a solitary crusade.

The takin seems very content

To savor this, his time and place,

A break from all that is well spent

Takin at a leisurely pace.

Some shade from sun, some hay to chew -

Life is good at Lincoln Park Zoo.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hello from Lilo - LP Zoo

White faced saki monkey I'm named,

Though we females don't have as much

White in our faces as claimed

By the males who do have a bunch.

I have a boyfriend, yes I do.

We're together a year or so

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

We share a good life, doncha know!

We are a kind of monkey that

Likes to make giant leaps about

The trees in our habitat,

Startling our neighbors no doubt.

As for a future family,

We will just have to wait and see.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Steamer

 Who's the Real Fool?

On the Isle of Mauritius

Lived the dodo, a flightless bird.

Then discovered by humans, thus

Went to extinction, in a word.

Last seen in sixteen sixty two,

Lasting about a century

After the dodo came into

First contact with humanity.

As humans oft are prone to do,

Replacing guilt with ridicule,

The dodo got a bad rap - true!

Extinct because it was a fool!

Extinction for humans will come,

And because we are truly dumb.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 First Pitch

Baseball season opening day

For the major leagues - the first pitch

Took on Presidential display

When President Taft got the itch.

On April 14th, nineteen ten,

The game in Washington, D.C.

Taft stood up in the grandstand, then

As the game starting bell rang, he

Threw the ball out into the field.

The ball was caught but unknown why,

As news accounts later revealed,

The ball was thrown to the wrong guy.

But what the heck, the deed was done -

A Presidential tradition.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 A Dirty Biz - LP Zoo

American Guinea hogs do

Like to explore in the dirt at

The Lincoln Park Farm in the Zoo,

Into digging their habitat.

Raspberry and her litter of

Piglets excited sniff about,

All engaged in labors of love,

Connecting the dirt to the snout.

What buried treasure might there be

Hidden beneath the dirt to find?

Hog wild, searches the family,

Determined body, soul and mind.

Pigs be ever on the alert

For the chance of hitting pay dirt.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Multi Purpose Groom - LP Zoo

The Japanese macaques do do

A lot of grooming 'twixt and 'tween,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

That makes for a more social scene.

A hygienic purpose there be

For one to groom another where

The other can't reach easily,

Getting out bad stuff that be there.

But more important is the bond

That the monkeys like to display,

Part of a cultural respond

To act in a groomingful way.

Grooming is based on rank and sex,

A simple act but yet complex.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Mary River Turtle

The Mary River turtle be

An Australian native that

Stays underwater longingly

In its freshwater habitat.

So much so that algae does grow

On the turtle's head, limbs and shell,

Giving it a hairy green show.

The turtle seems to take it well.

A big turtle and very fast,

And for a hundred years or more

This turtle is able to last,

Covered by green algae galore.

A Mary River turtle true,

It sports a green mohawk hairdo.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 The Bill to Be - LP Zoo

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo

This young African spoonbill be

Getting a close up bird's eye view.

And what a bill the bird does see,

Growing forth from the young bird's head

In the form of a giant spoon,

Set in a magnificent spread,

Ready and able to swoop soon

Through the water to sweep up prey.

Moving expertly forth and back,

No match for the catch of the day,

Once the young bird does get the knack.

Opportunities to fulfill

Coming soon for this young spoonbill.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Our Flower Devour - LP Zoo

We tortoises are eager to

Share a hibiscus salad fine

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

A lovely spread on which to dine.

The keepers put the flowers out.

Fresh from the garden the plants come

To give us tortoises no doubt

A burst of color that's yum yum.

We are not slow to get our

Selves in quick gear and munch upon

The hibiscus to devour

The flowers until all are gone.

A happy time for a tortoise

When chowing down on hibiscus.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 On Wood and For Wood - LP Zoo

A busy beaver I do be,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Swimming about my pond to see

What beaver stuff there is to do.

Especially I'm looking for

Some wood that I can gnaw upon.

There's nothing I like doing more,

It's a gnawsome phenomenon.

Though there are not any trees that

I can gnaw, the keepers do set

Out some wood in my habitat,

Just waiting for my teeth to get.

And when I see some wood - ah hah!

Leave it to this beaver to gnaw!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rounds with the Mulberry Bush - LP Zoo

Young gorilla, Mondika, guy

Is wrestling with a leafed branch that

Lincoln Park Zoo keepers supply

In the gorilla habitat.

A fresh mulberry browse is cut

And hung in the habitat, then

Young Mondika 'round it does strut,

Then up for the sport - he's all in,

Pulling and pushing, then back out.

He gives the browse fierce tug of war,

Then retreats to surprise, no doubt,

The browse as he goes in for more.

When Mondika is on a tear,

Mulberry browse is worse for wear.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Ostrich Unity

Most birds do fly and build their nests

Above the ground, often in trees.

But flightless birds have challenged quests

In building nests with some safeties. 

The ostrich nest is in a pit

That the males do dig in the ground,

And a communal nest is it,

Where many ostriches are found.

In the nest lots of eggs are laid

By many females who take turns

Tending the eggs and giving aid

In guarding for safety concerns.

All in all a communal thing

When it comes to ostrich offspring.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Beat the Heat - LP Zoo

Ethan, the bald eagle, does do

Some heat adjust on this hot day,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Opening his mouth in a way

That helps to keep his body so

His heat temperature is at

A level not too high or low,

And comfy in his habitat.

With mouth open, Ethan may choose

Whether or not he wants to stick

Out his tongue and maybe pursues

Giving the hot air a cool lick.

Whatever weather there my be

Ethan adjusts bald eaglely.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Plural Propriety - LP Zoo

What's the plural of dwarf mongoose?

Inquiring minds do need to know.

Mongooses  rates most proper use,

Though mongeese too is good to go.

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo

There's a dwarf mongoose colony,

Thinking humans make much ado

About calling them properly.

When the humans have this debate

Each dwarf mongoose just tunes them out,

And goes into a dreamlike state,

Dreaming of better things no doubt.

What to call a dwarf mongoose bunch?

Just call them when it's time for lunch.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Hang a Treat Tree - LP Zoo

Round and round the hang a treat tree

We giraffes do check the treats out,

To find what goodies there do be,

Something giraffelicious no doubt.

The tree itself is leafless so

The keepers from time to time do

Upon the bare branches bestow.

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Goody bags that from ropes do hang

Up high from the branches so that

All of us in the long neck gang

Buddy browse in the habitat.

The hang out tree is where we're bound

When hanging goodies there be found.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Game On - LP Zoo

Sisters, Bella and Patty, do

Be in the mood to play a game

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Being the winner be the aim.

Each young gorilla girl pursues

A hoped for winning strategy.

Both body and mind each does use

To play the game decisively.

Leading the game shifts 'twixt and 'tween,

Competing fiercely the sis kin.

Excitement in the game is keen,

As each sister does strive to win.

Young sister pursuits to fulfill.

Who will be Queen of the Hill!

Friday, August 14, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Multiples and the Single Girl - LP Zoo

Aysan, the sloth, now five years old

Lives in a crowded neighborhood.

Her parents are living next door,

And aren't bothersome,which is good.

Aysan, herself, shares living space

With tamarins and turtles and

A ray and monkeys with white face.

Young girl, Aysan, in wonderland,

With lots of characters about.

Aysan gets along very well,

And keeps an open mind no doubt.

Any complaints - she does not tell.

Aysan hangs with assorted crew

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Fashion Bro - LP Zoo

DeBrazza's monkeys, brothers two,

Bomani and Tiko hang out

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

A fun watch double dose no doubt.

Big bro Bomani decides that

Little bro Tiko needs to get

A grooming in the habitat,

So both will be a well groomed set.

And so Bomani does proceed

To pick, poke and pull Tiko's fur,

Helping Tiko look sharp indeed,

Quite a brother's keeper for sure.

Bomani grooms up Tiko fine,

Making his brother monkey shine.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

 Aje Ponders... - LP Zoo

What is penguin, Aje, to do?

He's pondering to dive or not,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

And he's pondering a lot,

As other penguins in the pool

Encourage Aje to jump in.

But Aje is one penguin who'll

Ponder with lots of discipline.

Aje does waddle for a bit,

And at the pool edge he does stop.

A decision is made on it.

Into the pool Aje does plop.

And Aje will ponder no doubt

Whether or not he should come out.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Rio Fuerte Beaded Lizard - LP Zoo

Rio Fuerte Beaded Lizard -

Such a long name humans gave me.

Just saying the whole thing is hard.

I guess it's meant descriptively.

From western Mexico is where

Most of my species do come from.

And bumps that look like beads we wear,

Making us all the more handsome.

There's lower jaw venom glands that

We can use to paralyze prey

We find in our habitat,

Unlucky to come our way.

When food is scarce on lizard scale,

We can store fat in our tail.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Barrow's Goldeneye - LP Zoo

Barrow's goldeneye ducks do do

A lot of fancy diving dips

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Main reason for these dunkin' trips

Is to seek out critters that be

A suitable catch of the day.

Underwater the duck does see,

Then grabs the invertebrate prey.

The males are mostly black and white,

Females grayish with copp'ry head.

In the water, both quite a sight -

Divers determined to get fed.

In the water or on the fly,

Always watching with golden eye.

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 Siblings Pass the Time - LP Zoo

Little bro, Mondika, does do

Time on big sis, Nayembi's back

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

Taking a ride around the track.

For the gorilla siblings tiz

Just the normal daily play

In pursuit of all in fun biz

That goes on each and ev'ry day.

There needs no rhyme nor reason for

Hitching a ride from here to there,

Just the sense of "why not" galore,

Ever an adventure to share.

What better way to have some fun

Than galavanting one on one!

Saturday, August 08, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

 More - LP Zoo

Trumpeter swans, Clover and Mo,

Have chosen smelt from the menu.

Fish for breakfast - they're both gung ho

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

The keeper can't serve fast enough,

As Mo and Clover eagerly

Grab the fish in their bills and stuff

Down the smelt in speedy degree.

The keeper keeps up with demand,

Until the smelt supply runs out.

When there are no more fish on hand,

Clover and Mo sound off no doubt.

After chowing down smelt galore,

Both swans do trumpet, "We want more."

Friday, August 07, 2020

Sense Sonnet Pumper

 Ent"ice"ment - LP Zoo

Stanley, the snowy owl, does do

A weigh in voluntarily,

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,

As a healthcare activity.

The keepers know that Stanley will

More likely step onto the scale

If Stanley senses a good chill.

So ice is put there in a pail.

Whereupon Stanley hops right on,

With calculation of his weight,

Doing some math phenomenon

To assure Stanley's healthy state.

Of course Stanley does check the ice

To see if there may be some mice.

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Oversight - LP Zoo

I like to peek a lot, I do.
A nosy neighbor I do be
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
This ostrich simply needs to see
What may be happening next door,
Where some furry mammals reside.
This bird is curious galore,
And likes to watch them all wide eyed.
Of course there is a rock wall that
Makes it somewhat harder to snoop,
Going all round my habitat,
Blocking my sight of outside scoop.

Rock wall in the way - what the heck!
All I need do is stretch my neck!

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Tickler

Keeper Me Laughing - LP Zoo

A keeper did come over to
Where Gasby, the otter, was at,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
All snuggled in her habitat.
The keeper had a joke to tell,
Wondering how Gasby'd react.
Would she like the joke very well
Or not as a matter of fact?
The keeper looked at Gasby's face
And asked, "Where do otters come from?"
Then the punch line - "From otter space."
Seconds ticked by, then the outcome.

After Gasby heard the joke, she
Began to laugh quite otterly.

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Grimm Turns Twenty One - LP Zoo

Cinereous vulture, Grimm, does turn
Twenty one years of age today,
A special time in his sojourn
For well wishers to say hooray.
And this is Grimm's first birthday at
His new home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Settled in in his habitat,
Doing the stuff that vultures do.
The keepers throw a party for
Grimm, putting out some birthday treats.
And he is eager to explore
The smorgasbord of tasty meats.

A vultural phenomenon,
Happy Birthday and carrion!

Monday, August 03, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Cuban Painted Snails

The Cuban painted snails do be
Marvels of nature in fine art.
Grape size shells show colorfully
Awesome patterns in ev'ry part,
With yellows and pinks in pastel,
Brick reds, pitch blacks and pearly whites,
All works of art that do excel,
Making such captivating sights.
Each whorled shell shape swirls in upon
Itself - a colorful staircase,
Spiraling inward on and on
In an endless hypnotic grace.

The Cuban painted snail moves slow,
Providing viewers a great show.

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

World Chimpanzee Day '20 - LP Zoo

Twenty twenty, July fifteen,
This day is World Chimpanzee Day.
From Lincoln Park Zoo can be seen
Chimp efforts in many a way.
Connecting with the public be
The troop of chimp ambassadors.
Also there's a community
Of chimps retired from public chores.
And the Zoo works for chimps around
The world for more conservation,
Determined that good ways be found
For helping wild chimps to be done.

The Zoo is small but the impact
Is big and that's for sure a fact.

Saturday, August 01, 2020

Sense Sonnet - Pumper

Sealed with a Tongue - LP Zoo

Slater, the seal, decides to do
A special "Howdy" to those at
Slater's home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Visiting the seal habitat.
So Slater comes out of the pool
And situates upon a rock,
Striking a pose so awesome cool.
Not being one for too much talk,
Slater does give the crowd a gaze
Of a very welcoming seal,
Connecting in this seal's own ways
Of sealing the connection real.

To all visitors old and young,
Slater does give a wave of tongue.